...Politico today & Rudy....


Platinum Member
Feb 14, 2021
Rudy is a popular thread topic on USMB. There's one nearby that focuses on Rudy and the Ukraine messiness. And many others in the recent past focusing on one aspect or another of Rudy-World.

Tonight I read on Politico this opinion piece on the import of the search warrant at Rudy's residence.

BTW, as a personal aside....I think Politico does good stuff. So does The Hill. One leans slightly leftward, the other leans slightly rightward......but even so, they both offer current original reporting that informs. I read (scan) each one daily.

Here's what, in an opinion by a former federal prosecutor, Politico published today about Rudy's predictment. (I offer a taster, but you can read the whole enchilada in the link)


Giuliani’s Legal Trouble Is Trump’s Too
To save himself, the president’s former lawyer might have to spill damning secrets.​

"There can be no question that the execution of a search warrant at Giuliani’s residence is a serious step that indicates the criminal investigation against him is far along. Federal prosecutors can’t obtain a search warrant based on a hunch or mere suspicion. They had to present substantial evidence to a federal judge that there is good reason to believe that a federal crime was committed and that evidence of that federal crime was located in Giuliani’s apartment and his electronic devices. It’s significant a judge was persuaded they met that standard.

For that reason, prosecutors likely have a lot of the evidence they need already. During my time as a federal prosecutor, when I sought a search warrant for a subject’s electronic devices, typically I had already obtained some of the subject’s communications or electronic documents from other sources such as cooperators, subpoenas or prior search warrants. I used that evidence to persuade a judge that those communications would also be found on the devices. Even though prosecutors have some communications prior to obtaining electronic devices, the devices can contain more data, including deleted messages, metadata and location information.

In this particular case, one can trust the the evidence was solid and substantial given the significant internal scrutiny that this case would receive within the Justice Department. The criminal investigation of any lawyer is a sensitive matter due to the complexities caused by attorney-client privilege, and the DOJ takes special care when investigating a criminal defense attorney......."

05/02/2021 07:00 AM EDT ........... Renato Mariotti is a former federal prosecutor and host of the “On Topic” podcast.
So this is amazingly consistent with Rudy's public statements. Amazingly.

So we have one of two things happening: Either Rudy has broken the law (lobbied for a foreign government without being a registered lobbyist), OR someone on the Government side is guilty of some SERIOUS malfeasance.

I believe the latter to be the case. Rudy is not now, nor has he ever been a "lobbyist," working to advance the interests of any foreign government.

This is a test case for the FBI. The record reveals that they were instructed to get ALL ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT from Giuliani's house, and yet they refused to take computer disc drives that Giuliani identified as belonging to Hunter (fucking) Biden. So we know that they were acting illegally

To look at this fact pattern and conclude that Giuliani must be guilty of some crime is like reading the Steele Dossier and...well, I don't need to complete that thought.
I don't wish ill will on anybody. Hopefully like so many other political scandals this amounts to nothing and blows over soon enough.
Now that we know from the retractions that the FBI had no reason for the raid. Nothing they find should be admissible. Especially as to anything as a consequence of his work as Trump's attorney.

If prosecutors are allowed to build cases by raiding attorneys there is nothing left of this country worth saving.
I don't wish ill will on anybody. Hopefully like so many other political scandals this amounts to nothing and blows over soon enough.
The goal of communist democrats are to stop Trump from running in 2024. They lied and lied continually from the time Trump announced be was running the first time. Now it's time to pull out all the stops.
Rudy is not now, nor has he ever been a "lobbyist," working to advance the interests of any foreign government.
Link? Or a mere opinion of an anonymous poster?
yet they refused to take computer disc drives that Giuliani identified as belonging to Hunter (fucking) Biden.
Link? Or the mere opinion of a contributor under a fake name?

Now that we know from the retractions that the FBI had no reason for the raid
Link? Which "retractions" were pertinent to the search warrant?

Guys, if you simply want to spout, that's fine.
Just inform the forum that is only your mere opinion. If you present something as an assertion, as fact.......well, prove to the forum that your word is reliable. That we can have confidence that it is more than just the keyboard enema of some unhappy grievance-ridden spouter. And, as you know, every DewDropInn in America has a handful of those types.

Show us you are more than that. Credibility, or veracity, or gravitas.....really are a thing.
This entire political theater is to stop Trump from running in 2024. The communists will attack anyone who supports Trump including his attorneys. Threatening witnesses is the new way of jurisprudence in this country. At least one witness in Derek Chauvin trial was threatened. That's the way it is going.

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