Political correctness is the reason there is and never will be equality.

Donald Polish

VIP Member
Nov 27, 2014
Kansas City
Political correctness is a problem our country has been facing for a long time. People think and assume being politically correct is just "not being a dumb hateful racist" when it in fact is the opposite.
Political correctness by all intentions is ignoring reality to push an agenda. Some people accurately call this by its real name , cultural marxism.

Cultural marxism is the reason african americans will never climb out of the hole they are in culturally and economically. Its the same thing with women.
People are enabling negative behaviors to continue on the grounds of "diversity" and "fairness"

We need to have a discussion about this.
There is also a theory that works quite well...if you choose to call it PC...oh well.

That theory...JUST BE COOL. Someone doesn't like to be called a n!gger...don't do it! How does name calling empower anyone?
There is also a theory that works quite well...if you choose to call it PC...oh well.

That theory...JUST BE COOL. Someone doesn't like to be called a n!gger...don't do it! How does name calling empower anyone?
I wonder if that's really all you think there is to this, or if you're just being incredibly, massively obtuse.

We may never know.

There is also a theory that works quite well...if you choose to call it PC...oh well.

That theory...JUST BE COOL. Someone doesn't like to be called a n!gger...don't do it! How does name calling empower anyone?
I wonder if that's really all you think there is to this, or if you're just being incredibly, massively obtuse.

We may never know.

JUST BE COOL is universal and applies to all human interaction. Any topic can be discussed without being hateful, dismissive or down right vitriolic. Somehow, the tea party made people forget this...but anger and hate does that.
What political correctness is ruining for me is comedy. If I have to hear another comedian apologize for being a comedian...

There is also a theory that works quite well...if you choose to call it PC...oh well.

That theory...JUST BE COOL. Someone doesn't like to be called a n!gger...don't do it! How does name calling empower anyone?
I wonder if that's really all you think there is to this, or if you're just being incredibly, massively obtuse.

We may never know.

JUST BE COOL is universal and applies to all human interaction. Any topic can be discussed without being hateful, dismissive or down right vitriolic. Somehow, the tea party made people forget this...but anger and hate does that.
My definition of PC is in post 3.

It's far more complicated than calling one group of people one word.


Strategic hypersensitivity deployed specifically to keep your target on the defensive and control the conversation.

Dishonest, cowardly and terribly destructive.

Yeah...it goes both ways. Someone says something you don't like...you go on a PC rant and refuse honest discussion.

Give me an example.

Strategic hypersensitivity deployed specifically to keep your target on the defensive and control the conversation.

Dishonest, cowardly and terribly destructive.

Yeah...it goes both ways. Someone says something you don't like...you go on a PC rant and refuse honest discussion.

Give me an example.
If you can't come up with any examples on your own, this is a waste of time.

They're all over the place. Everyone knows what they are, even those who pretend it doesn't exist.

What political correctness is ruining for me is comedy. If I have to hear another comedian apologize for being a comedian...

I saw somewhere that Chris Rock no longer plays colleges. The kids are paralyzed by PC and afraid to laugh.


Chris Rock Stopped Playing Colleges Because They re Too Conservative

Not in their political views -- not like they’re voting Republican -- but in their social views and their willingness not to offend anybody. Kids raised on a culture of “We’re not going to keep score in the game because we don’t want anybody to lose.” Or just ignoring race to a fault. You can’t say “the black kid over there.” No, it’s “the guy with the red shoes.” You can’t even be offensive on your way to being inoffensive.

Strategic hypersensitivity deployed specifically to keep your target on the defensive and control the conversation.

Dishonest, cowardly and terribly destructive.

Yeah...it goes both ways. Someone says something you don't like...you go on a PC rant and refuse honest discussion.

Give me an example.
If you can't come up with any examples on your own, this is a waste of time.

They're all over the place. Everyone knows what they are, even those who pretend it doesn't exist.

EXACTLY...you use PC no different than those you oppose. As soon as someone disagrees with you...you go on a rant. Hell, you can't even come up with an example.

I am gazing at the patriarchy, and it is full of LOLz!

Strategic hypersensitivity deployed specifically to keep your target on the defensive and control the conversation.

Dishonest, cowardly and terribly destructive.

Yeah...it goes both ways. Someone says something you don't like...you go on a PC rant and refuse honest discussion.

Give me an example.
If you can't come up with any examples on your own, this is a waste of time.

They're all over the place. Everyone knows what they are, even those who pretend it doesn't exist.

EXACTLY...you use PC no different than those you oppose. As soon as someone disagrees with you...you go on a rant. Hell, you can't even come up with an example.
And this is why it's impossible to have conversations with people like you, why I no longer try.

If you had even ONE OUNCE of intellectual curiosity - which you clearly do not, you'd LOOK IT UP.

Here, let me help.

There's this thing called a "search engine" that looks up stuff on the internet. "Google" is one. So, I Googled "political correctness examples", and here's the page the came up.

political correctness examples - - Yahoo Search Results

Be curious just once. Look it up. Then pretend you don't know what I'm talking about.

What political correctness is ruining for me is comedy. If I have to hear another comedian apologize for being a comedian...

I saw somewhere that Chris Rock no longer plays colleges. The kids are paralyzed by PC and afraid to laugh.


Chris Rock Stopped Playing Colleges Because They re Too Conservative

Not in their political views -- not like they’re voting Republican -- but in their social views and their willingness not to offend anybody. Kids raised on a culture of “We’re not going to keep score in the game because we don’t want anybody to lose.” Or just ignoring race to a fault. You can’t say “the black kid over there.” No, it’s “the guy with the red shoes.” You can’t even be offensive on your way to being inoffensive.


America, 2015. Paralyzed by PC.


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