Political Cartoon

Hey, they brought the scrutiny upon themselves because they had to suggest that having a certain "bedroom lifestyle" somehow has something to do with one's job status or one's job performance and/or work ethic in life.

So one has to wonder why it is so important for these people to include their "bedroom lifestyle" as being some kind of qualification or glorification by use of their job title in the workplace ??

Yeah, yeah, so it is that they act as if they are just now getting a break in life right, and in doing so they just want to show that "hey people who do the same things as them in life", well they too can participate in major job roles the same as they do in life.

Spoiler alert - people like them have been in the workforce forever and a day throughout time, but it is that they didn't feel the need to use their job titles or positions in a way to promote their private "bedroom lifestyles", and that's where the rub is for many who are left scratching their head's on why it is that they think it necessary for them to expose their "bedroom lifestyles", otherwise in promotion of by using their job titles in order to do so ?

What's the push or reasoning behind it all today ? Many wonder !!

Sex has no place in 99.9% of America's workplaces, otherwise or unless one is a sex worker that works in that type of private industry maybe. Even then it's a private industry that only markets to it's base, and it shouldn't push it on the citizenry outside of it's industry, and it certainly shouldn't market itself in school's or other such public places. It's sex people, and sex is for adult's not kids.

Get some common sense back people. Good grief !!

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