POLITICIAN PROTECTION ACT' All House Democrats back sweeping election reform bill, GOP argues it will 'undermine' voting integrity


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
All House Democrats back sweeping election reform bill, GOP argues it will 'undermine' voting integrity

All House Democrats back sweeping election reform bill, GOP argues it will 'undermine' voting integrity

The bill is expected to be considered on the House floor during the first week of March. Republicans have railed against the bill during previous attempts to bring the legislation to a vote, arguing it would give the federal government more power in deciding the people’s representation.

According to Democrats, the bill would "improve access to the ballot box," by creating an automatic voter registration across the country, and by ensuring that individuals who have completed felony sentences have their full voting rights restored. The bill will also expand early voting and enhance absentee voting by simplifying voting by mail.

The bill also commits Congress to deliver "full congressional voting rights and self-government for the residents of the District of Columbia, which only statehood can provide," prohibits voter roll purges and "ends partisan gerrymandering to prevent politicians from picking their voters."

Republicans have argued such a decision to advocate for D.C. statehood is a political move to ensure two permanently Democratic U.S. Senate seats in what is an approximately nine-to-one Democrat-to-Republican jurisdiction. "

"... a "massive federal government takeover that would undermine the integrity of our elections."

"H.R.1 imposes California-style election rules nationwide. The bill requires every state to register voters based on names in state and federal databases—such as anyone receiving food stamps or who interacts with a state DMV," the board wrote. "Overall the bill is designed to auto-enroll likely Democratic voters, enhance Democratic turnout, with no concern for ballot integrity."

Democrats go for the 'kill' to ensure the GOP will NEVER win a Presidential election or other again....

Welcome to "Forced Socialism"

If this thing passes....will the last American out please bring the flag?!

This is clearly antithetical to the spirit of the Constitution, which provides for a seat of the federal government (U.S. Const. art. I, S 8, cl 17). But then, Democrats have been altering the nature of the Constitution for more than a century.

Why should one state have all legislative and administrative authority?
The Constitution simply states that "The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof; but the Congress may at any time by Law make or alter such Regulations" (Article I, section 4)
The Banana Republic Democrats are liars and cheaters.
They are not protecting Voting Rights.
They are protecting their Election Fraud.
Notice that there is no Voter ID requirement.
Notice that there is no ban on mail in ballots.
This will only make our election integrity problem even worse.
Why do they need two weeks to vote?
Why do they want to count ballots behind locked doors?

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