Police State: Cop Drags Woman, 77, From Car After ID Refusal...

Unless she was under arrest she's perfectly within her right to do so.

"Officer, am I under arrest?"
"Ok bye-bye!"
LMAO! Why do you insist on just making shit up? You're talking out of your ass and you sound like an ignorant hillbilly.

Tell you what hillbilly, the next time you are pulled over, refuse to show your license, ask if you are under arrest, and then just drive away before the officer is finished. Let me know how it goes... :lol:
I already did it at a DUI Checkpoint in Gettysburg muther f*cker.

Do you actually know the Laws of the State in which you live or do you just hope that the Police will act within the Law?

I'll bet you know the staring lineup of your favorite Sports Team but you haven't a clue what the 7th Amendment is without looking it up.

How much was your bond?
The dumb broad refused to show her driver's license.

Paulitician, everyone with more than two brain cells to rub together knows that when you are pulled over for speeding, you must show your driver's license. So your pretentious bullshit about having to show your "papers" is just that, asinine.

The cop informs her why he pulled her over. Then she snaps at him to hurry up. So he says, fine, let me have your driver's license, at which point she decides to be a bitch and not give it to him.

What a stupid broad. She seems to think she is exempt from the rules of the road.


He was being a typical Gestapo prick. This elderly woman did not belong in jail. That's just so fuckin stupid. She was a cranky ole lady. How many times have we all run into that? The man should be suspended and then retrained. This woman does not belong in jail. Man, you Goose Steppers don't have a bit of common sense left.


Cranky old ladies can shoot you just as quick as some 20yr old.

The asshole refused a lawfull order and got her ass arrested. She belonged in jail just like any other lawbreaker. Good for the cops.

I see old folks in jail and court every day.
Nice how Police treat our eldery huh? Imagine this being your Grandmother? 'To protect and Serve?' Yeah, i think most Americans just laugh at that thought nowadays. Most of our Police Force is made up of roided-up power-mad assholes. We need revolutionary change in how our Police are trained.

Texas Cop Drags 77-year-old Grandmother from Car - YouTube

She had an obligation to produce her License, and Insurance. She chose not to. Could he have been more tolerant and patient with her? Yes. Was she respectful to him? No. The Law is the Law. When stopped for Speeding, when Asked for your ID, you produce it.
Nice how Police treat our eldery huh? Imagine this being your Grandmother? 'To protect and Serve?' Yeah, i think most Americans just laugh at that thought nowadays. Most of our Police Force is made up of roided-up power-mad assholes. We need revolutionary change in how our Police are trained.

Texas Cop Drags 77-year-old Grandmother from Car - YouTube

I would have tazed her dumbass.

Yes, i bet you would have. You Goose Steppers are sick. It's very sad.
The dumb broad refused to show her driver's license.

Paulitician, everyone with more than two brain cells to rub together knows that when you are pulled over for speeding, you must show your driver's license. So your pretentious bullshit about having to show your "papers" is just that, asinine.

The cop informs her why he pulled her over. Then she snaps at him to hurry up. So he says, fine, let me have your driver's license, at which point she decides to be a bitch and not give it to him.

What a stupid broad. She seems to think she is exempt from the rules of the road.


He was being a typical Gestapo prick. This elderly woman did not belong in jail. That's just so fuckin stupid. She was a cranky ole lady. How many times have we all run into that? The man should be suspended and then retrained. This woman does not belong in jail. Man, you Goose Steppers don't have a bit of common sense left.


Cranky old ladies can shoot you just as quick as some 20yr old.

The asshole refused a lawfull order and got her ass arrested. She belonged in jail just like any other lawbreaker. Good for the cops.

I see old folks in jail and court every day.

Incredibly pathetic argument. She was a cranky ole Grandma with a bladder infection. The Cop is a stupid Gestapo thug. Put the ole woman in Jail? Man, you Goose Steppers are so hopeless.
the way you talk about the law and lack respect for it, im surprised your weasel ass isn't in jail
Nice how Police treat our eldery huh? Imagine this being your Grandmother? 'To protect and Serve?' Yeah, i think most Americans just laugh at that thought nowadays. Most of our Police Force is made up of roided-up power-mad assholes. We need revolutionary change in how our Police are trained.

Texas Cop Drags 77-year-old Grandmother from Car - YouTube

I would have tazed her dumbass.

Yes, i bet you would have. You Goose Steppers are sick. It's very sad.

Your childish name calling is all you have and it will never win you an argument.

Fact is the woman disobeyed the officers request to produce a valid D.L. and insurance thereby violating the law. He had every right to arrest her, by force if needed.

You may not like it, but it's the law.

And I'd argue that no where in this world would you get away with disobeying a law enforcement officer and not suffer the consequence.
He was being a typical Gestapo prick. This elderly woman did not belong in jail. That's just so fuckin stupid. She was a cranky ole lady. How many times have we all run into that? The man should be suspended and then retrained. This woman does not belong in jail. Man, you Goose Steppers don't have a bit of common sense left.


Cranky old ladies can shoot you just as quick as some 20yr old.

The asshole refused a lawfull order and got her ass arrested. She belonged in jail just like any other lawbreaker. Good for the cops.

I see old folks in jail and court every day.

Incredibly pathetic argument. She was a cranky ole Grandma with a bladder infection. The Cop is a stupid Gestapo thug. Put the ole woman in Jail? Man, you Goose Steppers are so hopeless.

So your option is to let anyone that refuses to comply with Texas law to do what? Just go home?

You sir are a moron.
I would have tazed her dumbass.

Yes, i bet you would have. You Goose Steppers are sick. It's very sad.

Your childish name calling is all you have and it will never win you an argument.

Fact is the woman disobeyed the officers request to produce a valid D.L. and insurance thereby violating the law. He had every right to arrest her, by force if needed.

You may not like it, but it's the law.

And I'd argue that no where in this world would you get away with disobeying a law enforcement officer and not suffer the consequence.

Yes, HEIL THE GESTAPO! and all that. Whatever. Like i said, you Goose Steppers are hopeless.
Yes, i bet you would have. You Goose Steppers are sick. It's very sad.

Your childish name calling is all you have and it will never win you an argument.

Fact is the woman disobeyed the officers request to produce a valid D.L. and insurance thereby violating the law. He had every right to arrest her, by force if needed.

You may not like it, but it's the law.

And I'd argue that no where in this world would you get away with disobeying a law enforcement officer and not suffer the consequence.

Yes, HEIL THE GESTAPO! and all that. Whatever. Like i said, you Goose Steppers are hopeless.

More like your hero is getting run out of his district on a rail, had to quit riuunning for president because he was nothing then a Ralph Nader like clown, so you Paul tards are left with picking on cops. Sad. Very sad.

Cranky old ladies can shoot you just as quick as some 20yr old.

The asshole refused a lawfull order and got her ass arrested. She belonged in jail just like any other lawbreaker. Good for the cops.

I see old folks in jail and court every day.

Incredibly pathetic argument. She was a cranky ole Grandma with a bladder infection. The Cop is a stupid Gestapo thug. Put the ole woman in Jail? Man, you Goose Steppers are so hopeless.

So your option is to let anyone that refuses to comply with Texas law to do what? Just go home?

You sir are a moron.

The situation could have been handled much differently. My God, do any of you Goose Steppers have cranky ole Grandparents? If you do, think about this with a bit more logic and common sense. Don't be so quick to get right back to Goose Stepping.
Yes, i bet you would have. You Goose Steppers are sick. It's very sad.

Your childish name calling is all you have and it will never win you an argument.

Fact is the woman disobeyed the officers request to produce a valid D.L. and insurance thereby violating the law. He had every right to arrest her, by force if needed.

You may not like it, but it's the law.

And I'd argue that no where in this world would you get away with disobeying a law enforcement officer and not suffer the consequence.

Yes, HEIL THE GESTAPO! and all that. Whatever. Like i said, you Goose Steppers are hopeless.

No counter argument?

Well then your concession is duly noted.
Incredibly pathetic argument. She was a cranky ole Grandma with a bladder infection. The Cop is a stupid Gestapo thug. Put the ole woman in Jail? Man, you Goose Steppers are so hopeless.

So your option is to let anyone that refuses to comply with Texas law to do what? Just go home?

You sir are a moron.

The situation could have been handled much differently. My God, do any of you Goose Steppers have cranky ole Grandparents? If you do, think about this with a bit more logic and common sense. Don't be so quick to get right back to Goose Stepping.

Differently how?
So your option is to let anyone that refuses to comply with Texas law to do what? Just go home?

You sir are a moron.

The situation could have been handled much differently. My God, do any of you Goose Steppers have cranky ole Grandparents? If you do, think about this with a bit more logic and common sense. Don't be so quick to get right back to Goose Stepping.

Differently how?

Use your imagination. You Boot-Lickers do still have one of those, no?
The situation could have been handled much differently. My God, do any of you Goose Steppers have cranky ole Grandparents? If you do, think about this with a bit more logic and common sense. Don't be so quick to get right back to Goose Stepping.

Differently how?

Use your imagination. You Boot-Lickers do still have one of those, no?

Ok, the woman could have produced the documents asked for, received her ticket and been off to enjoy the rest of her day.

But instead she chose to be a belligerent fool which means she must be related to you.
Incredibly pathetic argument. She was a cranky ole Grandma with a bladder infection. The Cop is a stupid Gestapo thug. Put the ole woman in Jail? Man, you Goose Steppers are so hopeless.

So your option is to let anyone that refuses to comply with Texas law to do what? Just go home?

You sir are a moron.

The situation could have been handled much differently. My God, do any of you Goose Steppers have cranky ole Grandparents? If you do, think about this with a bit more logic and common sense. Don't be so quick to get right back to Goose Stepping.

Yes, it could. Like the woman could have said "officer, here is my insurance and DL, now I have a bladder infection and I really need to go !" Most cops would have worked with her. Instead, she tried to get out of a ticket. Nothing more. She was obviously of a similar frame of mind as you. treat cops like shit until you need them, then lick their balls or cry when they dont show.
Where did Mad go? Maybe he's searching for a link to something that proves his asinine contention that police in Texas can't arrest people.

Come on back, Mad. Show us that link! I posted several already that prove you're a complete jackass, liar and hack. What you got to counter my links?
I asked you to start a thread entitled "This is why Mad Scientist is the Dumbest Poster Here" and then link back to my statement. I know you saw it because you were on the list of "people viewing this thread" after I wrote it. The pussy is you.

First off, I said the Police in that city cannot give citationsunless that city has a population of 50,000 or a county has a population of 200,000. Texas State Law Title 37, Part 1, Chapter 4, Subchapter B, Rule §4.13:
Municipal police officers from any of the following Texas cities meeting the training and certification requirements contained in subsection (b) of this section and certified by the department may stop, enter or detain on a highway or at a port of entry within the municipality a motor vehicle subject to Texas Transportation Code, Chapter 644:

(A) a municipality with a population of 50,000 or more;
Keen has a population far less than 50,000.
This is because the Police are supposed to be monitoring and regulating Commercial Traffic. You know, big rigs and other business related transportation?
The mission of the Texas Department of Public Safety (Cops) is:
(1) to supervise traffic on rural highways;

(2) to supervise AND regulate commercial and "for hire" traffic;
Supervise means "watch". Regulate means "control and enforce laws and issue citations".

If you live in Texas and you get a ticket you can probably get out of it by citing these Laws. Why don't more people do it? Because they're lazy, they trust the Police too much, and they'd rather stay at home and watch MFL Footsbawl. (Or masturbate to Dr. Who videos. :D)

EDIT: I don't know why the links don't work. Here is the Texas State Code:
Secretary of State Site Index
Go to the following chapters under "Uniform Commercial Code" (Or would that be too much for you to handle?):

Title 37, Part 1, Chapter 1, Subchapter A, Rule §1.2 The DPS can only REGULATE commercial and "for hire" traffic.

Title 37, Part 1, Chapter 4, Subchapter B, Rule §4.13 – Subsection (a) population & location requirements, Subsection (b) training & cert. requirements.


: Texas Administrative Code
The mission of the Texas Department of Public Safety is:
(1) to supervise traffic on rural highways;

(2) to supervise and regulate commercial and "for hire" traffic;

(3) to preserve the peace, to investigate crimes, and to arrest criminals;

(4) to administer regulatory programs in driver licensing, motor vehicle inspection, and safety responsibility; and

(5) to execute programs supplementing and supporting the preceding activities.

You missed this one too...

: Texas Administrative Code
(a) Highway Patrol Service. The program of the Highway Patrol Service is "Police Traffic Supervision and General Law Enforcement on Rural Highways." This program consists of the following major activities:

(1) Police traffic supervision on rural highways:

(A) police traffic direction;

(B) police traffic accident investigation; and

(C) police traffic law enforcement and patrol.

(2) General police work--primarily on rural highways:

(A) criminal law enforcement;

(B) emergencies and disasters; and

(C) security activities.

: Texas Administrative Code
(a) Authority to Enforce.

(1) An officer of the department may stop, enter or detain on a highway or at a port of entry a motor vehicle that is subject to Texas Transportation Code, Chapter 644.
This last one is at the top for a reason, dumb ass.

You have a flawed interpretation of the statutes.
All she had to do was go to the bathroom. :rolleyes:

And, she was 77 years old.

Lock Him up with a sensitivity training specialist for about 7 days running. :lmao:

See if he ever whacks another little old lady to the ground who was just hurrying to get home to go potty.

He might feel different when it's his turn to wear a Depends. Some old people have to.
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Don't let Cops in your house! Unless they have a "Search Warrant" they can't come in. An "Arrest Warrant" ISN'T a Search Warrant either.

You should know the differences between the two.


HAHAHAHA!!! You dumbass.

You've not read much about "exigent circumstances" have you?? A search warrant is NOT required at all times.

Go smoke some more dope idiot.
Exigent is "Emergency". What Emergency was happening in the video?


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