Police departments are crashing in cops

I grew up in the North and moved to the South of the United States. There is as much racism in the North as there is in the South if not more.

America's awash with racism batcat but I don't accept that there's as much in the north as the south. Certainly not the northern states I've visited at least.

However over my lifetime (I was born just after WWII) I have seen an amazing decrease in racism in this nation. Racism was at its lowest until Obama took over and since then the Democratic Party has been busy trying to generate hatred between the races.

You make a good point on saying that Obama's takeover caused a big increase in racism. I won't elaborate on why I don't accept your reason why. And I too was born just following ww2.

If the dems keep pushing we may see a race war in our nation. If we do it will not be the fault of all the evil white men in this nation but the fault of the evil white men who run the Democratic Party.

I think the Dems will keep pushing, on behalf of black and brown people, because they have the momentum needed now to change racist attitudes. It will be bloody for certain.

As a Canadian, I'll decline to assign fault because it's of no importance to me. I think that if it depends on black people backing down and accepting that America demands they be second class citizens, you will have something resembling a race war.

America's biggest question then facing them will be whether the police and/or the military choose to defend your democracy.

You were born close enough to WW2 so that you can appreciate that you're brushing very close to a fascist takeover. I think we can safely say that the police are divided and the military has already been infiltrated by fascist sympathizers.

When I lived in Ohio neighborhoods were segregated but in Florida the neighborhoods I lived in were more integrated.

I know one white cop who is definitely a racist but I have known a number who were not. One lived with us in our large old home that had once been a hotel. Black individuals would often come to our house to talk to him about their problems. He was always willing to help even if they interrupted his sleep when he was working the graveyard shift.

I have yet to talk to a cop who would be happy to obey orders to confiscate firearms from honest people simply because they were politically unfavorable. In fact currently I live in a Florida county that is a gun sanctuary.

The reluctance of local police to confiscate firearms if gun bans and confiscations were to become law is why I believe the democrats will attempt to Federalize all police.

Many cops and many in the military firmly believe in our Constitution and the Bill of Rights. They likely will not support the batshit crazy democrats‘ plan to turn our nation into a socialist workers paradise. I expect the Biden administration will attempt to weed out such patriots and replace them with people who will support AOC and her Squad.

Now realize I am not talking about implementing socialist programs in a capitalist nation. It seems many democrats favor trying to change our nation into a socialist nation such as Venezuela or Cuba. They hope to run everything in the nation from the new state of “Washington, Douglass Commonwealth” that now is Washington D.C.

The way I see it is the democrats will run wild until the Midterm Election. Then hopefully the republicans will take over both Houses of Congress and some sanity will start to return to my nation.
I grew up in the North and moved to the South of the United States. There is as much racism in the North as there is in the South if not more.

However over my lifetime (I was born just after WWII) I have seen an amazing decrease in racism in this nation. Racism was at its lowest until Obama took over and since then the Democratic Party has been busy trying to generate hatred between the races.

If the dems keep pushing we may see a race war in our nation. If we do it will not be the fault of all the evil white men in this nation but the fault of the evil white men who run the Democratic Party.

I don't know that we'll see a race war, but what I would love to see is a movement to convert our country into two countries instead. As time moves on and the left becomes more radical, it's to the point we can no more get along and we need to separate. I'm afraid that if we don't, we will have a war; not white vs black, but right vs left. I do hope separation happens because our country is on the verge of being lost forever, and the only hope we have is to at least save half of it. If we don't, we will likely lose the entire thing.

I also can see this nation breaking apart. If it does I hope it is a peaceful process not a bloody one. If it happens perhaps the democrats will take their portion of the nation and turn it into a socialist workers paradise where the central government runs everything and the citizens are not allowed to own firearms. Hopefully the conservative states will adopt our current Constitution And the Bill of Rights.

Of course if we break apart we will no longer be the leading nation in the world. That would mean a change that would be hard to live with. It would be similar to the breakup of the USSR.
I also can see this nation breaking apart. If it does I hope it is a peaceful process not a bloody one. If it happens perhaps the democrats will take their portion of the nation and turn it into a socialist workers paradise where the central government runs everything and the citizens are not allowed to own firearms. Hopefully the conservative states will adopt our current Constitution And the Bill of Rights.

Of course if we break apart we will no longer be the leading nation in the world. That would mean a change that would be hard to live with. It would be similar to the breakup of the USSR.

If we work it out where we can work in unison on some things, it can be done. After all, our founders designed the states to be mini countries that did the same. But we can't have states scattered across the country with some blue and some red. It would have to be a line drawn north to south. One half goes to them and the other half goes to us. I would suggest the libs get the west side of the country next to their precious Mexican border. It would be one less problem for us to deal with that they welcome.

Then we would have to build a wall to keep them out; a huge Trump wall. When they tax their businesses to death, they will move to our country. When they tax the citizens to death because government takes care of all their needs, they will want to move to our country. With virtually no police and unarmed citizens to protect themselves, those who live in fear will want to move to our country. So outside of businesses, we would have to keep them out.

Living on the east side, the best part for me is if all the Democrats had to move out, my property value would double or more almost overnight.
Except the argument that you trying to squirm out of.

Here's what you said:

"If Chauvin did something I never seen before, I would agree with you. But as a former fan of the former 30 year series C.O.P.S, I seen officers do what Chauvin did all over the country."

Nobody on C.O.P.S. ever knelt on a man's neck for several minutes as he passed out and kept their knee pressed down as he died.

No matter how many times this is explained to you, you don't get it. It's fascinating how dumb you are sometimes. You're completely oblivious as to how far off the mark you are.

Nice try lib, but do you think you're the only leftist that tried to turn a defeat of an argument into a win? One of two things: you are either completely stupid, or you know exactly what I meant and can't accept the loss of a debate. You know I meant that police kneel on the heads and necks of suspects. Show me where I said they did "exactly" what Chauvin did.

You libs are born liars, but you're not very good at it.
I also can see this nation breaking apart. If it does I hope it is a peaceful process not a bloody one. If it happens perhaps the democrats will take their portion of the nation and turn it into a socialist workers paradise where the central government runs everything and the citizens are not allowed to own firearms. Hopefully the conservative states will adopt our current Constitution And the Bill of Rights.

Of course if we break apart we will no longer be the leading nation in the world. That would mean a change that would be hard to live with. It would be similar to the breakup of the USSR.

If we work it out where we can work in unison on some things, it can be done. After all, our founders designed the states to be mini countries that did the same. But we can't have states scattered across the country with some blue and some red. It would have to be a line drawn north to south. One half goes to them and the other half goes to us. I would suggest the libs get the west side of the country next to their precious Mexican border. It would be one less problem for us to deal with that they welcome.

Then we would have to build a wall to keep them out; a huge Trump wall. When they tax their businesses to death, they will move to our country. When they tax the citizens to death because government takes care of all their needs, they will want to move to our country. With virtually no police and unarmed citizens to protect themselves, those who live in fear will want to move to our country. So outside of businesses, we would have to keep them out.

Living on the east side, the best part for me is if all the Democrats had to move out, my property value would double or more almost overnight.

I like your plan. Of course it would be best to not divide the nation but we may have no other choice.
The distinction you point out isn't important Ray. The rest of what I said is.

Otherwise, your country's justice system will make the decisions necessary to prove or disprove whether Trump led the attempted revolution, insurrection, peaceful occupation of the Capitol, riot,
or whatever Americans want to call it.

I'll just predict that there will be some 20 year sentences handed down, more 10 year sentences, and even more probation and community service.

Directed by Trump or not, it was a demonstration against America's failed government.

The government didn't fail us, Covid did.

When you have people voting from home, you generally get more people who don't know shit about politics or issues. That's why Democrats want to make it permanent. They need stupid and uninformed voters to win. Having to vote in person somewhat weeds those people out, because who would put forth the effort to vote in person when they don't even know WTF they're even voting on in the first place?

Without Covid Trump would have won hands down. The commies fear Trump so much they want to write unconstitutional laws that state a presidential candidate must show ten years of tax returns to be President which they know Trump won't do.

The only fault of Republicans is not fighting hard enough for in person voting. Sure, we could have mail-in like we've always had, but only for those that can't make it to the polls. The Democrats would hate that because their welfare voters will just stay home.
You know I meant that police kneel on the heads and necks of suspects.

You really are stupid.

Chauvin didn't get in trouble because he put his knee on Floyd, you moron. Do you see anyone arguing that he should be convicted of murder because he put his knee on Floyd's neck? Do you think I said that? You really are an idiot.

Chauvin got convicted of murder BECAUSE HE LEFT IT THERE for several minutes as Floyd claimed he couldn't breathe, passed out, and still had the knee pressed against his neck.

Do you seriously not understand this? I've explained this to you multiple times and you still don't understand it. There's a huge difference that's very obvious to identify and it must be very perplexing to idiots like you.
You know I meant that police kneel on the heads and necks of suspects.

You really are stupid.

Chauvin didn't get in trouble because he put his knee on Floyd, you moron. Do you see anyone arguing that he should be convicted of murder because he put his knee on Floyd's neck? Do you think I said that? You really are an idiot.

Chauvin got convicted of murder BECAUSE HE LEFT IT THERE for several minutes as Floyd claimed he couldn't breathe, passed out, and still had the knee pressed against his neck.

Do you seriously not understand this? I've explained this to you multiple times and you still don't understand it. There's a huge difference that's very obvious to identify and it must be very perplexing to idiots like you.
Chauvin got into trouble because violent mobs threatened to burn America down if he wasn't found guilty.
Police don't need to be licensed for anything. They are trained at a police academy and they either pass or they don't.

And passing grants the recruit to be a licensed law enforcer. Depending on the state, you might need a license to carry a firearm off duty. Depending upon the recruit's unit and career path, there could be endless further certifications required.
That's exactly what it means.

No, it doesn't. Recruitment at an all-time low does not mean that they have more slots than applicants.

Let me give you a little example since you seem to be confused here.

Let's say that recruitment applicants are usually at around 1,000. Let's say that the open slots are usually around 100. But, oh no, we have an all-time low in recruitment. Now we only have 300 applicants and 150 openings.

We still have more applicants than openings.

See? It's not that hard.

If more people and leaving that people enlisting, then yes, there are more slots than there are new recruits.

Where does it say that more people are leaving than people enlisting?

Right here...

In total, 86 percent of police chiefs nationwide reported a shortage of sworn officers, with nearly half stating that the shortage had worsened over the past five years.

A shortage of officers means that not all of the officers who are leaving are being replaced. If there were as many, or more recruits as there are positions to be filled, there wouldn't be a shortage in 86% of the PD's across the country.
Chauvin got into trouble because violent mobs threatened to burn America down if he wasn't found guilty.

And maybe murdering someone had something to do with him getting in trouble. Maybe.
Victim had no physical damage to neck and swallowed three time the lethal limit of Fethanol.
Victim also claimed he couldn't breathe before accused arrived.
A shortage of officers means that not all of the officers who are leaving are being replaced. If there were as many, or more recruits as there are positions to be filled, there wouldn't be a shortage in 86% of the PD's across the country.

Nope. It takes time for an applicant to go through the academy. The shortage is only referring to the number of sworn officers. Meaning that they need to get people trained in the academy to get sworn in, which takes time.

Still says nothing about the number of openings compared to the number of applicants.
A shortage of officers means that not all of the officers who are leaving are being replaced. If there were as many, or more recruits as there are positions to be filled, there wouldn't be a shortage in 86% of the PD's across the country.

Nope. It takes time for an applicant to go through the academy. The shortage is only referring to the number of sworn officers. Meaning that they need to get people trained in the academy to get sworn in, which takes time.

Still says nothing about the number of openings compared to the number of applicants.

They didn't just start recruiting. They've been recruiting all along. The acedemy isn't able to crank out enough recruits because the input is smaller than the output.

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