Planned Parenthood Employee urges woman to seek gender select abortion

Regardless of Congress and its continual stupidity, it is really no one's business but the woman in question.

so, abortion to control gender is acceptable to you, got it.

move to China.
No, it isn't acceptable to me.

It isn't the governments job to dictate when and why someone should give birth. Perhaps it is you that should move to China.
So a few months back I'd put up thread discussing gender select abortions on the rise in Canada and how we were dealing with it to eradicate this horrific turn of events in the world of abortions. For quite a while we've already known of this hideous practice in places like India and China.

Well, now there is a video that has surfaced where a PP employee in Texas is recommending an abortion for a woman who really wanted to have a boy instead of a girl. We've gone down that slippery slope, hit rock bottom and started digging.

Talk about a" liberal war on women ". Right in the womb. :mad:

On the other hand for Planned Parenthood, it will be a great way to drum up new business.

Think of the slogans they could use.

"Don't want to pay for the wedding? We can help!"

Here you go. Video at link.

“I see that you’re saying that you want to terminate if it’s a girl, so are you just wanting to continue the pregnancy in the meantime?” a Planned Parenthood counselor named “Rebecca” offers the woman, who is purportedly still in her first trimester and cannot be certain about the gender.

“The abortion covers you up until 23 weeks,” explains Rebecca, “and usually at 5 months is usually (sic) when they detect, you know, whether or not it’s a boy or a girl.”

While this bone-chilling video is unsettling to watch, it does raise an important question: if this type of “advising” is permissible at one clinic in Austin, Texas – and there are 820 Planned Parenthood clinics in the United States – how many other PP staffers are offering similar advice?

Video: Planned Parenthood Employee Urges Woman to Seek a Sex-Selection Abortion - Daniel Doherty

You seem to have a reading/watching comprehension problem. The counselor is clearly telling this moron, that her that her choice is not feasible.

And obviously you cannot multiply.


4 weeks in a month x 5 months = 20 weeks = we can abort that baby girl!

A month is more than 4 weeks. In fact 5 months is 22 and a half weeks. Right at the cusp of a legal abortion.
Discredited anti-choice activist Lila Rose went on The O'Reilly Factor to push her latest hoax video attacking Planned Parenthood. Rose and host Bill O'Reilly want people to think that, in the words of Rose's group, Planned Parenthood is complicit in "widespread sex-selection by means of abortion." In fact, Planned Parenthood has stated that it "finds the concept of sex selection deeply unsettling" and the organization "does not offer sex determination services; our ultrasound services are limited to medical purposes."

Rose's hoax video of a person walking into a Planned Parenthood office and pretending to be a patient. O'Reilly and Rose pretended that the actions of the employee were representative of the organization. O'Reilly even asked "Are we now China in this country? If Planned Parenthood is advising woman to abort because of gender choice, then we are China. And you should remember that the next time a politician or famous person endorses Planned Parenthood."

But Planned Parenthood has said that the staff member highlighted in the video was terminated "within three days of this patient interaction" and that "all staff members at this affiliate were immediately scheduled for retraining in managing unusual patient encounters."

Also unmentioned by O'Reilly and Rose is that fact that statistics show no evidence of systematic sex-selection abortion, since the majority of abortions are performed before the gender can be identified, and the gender-birth ratio in the United States is almost even.

This is nothing new for O'Reilly and Rose. O'Reilly repeatedly hypes Rose's attacks against Planned Parenthood but refuse to give their viewers the facts behind the attack.

County Fair | Media Matters for America

Do you think it was just dumb luck the undercover person happened across the one person who would go along with her gender bias abortion scheme? Or is it more likely they were aware of a systemic culture that goes along with gender bias abortion?

No. Do you have any statistics to show that sex selection abortions are really happening at PP or is this truly just more smear mongering.

It was already shown in another topic that gender bias abortions are taking place in America. The Opening Post alluded to it.

So it is not a big stretch that, as one of the largest abortion providers, PP is facilitating such a thing.
Bill would outlaw abortion for sex selection - Washington Times
Congress is set to wade into one of the most sensitive topics in the abortion debate, with a House vote Wednesday on a bill that would ban abortions that are performed solely because of an unborn child’s sex.
Regardless of Congress and its continual stupidity, it is really no one's business but the woman in question.

But Ravi the majority of the women in question are forced to abort the female fetus. The families decide for the young bride. The families opt for male.

Toronto is one of the most liberal cities on the planet and 6 hospitals even before legislation is introduced have banned releasing the gender of the child before 30 weeks.

The practice of gender based abortion even has been labelled "female fetacide". You have underground ultra sound places springing up for heaven's sake.

India has banned the practice. Sadly it has migrated here. What next? Kill the girls after they are born as well?

Sex-selective infanticide is killing a child based on the child's sex, usually shortly after birth (sex selective neonaticide). In 1994 over 180 states signed the Programme of Action of the International Conference on Population and Development, agreeing to "eliminate all forms of discrimination against the girl child".

In 2011 the resolution of PACE's Committee on Equal Opportunities for Women and Men condemned the practice of prenatal sex selection.[4]
Regardless of Congress and its continual stupidity, it is really no one's business but the woman in question.

But Ravi the majority of the women in question are forced to abort the female fetus. The families decide for the young bride. The families opt for male.

Toronto is one of the most liberal cities on the planet and 6 hospitals even before legislation is introduced have banned releasing the gender of the child before 30 weeks.

The practice of gender based abortion even has been labelled "female fetacide". You have underground ultra sound places springing up for heaven's sake.

India has banned the practice. Sadly it has migrated here. What next? Kill the girls after they are born as well?

Sex-selective infanticide is killing a child based on the child's sex, usually shortly after birth (sex selective neonaticide). In 1994 over 180 states signed the Programme of Action of the International Conference on Population and Development, agreeing to "eliminate all forms of discrimination against the girl child".

In 2011 the resolution of PACE's Committee on Equal Opportunities for Women and Men condemned the practice of prenatal sex selection.[4]
You cannot legally force someone to have an abortion. If anyone is caught doing this they deserve jail time.
Bill would outlaw abortion for sex selection - Washington Times
Congress is set to wade into one of the most sensitive topics in the abortion debate, with a House vote Wednesday on a bill that would ban abortions that are performed solely because of an unborn child’s sex.
Regardless of Congress and its continual stupidity, it is really no one's business but the woman in question.

You assume it is the woman in question's choice.

Remember what I said about the mentality at work which says girls are inferior? Do you think that is a female mentality at work?

]Sex-Selective Abortions Come Home

The physician, who practices in the Bay Area, wanted to find out why so many immigrant Indian women in the United States were so eager to find out the sex of their unborn children, and why so many of them choose abortion when they found out they were carrying a girl.

What she discovered over the course of 65 interviews conducted over several years profoundly shocked her. Fully 89 percent of the women carrying girls opted for an abortion, and nearly half had previously aborted girls.

Puri’s report, published in Social Science and Medicine this last April, makes for grim reading. Women told Puri of their guilt over their sex-selection abortions, how they felt that they were unable to “save” their daughters. Even the women who turned out to be carrying boys this time around could not shake their remorse over having earlier aborted daughters in this deadly game of reproductive roulette.

They also made clear that they were not free actors when it came to reproductive “choice.” Many, when it was learned that they were carrying girls, became the victims of family violence. Some — in an effort to make them miscarry — had been slapped and shoved around by angry husbands and in-laws, or even kicked in the stomach. Others were denied food, water, and rest in order to coerce them into aborting their unwanted girl babies.

Looking at the sex ratio at birth among U.S.-born children of Chinese, Korean, and Asian-Indian parents, they found that first-borns showed normal sex ratios at birth. But if the first child was a girl, the sex ratio jumped to 117, and if the first two children were girls, then the sex ratio jumped to 151. That is to say, for every 151 boys, there were only 100 hundred surviving girls. The rest had been eliminated.
You cannot legally force someone to have an abortion. If anyone is caught doing this they deserve jail time.

We are talking about women in a subculture which condones total male domination. She is an inferior creature in a foreign country. Kept out of view. For a woman in such a situation who is also a stranger in a strange land, what are the odds she will seek protection from her husband?

No. She is going to more likely take the abuse and do as she is told.
Last week:

Planned Parenthood Worried It's The Target Of New Undercover Sting

A string of suspicious incidents at Planned Parenthood clinics across the country has given the organization reason to believe that anti-abortion activists are targeting it in a new organized sting operation.

According to Planned Parenthood spokesperson Chloe Cooney, clinics in at least 11 states have reported two dozen or more "hoax visits" over the past several weeks, in which a woman walks into a clinic, claims to be pregnant and asks a particular pattern of provocative questions about sex-selective abortions, such as how soon she can find out the gender of the fetus, by what means and whether she can schedule an abortion if she's having a girl.

The most likely group behind the campaign, Planned Parenthood suspects, is anti-abortion activist group Live Action, which has a history of paying actors to walk into Planned Parenthood clinics and act out various controversial scenarios in an attempt to catch the family planning provider's staffers doing something illegal or immoral on tape.

While Planned Parenthood staffers are extensively trained to answer unusual and difficult questions and to refer women to necessary counseling, none of its clinics will deny a woman an abortion based on her reasons for wanting one, except in those states that explicitly prohibit sex-selection abortion (Arizona, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania and Illinois).

On the flip side, see if you can Spot The Stupid in this part of the article:

Spotlighting the issue of sex-selective abortions is an increasingly common tactic that the anti-abortion community has been using lately to turn the "war on women" around on Planned Parenthood, to galvanize social conservatives and to push legislation that would restrict abortion access. "In 2010, more than 9 out of 10 PPFA's services going specifically to pregnant women were abortion," National Right to Life president Carol Tobias wrote in a recent opinion column. "Roughly half of those abortions are performed on unborn girls. That's the real war on women."
You cannot legally force someone to have an abortion. If anyone is caught doing this they deserve jail time.

We are talking about women in a subculture which condones total male domination. She is an inferior creature in a foreign country. Kept out of view. For a woman in such a situation who is also a stranger in a strange land, what are the odds she will seek protection from her husband?

No. She is going to more likely take the abuse and do as she is told.
I understand what you are saying and while I have a lot of sympathy for women in those situations I cannot support a law that takes the choice away from women and gives it to the government. Instead, make a law that clearly outlaws forced abortions and spells out the penalty for those that are doing the forcing.
Discredited anti-choice activist Lila Rose went on The O'Reilly Factor to push her latest hoax video attacking Planned Parenthood. Rose and host Bill O'Reilly want people to think that, in the words of Rose's group, Planned Parenthood is complicit in "widespread sex-selection by means of abortion." In fact, Planned Parenthood has stated that it "finds the concept of sex selection deeply unsettling" and the organization "does not offer sex determination services; our ultrasound services are limited to medical purposes."

Rose's hoax video of a person walking into a Planned Parenthood office and pretending to be a patient. O'Reilly and Rose pretended that the actions of the employee were representative of the organization. O'Reilly even asked "Are we now China in this country? If Planned Parenthood is advising woman to abort because of gender choice, then we are China. And you should remember that the next time a politician or famous person endorses Planned Parenthood."

But Planned Parenthood has said that the staff member highlighted in the video was terminated "within three days of this patient interaction" and that "all staff members at this affiliate were immediately scheduled for retraining in managing unusual patient encounters."

Also unmentioned by O'Reilly and Rose is that fact that statistics show no evidence of systematic sex-selection abortion, since the majority of abortions are performed before the gender can be identified, and the gender-birth ratio in the United States is almost even.

This is nothing new for O'Reilly and Rose. O'Reilly repeatedly hypes Rose's attacks against Planned Parenthood but refuse to give their viewers the facts behind the attack.

County Fair | Media Matters for America

Do you think it was just dumb luck the undercover person happened across the one person who would go along with her gender bias abortion scheme? Or is it more likely they were aware of a systemic culture that goes along with gender bias abortion?

No. Do you have any statistics to show that sex selection abortions are really happening at PP or is this truly just more smear mongering.

It's right in my OP. In the States that don't have legislation barring this practice, the spokesperson says "they are non judgmental " aka they are performing the abortions without question.
Regardless of Congress and its continual stupidity, it is really no one's business but the woman in question.

But Ravi the majority of the women in question are forced to abort the female fetus. The families decide for the young bride. The families opt for male.

Toronto is one of the most liberal cities on the planet and 6 hospitals even before legislation is introduced have banned releasing the gender of the child before 30 weeks.

The practice of gender based abortion even has been labelled "female fetacide". You have underground ultra sound places springing up for heaven's sake.

India has banned the practice. Sadly it has migrated here. What next? Kill the girls after they are born as well?

Sex-selective infanticide is killing a child based on the child's sex, usually shortly after birth (sex selective neonaticide). In 1994 over 180 states signed the Programme of Action of the International Conference on Population and Development, agreeing to "eliminate all forms of discrimination against the girl child".

In 2011 the resolution of PACE's Committee on Equal Opportunities for Women and Men condemned the practice of prenatal sex selection.[4]
You cannot legally force someone to have an abortion. If anyone is caught doing this they deserve jail time.

Ravi, with all due respect this issue of gender based abortion, is teetering on becoming an epidemic up here. There really is a situation of "ethics" involved in this.

Six GTA hospitals won’t reveal fetal sex during ultrasound
Published On Mon Apr 16 2012
Jennifer Yang Staff Reporter

A Toronto Star survey has found that six major hospitals in the GTA do not allow their ultrasound staff to reveal a baby’s gender to expectant mothers.

And, whether by coincidence or by design, all six hospitals are located in or near areas with high concentrations of South Asian immigrants — one of the ethnic communities at the centre of a mounting concern over female feticide.

Female feticide — the practice of aborting female fetuses due to a preference for sons — is a known phenomenon in countries such as China and India, where it has been deemed a “crime against humanity.”

But a growing body of research is stoking fears that the practice may have migrated to Canada. On Monday, a newly-released St. Michael’s Hospital study found “concerning trends” to suggest female feticide could be happening in South Korean and Indian communities.

The starkest finding was in the category of Indian-born mothers with two previous children. Among their third children, the male-to-female ratio was 136 boys for every 100 girls; by comparison, the children of Canadian-born women have a sex ratio of just 105 boys for every 100 girls.

In January, the Canadian Medical Association Journal published an editorial calling on doctors to stop divulging fetal sex to mothers until the 30th week of pregnancy, when an unquestioned abortion becomes virtually impossible. (Generally, few abortions are performed after 20 weeks
You cannot legally force someone to have an abortion. If anyone is caught doing this they deserve jail time.

We are talking about women in a subculture which condones total male domination. She is an inferior creature in a foreign country. Kept out of view. For a woman in such a situation who is also a stranger in a strange land, what are the odds she will seek protection from her husband?

No. She is going to more likely take the abuse and do as she is told.
I understand what you are saying and while I have a lot of sympathy for women in those situations I cannot support a law that takes the choice away from women and gives it to the government. Instead, make a law that clearly outlaws forced abortions and spells out the penalty for those that are doing the forcing.

I think a law which bans sex selective abortions is dead on arrival. If a woman knows it is against the law to abort based on the sex of the baby, she will not be stupid enough to blurt out that is why she is aborting.

But how would you feel about a ban on revealing the sex of the baby? There is no credible medical reason why an expectant mother needs to know the gender of the fetus.
You seem to have a reading/watching comprehension problem. The counselor is clearly telling this moron, that her that her choice is not feasible.

And obviously you cannot multiply.


4 weeks in a month x 5 months = 20 weeks = we can abort that baby girl!

A month is more than 4 weeks. In fact 5 months is 22 and a half weeks. Right at the cusp of a legal abortion.

I know my shit on this. 18 to 20 weeks is the optimum time period for gender identification.

I was mocking Dick Tuck for his foolish statement to me.
We are talking about women in a subculture which condones total male domination. She is an inferior creature in a foreign country. Kept out of view. For a woman in such a situation who is also a stranger in a strange land, what are the odds she will seek protection from her husband?

No. She is going to more likely take the abuse and do as she is told.
I understand what you are saying and while I have a lot of sympathy for women in those situations I cannot support a law that takes the choice away from women and gives it to the government. Instead, make a law that clearly outlaws forced abortions and spells out the penalty for those that are doing the forcing.

I think a law which bans sex selective abortions is dead on arrival. If a woman knows it is against the law to abort based on the sex of the baby, she will not be stupid enough to blurt out that is why she is aborting.

But how would you feel about a ban on revealing the sex of the baby? There is no credible medical reason why an expectant mother needs to know the gender of the fetus.

A law based on not revealing gender until 30 weeks is being considered up here.

Do you know how the laws are written in the few states that have banned gender based abortion?
Since no one wanted to play...
On the flip side, see if you can Spot The Stupid in this part of the article:

Spotlighting the issue of sex-selective abortions is an increasingly common tactic that the anti-abortion community has been using lately to turn the "war on women" around on Planned Parenthood, to galvanize social conservatives and to push legislation that would restrict abortion access. "In 2010, more than 9 out of 10 PPFA's services going specifically to pregnant women were abortion," National Right to Life president Carol Tobias wrote in a recent opinion column. "Roughly half of those abortions are performed on unborn girls. That's the real war on women."

...I have bolded the stupid part.

Hmm. Half of all abortions are unborn girls. Go figure!

Reminds me of when someone claimed they could determine the sex of a fetus by dangling a fob over the mother's belly. If the fob swung left to right, it was a boy. If the fob swung up and down, it was a girl.

The method accurately predicted the sex of the baby about half the time. Amazing! :D
We are talking about women in a subculture which condones total male domination. She is an inferior creature in a foreign country. Kept out of view. For a woman in such a situation who is also a stranger in a strange land, what are the odds she will seek protection from her husband?

No. She is going to more likely take the abuse and do as she is told.
I understand what you are saying and while I have a lot of sympathy for women in those situations I cannot support a law that takes the choice away from women and gives it to the government. Instead, make a law that clearly outlaws forced abortions and spells out the penalty for those that are doing the forcing.

I think a law which bans sex selective abortions is dead on arrival. If a woman knows it is against the law to abort based on the sex of the baby, she will not be stupid enough to blurt out that is why she is aborting.

But how would you feel about a ban on revealing the sex of the baby? There is no credible medical reason why an expectant mother needs to know the gender of the fetus.

There is no reason that she shouldn't, and that is also between her and her doctor.

IMO, these laws are less about protecting women and more about trying to force women to do the bidding of the government.

What next? Getting the governments approval of your prospective husband because he might abuse you?
I understand what you are saying and while I have a lot of sympathy for women in those situations I cannot support a law that takes the choice away from women and gives it to the government. Instead, make a law that clearly outlaws forced abortions and spells out the penalty for those that are doing the forcing.

I think a law which bans sex selective abortions is dead on arrival. If a woman knows it is against the law to abort based on the sex of the baby, she will not be stupid enough to blurt out that is why she is aborting.

But how would you feel about a ban on revealing the sex of the baby? There is no credible medical reason why an expectant mother needs to know the gender of the fetus.

There is no reason that she shouldn't, and that is also between her and her doctor.

IMO, these laws are less about protecting women and more about trying to force women to do the bidding of the government.

What next? Getting the governments approval of your prospective husband because he might abuse you?

When third world governments agree that this is a crime against humanity, it begs the question why are we so fucked up that we can't see that?

The international community realizes that this is truly an issue.

In 2011 the resolution of PACE's Committee on Equal Opportunities for Women and Men condemned the practice of prenatal sex selection.

A 2005 study estimated that over 90 million females were "missing" from the expected population in Afghanistan, Bangladesh, China, India, Pakistan, South Korea and Taiwan alone, and suggested that sex-selective abortion plays a role in this deficit.

India's 2011 census shows a serious decline in the number of girls under the age of seven - activists believe eight million female fetuses may have been aborted between 2001 and 2011
I think a law which bans sex selective abortions is dead on arrival. If a woman knows it is against the law to abort based on the sex of the baby, she will not be stupid enough to blurt out that is why she is aborting.

But how would you feel about a ban on revealing the sex of the baby? There is no credible medical reason why an expectant mother needs to know the gender of the fetus.

There is no reason that she shouldn't, and that is also between her and her doctor.

IMO, these laws are less about protecting women and more about trying to force women to do the bidding of the government.

What next? Getting the governments approval of your prospective husband because he might abuse you?

When third world governments agree that this is a crime against humanity, it begs the question why are we so fucked up that we can't see that?

The international community realizes that this is truly an issue.

In 2011 the resolution of PACE's Committee on Equal Opportunities for Women and Men condemned the practice of prenatal sex selection.

A 2005 study estimated that over 90 million females were "missing" from the expected population in Afghanistan, Bangladesh, China, India, Pakistan, South Korea and Taiwan alone, and suggested that sex-selective abortion plays a role in this deficit.

India's 2011 census shows a serious decline in the number of girls under the age of seven - activists believe eight million female fetuses may have been aborted between 2001 and 2011
Again, if anyone is forcing women to abort they should be jailed. And again, I'm not going to support a law that allows the government to dictate when and why a woman gives birth.

In your examples the problem seems to be with the person that is forcing the woman to abort. Address that instead of making a regressive law that gives the government the power.
In your examples the problem seems to be with the person that is forcing the woman to abort. Address that instead of making a regressive law that gives the government the power.

How would you go about that?
Making sure women have the information they need. In other words, make it everyones knowledge that in the USA no one is allowed to force anyone to do something against their will. Some ways to do this would be for states to make it clear when issuing marriage certificates; pass a law obligating a woman to sign a statement before getting an abortion that no one is forcing her against her will; and public service announcements telling women where to turn for help.

If the goal is actually helping these women, that is....

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