Political battle for the ages has gone on for ages


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
The Battle of lawful ones against the lawless ones has gone on for ages.
Rome's do whatever feels good without consequences vs a Judaic precept of stable functioning balance of responsibility and accountability with those pleasures thus weighing out what's good and bad to make right(righteous) choices.
The Dead Sea Scrolls shows us at this time of knowledge being spread that the battle, as in the ages of old, will be of Light (meaning Knowledge and Truth) VS Darkness (meaning ignorance, lies, and folly).
War Scroll describes the Rules of War of the Children of Light (knowledge & truth)
against the Children of Darkness (Lies, Ignorance, & Folly). THIS IS AS MUCH A POLITICAL BATTLE AS IT IS A SPIRITUAL ONE for the lawless ones are drunk on the riches and power and prestige and have the same lust for anything goes & the same guiltless armor that Rome once caried and we see where that political authority ended up in the end, as it spiraled out of control to it's collapse. Ironically all that survived was a corrupt religious order and a bunch of mobster orders that now help compromise and infiltrate everything from our corporations thus media outlets, the progressive party, and even lawyers judges are not immune. All roads truly do lead back to Rome's liberal and corrupt subversive influence.
The Secret of The Way Things Are
4Q418 Frag. 77 2[ Understand or Seek? ] the secret of the way things are, and learn the nature of man and gaze at the faculties [ and workings or realities for] 3[ What ] has made him. Then you will understand the nature of mortal man and the weight of [ . . . ] 4his spirit, and learn the secret of the way things are, the weight of eras and the measure of [..TIME or works?..]

4Q418 Frag. 123 Col. 2 1[ . . . ] 7when years begin and when eras end [ . . . ] 3everything that has happened in it, why it was and what will be in [ . . . ] 4His era that He revealed to the ears of those who understand the secret of the way things are [ . . . ] 3you are one who understands, when you observe all these things [ . . . ] 6by its hand is the weighing of your deeds with the era [ . . . ]
4Q418 Frag. 123 Col. 2 1[ . . . ] 7Whatever He leaves with you, guard carefully [ . . . ] The sage asserts that his teaching comes from God.

"Sapiential Work" (4Q413)
"....I will teach you (Knowledge)and wisdom. And understand the ways of man and the works of Sons of Man......"
4Q4L7 Frag. 2 (+ 4Q418) Col. 1 1[ . . . ] you are one who understands [ . . . ] 2[ . . . ] the wonderful secrets [ . . . fearful things you will master . . . ] 3[ . . . **why things are and how they are*** . . . ] 4[ . . . why] 5[things are and why they continue to be ] 6[ . . . through Night meditate on the secret] of why things are and investigate it at all times, and then you will know truth and evil, wisdom 7[and falsehood . . . Consider the wicked in al1 their ways, with all their punishments throughout the world eras and the eternal punishment 8and then you will know the difference between good [and evil] deeds, for the God of knowledge is the confidant of Truth, and in the secret of the way things are 9He has made plain its basis [ . . . ] what is its nature and the governing principle of its deeds 10for every [ . . . ] He kas made plain to the mind of every [man] how to live by 11the nature of His understanding; and He has made plain [ . . . ] and by the faculty of understanding [He revealed] the enigmas of His purpose with blameless conduct [in all] His deeds. Inquire into these things at all times, give careful thought to al1 13their effects, and then you will know [eternal] glory with His wonderful secrets and His mighty deeds.
4Q413 Frag. 1 1Discipline [and insight] and wisdom I shal1 teach you. Now consider the ways of humanity and the activities of 2the human race. [ . . . ] a man. He enlarged his share in the knowledge of God's truth, and to the degree that that man loathes 3everything evil, [his judgment] shall not be affected by what his ears hear and what his eyes see.
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In short along with other commentary not posted here:
Learn from emulations in history to prevent repeat history, that's why we study history and how we discern right and wrong choices.
Thus it says to study "throughout the world eras".
It is interesting to note that if we fail to remember history we are doomed to repeat it again and again until we learn our lessons... It is no different then teaching a child proper behaviour or learning to play an instrument for example... We don’t want to be caught in an endless time loop where we never progress or get out of our rut...I have noted in the repeat simulations that they are never quite the same as the one previously as there is a slight variation for whatever reason but In the modern world where most people only see in a right to left movement it should be noted that Hebrew runs in the opposite direction of left to right and hopefully the world will grow up and finally meet their counterparts in the middle somewhere where we can finally become all we were meant to be...Basically what I am trying to say is if we are looking at the world one way we should get out of our comfort zone and look at it from another angle that we had not previously thought of...Reminds me of a conversation Golda Meir was said to have had with Henri Kissinger where Kissinger said First I am an American second I am Secretary of State and third I am a Jew..Golda Méir response was Henry you forget in Israel we read from right to left meaning Kissinger had it backwards from her perspective...
Apologies Modern world mostly reads from left to right... Hebrew is from right to left...
Yeah but the FBI attempted a political coup. How does that work out in Scriptures?
In the NT story they (Rome wanting authority over the Jews) Demonized King Herod with the fake news story about Herod Killing Babies to remove a coming Messiah in which the christ child flees toward Egypt to escape this.
This was also done to make the Jews look deplorable thus needing the Governance of Rome.
IN recording history and lines of famous Rabbis and Kings we see the Talmud reveal where this story is fabricated from and given it's new narrative to demonize the King.
The story seems to come fom 100 years earlier with the "King Jannaeus" revolt caused a christ figure named Yeshu son of Mary of 100bc to flee towards Egypt as a student to Rabbi Yohoshua ben Parachya(spell?), so as a young student not a baby this figure fled to Egypt to avoid the King's persecution, who was crucifying Pharisee during their revolt.
So here we have a former king who's acts are being deflected to a later king and the later King is getting blamed for the former king's policies and inadequacies & cause of Division, in order to Demonize the later king and take away his authority and cause new division that Rome will blame (deflect) on them, all so the subversives lawless globalist Romans could tell everyone how to live (under their authority).
They did this to many cultures & would even demonize their gods and godesses (mock their religions)to claim themselves "the new spiritual authority" (political masked behind the religious).
Rome also tried arresting and killing every apostle of every christ figure spanning the many decades, and tried to silence their voice (free speach).
So we do see emulations and reflections of past behaviors in today's power struggle.
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The Battle of lawful ones against the lawless ones has gone on for ages.
Rome's do whatever feels good without consequences vs a Judaic precept of stable functioning balance of responsibility and accountability with those pleasures thus weighing out what's good and bad to make right(righteous) choices.
The Dead Sea Scrolls shows us at this time of knowledge being spread that the battle, as in the ages of old, will be of Light (meaning Knowledge and Truth) VS Darkness (meaning ignorance, lies, and folly).
War Scroll describes the Rules of War of the Children of Light (knowledge & truth)
against the Children of Darkness (Lies, Ignorance, & Folly). THIS IS AS MUCH A POLITICAL BATTLE AS IT IS A SPIRITUAL ONE for the lawless ones are drunk on the riches and power and prestige and have the same lust for anything goes & the same guiltless armor that Rome once caried and we see where that political authority ended up in the end, as it spiraled out of control to it's collapse. Ironically all that survived was a corrupt religious order and a bunch of mobster orders that now help compromise and infiltrate everything from our corporations thus media outlets, the progressive party, and even lawyers judges are not immune. All roads truly do lead back to Rome's liberal and corrupt subversive influence.
The Secret of The Way Things Are
4Q418 Frag. 77 2[ Understand or Seek? ] the secret of the way things are, and learn the nature of man and gaze at the faculties [ and workings or realities for] 3[ What ] has made him. Then you will understand the nature of mortal man and the weight of [ . . . ] 4his spirit, and learn the secret of the way things are, the weight of eras and the measure of [..TIME or works?..]

4Q418 Frag. 123 Col. 2 1[ . . . ] 7when years begin and when eras end [ . . . ] 3everything that has happened in it, why it was and what will be in [ . . . ] 4His era that He revealed to the ears of those who understand the secret of the way things are [ . . . ] 3you are one who understands, when you observe all these things [ . . . ] 6by its hand is the weighing of your deeds with the era [ . . . ]
4Q418 Frag. 123 Col. 2 1[ . . . ] 7Whatever He leaves with you, guard carefully [ . . . ] The sage asserts that his teaching comes from God.

"Sapiential Work" (4Q413)
"....I will teach you (Knowledge)and wisdom. And understand the ways of man and the works of Sons of Man......"
4Q4L7 Frag. 2 (+ 4Q418) Col. 1 1[ . . . ] you are one who understands [ . . . ] 2[ . . . ] the wonderful secrets [ . . . fearful things you will master . . . ] 3[ . . . **why things are and how they are*** . . . ] 4[ . . . why] 5[things are and why they continue to be ] 6[ . . . through Night meditate on the secret] of why things are and investigate it at all times, and then you will know truth and evil, wisdom 7[and falsehood . . . Consider the wicked in al1 their ways, with all their punishments throughout the world eras and the eternal punishment 8and then you will know the difference between good [and evil] deeds, for the God of knowledge is the confidant of Truth, and in the secret of the way things are 9He has made plain its basis [ . . . ] what is its nature and the governing principle of its deeds 10for every [ . . . ] He kas made plain to the mind of every [man] how to live by 11the nature of His understanding; and He has made plain [ . . . ] and by the faculty of understanding [He revealed] the enigmas of His purpose with blameless conduct [in all] His deeds. Inquire into these things at all times, give careful thought to al1 13their effects, and then you will know [eternal] glory with His wonderful secrets and His mighty deeds.
4Q413 Frag. 1 1Discipline [and insight] and wisdom I shal1 teach you. Now consider the ways of humanity and the activities of 2the human race. [ . . . ] a man. He enlarged his share in the knowledge of God's truth, and to the degree that that man loathes 3everything evil, [his judgment] shall not be affected by what his ears hear and what his eyes see.

Interesting parallel.
It seems lessons have not been learned....history repeats.
The Battle of lawful ones against the lawless ones has gone on for ages.
Rome's do whatever feels good without consequences vs a Judaic precept of stable functioning balance of responsibility and accountability with those pleasures thus weighing out what's good and bad to make right(righteous) choices.
The Dead Sea Scrolls shows us at this time of knowledge being spread that the battle, as in the ages of old, will be of Light (meaning Knowledge and Truth) VS Darkness (meaning ignorance, lies, and folly).
War Scroll describes the Rules of War of the Children of Light (knowledge & truth)
against the Children of Darkness (Lies, Ignorance, & Folly). THIS IS AS MUCH A POLITICAL BATTLE AS IT IS A SPIRITUAL ONE for the lawless ones are drunk on the riches and power and prestige and have the same lust for anything goes & the same guiltless armor that Rome once caried and we see where that political authority ended up in the end, as it spiraled out of control to it's collapse. Ironically all that survived was a corrupt religious order and a bunch of mobster orders that now help compromise and infiltrate everything from our corporations thus media outlets, the progressive party, and even lawyers judges are not immune. All roads truly do lead back to Rome's liberal and corrupt subversive influence.
The Secret of The Way Things Are
4Q418 Frag. 77 2[ Understand or Seek? ] the secret of the way things are, and learn the nature of man and gaze at the faculties [ and workings or realities for] 3[ What ] has made him. Then you will understand the nature of mortal man and the weight of [ . . . ] 4his spirit, and learn the secret of the way things are, the weight of eras and the measure of [..TIME or works?..]

4Q418 Frag. 123 Col. 2 1[ . . . ] 7when years begin and when eras end [ . . . ] 3everything that has happened in it, why it was and what will be in [ . . . ] 4His era that He revealed to the ears of those who understand the secret of the way things are [ . . . ] 3you are one who understands, when you observe all these things [ . . . ] 6by its hand is the weighing of your deeds with the era [ . . . ]
4Q418 Frag. 123 Col. 2 1[ . . . ] 7Whatever He leaves with you, guard carefully [ . . . ] The sage asserts that his teaching comes from God.

"Sapiential Work" (4Q413)
"....I will teach you (Knowledge)and wisdom. And understand the ways of man and the works of Sons of Man......"
4Q4L7 Frag. 2 (+ 4Q418) Col. 1 1[ . . . ] you are one who understands [ . . . ] 2[ . . . ] the wonderful secrets [ . . . fearful things you will master . . . ] 3[ . . . **why things are and how they are*** . . . ] 4[ . . . why] 5[things are and why they continue to be ] 6[ . . . through Night meditate on the secret] of why things are and investigate it at all times, and then you will know truth and evil, wisdom 7[and falsehood . . . Consider the wicked in al1 their ways, with all their punishments throughout the world eras and the eternal punishment 8and then you will know the difference between good [and evil] deeds, for the God of knowledge is the confidant of Truth, and in the secret of the way things are 9He has made plain its basis [ . . . ] what is its nature and the governing principle of its deeds 10for every [ . . . ] He kas made plain to the mind of every [man] how to live by 11the nature of His understanding; and He has made plain [ . . . ] and by the faculty of understanding [He revealed] the enigmas of His purpose with blameless conduct [in all] His deeds. Inquire into these things at all times, give careful thought to al1 13their effects, and then you will know [eternal] glory with His wonderful secrets and His mighty deeds.
4Q413 Frag. 1 1Discipline [and insight] and wisdom I shal1 teach you. Now consider the ways of humanity and the activities of 2the human race. [ . . . ] a man. He enlarged his share in the knowledge of God's truth, and to the degree that that man loathes 3everything evil, [his judgment] shall not be affected by what his ears hear and what his eyes see.
The sun rises & sets just like darkness comes & goes. As long as humanity is in charge of planet earth do not expect any real change from the status quo.

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