Police raid wrong house.......again.


Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2019
This happens far too often, It should not be that difficult to verify you are raiding the right house.

A family was alarmed on Jan. 22 by the sound of rubber bullets flying through their doors and windows in the middle of the night. The family began panicking as the Galveston Police SWAT team was standing outside their door.

Home security footage shows the four family members walking out of the home slowly with their hands up. They were detained by officers without knowledge of why SWAT had even shown up.

Can you imagine laying at bed at night and having this happen to you? Why is it they were not even informed of why the officers were trashing their house? Again, a refusal to state what the reasons were.

Texas police chief on leave after SWAT raids wrong house in search of suspect falsely accused of murder

And then the person they were after wasn't even the one responsible for the crime.

Ineptitude and an inability to do basic police work before disrupting the lives of this family. I imagine the settlement will ease that a bit since luckily no one was killed.
This happens far too often, It should not be that difficult to verify you are raiding the right house.

A family was alarmed on Jan. 22 by the sound of rubber bullets flying through their doors and windows in the middle of the night. The family began panicking as the Galveston Police SWAT team was standing outside their door.

Home security footage shows the four family members walking out of the home slowly with their hands up. They were detained by officers without knowledge of why SWAT had even shown up.

Can you imagine laying at bed at night and having this happen to you? Why is it they were not even informed of why the officers were trashing their house? Again, a refusal to state what the reasons were.

Texas police chief on leave after SWAT raids wrong house in search of suspect falsely accused of murder

And then the person they were after wasn't even the one responsible for the crime.

Ineptitude and an inability to do basic police work before disrupting the lives of this family. I imagine the settlement will ease that a bit since luckily no one was killed.
You people seem to forget that this happens about 1% of the time or less. The media make it out like it happens all the time. While we should strive for perfection these departments are run by humans and humans just aren't perfect all the time.
You people seem to forget that this happens about 1% of the time or less. The media make it out like it happens all the time. While we should strive for perfection these departments are run by humans and humans just aren't perfect all the time.
I remember when they threw a flashbang into a baby basinette over a dime bag of weed.

That kid is scarred for life.
I remember when they threw a flashbang into a baby basinette over a dime bag of weed.

That kid is scarred for life.
You people seem to forget that this happens about 1% of the time or less. The media make it out like it happens all the time. While we should strive for perfection these departments are run by humans and humans just aren't perfect all the time.
You people seem to forget that this happens about 1% of the time or less. The media make it out like it happens all the time. While we should strive for perfection these departments are run by humans and humans just aren't perfect all the time.

It should never happen. "You people" are quick with your deflections and excuses.
You people seem to forget that this happens about 1% of the time or less. The media make it out like it happens all the time. While we should strive for perfection these departments are run by humans and humans just aren't perfect all the time.
You people should accept that the government is going to break a few eggs making an omelet...

These clowns can't make up their minds whether or not them and their guns are the only thing standing between tyranny or if they're silent little sheep who argue compliance and forgiveness when the government barges in your home mistakenly and holds you at gun point.
It should never happen. "You people" are quick with your deflections and excuses.
Of course it should never happen. But, it pretty much does almost never happen already. Humans aren't perfect and never will be. You conveniently ignore the fact that 99.9% of the time it DOESN'T happen because that doesn't fit your narrative and agenda.
It should never happen. "You people" are quick with your deflections and excuses.
The proper term is "apologetics"
  1. reasoned arguments or writings in justification of something, typically a theory or religious doctrine.
    "free market apologetics"
As in, "Independentthinker's mewling posts revealed just how much of a dependent apologist for fascism he truly was."
Of course it should never happen. But, it pretty much does almost never happen already. Humans aren't perfect and never will be. You conveniently ignore the fact that 99.9% of the time it DOESN'T happen because that doesn't fit your narrative and agenda.

This wasn't a case of not being perfect. It was a case of being completely inept.
This wasn't a case of not being perfect. It was a case of being completely inept.
A small percentage of people in all professions are inept. Where is your screaming about them?

The Dems’ war on police, combined with the softened approach to violent criminals, is resulting in crime-ridden chaos. You couldn’t pay me to take a ride on the NY subway these days.
When it happened to an old woman in Palmdale, CA, the PD tore the front door off her house and never fixed it. A contractor volunteered to hang a new door for her after finding out she had no door for over a fn year.
A small percentage of people in all professions are inept. Where is your screaming about them?

The Dems’ war on police, combined with the softened approach to violent criminals, is resulting in crime-ridden chaos. You couldn’t pay me to take a ride on the NY subway these days.
The GOP are waging war on the police. Their antics against the Capitol Police are a disgrace.
You people seem to forget that this happens about 1% of the time or less. The media make it out like it happens all the time. While we should strive for perfection these departments are run by humans and humans just aren't perfect all the time.

Yet we are told we are to blindly obey their orders to keep from having them beat us to death.
Of course it should never happen. But, it pretty much does almost never happen already. Humans aren't perfect and never will be. You conveniently ignore the fact that 99.9% of the time it DOESN'T happen because that doesn't fit your narrative and agenda.

People also seem to forget there are 10s of thousands, maybe 100 thousand, of police on duty 24 hours a day every single day all across the country in America. And every single day millions of Americans cross their path either directly or indirectly and yet very little actually happens that's bad.

It seems quite inflated because how the media will sometimes spend years or even decades still bringing up a single incident. Or how if one thing happens today's dozens and dozens of media outlets will all report on it over and over and over again for days or weeks. People on social media won't shut up about it. And then you have dumb people running around saying shit like "the cops is trying to kill us". A single incident can look like a thousand incidents because of how it's overplayed.

Nothing ever runs perfect 100% of the time. It's impossible. Clinton caught shit when they bombed hospitals and homes in the middle east when he was president on accident. If the government and army can mess something up why would a police force be any different?
And people should never accidentally cause traffic accidents that result in fatalities or severe injuries.

You people are quick to jump on a rare mistake by cops as part of your war against them, and now we can’t even recruit decent police officers.

They shot through their door and window and didn't even bother to knock.

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