Please, I want to be José again

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Gold Member
Jul 5, 2004
I was forced to re-register because I lost my password and my old machine went the way of the dodo.

Now I want to get rid of this annoying "_LA" and be just José again.


Could you be so kind to merge "José" and "José_LA" keeping José as my screen name?
Originally posted by HereWeGoAgain
Why not Hose B?

After 10 years being just José (I joined the Board in 2004... almost founded the place together with Jimnyc...LOL) this f****** "_LA" feels like a denture or a prosthetic leg.

Just imagine changing your nick to "HereWeGoForTheVeryFirstTimeInOurLives" and you'll feel my pain : )
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Blacks have made a huge contribution to american popular music but the fact that this garbage they created called rap is now famous throughout the world will forever remain as one of the deepest mysteries of the universe. :9:


Blacks have made a huge contribution to american popular music but the fact that this garbage they created called rap is now famous throughout the world will forever remain as one of the deepest mysteries of the universe. :9:

I'd say 'I'm sorry", if I was, but it was that or 41 seconds of some overly cute show that no one should be reminded ever existed
Thanks a lot, Doc... :2up:

I thought any moderator could do the job.

Feel free to delete the whole thing.
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