Pocahontas is politically finished

She's issued an apology. She's toast as anything but a Commie, Massachusetts sock puppet.

I'm sick of all these "I-got-caught" apologies from the Democrats. If they had any honor they'd just get the hell out.
But you tolerate the repubs when they get caught doing it?
In most cases they haven't done anything. Dims are simply lying about them. Take Kavanaugh, for example. And then there's the whole "Russian collusion" hoax.
The bitch lied and lied about using her claimed Native American ancestry to advance her career. Now there is proof. She can kiss her presidential ambitions goodby.

She speak-um with forked tongue one time too many, and now The Washington Post, of all places, has scalped her. The smoke signals went out last night — as early as 1986 she was lying on a Texas bar application that she was “American Indian.”

Lieawatha admit-um she talk with forked tongue, only she use white-eye language, calling it “furthering confusion.”

No confusion anywhere. You are an utter fraud. Fake Indian, you will have many moons to reflect on your serial lies. Never will you be great white father.

Never live-um in white tee-pee. Heap big fraud since buffalo roam the plain, blue-eyed squaw lie about DNA, to make-um more wampum.

So the Boston Globe story last fall claiming she’d never tried to pass as an honest injun, was as phony as a Kevin Cullen column. But hey, it’s the Globe — right, Mike Barnicle? Jason Blair? Patricia X. Smith? Why do you think the fake Indian went to a fake news rag to print her buffalo excrement?

Ugh. And that’s not the only bad news. The incredible bunko artist is busted on this morning. In an unrelated develop, Sen. Elizabeth Warren may be getting sued over some more of her despicable lies.

Because this time she put her shameful falsehoods in a tweet, not in an employment application to Harvard or UPenn law school. Hard to deep-six a tweet, especially one as perniciously false as the one she sent out last month about the Covington Catholic High School students who was accosted first by a group of Black Hebrew Israelites in D.C., and then by a nutty Indian — a real Indian, to be clear, but a fake Vietnam veteran, like Sen. Richard “Stolen Valor” Blumenthal.

Here is the smoke signal Lieawatha sent out:

“Omaha elder and Vietnam War veteran Nathan Phillips endured hateful taunts with dignity and strength, then urged us all to do better.”

After “Omaha elder,” almost every word in that tweet is a lie, including “and” and “the.”

But it’s the fake Indian, so what else is new?

Yikes. Actual documentation. Now the real issue is if she recieved any material benefit from this. If so, it's fraud (although probably outside the Statue of Limitations).

Even if not, it's documentation of her mis-representing her ethnic heritage.

Mrs. Warren is receiving ongoing material benefit from her lies. If she doesn't get admitted to Harvard or hired in her fancy professor gigs in the first place, will she even get a chance to run for Senate or President?

The broad needs to quit immediately in disgrace.
You are going to see more of this The News media on the Left Thinning the Herd of Potential Dem Presidential Candidates and Grooming the Perfect Leftist to Run
I don't imagine it will be Bernie or Cory or Kamala or the I support late term abortion Bunch. They'll recycle some close to center lib to take the hit. Since the Golden Children are young enough to wait it out until 2024. Hate to expose a real Socialist to the Limelight when they have no Chance against trump. That's probably why Abrams gave the Rebuttal last night. She is expendable and couldn't win in a Dem state even by cheating. Her Political Career is Dead as the Babies she Promotes Killing.
I'm sick of all these "I-got-caught" apologies from the Democrats. If they had any honor they'd just get the hell out.[/QUOTE]

She's issued an apology. She's toast as anything but a Commie, Massachusetts sock puppet.

I'm sick of all these "I-got-caught" apologies from the Democrats. If they had any honor they'd just get the hell out.
But you tolerate the repubs when they get caught doing it?

No, I do not.
Then a more precise statement is "I am sick of all these 'I got caught' apologies by politicians"....
who on the right has apologized? I'm trying to recaleck and I can't come up with one.
She's issued an apology. She's toast as anything but a Commie, Massachusetts sock puppet.

I'm sick of all these "I-got-caught" apologies from the Democrats. If they had any honor they'd just get the hell out.
But you tolerate the repubs when they get caught doing it?

You mean like this guy?
Warren needs to just come clean.

She is a wealthy broad from Boston, a modern day Margaret Drysdale. She needs to speak in her actual accent, introduce the people to her servants and her French poodle and show proper disdain to the Deplorables like Mrs. Drysdale did to Barnaby Jones and his family.

People no longer believe her schtick.
while i agree she's toast by her own handwriting, i'm so sick of that style of "journalism" as it simply promotes arguing, not moving on.
Yikes. Actual documentation. Now the real issue is if she recieved any material benefit from this. If so, it's fraud (although probably outside the Statue of Limitations).

Even if not, it's documentation of her mis-representing her ethnic heritage.

I agree this is big. It's a NEW integrity problem: i.e, no integrity. Jeepers, she said she was an Indian on the application to the Texas bar? Presumably she thought they would rush her right thru in their eagerness to get checks in the right victim groups where they don't have many checks. It's pretty clear that's why she kept doing this. Hey, worked at Harvard, so she just kept doing it!

That's not the only reason it's big, though. Something amazing is happening, I don't say it's good: the right has developed a very impressive talent for searching through EVERYONE's background for decades and decades and finding …….crooked stuff. That's what is bringing down the whole Dem administration in Virginia as we speak. And this new revelation about Fauxcahontas never surfaced before.

I don't like it, this destruction of everyone, but it IS an obvious development from modern technology -- the Internet knows all, people just have to be willing to find it.
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No one is perfect and many Pols have gotten caught making false claims. IMO Sen. Warren is not Presidential Material (of course Trump wasn't and proved he is not presidential, but I digress) and as a Democrat I would not have supported her nomination.

In fact she will be more effective in the Senate, since egalitarianism trumps the plutocratic and antidemocratic leadership now in power.
No one is perfect and many Pols have gotten caught making false claims. IMO Sen. Warren is not Presidential Material (of course Trump wasn't and proved he is not presidential, but I digress) and as a Democrat I would not have supported her nomination.

In fact she will be more effective in the Senate, since egalitarianism trumps the plutocratic and antidemocratic leadership now in power.
Yeah I don't care for her at all, but as a dem from Mass ... I can see her schtick.
No one is perfect and many Pols have gotten caught making false claims. IMO Sen. Warren is not Presidential Material (of course Trump wasn't and proved he is not presidential, but I digress) and as a Democrat I would not have supported her nomination.

In fact she will be more effective in the Senate, since egalitarianism trumps the plutocratic and antidemocratic leadership now in power.

How does this kind of lying qualify her for the Senate either?

Further, if Warren were to get the nomination for President, you'd still vote for her anyhow.
Hopefully she stays in the race. Her presents makes the Dems look like the crazy socialist party.

Yeah...….like Herman Cain, who was dirtying up the Republican race so bad in....I guess it was 2012, that the Republicans themselves outed him before Christmas 2011. Many gross sexual harassments and a 17-year mistress, all of the women white. Of course the Dems were totally quiet on it all --- they'd have loved to let him swan around as a valid candidate and them sprung it all about May of Election Year and crushed the GOP. So the GOP did it themselves, early. Over Christmas, when it would soon be forgotten.

I don't think the Dems can do that to Warren, not so openly. She has too much history, and is a Senator. But she really is an integrity mess. I can't even think past that when I think of her: I never even GET to the socialism!

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