Pointing out that many mass shooters obeyed anti gunners gun laws....offensive....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Yes....many of the mass shooters passed all the gun laws that the anti gunners have bitched and moaned about and which were passed to stop mass shooters...along with other criminals.......

In particular....the gabby giffords shooter passed a background check to get his gun.....and pointing this out is apparently rude and offensive.....which is a typical tactic by anti gunners when the laws they pass are shown to be stupid and inneffective.....well...that and lying.....another tactic by anti gunners....

Slate Not Fair to Say Gabby Giffords Attacker Passed Background Check - Breitbart

On March 4, Gabby Giffords joined with Democrat lawmakers on Capitol Hill to push for background checks at gun shows as a way of “stopping violence.” The NRA responded by tweeting a Breitbart News report which pointed out that Giffords’s January 2011 attacker—Jared Loughner—passed a background check to acquire the Glock with which he carried out his attack.

In other words, the background check was impotent to stop his heinous actions.

Hmmmmm....and here is just a short list of mass shooters who got background checks....no gun shows or private sales for them.......legal background checks......

And the Breitbart News report showed that Loughner wasn’t an aberration. Rather, Jerad and Amanda Miller (Las Vegas), Elliot Rodger (Santa Barbara), Ivan Lopez (Fort Hood 2014), Darion Marcus Aguilar (Maryland mall), Karl Halverson Pierson (Araphoe High School), Paul Ciancia (LAX), Aaron Alexis (DC Navy Yard), James Holmes (Aurora theater), Nidal Hasan (Fort Hood 2009), and other gunmen, all passed background checks for the weapons they used as well

But Slate magazine claims that pointing these things out is “a new low.” As if highlighting the fact that background checks have been impotent to stop criminals is something that can’t be mentioned right now because Giffords is pushing background checks as a way to stop criminals.

Slate tries to accomplish this by heaping shame on the NRA for daring to highlight the truth about Jared Loughner passing a background check. They claim the NRA’s willingness to point out the truth about the impotency of background checks is basically an attempt to “taunt a victim of gun violence” who is trying to help others.
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Yes....many of the mass shooters passed all the gun laws that the anti gunners have bitched and moaned about and which were passed to stop mass shooters...along with other criminals.......

In particular....the gabby giffords shooter passed a background check to get his gun.....and pointing this out is apparently rude and offensive.....which is a typical tactic by anti gunners when the laws they pass are shown to be stupid and inneffective.....well...that and lying.....another tactic by anti gunners....

Slate Not Fair to Say Gabby Giffords Attacker Passed Background Check - Breitbart

On March 4, Gabby Giffords joined with Democrat lawmakers on Capitol Hill to push for background checks at gun shows as a way of “stopping violence.” The NRA responded by tweeting a Breitbart News report which pointed out that Giffords’s January 2011 attacker—Jared Loughner—passed a background check to acquire the Glock with which he carried out his attack.

In other words, the background check was impotent to stop his heinous actions.

Hmmmmm....and here is just a short list of mass shooters who got background checks....no gun shows or private sales for them.......legal background checks......

And the Breitbart News report showed that Loughner wasn’t an aberration. Rather, Jerad and Amanda Miller (Las Vegas), Elliot Rodger (Santa Barbara), Ivan Lopez (Fort Hood 2014), Darion Marcus Aguilar (Maryland mall), Karl Halverson Pierson (Araphoe High School), Paul Ciancia (LAX), Aaron Alexis (DC Navy Yard), James Holmes (Aurora theater), Nidal Hasan (Fort Hood 2009), and other gunmen, all passed background checks for the weapons they used as well

But Slate magazine claims that pointing these things out is “a new low.” As if highlighting the fact that background checks have been impotent to stop criminals is something that can’t be mentioned right now because Giffords is pushing background checks as a way to stop criminals.

Slate tries to accomplish this by heaping shame on the NRA for daring to highlight the truth about Jared Loughner passing a background check. They claim the NRA’s willingness to point out the truth about the impotency of background checks is basically an attempt to “taunt a victim of gun violence” who is trying to help others.

Yes they are often your law abiding gun owner gone bad. Lives would have been saved if loughner had a smaller magazine.
2 facts here:
1: it is impossible to enact a law that will prevent someone from breaking the law
2: Anti-gun loons don't care about any of that, they just want to make it harder for the law abiding to exercise their right to arms.
2 facts here:
1: it is impossible to enact a law that will prevent someone from breaking the law
2: Anti-gun loons don't care about any of that, they just want to make it harder for the law abiding to exercise their right to arms.

More evidence that M14 can only argue from ignorance, emotion and/or dishonesty. Usually you get the package deal.

Nobody wants to make it harder to exercise a "right". I think what they want is to make it harder to exercise a fantasy. Specifically that comic book cartoon shoot-em-up violence fantasy that we get indoctrinated with from infancy. Wailing about "right to arms" to defend mass shooters is a flaming cop-out. It ain't about "right to arms". It never was.
Because it bears repeating....

The benefits of "reasonable" gun control:

CA gun laws require that:
-All transfers must be through a dealer, thus...
-All transfers undergo a background check
-All transfers undergo a 10-day waiting period (ruled unconstitutional 8/2014)
-All firearms must be registered
-Handgun purchases require a handgun safety certificate-– a permit.that requires training and a test
-Ban on ‘assault weapons’, effective 1 JUN 1989
-Ban on magazines that hold more than 10 rounds
-Ban on NFA machineguns
Gun laws in California - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

% of murders in US committed with a firearm: 69.36 (8855/12765)
% of murders in CA committed with a firearm: 69.39 (1304/1879)
FBI mdash Expanded Offense

% US population in CA: 12.12% California QuickFacts from the US Census Bureau
% US murders in CA: 14.71
% US murders with a gun in CA 14.72

Functional links to sources found here:
The benefit of reasonable gun control..... US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Because it bears repeating....

The benefits of "reasonable" gun control:

CA gun laws require that:
-All transfers must be through a dealer, thus...
-All transfers undergo a background check
-All transfers undergo a 10-day waiting period (ruled unconstitutional 8/2014)
-All firearms must be registered
-Handgun purchases require a handgun safety certificate-– a permit.that requires training and a test
-Ban on ‘assault weapons’, effective 1 JUN 1989
-Ban on magazines that hold more than 10 rounds
-Ban on NFA machineguns
Gun laws in California - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

% of murders in US committed with a firearm: 69.36 (8855/12765)
% of murders in CA committed with a firearm: 69.39 (1304/1879)
FBI mdash Expanded Offense

% US population in CA: 12.12% California QuickFacts from the US Census Bureau
% US murders in CA: 14.71
% US murders with a gun in CA 14.72

Functional links to sources found here:
The benefit of reasonable gun control..... US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Interesting numbers. Not sure how much value to put on them. It's easy to go out of state to get a gun. Any info on where CA criminals get guns? CA is also a state with many big cities where crimes are more likely to happen, that could skew numbers vs national averages.
Yes....many of the mass shooters passed all the gun laws that the anti gunners have bitched and moaned about and which were passed to stop mass shooters...along with other criminals.......

In particular....the gabby giffords shooter passed a background check to get his gun.....and pointing this out is apparently rude and offensive.....which is a typical tactic by anti gunners when the laws they pass are shown to be stupid and inneffective.....well...that and lying.....another tactic by anti gunners....

Slate Not Fair to Say Gabby Giffords Attacker Passed Background Check - Breitbart

On March 4, Gabby Giffords joined with Democrat lawmakers on Capitol Hill to push for background checks at gun shows as a way of “stopping violence.” The NRA responded by tweeting a Breitbart News report which pointed out that Giffords’s January 2011 attacker—Jared Loughner—passed a background check to acquire the Glock with which he carried out his attack.

In other words, the background check was impotent to stop his heinous actions.

Hmmmmm....and here is just a short list of mass shooters who got background checks....no gun shows or private sales for them.......legal background checks......

And the Breitbart News report showed that Loughner wasn’t an aberration. Rather, Jerad and Amanda Miller (Las Vegas), Elliot Rodger (Santa Barbara), Ivan Lopez (Fort Hood 2014), Darion Marcus Aguilar (Maryland mall), Karl Halverson Pierson (Araphoe High School), Paul Ciancia (LAX), Aaron Alexis (DC Navy Yard), James Holmes (Aurora theater), Nidal Hasan (Fort Hood 2009), and other gunmen, all passed background checks for the weapons they used as well

But Slate magazine claims that pointing these things out is “a new low.” As if highlighting the fact that background checks have been impotent to stop criminals is something that can’t be mentioned right now because Giffords is pushing background checks as a way to stop criminals.

Slate tries to accomplish this by heaping shame on the NRA for daring to highlight the truth about Jared Loughner passing a background check. They claim the NRA’s willingness to point out the truth about the impotency of background checks is basically an attempt to “taunt a victim of gun violence” who is trying to help others.

Yes they are often your law abiding gun owner gone bad. Lives would have been saved if loughner had a smaller magazine.

Brain.....sorry, not true....and one guy out of over 320 million people does not set policy......
If you support imposing universal background checks on all gun sales, whether through a dealer or not, I have a question for you.
Say I meet up with my brother; he and I buy a gun off each other, get a beer, and go home.
How does the government prove that background checks were not run before we sold the guns?

Stupid post brain...he was intent on committing murder and could still get the gun if the person selling it didn't care about background checks...as it is...he was already legally prohibited from getting that gun....the law failed....

You cannot make any law that will stop criminal activity....you can only enforce the law when it is broken.....

Again over 320 million guns in private hands and one guy who abused one gun....not a problem....
Because it bears repeating....

The benefits of "reasonable" gun control:

CA gun laws require that:
-All transfers must be through a dealer, thus...
-All transfers undergo a background check
-All transfers undergo a 10-day waiting period (ruled unconstitutional 8/2014)
-All firearms must be registered
-Handgun purchases require a handgun safety certificate-– a permit.that requires training and a test
-Ban on ‘assault weapons’, effective 1 JUN 1989
-Ban on magazines that hold more than 10 rounds
-Ban on NFA machineguns
Gun laws in California - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

% of murders in US committed with a firearm: 69.36 (8855/12765)
% of murders in CA committed with a firearm: 69.39 (1304/1879)
FBI mdash Expanded Offense

% US population in CA: 12.12% California QuickFacts from the US Census Bureau
% US murders in CA: 14.71
% US murders with a gun in CA 14.72

Functional links to sources found here:
The benefit of reasonable gun control..... US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Interesting numbers. Not sure how much value to put on them. It's easy to go out of state to get a gun. Any info on where CA criminals get guns? CA is also a state with many big cities where crimes are more likely to happen, that could skew numbers vs national averages.

And Puerto Rico...an island....with the strictest gun control anywhere in the United States....has the highest gun murder rate in the world...according to VICE television...and anti gun documentary group......you can't "drive across a border" all guns have to be smuggled in....and it still doesn't stop gun murders......
2 facts here:
1: it is impossible to enact a law that will prevent someone from breaking the law
2: Anti-gun loons don't care about any of that, they just want to make it harder for the law abiding to exercise their right to arms.

More evidence that M14 can only argue from ignorance, emotion and/or dishonesty. Usually you get the package deal.

Nobody wants to make it harder to exercise a "right". I think what they want is to make it harder to exercise a fantasy. Specifically that comic book cartoon shoot-em-up violence fantasy that we get indoctrinated with from infancy. Wailing about "right to arms" to defend mass shooters is a flaming cop-out. It ain't about "right to arms". It never was.

They already have. In NYC I have to spend over $800 of my own money, and prove to the NYPD I have a "need" to get a concealed carry permit.
Even for a home permit the cost is over $400 and it takes months to get one. Meanwhile a retired cop has his own CHECKMARK to pass most of the restrictions, and of course, buddies of the politicians can get bypassed through the system.

How is that not "making it harder" to exercise my rights?
Yes....many of the mass shooters passed all the gun laws that the anti gunners have bitched and moaned about and which were passed to stop mass shooters...along with other criminals.......

In particular....the gabby giffords shooter passed a background check to get his gun.....and pointing this out is apparently rude and offensive.....which is a typical tactic by anti gunners when the laws they pass are shown to be stupid and inneffective.....well...that and lying.....another tactic by anti gunners....

Slate Not Fair to Say Gabby Giffords Attacker Passed Background Check - Breitbart

On March 4, Gabby Giffords joined with Democrat lawmakers on Capitol Hill to push for background checks at gun shows as a way of “stopping violence.” The NRA responded by tweeting a Breitbart News report which pointed out that Giffords’s January 2011 attacker—Jared Loughner—passed a background check to acquire the Glock with which he carried out his attack.

In other words, the background check was impotent to stop his heinous actions.

Hmmmmm....and here is just a short list of mass shooters who got background checks....no gun shows or private sales for them.......legal background checks......

And the Breitbart News report showed that Loughner wasn’t an aberration. Rather, Jerad and Amanda Miller (Las Vegas), Elliot Rodger (Santa Barbara), Ivan Lopez (Fort Hood 2014), Darion Marcus Aguilar (Maryland mall), Karl Halverson Pierson (Araphoe High School), Paul Ciancia (LAX), Aaron Alexis (DC Navy Yard), James Holmes (Aurora theater), Nidal Hasan (Fort Hood 2009), and other gunmen, all passed background checks for the weapons they used as well

But Slate magazine claims that pointing these things out is “a new low.” As if highlighting the fact that background checks have been impotent to stop criminals is something that can’t be mentioned right now because Giffords is pushing background checks as a way to stop criminals.

Slate tries to accomplish this by heaping shame on the NRA for daring to highlight the truth about Jared Loughner passing a background check. They claim the NRA’s willingness to point out the truth about the impotency of background checks is basically an attempt to “taunt a victim of gun violence” who is trying to help others.

Yes they are often your law abiding gun owner gone bad. Lives would have been saved if loughner had a smaller magazine.

Brain.....sorry, not true....and one guy out of over 320 million people does not set policy......

You are comparing one guy to other mass shooters, not the entire population. And as I've shown you before there is good evidence for many others.

Stupid post brain...he was intent on committing murder and could still get the gun if the person selling it didn't care about background checks...as it is...he was already legally prohibited from getting that gun....the law failed....

You cannot make any law that will stop criminal activity....you can only enforce the law when it is broken.....

Again over 320 million guns in private hands and one guy who abused one gun....not a problem....

People died, that's hardly not a problem. And he certainly isn't the only one.
Yes....many of the mass shooters passed all the gun laws that the anti gunners have bitched and moaned about and which were passed to stop mass shooters...along with other criminals.......

In particular....the gabby giffords shooter passed a background check to get his gun.....and pointing this out is apparently rude and offensive.....which is a typical tactic by anti gunners when the laws they pass are shown to be stupid and inneffective.....well...that and lying.....another tactic by anti gunners....

Slate Not Fair to Say Gabby Giffords Attacker Passed Background Check - Breitbart

On March 4, Gabby Giffords joined with Democrat lawmakers on Capitol Hill to push for background checks at gun shows as a way of “stopping violence.” The NRA responded by tweeting a Breitbart News report which pointed out that Giffords’s January 2011 attacker—Jared Loughner—passed a background check to acquire the Glock with which he carried out his attack.

In other words, the background check was impotent to stop his heinous actions.

Hmmmmm....and here is just a short list of mass shooters who got background checks....no gun shows or private sales for them.......legal background checks......

And the Breitbart News report showed that Loughner wasn’t an aberration. Rather, Jerad and Amanda Miller (Las Vegas), Elliot Rodger (Santa Barbara), Ivan Lopez (Fort Hood 2014), Darion Marcus Aguilar (Maryland mall), Karl Halverson Pierson (Araphoe High School), Paul Ciancia (LAX), Aaron Alexis (DC Navy Yard), James Holmes (Aurora theater), Nidal Hasan (Fort Hood 2009), and other gunmen, all passed background checks for the weapons they used as well

But Slate magazine claims that pointing these things out is “a new low.” As if highlighting the fact that background checks have been impotent to stop criminals is something that can’t be mentioned right now because Giffords is pushing background checks as a way to stop criminals.

Slate tries to accomplish this by heaping shame on the NRA for daring to highlight the truth about Jared Loughner passing a background check. They claim the NRA’s willingness to point out the truth about the impotency of background checks is basically an attempt to “taunt a victim of gun violence” who is trying to help others.

Yes they are often your law abiding gun owner gone bad. Lives would have been saved if loughner had a smaller magazine.

Lives would have been saved if loughner had a smaller magazine.

France has stricter gun control than we do....you can't have any magazines of any size...they don't have gun stores or private sales of guns.....Belgium...dittos....and yet....3 terrorists, one a convicted felon who, with his brother, were on a government terrorist watch list got 30 round magazines....and .....fully automatic rifles, hand grenades, pistols and a rocket propelled grenade....they crossed an international border into Belgium...another country with stricter gun control than the United States...bought the weapons for 5,000 dollars and recrossed the international border..........

Even they can't keep 30 round, standard magazines, out of the hands of their killers........

Dittos for denmark, Australia, Canada...and all the other people who want or need 30 round magazines to commit crimes.....
Yes....many of the mass shooters passed all the gun laws that the anti gunners have bitched and moaned about and which were passed to stop mass shooters...along with other criminals.......

In particular....the gabby giffords shooter passed a background check to get his gun.....and pointing this out is apparently rude and offensive.....which is a typical tactic by anti gunners when the laws they pass are shown to be stupid and inneffective.....well...that and lying.....another tactic by anti gunners....

Slate Not Fair to Say Gabby Giffords Attacker Passed Background Check - Breitbart

On March 4, Gabby Giffords joined with Democrat lawmakers on Capitol Hill to push for background checks at gun shows as a way of “stopping violence.” The NRA responded by tweeting a Breitbart News report which pointed out that Giffords’s January 2011 attacker—Jared Loughner—passed a background check to acquire the Glock with which he carried out his attack.

In other words, the background check was impotent to stop his heinous actions.

Hmmmmm....and here is just a short list of mass shooters who got background checks....no gun shows or private sales for them.......legal background checks......

And the Breitbart News report showed that Loughner wasn’t an aberration. Rather, Jerad and Amanda Miller (Las Vegas), Elliot Rodger (Santa Barbara), Ivan Lopez (Fort Hood 2014), Darion Marcus Aguilar (Maryland mall), Karl Halverson Pierson (Araphoe High School), Paul Ciancia (LAX), Aaron Alexis (DC Navy Yard), James Holmes (Aurora theater), Nidal Hasan (Fort Hood 2009), and other gunmen, all passed background checks for the weapons they used as well

But Slate magazine claims that pointing these things out is “a new low.” As if highlighting the fact that background checks have been impotent to stop criminals is something that can’t be mentioned right now because Giffords is pushing background checks as a way to stop criminals.

Slate tries to accomplish this by heaping shame on the NRA for daring to highlight the truth about Jared Loughner passing a background check. They claim the NRA’s willingness to point out the truth about the impotency of background checks is basically an attempt to “taunt a victim of gun violence” who is trying to help others.

Yes they are often your law abiding gun owner gone bad. Lives would have been saved if loughner had a smaller magazine.

Brain.....sorry, not true....and one guy out of over 320 million people does not set policy......

You are comparing one guy to other mass shooters, not the entire population. And as I've shown you before there is good evidence for many others.

And other mass shooters didn't use 30 round magazines either....the Santa barbara shooter or example complied with every single gun law in California...including using 10 round magazines......

And even with all these mass shooters....only 8-9,000 gun murders a year in a country of over 320 million people with over 320 million guns in private hands and most of the gun murders committed by gang members in cities.....

8-9,000....out of a country of over 320 million people......less than car accidents.....

And 1.6 million times a year people use guns to stop violent criminal attack and save lives and many if not most of them also have standard magazines..........that they used to stop violent criminal attack.........

so no......not a problem....
Here....all these good people needed more than 2 bullets...and many more than 10.......so no...a magazine ban is horrible idea....pointless, useless at stopping crime or mass shooting....and I won't stand for it and will vote to stop it...

not one more gun, bullet, magazine or piece of equipment will be surrendered to the anti gun nuts....

Woman shoots 12 times, has to reload....

Report Woman unloads reloads on alleged intruder


Enemy Within The Jim Patterson Incident American Handgunner

hit guy 5 times to stop...

Also....prosectued though cleared by police


Masaad ayoob mag ban hearing testimony includes 3 cases where more than 3 rounds fired...


Massad Ayoob, identified only three anecdotal instances in which individuals engaging

28Case 1:13-cv-01300-MSK-MJW Document 159 Filed 06/26/14 USDC Colorado Page 29 of 50

The first incident involved a gun shop owner who lived next door to the shop. One night, carloads of people drove through his storefront to steal guns. In defending his property, the shop owner used a fully automatic M-16 and a fully automatic 9mm submachine gun to fire over 100 rounds. One perpetrator was killed, others were injured, and all were captured and convicted.
The second incident involved a man who owned a watch shop in Los Angeles and who had been involved in a series of “gun fights.” (Presumably, he had been robbed repeatedly.) The shop owner began keeping multiple pistols hidden in his shop. Mr. Ayoob recalled that at least one of the gun fights “went beyond” 17 or 19 shots before the last of the multiple perpetrators was down or had fled.
The third incident involved a Virginia jewelry store that was robbed by “two old gangster type guys.” The two brothers who owned the store successfully defended themselves and their property using multiple revolvers (not semiautomatic weapons) that were kept behind the counter. Mr. Ayoob did not specify how many rounds were fired in that incident.
Dr who brought gun into gun free zone shoots patient 3 times
Armed Doctor Opens Fire and Stops Active Shooter in Pennsylvania Hospital
Woman shoots home invader 5 times...
Woman hiding with kids shoots intruder www.wsbtv.com
clerk shoots robber 10 times after robber shoots him in leg
Armed Robber Shoots Store Owner in the Leg Store Owner Then Shoots Robber 10 Times

Home invasion....30-40 rounds fired...

Why You NEED an AR-15 with a 30 Round Magazine GunsAmerica Digest
Yes....many of the mass shooters passed all the gun laws that the anti gunners have bitched and moaned about and which were passed to stop mass shooters...along with other criminals.......

In particular....the gabby giffords shooter passed a background check to get his gun.....and pointing this out is apparently rude and offensive.....which is a typical tactic by anti gunners when the laws they pass are shown to be stupid and inneffective.....well...that and lying.....another tactic by anti gunners....

Slate Not Fair to Say Gabby Giffords Attacker Passed Background Check - Breitbart

On March 4, Gabby Giffords joined with Democrat lawmakers on Capitol Hill to push for background checks at gun shows as a way of “stopping violence.” The NRA responded by tweeting a Breitbart News report which pointed out that Giffords’s January 2011 attacker—Jared Loughner—passed a background check to acquire the Glock with which he carried out his attack.

In other words, the background check was impotent to stop his heinous actions.

Hmmmmm....and here is just a short list of mass shooters who got background checks....no gun shows or private sales for them.......legal background checks......

And the Breitbart News report showed that Loughner wasn’t an aberration. Rather, Jerad and Amanda Miller (Las Vegas), Elliot Rodger (Santa Barbara), Ivan Lopez (Fort Hood 2014), Darion Marcus Aguilar (Maryland mall), Karl Halverson Pierson (Araphoe High School), Paul Ciancia (LAX), Aaron Alexis (DC Navy Yard), James Holmes (Aurora theater), Nidal Hasan (Fort Hood 2009), and other gunmen, all passed background checks for the weapons they used as well

But Slate magazine claims that pointing these things out is “a new low.” As if highlighting the fact that background checks have been impotent to stop criminals is something that can’t be mentioned right now because Giffords is pushing background checks as a way to stop criminals.

Slate tries to accomplish this by heaping shame on the NRA for daring to highlight the truth about Jared Loughner passing a background check. They claim the NRA’s willingness to point out the truth about the impotency of background checks is basically an attempt to “taunt a victim of gun violence” who is trying to help others.

Yes they are often your law abiding gun owner gone bad. Lives would have been saved if loughner had a smaller magazine.

Brain.....sorry, not true....and one guy out of over 320 million people does not set policy......

You are comparing one guy to other mass shooters, not the entire population. And as I've shown you before there is good evidence for many others.

And other mass shooters didn't use 30 round magazines either....the Santa barbara shooter or example complied with every single gun law in California...including using 10 round magazines......

And even with all these mass shooters....only 8-9,000 gun murders a year in a country of over 320 million people with over 320 million guns in private hands and most of the gun murders committed by gang members in cities.....

8-9,000....out of a country of over 320 million people......less than car accidents.....

And 1.6 million times a year people use guns to stop violent criminal attack and save lives and many if not most of them also have standard magazines..........that they used to stop violent criminal attack.........

so no......not a problem....

And kids escaped at newtown when he reloaded. If like killers to reload more often so more people escape.

1.6 is not an accurate number for all the reasons I've given before. Also they aren't all violent crimes, few are actually. Your wording is deceiving.
Here....all these good people needed more than 2 bullets...and many more than 10.......so no...a magazine ban is horrible idea....pointless, useless at stopping crime or mass shooting....and I won't stand for it and will vote to stop it...

not one more gun, bullet, magazine or piece of equipment will be surrendered to the anti gun nuts....

Woman shoots 12 times, has to reload....

Report Woman unloads reloads on alleged intruder


Enemy Within The Jim Patterson Incident American Handgunner

hit guy 5 times to stop...

Also....prosectued though cleared by police


Masaad ayoob mag ban hearing testimony includes 3 cases where more than 3 rounds fired...


Massad Ayoob, identified only three anecdotal instances in which individuals engaging

28Case 1:13-cv-01300-MSK-MJW Document 159 Filed 06/26/14 USDC Colorado Page 29 of 50

The first incident involved a gun shop owner who lived next door to the shop. One night, carloads of people drove through his storefront to steal guns. In defending his property, the shop owner used a fully automatic M-16 and a fully automatic 9mm submachine gun to fire over 100 rounds. One perpetrator was killed, others were injured, and all were captured and convicted.
The second incident involved a man who owned a watch shop in Los Angeles and who had been involved in a series of “gun fights.” (Presumably, he had been robbed repeatedly.) The shop owner began keeping multiple pistols hidden in his shop. Mr. Ayoob recalled that at least one of the gun fights “went beyond” 17 or 19 shots before the last of the multiple perpetrators was down or had fled.
The third incident involved a Virginia jewelry store that was robbed by “two old gangster type guys.” The two brothers who owned the store successfully defended themselves and their property using multiple revolvers (not semiautomatic weapons) that were kept behind the counter. Mr. Ayoob did not specify how many rounds were fired in that incident.
Dr who brought gun into gun free zone shoots patient 3 times
Armed Doctor Opens Fire and Stops Active Shooter in Pennsylvania Hospital
Woman shoots home invader 5 times...
Woman hiding with kids shoots intruder www.wsbtv.com
clerk shoots robber 10 times after robber shoots him in leg
Armed Robber Shoots Store Owner in the Leg Store Owner Then Shoots Robber 10 Times

Home invasion....30-40 rounds fired...

Why You NEED an AR-15 with a 30 Round Magazine GunsAmerica Digest

You sure like your criminals well armed.
A Killing Machine Half of All Mass Shooters Used High-Capacity Magazines Mother Jones
2 facts here:
1: it is impossible to enact a law that will prevent someone from breaking the law
2: Anti-gun loons don't care about any of that, they just want to make it harder for the law abiding to exercise their right to arms.

More evidence that M14 can only argue from ignorance, emotion and/or dishonesty. Usually you get the package deal.

Nobody wants to make it harder to exercise a "right". I think what they want is to make it harder to exercise a fantasy. Specifically that comic book cartoon shoot-em-up violence fantasy that we get indoctrinated with from infancy. Wailing about "right to arms" to defend mass shooters is a flaming cop-out. It ain't about "right to arms". It never was.

They already have. In NYC I have to spend over $800 of my own money, and prove to the NYPD I have a "need" to get a concealed carry permit.
Even for a home permit the cost is over $400 and it takes months to get one. Meanwhile a retired cop has his own CHECKMARK to pass most of the restrictions, and of course, buddies of the politicians can get bypassed through the system.

How is that not "making it harder" to exercise my rights?

It may be, in effect -- my point is that isn't the intent.
The poster posted, quote, "they just want to make it harder for the law abiding to exercise their right to arms" --- which speaks of intent. And the intent he posits is a blatant strawman.

Obviously it is neither a "right to arms", nor any infringement thereof, that is killing any innocent bystanders. He's deliberately misstated the issue because he can't address the real one. And I called him on it.

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