Political Nuttiness Exploded With The Introduction Of Social Media


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016
Political Nuttiness Exploded With The Introduction Of Social Media

Before social media was created the reactionary loonies had the John Birch Society as their unifying center,‭ ‬with founder Robert Welch as their conservative messiah.‭ ‬Tinfoil hat squads comprised their‭ “‬society‭”‬,‭ ‬these people could be convinced that at least‭ ‬90%‭ ‬of the American people were Soviet sympathizers.‭ ‬Their right wing guru would spew accusations indiscriminately,‭ ‬and few were safe from his insane wrath.

That era began when Joe McCarthy destroyed American citizens‭’ ‬lives with unfounded accusations,‭ ‬branding them as‭ “‬communists‭”‬.‭ ‬His goal was never about rooting out communists,‭ ‬his witch-hunts were launched to increase his political power.‭ ‬With his success,‭ ‬other conservative politicians jumped onto the McCarthy bandwagon to court the right-wing voters,‭ ‬they also saw communists under every rock.

Fortunately,‭ ‬common sense among rational Americans would not permit the devoted followers of these communist witch-hunters to carry their lunacy to the levels the RWNJs achieve on today’s social media.‭ ‬The reactionary loonies of the twenty-first century reach a world wide audience of other tinfoil hat wearers,‭ ‬and they feed off each others‭’ ‬paranoid delusions.‭ ‬Each day some new,‭ ‬wild-eyed conspiracy theorist invents another tall tale for their brethren to ponder,‭ ‬expand,‭ ‬and spread.

Social media has exposed the depth of right-wing lunacy,‭ ‬sadly,‭ ‬it’s much more widespread than rational people thought possible.‭ ‬And,‭ ‬unfortunately,‭ ‬once these people go off the deep end,‭ ‬their addiction to conspiracy theories,‭ ‬FOX Noise,‭ ‬Breitbart,‭ ‬and the like,‭ ‬constantly reinforce their insanity,‭ ‬pushing them further and further away from reality.

With the impeached president trump now commanding these crazies to do violence for him,‭ ‬no one need worry about foreign powers,‭ ‬Islamic extremists,‭ ‬zombies,‭ ‬or vampires destroying the United States,‭ ‬the RWNJs‭’ ‬ever increasing paranoid madness is going to devour this country from the inside.‭ ‬And,‭ ‬most of the RWNJs will deny it’s happening.‭ ‬Those that do not deny the nation is falling apart,‭ ‬will blame the usual scapegoats.

The GOP spent decades cultivating and nurturing the right-wingers‭’ ‬unwarranted fears and paranoia,‭ ‬and then used them as a political tool.‭ ‬For several decades the Republican Party carefully controlled the level of lunacy in their voter base,‭ ‬and, the Democrats cooperated fully to make the ebb and flow of U.S.‭ ‬politics appear to be controlled by the voters.

Then‭ “‬The Apprentice‭” ‬came along,‭ ‬a‭ “‬reality‭” ‬show that gave the bully trump an opportunity to browbeat and humiliate the‭ “‬candidates‭” ‬each week on network television.‭ ‬The show introduced the‭ “‬real‭” ‬trump to the American conservatives.‭ ‬Then,‭ ‬employing intense fear mongering,‭ ‬well in excess of that used by the GOP during previous election years,‭ ‬plus hate-speech and public humiliation of powerless individuals,‭ ‬candidate trump made America’s extreme right his b!tch.‭

The impeached president trump took the Republican Party’s frightened,‭ ‬consistently victimized,‭ ‬and paranoid right-wingers and created devoted fanatics eager to destroy the United States and‭ ‬make him their führer.

It’s doubtful that the Republican strategists understood the monster they were creating as they molded and shaped their frightened,‭ ‬consistently victimized,‭ ‬and paranoid right-wing voter base.‭ ‬It’s also doubtful that candidate trump understood the monster his five years of hate-filled and bigoted rhetoric would unleash on the rational American public.

McCarthy and Welch pushed their agendas too far,‭ ‬so rational Americans pushed back.‭ ‬Both men eventually destroyed themselves,‭ ‬but not before leaving black marks in U.S.‭ ‬history.

Hopefully,‭ ‬the impeached president trump and his many enablers will be held accountable for the death and destruction they caused the American people.

Whether the frightened,‭ ‬consistently victimized,‭ ‬and paranoid right-wingers regain some small measure of rational thought is anybody’s guess.‭ ‬They lurched so far to the extreme right,‭ ‬it will be a long,‭ ‬long journey back to reality.‭ ‬Sadly,‭ ‬most have no desire to make the trip.



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