Police see dangerous black man and shoot him in the back.


Platinum Member
Nov 16, 2016
Video from the dash camera was released after being subpoenaed from the DA's office by attorneys for David Collie. David was walking to a friends apartment after work when Police decided that he fit the description of robbers they were looking for. The description? Black man not wearing a shirt.

Police claimed that David Collie pulled and pointed a box cutter at them, but the Grand Jury after examining all the evidence declined to indict Collie. I guess the Grand Jury felt the stench of bullshit was too strong. Collie is suing the city after being shot in the back and paralyzed.

Video appears to show Fort Worth, Texas police shooting man as he walks away

I can understand how the police were in fear of their lives from a man walking away from them. Later, we'll hear how the cops are the victims of the mean old black people.

Let's not forget that in Texas, another cop explained how it is the Black people who have violent tendencies. http://nypost.com/2016/07/22/cops-body-slam-teacher-say-blacks-have-violent-tendencies/
Video from the dash camera was released after being subpoenaed from the DA's office by attorneys for David Collie. David was walking to a friends apartment after work when Police decided that he fit the description of robbers they were looking for. The description? Black man not wearing a shirt.

Police claimed that David Collie pulled and pointed a box cutter at them, but the Grand Jury after examining all the evidence declined to indict Collie. I guess the Grand Jury felt the stench of bullshit was too strong. Collie is suing the city after being shot in the back and paralyzed.

Video appears to show Fort Worth, Texas police shooting man as he walks away

I can understand how the police were in fear of their lives from a man walking away from them. Later, we'll hear how the cops are the victims of the mean old black people.

Let's not forget that in Texas, another cop explained how it is the Black people who have violent tendencies. http://nypost.com/2016/07/22/cops-body-slam-teacher-say-blacks-have-violent-tendencies/

Dear SavannahMann
In Houston there was a tragic shooting of a woman having a schizophrenic episode,
because she waved a "palette knife" at the police that they assumed was intended as a weapon.

She was a WHITE WOMAN and got shot dead for waving a knife.

In general, to stop mistaking people as dangerous criminals if they aren't,
it would help to have training and agreement between community residents and police
"what the procedures are" so that both civilians and police know what to expect,
and can tell if someone is deliberately refusing to comply.

If people aren't familiar with each other and with the expected protocol,
more mistakes and errors in judgment are likely to happen.

Why wait until confrontation occurs?
Why not develop working relations BEFOREHAND.

This would not only reduce the risk of mistaken perceptions,
but also would facilitate screening out problems in advance,
so people who are at risk or have disorders can get help.
instead of waiting until confrontation breaks out and risk things escalating
to the point of endangerment and death.
Fishy story (again). "After work, no shirt?, friends apt?" Need more info.

I still have never seen or heard of truly bad shoot by corrupt Cop. Always more to the story. No Police goes out to fire gun for fun.
Knife-wielding people are what tasers are for.

If a cop can't handle a knife-wielder with a taser, the wuss should get off the force, and let a non-wuss take the job.
Knife-wielding people are what tasers are for.

If a cop can't handle a knife-wielder with a taser, the wuss should get off the force, and let a non-wuss take the job.

Whoa, folks, we gotz an expert here..............
His back was to them when he was shot. Calm down, b. wad.

Show da' pictures............
they are online. watched it on tv tonight. look it up, wad.
Knife-wielding people are what tasers are for.

If a cop can't handle a knife-wielder with a taser, the wuss should get off the force, and let a non-wuss take the job.

Whoa, folks, we gotz an expert here..............
His back was to them when he was shot. Calm down, b. wad.

Show da' pictures............
there online. watched it on tv tonight. look it up, wad.

Every picture doesn't tell a full story...........wasn't that a famous song???
Whoa, folks, we gotz an expert here..............

Doesn't take an expert.

Distance weapon vs. knife.

If you can hit with a gun, you can hit with a taser.

Non-lethal beats lethal.

Or ... get this ... the cop can just back off from the mentally unstable person and talk, instead of playing macho authoritarian cop who demands instant total obedience, on penalty of death.
Whoa, folks, we gotz an expert here..............

Doesn't take an expert.

Distance weapon vs. knife.

If you can hit with a gun, you can hit with a taser.

Non-lethal beats lethal.

Or ... get this ... the cop can just back off from the mentally unstable person and talk, instead of playing macho authoritarian cop who demands instant total obedience, on penalty of death.

Armchair jurist.
Fishy story (again). "After work, no shirt?, friends apt?" Need more info.

I still have never seen or heard of truly bad shoot by corrupt Cop. Always more to the story. No Police goes out to fire gun for fun.

John Geer.

Shooting of John Geer - Wikipedia

Wiki leaves a lot out. But four other cops testified that Geer made no motion when he was shot.

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Hand appears to go out of view to front. Side shot. Perp raised left arm up straight out?
That's a hack comment, bub, and you know it.

Corrupt or scared or killer cops have been killing folks forever. And good cops have been saving people forever.

Cull the pack, put the bad ones, the incompetent ones down.

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