Politifact: Handmaiden of the Democrat Party


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Doesn't it seem to you that the media, now turning on the liar in the White House, held back on revelations when there was the possibility that they could have had an actual effect?

1. "Congratulations, Barack Obama, on winning PolitiFact’s “Lie of the Year”!

2. "“If you like your health care plan, you can keep it,” President Barack Obama said — many times — of his landmark new law. But the promise was impossible to keep.
Boiling down the complicated health care law to a soundbite proved treacherous, even for its promoter-in-chief. Obama and his team made matters worse, suggesting they had been misunderstood all along. The stunning political uproar led to this: a rare presidential apology."

a. 'Last year, in the thick of the presidential campaign, O actually had the balls to say, “If you’re one of the more than 250 million Americans who already have health insurance, you will keep your health insurance.” '

3. One question, though: Why is this the 2013 Lie of the Year instead of the 2009 Lie of the Year?
That’s when he first started pushing the “if you like your plan” crapola....

4. .... that’s when conservative health-care wonks started calling B.S. on him for it.

5. [As the Right said at the time] the sick would be covered and the poor would be subsidized with new revenue raised by forcing “young invincibles” to buy coverage and transitioning middle-class people to more expensive “comprehensive” plans.
“If you like your plan, you can keep it” had to be a lie or else the law would have no chance of working.

6. .... the hacks at PolitiFact backed Obama up on it in whole or in part no fewer than six times between 2008 and 2012.

7. ....his infamous phrasing at the AMA conferencein 2009. PolitiFact’s rating: Half-true.

a. On the same day, they issued their verdict on a statement by Romney that 20 million Americans would lose their insurance under O-Care — a number that’s shaping up to be a gross underestimate once small businesses start grappling with the law. PolitiFact’s rating: False.

8. Whether that was left-wing hackery or just myopic stupidity in focusing too closely on the precise phrasing rather than the overall framework of the law, you can judge for yourself.

9. The fact that it took until 2013 for them to identify “if you like your plan” as a mammoth lie is proof that the media’s collectively either out of its depth in analyzing policy — even when scores of conservative policy experts were willing and able to help them identify problems with the law — or uninterested for political reasons in recognizing the law’s flaws until they’re so glaring that they can’t plausibly be ignored.

10. This really is the Lie of the Year, and outfits like PolitiFact are entirely complicit in it."
Congratulations, Barack Obama, on winning PolitiFact?s ?Lie of the Year?! « Hot Air

"... when scores of conservative policy experts were willing and able to help them identify problems with the law..."

Over and over, the Right tells the truth....the press lies for the Left.

And the most stupid among us, or, as Chris Matthews might say, 'amongst us,' simply follow the orders of the Leftist media and vote accordingly.

And look what you've done to America......
yes. where were they in 2012 or 2008? They were busy painting a halo on the messiah. the media is as responsible for the mess we have now as the politicians they helped to elect
The radical right wing Hot air calling another network biased, now that's funny! :lol:
The radical right wing Hot air calling another network biased, now that's funny! :lol:

Could you give a few examples of the bias you claim?

Then, there's this:

NOVEMBER 4, 2013 AT 4:11 PM :
Politifact's pants are on fire on coverage of Obamacare promises

1. ".... it’s a good time to examine Politifact’s track record on the matter. It isn’t good.

2. In six separate columns addressing the Obama claim’s truthfulness between 2008 and 2012, the Tampa Bay Times’ influential fact-checking group did not once correctly label it as false.

3. .... despite ample evidence to the contrary — often noted in those same columns. Their harshest judgments were that his promise was “half true.”
Politifact's pants are on fire on coverage of Obamacare promises | WashingtonExaminer.com

Biased too?

Or....perhaps the bias resides in .....you.
They are waking up to the mess their guy made. Moving forward to making no messes in the future is the way to go. Raking up the past is only good if they percist. When they do well, let bygones be bygones.
They are waking up to the mess their guy made. Moving forward to making no messes in the future is the way to go. Raking up the past is only good if they percist. When they do well, let bygones be bygones.

Nothing will change.

Their criticism of the Democrat President is based on his not running again.....no harm, no foul.

Come the next election, it's hit the reset button, and hide any disparity of the Democrat.
"The first of these six Politifact columns ran Oct. 7, 2008, and evaluated Obama's comment, “f you've got a health care plan that you like, you can keep it.” It rated this as “true” since Obama was “accurately describing his [then-proposed] health care plan.”

Politifact followed up on Aug. 11, 2009, when Obama said: “If you like your health care plan, you can keep your health care plan.”This time there was legislation to evaluate and Politifact conceded: “It's not realistic for Obama to make blanket statements that ‘you’ will be able to ‘keep your health care plan.’ ”

The third column appeared March 23, 2012, in reaction to an op-ed by Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus. The fourth ran on June 28, 2012, in response to a Mitt Romney statement. Both men had stated that up to 20 million people could lose their employer-based coverage ....

.... both statements were true, right? Politifact instead dinged Priebus’ as “half true” ....
Politifact was even harsher on Romney, rating his comment “false” because the 20 million figure was “cherry picked.” It repeated the grade in a follow-up Oct. 3, 2012, column.... Politifact took another swing on June 28, 2012, the same day it was calling Romney a liar.

I asked Politifact’s editors whether they still stood by these columns. Editor Angie Holan did not respond directly, instead emailing me a round up of their more recent columns on aspects of the Obamacare debate. I asked again and she did not respond."
Politifact's pants are on fire on coverage of Obamacare promises | WashingtonExaminer.com
The radical right wing Hot air calling another network biased, now that's funny! :lol:

Could you give a few examples of the bias you claim?

Then, there's this:

NOVEMBER 4, 2013 AT 4:11 PM :
Politifact's pants are on fire on coverage of Obamacare promises

1. ".... it’s a good time to examine Politifact’s track record on the matter. It isn’t good.

2. In six separate columns addressing the Obama claim’s truthfulness between 2008 and 2012, the Tampa Bay Times’ influential fact-checking group did not once correctly label it as false.

3. .... despite ample evidence to the contrary — often noted in those same columns. Their harshest judgments were that his promise was “half true.”
Politifact's pants are on fire on coverage of Obamacare promises | WashingtonExaminer.com

Biased too?

Or....perhaps the bias resides in .....you.

The Washington Examiner is a political journalism publication based in Washington, D.C., that distributes its content via daily online reports and a weekly magazine.[1] It is owned by MediaDC,[2] a subsidiary of Clarity Media Group,[3] which is owned by Denver billionaire Philip Anschutz[4] and which also owns the influential conservative opinion magazine The Weekly Standard.[5] From 2005 to mid-2013, the Examiner published a daily tabloid-sized newspaper, distributed free throughout the Washington, D.C., metro area, largely focused on local news and conservative commentary.[1] The local newspaper ceased publication on June 14, 2013, and its content began to focus exclusively on national politics, switching its print edition from a daily newspaper to a weekly magazine format

When Anschutz started the Examiner in its daily newspaper format, he envisioned creating a conservative competitor to The Washington Post. According to Politico, "When it came to the editorial page, Anschutz’s instructions were explicit — he 'wanted nothing but conservative columns and conservative op-ed writers,' said one former employee." The Examiner's conservative writers include Byron York (National Review), Michael Barone (American Enterprise Institute, Fox News Channel), and David Freddoso (National Review, author of The Case Against Barack Obama).[4]

The daily newspaper endorsed John McCain in the 2008 presidential election[11] and Adrian Fenty in the Democratic primary for mayor in 2010.[12] On December 14, 2011, it endorsed Mitt Romney for the 2012 Republican presidential nomination, saying he was the only Republican who could beat Barack Obama in the general election,[13] releasing a series of articles critical of Obama
The Washington Examiner - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Wow that's shocking just shocking!!!! I can't believe PC didn't do her homework so she could present herself as being unbiased! :lol: In other words, the same ole' one-sided thread by PC.:smiliehug:
Other than that, I think most clear minded folks are aware of Politifact's bias. But what the heck, it's OK to use another bias source to back up a biased assertion. :lol: You're getting lazy PC.
The radical right wing Hot air calling another network biased, now that's funny! :lol:

Could you give a few examples of the bias you claim?

Then, there's this:

NOVEMBER 4, 2013 AT 4:11 PM :
Politifact's pants are on fire on coverage of Obamacare promises

1. ".... it’s a good time to examine Politifact’s track record on the matter. It isn’t good.

2. In six separate columns addressing the Obama claim’s truthfulness between 2008 and 2012, the Tampa Bay Times’ influential fact-checking group did not once correctly label it as false.

3. .... despite ample evidence to the contrary — often noted in those same columns. Their harshest judgments were that his promise was “half true.”
Politifact's pants are on fire on coverage of Obamacare promises | WashingtonExaminer.com

Biased too?

Or....perhaps the bias resides in .....you.

The Washington Examiner is a political journalism publication based in Washington, D.C., that distributes its content via daily online reports and a weekly magazine.[1] It is owned by MediaDC,[2] a subsidiary of Clarity Media Group,[3] which is owned by Denver billionaire Philip Anschutz[4] and which also owns the influential conservative opinion magazine The Weekly Standard.[5] From 2005 to mid-2013, the Examiner published a daily tabloid-sized newspaper, distributed free throughout the Washington, D.C., metro area, largely focused on local news and conservative commentary.[1] The local newspaper ceased publication on June 14, 2013, and its content began to focus exclusively on national politics, switching its print edition from a daily newspaper to a weekly magazine format

When Anschutz started the Examiner in its daily newspaper format, he envisioned creating a conservative competitor to The Washington Post. According to Politico, "When it came to the editorial page, Anschutz’s instructions were explicit — he 'wanted nothing but conservative columns and conservative op-ed writers,' said one former employee." The Examiner's conservative writers include Byron York (National Review), Michael Barone (American Enterprise Institute, Fox News Channel), and David Freddoso (National Review, author of The Case Against Barack Obama).[4]

The daily newspaper endorsed John McCain in the 2008 presidential election[11] and Adrian Fenty in the Democratic primary for mayor in 2010.[12] On December 14, 2011, it endorsed Mitt Romney for the 2012 Republican presidential nomination, saying he was the only Republican who could beat Barack Obama in the general election,[13] releasing a series of articles critical of Obama
The Washington Examiner - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Wow that's shocking just shocking!!!! I can't believe PC didn't do her homework so she could present herself as being unbiased! :lol: In other words, the same ole' one-sided thread by PC.:smiliehug:
Other than that, I think most clear minded folks are aware of Politifact's bias. But what the heck, it's OK to use another bias source to back up a biased assertion. :lol: You're getting lazy PC.

I was about to write "How stupid can you be...." ...but I've seen your posts before.

"Wow that's shocking just shocking!!!! I can't believe PC didn't do her homework so she could present herself as being unbiased!"

What the heck does any of that have to do with the truth of the posts???

The proof is there, with the dates of the Leftist Politifact 'analysis.'

If you are able to deny it......go for it.

Did Obama lie over and over again???

Did Politifact cover for him....and lie themselves....until he was elected a second time???

Homo habilis discovering his opposable thumbs says what?
The radical right wing Hot air calling another network biased, now that's funny! :lol:

Could you give a few examples of the bias you claim?

Then, there's this:

NOVEMBER 4, 2013 AT 4:11 PM :
Politifact's pants are on fire on coverage of Obamacare promises

1. ".... it’s a good time to examine Politifact’s track record on the matter. It isn’t good.

2. In six separate columns addressing the Obama claim’s truthfulness between 2008 and 2012, the Tampa Bay Times’ influential fact-checking group did not once correctly label it as false.

3. .... despite ample evidence to the contrary — often noted in those same columns. Their harshest judgments were that his promise was “half true.”
Politifact's pants are on fire on coverage of Obamacare promises | WashingtonExaminer.com

Biased too?

Or....perhaps the bias resides in .....you.

The washington examiner is another far right wing site.

The ACA doesn't even kick in until next year, so there is no way of knowing if what the president says is truthful or not, especially back 5 years before hand.

The 2nd thing is that politifact this year allowed the people in an open poll to decide the lie of the year, where in years past they decided it. It's well known that online polls can be heavily trolled, and that looks to be what happened in this case.
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The radical right wing Hot air calling another network biased, now that's funny! :lol:

Could you give a few examples of the bias you claim?

Then, there's this:

NOVEMBER 4, 2013 AT 4:11 PM :
Politifact's pants are on fire on coverage of Obamacare promises

1. ".... it’s a good time to examine Politifact’s track record on the matter. It isn’t good.

2. In six separate columns addressing the Obama claim’s truthfulness between 2008 and 2012, the Tampa Bay Times’ influential fact-checking group did not once correctly label it as false.

3. .... despite ample evidence to the contrary — often noted in those same columns. Their harshest judgments were that his promise was “half true.”
Politifact's pants are on fire on coverage of Obamacare promises | WashingtonExaminer.com

Biased too?

Or....perhaps the bias resides in .....you.

The washington examiner is another far right wing site.

The ACA doesn't even kick in until next year, so there is no way of knowing if what the president says is truthful or not, especially back 5 years before hand.

The 2nd thing is that politifact this year allowed the people in an open poll to decide the lie of the year, where in years past they decided it. It's well known that online polls can be heavily trolled, and that looks to be what happened in this case.

"...so there is no way of knowing if what the president says is truthful or not..."

Now, now....let's not prevaricate as the President did.

1. "WASHINGTON — President Obama bowed Thursday night to mounting criticism that he had misled the American people about the health care law, apologizing to people who were forced off their health insurance plans by the Affordable Care Act despite “assurances from me.”

2. "President Obama said Thursday that he is "sorry" that some Americans are losing their current health insurance plans as a result of the Affordable Care Act, despite his promise that no one would have to give up a health plan they liked."
Exclusive: Obama personally apologizes for Americans losing health coverage - U.S. News

3. "Much of the focus is on the president's promise that Americans who liked their insurance coverage would be able to keep it. He repeated the line often,...."
Obama Apologizes For Health Care Problems: 'I Am Sorry'

So.....you like those sources more?

I like this one:
4. "Obama: I’d like to apologize for lying to your faces several thousand times about keeping your plan if you liked it;"
Obama: I?d like to apologize for lying to your faces several thousand times about keeping your plan if you liked it; Update: Or not « Hot Air

And you say "The 2nd thing is that politifact this year allowed the people in an open poll to decide the lie of the year,..."

So.....everyone in the nation but you thinks that he's both a wind-bag AND a liar????

I'm down wit' dat.
The President's statement about keeping your healthcare was 'mostly true'.

Most Americans, by far, will be keeping their healthcare, or more precisely, will not have to give up their healthcare plan because of Obamacare.

If a statement is true in 90% or more of the cases it applies to, how can it be anything other than 'mostly true?
Could you give a few examples of the bias you claim?

Then, there's this:

NOVEMBER 4, 2013 AT 4:11 PM :
Politifact's pants are on fire on coverage of Obamacare promises

1. ".... it’s a good time to examine Politifact’s track record on the matter. It isn’t good.

2. In six separate columns addressing the Obama claim’s truthfulness between 2008 and 2012, the Tampa Bay Times’ influential fact-checking group did not once correctly label it as false.

3. .... despite ample evidence to the contrary — often noted in those same columns. Their harshest judgments were that his promise was “half true.”
Politifact's pants are on fire on coverage of Obamacare promises | WashingtonExaminer.com

Biased too?

Or....perhaps the bias resides in .....you.

The washington examiner is another far right wing site.

The ACA doesn't even kick in until next year, so there is no way of knowing if what the president says is truthful or not, especially back 5 years before hand.

The 2nd thing is that politifact this year allowed the people in an open poll to decide the lie of the year, where in years past they decided it. It's well known that online polls can be heavily trolled, and that looks to be what happened in this case.

"...so there is no way of knowing if what the president says is truthful or not..."

Now, now....let's not prevaricate as the President did.

1. "WASHINGTON — President Obama bowed Thursday night to mounting criticism that he had misled the American people about the health care law, apologizing to people who were forced off their health insurance plans by the Affordable Care Act despite “assurances from me.”

2. "President Obama said Thursday that he is "sorry" that some Americans are losing their current health insurance plans as a result of the Affordable Care Act, despite his promise that no one would have to give up a health plan they liked."
Exclusive: Obama personally apologizes for Americans losing health coverage - U.S. News

3. "Much of the focus is on the president's promise that Americans who liked their insurance coverage would be able to keep it. He repeated the line often,...."
Obama Apologizes For Health Care Problems: 'I Am Sorry'

So.....you like those sources more?

I like this one:
4. "Obama: I’d like to apologize for lying to your faces several thousand times about keeping your plan if you liked it;"
Obama: I?d like to apologize for lying to your faces several thousand times about keeping your plan if you liked it; Update: Or not « Hot Air

And you say "The 2nd thing is that politifact this year allowed the people in an open poll to decide the lie of the year,..."

So.....everyone in the nation but you thinks that he's both a wind-bag AND a liar????

I'm down wit' dat.

It's good to see the president is a man and will apologize if there are any mistakes, unlike the right wing trash that would just lie and try to pass the buck.

Also right wing idiots like Malkin are trying to cry tinfoil over nothing. Very very few people will not have their current health care plans because they are shitty ones to begin with, and because of the exchanges they will now get much better coverage.
The Nobel Committee is Jonesing to give Obama another prize.

For that reason they're instituting a new category:

The Nobel Prize for Prevarication.

The medal will be made of base metal with a shiny plating of brass they hope will be mistaken for gold.
The President's statement about keeping your healthcare was 'mostly true'.

Most Americans, by far, will be keeping their healthcare, or more precisely, will not have to give up their healthcare plan because of Obamacare.

If a statement is true in 90% or more of the cases it applies to, how can it be anything other than 'mostly true?

5,000,000 lost their plans, 350,000 have signed up. you tell me what is good about those numbers.

because most americans can keep what they already have is what you call a win? my liberals have sure lowered their stndards
The washington examiner is another far right wing site.

The ACA doesn't even kick in until next year, so there is no way of knowing if what the president says is truthful or not, especially back 5 years before hand.

The 2nd thing is that politifact this year allowed the people in an open poll to decide the lie of the year, where in years past they decided it. It's well known that online polls can be heavily trolled, and that looks to be what happened in this case.

"...so there is no way of knowing if what the president says is truthful or not..."

Now, now....let's not prevaricate as the President did.

1. "WASHINGTON — President Obama bowed Thursday night to mounting criticism that he had misled the American people about the health care law, apologizing to people who were forced off their health insurance plans by the Affordable Care Act despite “assurances from me.”

2. "President Obama said Thursday that he is "sorry" that some Americans are losing their current health insurance plans as a result of the Affordable Care Act, despite his promise that no one would have to give up a health plan they liked."
Exclusive: Obama personally apologizes for Americans losing health coverage - U.S. News

3. "Much of the focus is on the president's promise that Americans who liked their insurance coverage would be able to keep it. He repeated the line often,...."
Obama Apologizes For Health Care Problems: 'I Am Sorry'

So.....you like those sources more?

I like this one:
4. "Obama: I’d like to apologize for lying to your faces several thousand times about keeping your plan if you liked it;"
Obama: I?d like to apologize for lying to your faces several thousand times about keeping your plan if you liked it; Update: Or not « Hot Air

And you say "The 2nd thing is that politifact this year allowed the people in an open poll to decide the lie of the year,..."

So.....everyone in the nation but you thinks that he's both a wind-bag AND a liar????

I'm down wit' dat.

It's good to see the president is a man and will apologize if there are any mistakes, unlike the right wing trash that would just lie and try to pass the buck.

Also right wing idiots like Malkin are trying to cry tinfoil over nothing. Very very few people will not have their current health care plans because they are shitty ones to begin with, and because of the exchanges they will now get much better coverage.

Good to see that you agree that the wind-bag is a liar, who had to apologize.
The President's statement about keeping your healthcare was 'mostly true'.

Most Americans, by far, will be keeping their healthcare, or more precisely, will not have to give up their healthcare plan because of Obamacare.

If a statement is true in 90% or more of the cases it applies to, how can it be anything other than 'mostly true?

5,000,000 lost their plans, 350,000 have signed up. you tell me what is good about those numbers.

because most americans can keep what they already have is what you call a win? my liberals have sure lowered their stndards

Are your numbers precise, mostly true, mostly false, or a pants on fire lie?

If they're not the first one, they're the last one, if you apply your standards.

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