CDZ POLL: Are you proud of your party right now?

Are you proud of your party right now?

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no way that I am going to work with the assumed by me to be black racists on this board . I mean , read their posts and reasoning , read what they say . They want surrender .

So do you. You want a complete surrender by minorities so your Cult has a pass to be racist assholes (I include you in this) whenever they want. I don't think so, and I know they will likely tell you to shove it as well. Impotent little men such as yourself have nothing but your perversion of the political landscape going for you. Sad. Who wants to deal with ignorant, hateful and caustic attitudes from little know nothing shrills of men like yourself? Certainly not me. Certainly not other white people. Thus, it would seem you're entirely on your own with your shitty outlook on life. Toxic. You should really grow up sometime.

Best I do with those boneheads is to leave them alone as I have done for the last close to 65 years when I first became aware of them in 'kindergarden' .

Sound advice. If the racist shit you spew was done out in the open in mixed company, someone would likely give you a smack in the mouth, or worse. It would be completely justified. This ain't your glory days of the 1950s. If you can't keep it polite, best keep it shut.

Working with them requires too much azz kissing , reparations and kowtowing and as I said , they want surrender Mac .

Awwww, poor widdle racist. As a Caucasian, I have absolutely zero sympathy for your stupid cause.
--------------------------------- I Ieave all the diverse ALONE as I ignore them . Course I have the ability to do that because the diverse crowd if Few and far between . ------------------ hey go ahead , kiss azz , pay those reparations . And as far as physical violence . The initiator might get LETHAL Violence in return as SELF Defence is practiced . There is a reason for Concealed Carry and Self Defense TTumbleweed .
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but I thought that VIOLENCE in response to Speech is unacceptable and illegal . And Legally violence is illegal in response to SPEECH in Western Law and Society yet it looks like you endorse violence in response to fee speech is good to see the way that YOU think and YOUR ilk think TTumbleweed .
SO you say you are 'kung foo' and big deal to that . Course , from what you type it looks to me that you are in Surrender Mode and ready to kiss azz and you condone violence in response to FREE Speech . ------------ yep , my point is , keep Violence as a response to FREE SPEECH to yourself and you might not get hurt TTumbleweed .
but I thought that VIOLENCE in response to Speech is unacceptable and illegal . And Legally violence is illegal in response to SPEECH in Western Law and Society yet it looks like you endorse violence in response to fee speech is good to see the way that YOU think and YOUR ilk think TTumbleweed .

I haven't endorsed anything, little man. Just playing Devil's advocate. Free speech runs both ways, and there's sometimes consequences to running your mouth willy nilly in real life. Plus, it's awfully difficult to contact authorities when one is unconscious and bleeding.
but I thought that VIOLENCE in response to Speech is unacceptable and illegal . And Legally violence is illegal in response to SPEECH in Western Law and Society yet it looks like you endorse violence in response to fee speech is good to see the way that YOU think and YOUR ilk think TTumbleweed .

I haven't endorsed anything, little man. Just playing Devil's advocate. Free speech runs both ways, and there's sometimes consequences to running your mouth willy nilly in real life. Plus, it's awfully difficult to contact authorities when one is unconscious and bleeding.

If you resort to violence, in response to speech, the consequences will be on your head, not the person speaking who so offended you.
but I thought that VIOLENCE in response to Speech is unacceptable and illegal . And Legally violence is illegal in response to SPEECH in Western Law and Society yet it looks like you endorse violence in response to fee speech is good to see the way that YOU think and YOUR ilk think TTumbleweed .

I haven't endorsed anything, little man. Just playing Devil's advocate. Free speech runs both ways, and there's sometimes consequences to running your mouth willy nilly in real life. Plus, it's awfully difficult to contact authorities when one is unconscious and bleeding.
-------------------------------------- and VIOLENT consequence's that YOU Advocate are illegal as a response to FREE Speech TTumbleweed . Sure , Free Speech runs both way but doesn't include violence as you advocate TTumbleweed .
violence in response to FREE Speech is common thinking among the young 'hip hopper' and similar types of ILK as many advocate for the Elimination of Second Amendment RIGHTS and Concealed Carry in the USA .
but I thought that VIOLENCE in response to Speech is unacceptable and illegal . And Legally violence is illegal in response to SPEECH in Western Law and Society yet it looks like you endorse violence in response to fee speech is good to see the way that YOU think and YOUR ilk think TTumbleweed .

I haven't endorsed anything, little man. Just playing Devil's advocate. Free speech runs both ways, and there's sometimes consequences to running your mouth willy nilly in real life. Plus, it's awfully difficult to contact authorities when one is unconscious and bleeding.
------------------------------------------ boneheaded TTumbleweed doesn' t even understand what Free Speech is as the RIGHT to Free Speech doesn't include violence in response to FREE Speech TTumbleweed .
but I thought that VIOLENCE in response to Speech is unacceptable and illegal . And Legally violence is illegal in response to SPEECH in Western Law and Society yet it looks like you endorse violence in response to fee speech is good to see the way that YOU think and YOUR ilk think TTumbleweed .

I haven't endorsed anything, little man. Just playing Devil's advocate. Free speech runs both ways, and there's sometimes consequences to running your mouth willy nilly in real life. Plus, it's awfully difficult to contact authorities when one is unconscious and bleeding.
-------------------------------------- and VIOLENT consequence's that YOU Advocate are illegal as a response to FREE Speech TTumbleweed . Sure , Free Speech runs both way but doesn't include violence as you advocate TTumbleweed .

And how would you know? Tell that to the Proud Boys. Tell that to Antifa. Plenty of violence as a response to free speech is happening in this country right now, whereas 99% of the things you squawk about are bullshit. You're an expert on precisely nothing. Give it a rest.
but I thought that VIOLENCE in response to Speech is unacceptable and illegal . And Legally violence is illegal in response to SPEECH in Western Law and Society yet it looks like you endorse violence in response to fee speech is good to see the way that YOU think and YOUR ilk think TTumbleweed .

I haven't endorsed anything, little man. Just playing Devil's advocate. Free speech runs both ways, and there's sometimes consequences to running your mouth willy nilly in real life. Plus, it's awfully difficult to contact authorities when one is unconscious and bleeding.
------------------------------------------ boneheaded TTumbleweed doesn' t even understand what Free Speech is as the RIGHT to Free Speech doesn't include violence in response to FREE Speech TTumbleweed .

Boneheaded pismoe doesn't even understand actions have consequences. :itsok:
FREE Speech is the RULE that's legal while you can keep your Illegal VIOLENCE and threats of violence to yourself TTumbleweed .
The fact that people like you so consistently complain about me and make my threads about me is very instructive.

I'd feel better if you just didn't read my posts. It's sad to see you constantly complaining about me.

Please try to stay on topic. Trolling is frowned upon in CDZ.


Nobody was trolling you. The problem is, you have a point of view. We can all respect that. Other people, left and right, have points of view that are just as legitimate. You should respect that.
The debt grows under Republicans the same as Democrats. The only difference is that there is usually more robust economic growth with Republican debt than there is with Democrat debt.

That's not true. In fact, quite the opposite. There's a reason why the last four recessions happened when Republicans were in charge. It's not a bug it was a design feature.
The debt grows under Republicans the same as Democrats. The only difference is that there is usually more robust economic growth with Republican debt than there is with Democrat debt.

That's not true. In fact, quite the opposite. There's a reason why the last four recessions happened when Republicans were in charge. It's not a bug it was a design feature.

Just another example of your utter stupidity and ignorance of how this fiat/debt based currency system actually works that is controlled by a foreign owned central bank known as the Federal Reserve.
The fact that people like you so consistently complain about me and make my threads about me is very instructive.

I'd feel better if you just didn't read my posts. It's sad to see you constantly complaining about me.

Please try to stay on topic. Trolling is frowned upon in CDZ.


Nobody was trolling you. The problem is, you have a point of view. We can all respect that. Other people, left and right, have points of view that are just as legitimate. You should respect that.

Yeah, Joe Blowhard....because you are such an incredible example of respecting the opinions of others......said no one ever.

The debt grows under Republicans the same as Democrats. The only difference is that there is usually more robust economic growth with Republican debt than there is with Democrat debt.

That's not true. In fact, quite the opposite. There's a reason why the last four recessions happened when Republicans were in charge. It's not a bug it was a design feature.

Just another example of your utter stupidity and ignorance of how this fiat/debt based currency system actually works that is controlled by a foreign owned central bank known as the Federal Reserve.

Speaking of foreign bank influence I learned something this week.

I was talking to an executive for a large power producer. One of the largest in the US.

I was asking why is that they are putting up several large solar fields. There are two large ones near where I live. I was thinking it was all about the stupid government subsidies. It is an absolute waste of money.

She said that the subsidies were only a small amount of the equation. The much larger part had to do with foreign (mostly European) banks.

In order to get funds for expansion and operating funds the American power companies go to the foreign banks to get financing. Because of the stupid EU regulations and guidelines dictate a reduction in "carbon footprint" for the use of the money. So the power companies put up these stupid inefficient wasteful solar fields in order to qualify for the money.

We are all going to pay for those worthless solar fields with the increased cost of electricity. Disgusting, isn't it?
The debt grows under Republicans the same as Democrats. The only difference is that there is usually more robust economic growth with Republican debt than there is with Democrat debt.

That's not true. In fact, quite the opposite. There's a reason why the last four recessions happened when Republicans were in charge. It's not a bug it was a design feature.

You may be a little confused on that.

We had a terrible economy with Carter. Reagan caused the economy to boom and it lasted through Willy's administration with the help of Newt and his Contract for America.

Despite the trillion dollar hit because of 911 the economy was doing fine for six years when Bush was President but went to hell when the Democrats took over Congress in 2007 when the Democrat's CRA chickens came home to roost.

We all know about Obama's failed record. An increase in poverty, decrease in family income, tremendous debt and very dismal economic growth. Trump is fixing some of that disaster and God bless him for that.

However, remember the point I was making. Although we do better under Republicans for the most part there isn't much real difference. We still have big government that is a tremendous burden on the economy. Just because it is a slightly less burden under the Republicans than the Democrats may cause the economy to do a little better but that difference is minimal for the most part. We could do so much better with a Conservative fiscally responsible Liberty based government that wasn't a welfare state.

I don't know why Liberals bitch about Republicans. When a Republican is elected they still get to keep their precious bloated big government. The welfare state continues and most of the time even grows and we still get increased debt, which Liberals love more than life itself. For the most part the Republicans are nothing more than the more moderate branch of the extreme far Left Democrat Party nowadays.

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