Planetary Scale Deception???

Alexandre Fedorovski

Gold Member
Dec 9, 2017
The National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) conducted a COMPARATIVE study of more than 1,000 deaths from the Virus at the end of July 2020 (half of them were in nursing homes !!! - AF). The study included statistics for 25 US states and 23 countries.



We have ALL become victims of a colossal, planetary psychosis triggered by the Deep State.


But I will talk about THIS in more detail in my video program "OUR FREEDOMS or LOCKDOWN?" on Youtube the Content & Analysis channel (content@analysis), which I have been working at ...

Do you need sources?
Please submit.
Miller, Stephen. 2020. Lockdowns and Mask Mandates Do Not Lead to Reduced COVID Transmission Rates or Deaths, New Study Suggests", American Institute for Economic Research, August 26.
Jeffrey Tucker. 2020. Liberty or Lockdown. American Institute for Economic Research, October.
In addition to the interventions not being effective, we must look further.....if they weren't then WHY were they insisted upon by many on the Left?

And even there a deception that could have also affected the "death toll" ?

Those really not liking America will readily accept the confirmation bias offered by CNN, MSNBC etc etc etc

The rest of us know better.
And also maybe to test the boundaries of how far the American People could be pushed to do things that aren't Constitutional.

so many fell for this lock stock and barrel. Heck, some were so crazed they SHOT people for not wearing their face diaper.

Talk about a Marxists dream come true !
In addition to the interventions not being effective, we must look further.....if they weren't then WHY were they insisted upon by many on the Left?

And even there a deception that could have also affected the "death toll" ?

Those really not liking America will readily accept the confirmation bias offered by CNN, MSNBC etc etc etc

The rest of us know better.

Look, HOW the democrats "hid" !!! THEY KNOW they have been lying for a long time! And this does not prevent them from going to synagogue or Christian church every Saturday or Sunday. In a word, "heavenly" deeds are ONE, and earthly deeds are ANOTHER !!!

By the way, NOBODY answered the question of why THEY HIDE еру GENUINE ETHNIC ORIGIN of Harris...
200,000+ deaths due to covid isn't a deception.
Somebody either can’t read, or completely lacks reading comprehension skills.
The study cited above postulates that the lockdowns and other measures had zero bearing on the fatality and or spread of the virus.
It didn’t say “the deaths weren’t real”.
My God, you really are a fucking retard.
The “useful idiot” types mentioned above by the posters in this thread... it was like your ears were ringing and you came running, ready to respond in the most asinine way your fat, ham-fisted self could pound out on the keyboard.
200,000+ deaths due to covid isn't a deception.

Q: HOW MANY ... OLD people should have DIED by this hour due to the NATURAL STOP of the biological clock ???

AND NOW minus the number of deaths from COMPLICATIONS associated with the Coronovirus.

And one more question: HOW MANY people annually die from traditional "autumn" and "spring" flu ???
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200,000+ deaths due to covid isn't a deception.
Somebody either can’t read, or completely lacks reading comprehension skills.
The study cited above postulates that the lockdowns and other measures had zero bearing on the fatality and or spread of the virus.
It didn’t say “the deaths weren’t real”.
My God, you really are a fucking retard.
The “useful idiot” types mentioned above by the posters in this thread... it was like your ears were ringing and you came running, ready to respond in the most asinine way your fat, ham-fisted self could pound out on the keyboard.

200,000+ deaths due to covid isn't a deception.
Somebody either can’t read, or completely lacks reading comprehension skills.
The study cited above postulates that the lockdowns and other measures had zero bearing on the fatality and or spread of the virus.
It didn’t say “the deaths weren’t real”.
My God, you really are a fucking retard.
The “useful idiot” types mentioned above by the posters in this thread... it was like your ears were ringing and you came running, ready to respond in the most asinine way your fat, ham-fisted self could pound out on the keyboard.

No, they are not "idiots", they are a conspiratorial party working for the interests of China. Lie is in their genetics or upbringing...
200,000+ deaths due to covid isn't a deception.
Somebody either can’t read, or completely lacks reading comprehension skills.
The study cited above postulates that the lockdowns and other measures had zero bearing on the fatality and or spread of the virus.
It didn’t say “the deaths weren’t real”.
My God, you really are a fucking retard.
The “useful idiot” types mentioned above by the posters in this thread... it was like your ears were ringing and you came running, ready to respond in the most asinine way your fat, ham-fisted self could pound out on the keyboard.


200,000+ deaths due to covid isn't a deception.
Somebody either can’t read, or completely lacks reading comprehension skills.
The study cited above postulates that the lockdowns and other measures had zero bearing on the fatality and or spread of the virus.
It didn’t say “the deaths weren’t real”.
My God, you really are a fucking retard.
The “useful idiot” types mentioned above by the posters in this thread... it was like your ears were ringing and you came running, ready to respond in the most asinine way your fat, ham-fisted self could pound out on the keyboard.

They cannot answer our questions with you, because this is not in their manuals for organizing a global fake.

And these are manuals were designed for dropouts and people with disabled common sense.
200,000+ deaths due to covid isn't a deception.
Somebody either can’t read, or completely lacks reading comprehension skills.
The study cited above postulates that the lockdowns and other measures had zero bearing on the fatality and or spread of the virus.
It didn’t say “the deaths weren’t real”.
My God, you really are a fucking retard.
The “useful idiot” types mentioned above by the posters in this thread... it was like your ears were ringing and you came running, ready to respond in the most asinine way your fat, ham-fisted self could pound out on the keyboard.

No, they are not "idiots", they are a conspiratorial party working for the interests of China. Lie is in their genetics or upbringing...
The people pushing this are what you say above.
The average person on the street, and this site, is not some grandmaster schemer. They are merely people who have been led astray.
200,000+ deaths due to covid isn't a deception.


THIS is exactly the Confirmation Bias I was referring to.....thanks !!!

The 200,000+ deaths due to covid is confirmed. The sources are not biased.
Ok. Let’s try again...
That is not what the study above, nor the gentleman who posted it, are talking about. They were not talking about the number of dead. Listen closely... they were talking about the fact that their study shows that all the social distancing, closing down the economy and shuttering businesses, etc DID NOTHING TO STOP THE SOREAD OF THE VIRUS OR LESSEN DEATHS.

Go back and reread a few times if you still aren’t getting it.
But to address your absolutely ridiculous post that “the 200,000+ deaths due to Covid are cinfirmed. The sources are not biased”... are you for real? My local paper not too long ago did a report where they looked at death certificates of people in just a section of the county who had died “from Covid”. They found a guy who died in a motorcycle accident, another one who committed suicide, etc etc. They found a bunch of people who clearly didn’t die of Covid listed as Covid deaths. That was just a small sample by a local paper. Now expound that throughout the country. people who died of damn near anything who test positive for Covid were being listed as Covid deaths. Perhaps that has stopped, I don’t know.
And what about the labs that were turning in huge errors in testing? Places that had a 7.5% positive rate turning in that their rate was 75%??
Hell, I personally know of 3 people who went to get tested, signed in, and left without testing because they were waiting to long... who then got a call a day or so later that they tested positive.

Honestly, what is wrong with you? It’s possible to disagree about things, but still have a rational discussion. You can agree on some points but disagree on others. That doesn’t seem like something you are capable of. You take absurd positions, and adhere to asinine things that don’t even seem plausible in the least. When things are presented that possibly conflict with your absurd position, you just outright ignore them or make some dumb assed, off topic comment.
Are you just ignorant as can be, or are you a paid troll?
200,000+ deaths due to covid isn't a deception.


THIS is exactly the Confirmation Bias I was referring to.....thanks !!!

The 200,000+ deaths due to covid is confirmed. The sources are not biased.
Ok. Let’s try again...
That is not what the study above, nor the gentleman who posted it, are talking about. They were not talking about the number of dead. Listen closely... they were talking about the fact that their study shows that all the social distancing, closing down the economy and shuttering businesses, etc DID NOTHING TO STOP THE SOREAD OF THE VIRUS OR LESSEN DEATHS.

Go back and reread a few times if you still aren’t getting it.
But to address your absolutely ridiculous post that “the 200,000+ deaths due to Covid are cinfirmed. The sources are not biased”... are you for real? My local paper not too long ago did a report where they looked at death certificates of people in just a section of the county who had died “from Covid”. They found a guy who died in a motorcycle accident, another one who committed suicide, etc etc. They found a bunch of people who clearly didn’t die of Covid listed as Covid deaths. That was just a small sample by a local paper. Now expound that throughout the country. people who died of damn near anything who test positive for Covid were being listed as Covid deaths. Perhaps that has stopped, I don’t know.
And what about the labs that were turning in huge errors in testing? Places that had a 7.5% positive rate turning in that their rate was 75%??
Hell, I personally know of 3 people who went to get tested, signed in, and left without testing because they were waiting to long... who then got a call a day or so later that they tested positive.

Honestly, what is wrong with you? It’s possible to disagree about things, but still have a rational discussion. You can agree on some points but disagree on others. That doesn’t seem like something you are capable of. You take absurd positions, and adhere to asinine things that don’t even seem plausible in the least. When things are presented that possibly conflict with your absurd position, you just outright ignore them or make some dumb assed, off topic comment.
Are you just ignorant as can be, or are you a paid troll?

200,000+ covid deaths are confirmed. The sources are not biased.
The counter argument that goes "they didn't die from covid" is the same argument that the guy who gets decapitated from a flying stop sign in a hurricane didn't die from the hurricane; they died of decapitation.

Face it; the only reason for the comical resistance to the actual deaths due to covid 19 is because it presents an insurmountable political problem for Trump. Whether the voters will hold him responsible (and rightly so) will be revealed as the week develops.
200,000+ deaths due to covid isn't a deception.


THIS is exactly the Confirmation Bias I was referring to.....thanks !!!

The 200,000+ deaths due to covid is confirmed. The sources are not biased.
Ok. Let’s try again...
That is not what the study above, nor the gentleman who posted it, are talking about. They were not talking about the number of dead. Listen closely... they were talking about the fact that their study shows that all the social distancing, closing down the economy and shuttering businesses, etc DID NOTHING TO STOP THE SOREAD OF THE VIRUS OR LESSEN DEATHS.

Go back and reread a few times if you still aren’t getting it.
But to address your absolutely ridiculous post that “the 200,000+ deaths due to Covid are cinfirmed. The sources are not biased”... are you for real? My local paper not too long ago did a report where they looked at death certificates of people in just a section of the county who had died “from Covid”. They found a guy who died in a motorcycle accident, another one who committed suicide, etc etc. They found a bunch of people who clearly didn’t die of Covid listed as Covid deaths. That was just a small sample by a local paper. Now expound that throughout the country. people who died of damn near anything who test positive for Covid were being listed as Covid deaths. Perhaps that has stopped, I don’t know.
And what about the labs that were turning in huge errors in testing? Places that had a 7.5% positive rate turning in that their rate was 75%??
Hell, I personally know of 3 people who went to get tested, signed in, and left without testing because they were waiting to long... who then got a call a day or so later that they tested positive.

Honestly, what is wrong with you? It’s possible to disagree about things, but still have a rational discussion. You can agree on some points but disagree on others. That doesn’t seem like something you are capable of. You take absurd positions, and adhere to asinine things that don’t even seem plausible in the least. When things are presented that possibly conflict with your absurd position, you just outright ignore them or make some dumb assed, off topic comment.
Are you just ignorant as can be, or are you a paid troll?

200,000+ covid deaths are confirmed. The sources are not biased.
The counter argument that goes "they didn't die from covid" is the same argument that the guy who gets decapitated from a flying stop sign in a hurricane didn't die from the hurricane; they died of decapitation.

Face it; the only reason for the comical resistance to the actual deaths due to covid 19 is because it presents an insurmountable political problem for Trump. Whether the voters will hold him responsible (and rightly so) will be revealed as the week develops.
No, it really isn’t. I gave you examples above of people who died of things clearly not Covid that were counted as Covid. You ignored what I said.
But again, let’s pretend all those deaths are absolutely Covid...
To blame the president for those deaths is absurd. But continue on inguess. That’s all you democrats have to hang you head on. Covid, lies about Russia, and “orange man bad”. Absolutely zero substance.
200,000+ deaths due to covid isn't a deception.


THIS is exactly the Confirmation Bias I was referring to.....thanks !!!

The 200,000+ deaths due to covid is confirmed. The sources are not biased.
Ok. Let’s try again...
That is not what the study above, nor the gentleman who posted it, are talking about. They were not talking about the number of dead. Listen closely... they were talking about the fact that their study shows that all the social distancing, closing down the economy and shuttering businesses, etc DID NOTHING TO STOP THE SOREAD OF THE VIRUS OR LESSEN DEATHS.

Go back and reread a few times if you still aren’t getting it.
But to address your absolutely ridiculous post that “the 200,000+ deaths due to Covid are cinfirmed. The sources are not biased”... are you for real? My local paper not too long ago did a report where they looked at death certificates of people in just a section of the county who had died “from Covid”. They found a guy who died in a motorcycle accident, another one who committed suicide, etc etc. They found a bunch of people who clearly didn’t die of Covid listed as Covid deaths. That was just a small sample by a local paper. Now expound that throughout the country. people who died of damn near anything who test positive for Covid were being listed as Covid deaths. Perhaps that has stopped, I don’t know.
And what about the labs that were turning in huge errors in testing? Places that had a 7.5% positive rate turning in that their rate was 75%??
Hell, I personally know of 3 people who went to get tested, signed in, and left without testing because they were waiting to long... who then got a call a day or so later that they tested positive.

Honestly, what is wrong with you? It’s possible to disagree about things, but still have a rational discussion. You can agree on some points but disagree on others. That doesn’t seem like something you are capable of. You take absurd positions, and adhere to asinine things that don’t even seem plausible in the least. When things are presented that possibly conflict with your absurd position, you just outright ignore them or make some dumb assed, off topic comment.
Are you just ignorant as can be, or are you a paid troll?

200,000+ covid deaths are confirmed. The sources are not biased.
The counter argument that goes "they didn't die from covid" is the same argument that the guy who gets decapitated from a flying stop sign in a hurricane didn't die from the hurricane; they died of decapitation.

Face it; the only reason for the comical resistance to the actual deaths due to covid 19 is because it presents an insurmountable political problem for Trump. Whether the voters will hold him responsible (and rightly so) will be revealed as the week develops.
No, it really isn’t. I gave you examples above of people who died of things clearly not Covid that were counted as Covid. You ignored what I said.
But again, let’s pretend all those deaths are absolutely Covid...
To blame the president for those deaths is absurd. But continue on inguess. That’s all you democrats have to hang you head on. Covid, lies about Russia, and “orange man bad”. Absolutely zero substance.
Are you aware of this DHS directive?

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