PLEASE increase REP given per day.

That's what happens.

And then..they whine.

And complain about "gang neggers"....and all the other stuff they boo hoo about...which in all is just them boohooing because they can't win without cheating, and they are penalized for cheating.

Poor babies.

It's so sad, really.
Rep is meaningless to the lunatic left because you're extremist whackos. You can't gain rep, because you're not popular and nobody agrees with you, and the majority of posters aren't fond of lying scumbags.

Thanky you for your input, I have now completed my study of you. I now know all about you that I need to know.

We can never have too many sloppy pseudo intellectuals. I look forward to watching you make a fool of yourself. You're off to a stellar beginning!

Only in your limited imagination. :)

Got anything better to shoot with other than old, worn-out insults that are once-again fact-free? Kind of treyf, eh?
It can and is abused. That is why the 48 hour neg rule is in place and why the limit on reps is in place.

All we can do is accept things the way they are or leave the board. I'd rather stay and have fun but that's me.

Stat-I hope you decide to stay when your two weeks are up.

Aye-Thanks for the fun thread.

Well, with sweet people like you and the boop-master here, how could I say no.

Was könnt ich Euch dann abschlagen? :) :)

(google is your friend)

If you say no, I'm hauling you back here by the short hairs and duct-taping your ass into the forum.

"Sweet people," my Aunt Fanny.
It can and is abused. That is why the 48 hour neg rule is in place and why the limit on reps is in place.

All we can do is accept things the way they are or leave the board. I'd rather stay and have fun but that's me.

Stat-I hope you decide to stay when your two weeks are up.

Aye-Thanks for the fun thread.

Well, with sweet people like you and the boop-master here, how could I say no.

Was könnt ich Euch dann abschlagen? :) :)

(google is your friend)

If you say no, I'm hauling you back here by the short hairs and duct-taping your ass into the forum.

"Sweet people," my Aunt Fanny.

I didn't start this thread for people to throw pillows at each other and argue over why some people have more rep than others or any other BS like that. I knew there would be some against an increase in the amount of people we are allowed to rep each day, but I started it anyway, wanting to hear both sides. It seems, so far, there are more for it than against it. For those that have made this thread fun, Thank You!!! For those that want to start something negative, please take it elsewhere. This isn't the place for it, and this thread wasn't started for your own agenda.

Ah well..... we can always hope for that admin like rep power..... :eusa_pray: I know... i should have asked for 10 days a year...... dang!
I didn't start this thread for people to throw pillows at each other and argue over why some people have more rep than others or any other BS like that. I knew there would be some against an increase in the amount of people we are allowed to rep each day, but I started it anyway, wanting to hear both sides. It seems, so far, there are more for it than against it. For those that have made this thread fun, Thank You!!! For those that want to start something negative, please take it elsewhere. This isn't the place for it, and this thread wasn't started for your own agenda.

Since I am new here, I first thank you for starting the thread. I am still trying to figure out why reps are used at all. But that appears to be the mode du jour here in this forum, and perhaps with time I will see greater benefit in it.

But I can clearly see how it can be abused - especially people who might want to gang-rep someone just to drive that person off the forum. But that then begs the question: who would want to do such a thing.

I can only say that from my now 10 day experience in USMB, I have come into contact with people from all sides of the political/ideological spectrum and most of them have been very decent and also kind to me. And I have received pos reps from Cons as well as Libs as well as people in between, and I have given out pos reps to people across the entire spectrum. That may not make me a team player in some peoples' eyes, but it does make me maybe a little more balanced. Or at least striving to be balanced.

Again, thanks for making the thread.

anyone who wants to troll...usually are the ones who cry "neg rep bullying" and opt out. They want to say what they want without any peer review.... That should tell you a lot about a persons character.

it is not abuse of the system if you play withing the rules of the system.... one neg to the same person in 48 hours..... abuse of the system will get you rep ability pulled. They give you one warning..... and then its yanked. So anyone crying abuse of the system, gang neg repping, rep bullying...are full of it.

to the bolded: ... and THAT is what the rep system is for.... to enjoy and have fun. Plenty of people here have been in the red...and as soon as they stopped being a troll.... the reps evened out. So what if you get negged? ..... you get just as many pos reps in the process.....

What Aye is saying it would be nice to be able to rep as many times as you want and not run out. Even if we were given a day to rep every person on the site.... unlimited rep power.... you can still only neg rep the same person every 48 hours... so there would be no "abuse" of the system.
As usual, she is full of shit

It is the rightwing rep circle jerk that has been repping itself to death while they gang neg new liberal posters. It was this wolf pack that caused the neg rep rules to be changed. If you notice all the liberal posters with their rep turned off, that was a direct result of unrelenting negging from the wolf pack

I've not been here long enough to be able to confirm that, but in spite of a couple of nasty attacks from a couple of nerds in USMB, I have also encountered some Conservatives who are a.) respectful, b.) willling to listen, c.) possess a nice sense of humour and d.) are willing to agree to disagree. They seem to be good people to me, every bit as good as some of the Lefties I have met here.

So, for me, this is not necessarily a RIGHT-LEFT thing.

And I am going to wait for koshergrl to tell me herself what she thinks and feels about this.

I have already made the decision to not give out any more neg reps than absolutely necessary and I will never initiate one, unless the poster is so vilely racist or bigoted about it that I just cannot help myself.

As you just witnessed me do with koshergrl, when I see a rant, or what I think is a rant, instead of getting mad, I first ask. I mean, simply asking is not against the law and it usually disarms the other side. Now the ball is in koshergrl's court and it's her decision whether to respond or not. She seems incredibly intelligent to me and probably has some interesting thoughts to add about a lot of stuff, so why kill what could maybe become a cordial relationship?

Wait and see.


But you do have eyes in your head. DO let me know when you find a con with their rep shut off.

It's even more fun when you find a con who joined within a month of yourself - and compare rep. ;)

I haven't read most of this thread so I don't know if this has been talked about but I noticed how high Stat's rep is for someone who has only been here two weeks. I thought he/she was a liberal. If so, that kinda blows the theory out of the water about how liberal noobies are treated with regard to rep.

But maybe I was mistaken about Stat's alignment.
I've not been here long enough to be able to confirm that, but in spite of a couple of nasty attacks from a couple of nerds in USMB, I have also encountered some Conservatives who are a.) respectful, b.) willling to listen, c.) possess a nice sense of humour and d.) are willing to agree to disagree. They seem to be good people to me, every bit as good as some of the Lefties I have met here.

So, for me, this is not necessarily a RIGHT-LEFT thing.

And I am going to wait for koshergrl to tell me herself what she thinks and feels about this.

I have already made the decision to not give out any more neg reps than absolutely necessary and I will never initiate one, unless the poster is so vilely racist or bigoted about it that I just cannot help myself.

As you just witnessed me do with koshergrl, when I see a rant, or what I think is a rant, instead of getting mad, I first ask. I mean, simply asking is not against the law and it usually disarms the other side. Now the ball is in koshergrl's court and it's her decision whether to respond or not. She seems incredibly intelligent to me and probably has some interesting thoughts to add about a lot of stuff, so why kill what could maybe become a cordial relationship?

Wait and see.


But you do have eyes in your head. DO let me know when you find a con with their rep shut off.

It's even more fun when you find a con who joined within a month of yourself - and compare rep. ;)

I haven't read most of this thread so I don't know if this has been talked about but I noticed how high Stat's rep is for someone who has only been here two weeks. I thought he/she was a liberal. If so, that kinda blows the theory out of the water about how liberal noobies are treated with regard to rep.

But maybe I was mistaken about Stat's alignment.

I do believe he got seriously blessed when CK rained rep on every post in the thread.

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