Poll: Do You Agree With Dr. Rand Paul That Dr. Anthony Fauci Lied to Congress Regarding NIH Funding Gain of Function Research in Wuhan?

Do You Agree With Dr. Rand Paul That Dr. Anthony Fauci Lied to Congress Regarding NIH Funding

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Hyper-partisans' knee-jerk reaction is to flail their pom-poms for the politician. The scientific community, overwhelmingly, supports the public health professional.

The politician indicates that the proper recourse is to the Department of Justice.

The paranoids have offered no alternative.
The modern congress is the Soviet style Politboro. We all know it. Its just that their talons are encroaching more and more in everything. Britain died a long time ago. The United States is on its death bed. But for one reason we have a heart beat. We have the 2nd amendment. The globalists have to remove it.
The modern congress is the Soviet style Politboro. We all know it. Its just that their talons are encroaching more and more in everything. Britain died a long time ago. The United States is on its death bed. But for one reason we have a heart beat. We have the 2nd amendment. The globalists have to remove it.
At least some links for such support by the scientific community should be provided to readers of this thread, when the post makes such a statement. Show the citations, please.
Fauci downplayed the virus. In feb 2020 he published an article in JAMA stating the virus would essentially be a bad flu. Up until mid March, even a couple days before his infamous senate speech, Fauci was still going on tv telling Americans not to worry about this virus. Who do you think trump got his info from? FAUCI. So it’s okay for fauci to say the same things as trump at the same time, but trump isn’t allowed to repeat what his NIH is telling him?

Church of Fauci for you folks.
Catholic Fau Chi knows why the catholic mafia-CIA puppet JoeXi and his sleep-up can now traffic (genuflectors [italics]) into Florida, where the case rate is 1 in 5.
Pelosi was telling people not to worry while she was in Chinatown no less. Liberals have always been do as we say not as we do
Why did Pelosi go to Chinatown?

Because the Conservative media was spreading hate about Chinese Americans and Pelosi was demonstrating that it was safe…….It was
Badger asked Jim H-Va USA for Zheng-li’s citation on GOF at Wuhan, though apparently that poster did not post it yet. It can be found, and then the crucifixions can continue, though it would be easier if the OP Jim H-VA USA has the citation handy.
I believe this was one of the articles Paul was referring too. I think there’s also a nature article.

Here’s that nature article that was referenced in the Fauci emails. The whole “read this article and you will have tasks to complete”.
Also, an interesting change in authorship in may of 2020. Has anyone looked into that?
So did fauci dipshit. February 2020 he penned a JAMA article saying itd be a bad flu. Fauci was all over tv in February and early March telling people not to worry. But something changed, right around the time he received that nature article Rand brought into question.
What changed was it began spreading like crazy.
Why did Pelosi go to Chinatown?

Because the Conservative media was spreading hate about Chinese Americans and Pelosi was demonstrating that it was safe…….It was
Pelosi’s visit links to historical anti-Chinese miscegenation laws in California and federal intervention in that matter. Her genuflection is obviously based on that history, since the commie virus has now eaten 600,000+ Americans, she’s only assisting JoeXi in applying the penis shield.
Pelosi’s visit links to historical anti-Chinese miscegenation laws in California and federal intervention in that matter. Her genuflection is obviously based on that history, since the commie virus has now eaten 600,000+ Americans, she’s only assisting JoeXi in applying the penis shield.
Badger posted a 44-author article on 15 Jun 2021 that mentioned LYRa11.

Post #484

This is the same virus Rand Paul has in his chresomathy report now being used as evidence. This position 478 is also a quasi-well-known spike position for coronaviruses, and furthermore, the aminos involved link precisely to the increased potency of fentanyl and precisely to the originator of fentanyl, Janssen, a division of J&J. Lastly, the P.1 Brazil-Japan variant was the only COVID-19 variant that showed this precise mutation: K417N/T, until the CDC sanitized their webpage to help apply Fau Chi’s penis shield, changing it to K417T.
Again, LYRa11 has nothing to do with any of this.
I believe this was one of the articles Paul was referring too. I think there’s also a nature article.

Here’s that nature article that was referenced in the Fauci emails. The whole “read this article and you will have tasks to complete”.
Also, an interesting change in authorship in may of 2020. Has anyone looked into that?
The first one references Zheng-li Shi. That’s the author to excerpt for GOF. Paul can read the LYRa11 in his paper, and the same virus is in post #426, 15 Jun 2021 of this thread: ‘enhancement of receptor binding.’
You still have not answered my request for a link?

You're re undoubtedly familiar with this paper anyway. But here is the link to it which I am now pproviding for the fifth time in this thread.

Now give me your source which says that Fauci does not own Moderna stock. Not one that says no evidence. One that says he does not own Moderna stock.
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You're re undoubtedly familiar with this paper anyway. But here is the link which I am now posting for the fifth time in this thread.

Now give me your source which says that Fauci does not own Moderna stock.
No, you mention Zheng-li Shi and what she’s supposed to be doing and don’t give a link. This is a serious communist who works at Wuhan and is very good friends with Daszak.
I believe this was one of the articles Paul was referring too. I think there’s also a nature article.

Here’s that nature article that was referenced in the Fauci emails. The whole “read this article and you will have tasks to complete”.
Also, an interesting change in authorship in may of 2020. Has anyone looked into that?
Yes that is the paper I have posted multiple times in this thread.

I provide relevant snippets here:
You don’t read, that’s for sure.
Now you're projecting, you should stop. The fact is LYRa11 didn't come out of Wuhan, it was sampled in Yunnan. And again, the document you're talking about doesn't state they worked with LYRa11; it only references it. And lastly, the "11" in LYRa11 refers to the year 2011 -- which is years before the NIH gave grants to Wuhan, which had nothing to do with LYRa11.
No, you mention Zheng-li Shi and what she’s supposed to be doing and don’t give a link. This is a serious communist who works at Wuhan and is very good friends with Daszak.
What the heck is wrong with you.

If you don't see a link here, posted less than 20 minutes after you requested one, you have issues.

Now where is your source? Quit dodging and playing games.


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