Plan parenthood

And the State of Missouri investigated the organization and EXONERATED them of all wrongdoing.

They could not find any substance behind the charges you make of using the funds incorrectly.
They audited the living crap out of PP and COULD FIND NOTHING WRONG.

But you asshole right wingers just keep making the same charges over and over again even after YOU KNOW they have been proven wrong.


NO one said abortion was not legal.
The use of tax payers money to provide abortions is illegal!
Called the HYDE Amendment.

The Hyde Amendment is a legislative provision barring the use of certain federal funds to pay for abortion unless the pregnancy arises from incest, rape, or to save the life of the mother.
Hyde Amendment - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaHyde_Amendment
So again... the use of taxpayers money to perform abortions IS ILLEGAL and unless PP can show they segregate ALL their costs involved in doing abortions,
i.e. rent, salaries,etc everything that is used to perform abortions and paid by NON-TAX PAYER funds, they are performing illegal abortions.
That simple.
No one owes you an explanation for anything.

The Supreme Court ruled that abortion is legal.


Issue decided ... done ... over with.

The right wing knuckle dragging drooling goober state of Missouri investigated Planned Parenthood as hard possible trying to find ANYTHING they could charge the organization with.


And they EXONERATED Planned Parenhood of all charges.


yesterday I was watching the congress with plan parenthood .... each and every time the republicans came to the mic they made fools of them selves .... nothing new there.... they would asked why have breast exams gone down .... they would say from 2005 to 2009 there were 800,000 + breast exams done by plan parenthood ... then from 2009 to 2013 there were a totaled 400,000 + breast exams done ... why did they drop .... this shows you how stupid and uninformed republicans really are ... then they kept say that the tax payers money is going to plan parenthood for abortions ... are they really this stupid... really???


And, more importantly, so are their supporters / voters.

So how do YOU know that tax payer money isn't GOING to pay the overhead, the utilities, the salaries for abortion services? Is it segregated by Planned Parenthood?
During the fiscal year that ended June 30, 2014, the most recent for which data is available, Planned Parenthood affiliates around the country received $528.4 million in government funds (a combination of state, federal and sometimes local government dollars), according to the organization's own annual report and information it's required to share with the IRS.

Those federal dollars were the single largest source of money coming into the organization and its local affiliates, by far.
Another $305.3 million came from nongovernment sources,
about $257.4 million reached the organization after private donors and foundations made contributions and bequests.
The organization also raised another $54.7 million in fees charged for its services.
How Planned Parenthood actually uses its federal funding

I've asked dummies like you to show me in the Planned Parenthood reports where NONE of the $528 million was spent on paying the bills for abortion services. Bills like:
1) Utilities -- water, electricity, phones. Are ALL the abortions done in facilities that utilities are paid from NON Federal sources revenue? SHOW ME PLEASE!
2) Salaries...Doctors, nurses, etc. Are all those people that are doing abortions paid with NON-federal funds? SHOW ME PLEASE!
3) Rent--- are the facilities where abortions done in separate totally paid with NON-Federal funds? SHOW ME PLEASE!
4) All other overhead expenses, computers, supplies, etc. all involved in Abortion services PAID with NON-Federal funds??? Show me!

NO one said abortion was not legal.
The use of tax payers money to provide abortions is illegal!
Called the HYDE Amendment.

The Hyde Amendment is a legislative provision barring the use of certain federal funds to pay for abortion unless the pregnancy arises from incest, rape, or to save the life of the mother.
Hyde Amendment - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaHyde_Amendment
So again... the use of taxpayers money to perform abortions IS ILLEGAL and unless PP can show they segregate ALL their costs involved in doing abortions,
i.e. rent, salaries,etc everything that is used to perform abortions and paid by NON-TAX PAYER funds, they are performing illegal abortions.
That simple.

YOU wrote" Missouri could not find any substance behind the charges you make of using the funds incorrectly. They audited the living crap out of PP and COULD FIND NOTHING WRONG. But you asshole right wingers just keep making the same charges over and over again even after YOU KNOW they have been proven wrong."

This is what the audit showed:
Missouri Attorney General Chris Koster conducted a 30-day audit of more than 300 abortions performed by Planned Parenthood in St. Louis and found no evidence of workers selling fetal tissue obtained during the procedures.
Planned Parenthood investigation: Missouri AG finds no wrongdoing

Do you understand they were looking into PP in Missouri selling fetal tissue!
This was NOT an audit to determine if in the Planned Parenthood reports where NONE of the $528 million was spent on paying the bills for abortion services. Bills like:
1) Utilities -- water, electricity, phones. Are ALL the abortions done in facilities that utilities are paid from NON Federal sources revenue? SHOW ME PLEASE!
2) Salaries...Doctors, nurses, etc. Are all those people that are doing abortions paid with NON-federal funds? SHOW ME PLEASE!
3) Rent--- are the facilities where abortions done in separate totally paid with NON-Federal funds? SHOW ME PLEASE!
4) All other overhead expenses, computers, supplies, etc. all involved in Abortion services PAID with NON-Federal funds??? Show me!

AGAIN the Missouri audit NEVER was about using Federal funds for abortions... it was simply to see if fetal tissue was harvested and sold.

Still haven't shown me the audits that meet the above criteria!
This Planned Parenthood attack by the GOP/far right has had no effect on the public's opinion of the organization, well actually it's favorability increased. 47% have a favorable view, 31% unfavorable. And get this, 61% polled were against eliminating government funding of PP.
Planned Parenthood Emerges Unscathed From GOP Attacks – WSJ/NBC Poll
This all goes to show exactly how out of touch the GOP is with majority of Americans. Another example? 76% favor raising the minimum wage, so what does the GOP do? They kill any attempts to raise the minimum wage, of course.
It's no wonder the GOP is at a 18 year low in regards to it's popularity, being out of touch with most Anericans is not smart strategy at all. What a bunch of nut jobs. I'm sure attacking the Pope didn't help the GOP's image. What are they trying to do, become extinct?
This Planned Parenthood attack by the GOP/far right has had no effect on the public's opinion of the organization, well actually it's favorability increased. 47% have a favorable view, 31% unfavorable. And get this, 61% polled were against eliminating government funding of PP.
Planned Parenthood Emerges Unscathed From GOP Attacks – WSJ/NBC Poll
This all goes to show exactly how out of touch the GOP is with majority of Americans. Another example? 76% favor raising the minimum wage, so what does the GOP do? They kill any attempts to raise the minimum wage, of course.
It's no wonder the GOP is at a 18 year low in regards to it's popularity, being out of touch with most Anericans is not smart strategy at all. What a bunch of nut jobs. I'm sure attacking the Pope didn't help the GOP's image. What are they trying to do, become extinct?

It is very hard to argue with the national MSM bias that supports the Liberal/progressive motives such as using tax payers money for abortions.
As this question was asked: "Eliminate funding to Planned Parenthood". Answered Opposed to eliminating funding - 60%.

I'd like to see the results if this question was asked of these same people:

As it is against the law for Planned Parenthood to use tax dollars for abortions that after the abortions the aborted fetuses were sold for parts, would you be
in favor of not using your tax dollars for that purpose?

I would guess the 80% of people would say they would be opposed to Planned Parenthood using tax dollars for abortions with the fetuses sold for parts.

Screen Shot 2015-10-01 at 3.06.53 PM.png

As far as raising minimum wage, again I wonder if these same 76% favoring would be so favorable if they knew that
less the 4 million people work at minimum wage and of that half are teenagers to age 24 working at menial jobs that have very low skill requirements.
And I wonder if these same people would be favorable to these less then 2 million losing their jobs to automation because $15/hour wage becomes
the crossing point that makes automation more feasible.
This Planned Parenthood attack by the GOP/far right has had no effect on the public's opinion of the organization, well actually it's favorability increased. 47% have a favorable view, 31% unfavorable. And get this, 61% polled were against eliminating government funding of PP.
Planned Parenthood Emerges Unscathed From GOP Attacks – WSJ/NBC Poll
This all goes to show exactly how out of touch the GOP is with majority of Americans. Another example? 76% favor raising the minimum wage, so what does the GOP do? They kill any attempts to raise the minimum wage, of course.
It's no wonder the GOP is at a 18 year low in regards to it's popularity, being out of touch with most Anericans is not smart strategy at all. What a bunch of nut jobs. I'm sure attacking the Pope didn't help the GOP's image. What are they trying to do, become extinct?

It is very hard to argue with the national MSM bias that supports the Liberal/progressive motives such as using tax payers money for abortions.
As this question was asked: "Eliminate funding to Planned Parenthood". Answered Opposed to eliminating funding - 60%.

I'd like to see the results if this question was asked of these same people:

As it is against the law for Planned Parenthood to use tax dollars for abortions that after the abortions the aborted fetuses were sold for parts, would you be
in favor of not using your tax dollars for that purpose?

I would guess the 80% of people would say they would be opposed to Planned Parenthood using tax dollars for abortions with the fetuses sold for parts.

View attachment 51203

As far as raising minimum wage, again I wonder if these same 76% favoring would be so favorable if they knew that
less the 4 million people work at minimum wage and of that half are teenagers to age 24 working at menial jobs that have very low skill requirements.
And I wonder if these same people would be favorable to these less then 2 million losing their jobs to automation because $15/hour wage becomes
the crossing point that makes automation more feasible.

As you can see, the poll is from the conservative Wall Street Journal which I linked.
Could you supply a link to your poll?
Secondly, using historic factual data of the CPI, historic unemployment data from the Dept of Labor and coordinating the dates that increases of the minimum happened historically, there has never been a spike in unemployment or inflation when the minimum wage was raised. All that talk about millions of workers losing their jobs after raising the minimum wage has never ever happened. Fact.
I'd love to hear how that factless talking point ever came into existence. There no historical facts to back that claim up, period.
It is a fact that 70% of the middle class sees the benefits of an increased minimum wage per the conservative Cato Institute.
This Planned Parenthood attack by the GOP/far right has had no effect on the public's opinion of the organization, well actually it's favorability increased. 47% have a favorable view, 31% unfavorable. And get this, 61% polled were against eliminating government funding of PP.
Planned Parenthood Emerges Unscathed From GOP Attacks – WSJ/NBC Poll
This all goes to show exactly how out of touch the GOP is with majority of Americans. Another example? 76% favor raising the minimum wage, so what does the GOP do? They kill any attempts to raise the minimum wage, of course.
It's no wonder the GOP is at a 18 year low in regards to it's popularity, being out of touch with most Anericans is not smart strategy at all. What a bunch of nut jobs. I'm sure attacking the Pope didn't help the GOP's image. What are they trying to do, become extinct?

It is very hard to argue with the national MSM bias that supports the Liberal/progressive motives such as using tax payers money for abortions.
As this question was asked: "Eliminate funding to Planned Parenthood". Answered Opposed to eliminating funding - 60%.

I'd like to see the results if this question was asked of these same people:

As it is against the law for Planned Parenthood to use tax dollars for abortions that after the abortions the aborted fetuses were sold for parts, would you be
in favor of not using your tax dollars for that purpose?

I would guess the 80% of people would say they would be opposed to Planned Parenthood using tax dollars for abortions with the fetuses sold for parts.

View attachment 51203

As far as raising minimum wage, again I wonder if these same 76% favoring would be so favorable if they knew that
less the 4 million people work at minimum wage and of that half are teenagers to age 24 working at menial jobs that have very low skill requirements.
And I wonder if these same people would be favorable to these less then 2 million losing their jobs to automation because $15/hour wage becomes
the crossing point that makes automation more feasible.

As you can see, the poll is from the conservative Wall Street Journal which I linked.
Could you supply a link to your poll?
Secondly, using historic factual data of the CPI, historic unemployment data from the Dept of Labor and coordinating the dates that increases of the minimum happened historically, there has never been a spike in unemployment or inflation when the minimum wage was raised. All that talk about millions of workers losing their jobs after raising the minimum wage has never ever happened. Fact.
I'd love to hear how that factless talking point ever came into existence. There no historical facts to back that claim up, period.
It is a fact that 70% of the middle class sees the benefits of an increased minimum wage per the conservative Cato Institute.

I'd also like you to admit that ONLY 2 million people will see an increase in their minimum wage that are less the 24 years old!
Low skill sets i.e. maids, hamburger flippers that need to increase their skill sets rather then artificially increase their market value.
Once the labor cost factor reaches at least 30% of operating costs any business will look to reduce these costs with automation.
Hasn't PP always claimed that abortions were only 3% of their revenue...seems that was a lie, disposed of by no other than the PRESIDENT of PP herself!

  1. Planned Parenthood President Admits that 86% of...
    Sep 28, 2015 · Planned Parenthood President Admits that 86% of Revenue ... Richards also let it be known that 86% of Planned Butcherhood’s earnings comes from abortions.
Hasn't PP always claimed that abortions were only 3% of their revenue...seems that was a lie, disposed of by no other than the PRESIDENT of PP herself!

  1. Planned Parenthood President Admits that 86% of...
    Sep 28, 2015 · Planned Parenthood President Admits that 86% of Revenue ... Richards also let it be known that 86% of Planned Butcherhood’s earnings comes from abortions.

I looked at your link for the quote where Richards makes the "86%" statement but I couldn't find her quote! So as I believe in doing my research , I did.
I didn't know that 80% of of the money PP gets from the government is for services covered under Medicaid. But then that makes sense as virtually every service offered by PP is covered by Medicaid, excluding abortion.
Now Richards quote. First is Rep. Lummis asked Richards why "86%" of PP's NON-GOVERNMENT revenue came from abortions? Richards pointed to the fact that Medicaid paid for about everything else.
So in fact what we have here is a ideological talking points blog not telling the truth by leaving out a huge qualifier. Young cons and every right wing blogs I read said "86% of PP's revenue was from abortions" FALSE. "86% of PP's NON-GOVERNMENT revenue came from abortions because abortions are paid for with non-government funds.
Read some truth instead of the dishonest bullshit that you are addicted to! My source?
The GOP Argument for Defunding Planned Parenthood Is Completely Incoherent
Hasn't PP always claimed that abortions were only 3% of their revenue...seems that was a lie, disposed of by no other than the PRESIDENT of PP herself!

  1. Planned Parenthood President Admits that 86% of...
    Sep 28, 2015 · Planned Parenthood President Admits that 86% of Revenue ... Richards also let it be known that 86% of Planned Butcherhood’s earnings comes from abortions.

I looked at your link for the quote where Richards makes the "86%" statement but I couldn't find her quote! So as I believe in doing my research , I did.
I didn't know that 80% of of the money PP gets from the government is for services covered under Medicaid. But then that makes sense as virtually every service offered by PP is covered by Medicaid, excluding abortion.
Now Richards quote. First is Rep. Lummis asked Richards why "86%" of PP's NON-GOVERNMENT revenue came from abortions? Richards pointed to the fact that Medicaid paid for about everything else.
So in fact what we have here is a ideological talking points blog not telling the truth by leaving out a huge qualifier. Young cons and every right wing blogs I read said "86% of PP's revenue was from abortions" FALSE. "86% of PP's NON-GOVERNMENT revenue came from abortions because abortions are paid for with non-government funds.
Read some truth instead of the dishonest bullshit that you are addicted to! My source?
The GOP Argument for Defunding Planned Parenthood Is Completely Incoherent

So my inquisitive friend, just how much money does the gov't and private donors give PP every year?...And you are using SLATE.COM as a source?....You'd go crazy if I quoted FOX or Heritage as my source, claiming, as I do with yours, a huge BIAS!
Hasn't PP always claimed that abortions were only 3% of their revenue...seems that was a lie, disposed of by no other than the PRESIDENT of PP herself!

  1. Planned Parenthood President Admits that 86% of...
    Sep 28, 2015 · Planned Parenthood President Admits that 86% of Revenue ... Richards also let it be known that 86% of Planned Butcherhood’s earnings comes from abortions.

I looked at your link for the quote where Richards makes the "86%" statement but I couldn't find her quote! So as I believe in doing my research , I did.
I didn't know that 80% of of the money PP gets from the government is for services covered under Medicaid. But then that makes sense as virtually every service offered by PP is covered by Medicaid, excluding abortion.
Now Richards quote. First is Rep. Lummis asked Richards why "86%" of PP's NON-GOVERNMENT revenue came from abortions? Richards pointed to the fact that Medicaid paid for about everything else.
So in fact what we have here is a ideological talking points blog not telling the truth by leaving out a huge qualifier. Young cons and every right wing blogs I read said "86% of PP's revenue was from abortions" FALSE. "86% of PP's NON-GOVERNMENT revenue came from abortions because abortions are paid for with non-government funds.
Read some truth instead of the dishonest bullshit that you are addicted to! My source?
The GOP Argument for Defunding Planned Parenthood Is Completely Incoherent

NOT ONE PP defender has yet to show me that there is a segregation of expenses for abortion services that are paid from NON-taxpayers funds as required by the HYDE amendment.
Or for simpler minds...
The salaries of the doctors that perform the abortions. Are they paid from NON-Federal revenue or are they commingled?
The overhead, utilities, rent,etc. where the abortions are performed. Are those expenses paid out of NON-Federal revenue?
All other expenses from performing abortions...are they paid from NON-Federal funds?

NOT one person can show this is occurring which is the true test, i.e. NOT one dime of Federal funds can be used to perform abortions!
Show me please!!!
Hasn't PP always claimed that abortions were only 3% of their revenue...seems that was a lie, disposed of by no other than the PRESIDENT of PP herself!

  1. Planned Parenthood President Admits that 86% of...
    Sep 28, 2015 · Planned Parenthood President Admits that 86% of Revenue ... Richards also let it be known that 86% of Planned Butcherhood’s earnings comes from abortions.

I looked at your link for the quote where Richards makes the "86%" statement but I couldn't find her quote! So as I believe in doing my research , I did.
I didn't know that 80% of of the money PP gets from the government is for services covered under Medicaid. But then that makes sense as virtually every service offered by PP is covered by Medicaid, excluding abortion.
Now Richards quote. First is Rep. Lummis asked Richards why "86%" of PP's NON-GOVERNMENT revenue came from abortions? Richards pointed to the fact that Medicaid paid for about everything else.
So in fact what we have here is a ideological talking points blog not telling the truth by leaving out a huge qualifier. Young cons and every right wing blogs I read said "86% of PP's revenue was from abortions" FALSE. "86% of PP's NON-GOVERNMENT revenue came from abortions because abortions are paid for with non-government funds.
Read some truth instead of the dishonest bullshit that you are addicted to! My source?
The GOP Argument for Defunding Planned Parenthood Is Completely Incoherent

So my inquisitive friend, just how much money does the gov't and private donors give PP every year?...And you are using SLATE.COM as a source?....You'd go crazy if I quoted FOX or Heritage as my source, claiming, as I do with yours, a huge BIAS!

Well, it seems I'm right, your hyper-ideological talking point blog is 100% bullshit and you eat that shit right up! :laugh:
And Slate has been used by your con brothers right here on USMB.
Awwww, I'm so sorry I exposed you as a blind follower of hyper-partisan proven bullshit blogs. No I'm not! :2up:
Hasn't PP always claimed that abortions were only 3% of their revenue...seems that was a lie, disposed of by no other than the PRESIDENT of PP herself!

  1. Planned Parenthood President Admits that 86% of...
    Sep 28, 2015 · Planned Parenthood President Admits that 86% of Revenue ... Richards also let it be known that 86% of Planned Butcherhood’s earnings comes from abortions.

& now for the truth. try & grab it.

What is the Hyde Amendment?

Passed by Congress in 1976, the Hyde Amendment excludes abortion from the comprehensive health care services provided to low-income people by the federal government through Medicaid. Congress has made some exceptions to the funding ban, which have varied over the years. At present, the federal Medicaid program mandates abortion funding in cases of rape or incest, as well as when a pregnant woman's life is endangered by a physical disorder, illness, or injury...'

Public Funding for Abortion

Summary: S.142 — 113th Congress (2013-2014)All Bill Information (Except Text)

There is one summary for this bill. Bill summaries are authored by CRS.

Shown Here:
Introduced in Senate (01/24/2013)

Hyde Amendment Codification Act - Prohibits the expenditure for any abortion of funds authorized or appropriated by federal law or funds in any trust fund to which funds are authorized or appropriated by federal law .

Prohibits the use of federal funds for any health benefits coverage that includes abortion. (Currently, federal funds cannot be used for abortion services, and plans receiving federal funds must keep them segregated from any funds for abortion services.)

Excludes from such prohibitions an abortion if: (1) the pregnancy is the result of rape or incest; or (2) the woman suffers from a physical disorder, injury, or illness, including a life-endangering physical condition caused by or arising from the pregnancy itself, that would place her in danger of death unless an abortion is performed, as certified by a physician.

S.142 - 113th Congress (2013-2014): Hyde Amendment Codification Act | | Library of Congress
Hasn't PP always claimed that abortions were only 3% of their revenue...seems that was a lie, disposed of by no other than the PRESIDENT of PP herself!

  1. Planned Parenthood President Admits that 86% of...
    Sep 28, 2015 · Planned Parenthood President Admits that 86% of Revenue ... Richards also let it be known that 86% of Planned Butcherhood’s earnings comes from abortions.

I looked at your link for the quote where Richards makes the "86%" statement but I couldn't find her quote! So as I believe in doing my research , I did.
I didn't know that 80% of of the money PP gets from the government is for services covered under Medicaid. But then that makes sense as virtually every service offered by PP is covered by Medicaid, excluding abortion.
Now Richards quote. First is Rep. Lummis asked Richards why "86%" of PP's NON-GOVERNMENT revenue came from abortions? Richards pointed to the fact that Medicaid paid for about everything else.
So in fact what we have here is a ideological talking points blog not telling the truth by leaving out a huge qualifier. Young cons and every right wing blogs I read said "86% of PP's revenue was from abortions" FALSE. "86% of PP's NON-GOVERNMENT revenue came from abortions because abortions are paid for with non-government funds.
Read some truth instead of the dishonest bullshit that you are addicted to! My source?
The GOP Argument for Defunding Planned Parenthood Is Completely Incoherent

NOT ONE PP defender has yet to show me that there is a segregation of expenses for abortion services that are paid from NON-taxpayers funds as required by the HYDE amendment.
Or for simpler minds...
The salaries of the doctors that perform the abortions. Are they paid from NON-Federal revenue or are they commingled?
The overhead, utilities, rent,etc. where the abortions are performed. Are those expenses paid out of NON-Federal revenue?
All other expenses from performing abortions...are they paid from NON-Federal funds?

NOT one person can show this is occurring which is the true test, i.e. NOT one dime of Federal funds can be used to perform abortions!
Show me please!!!

This audit/report is what the CBO & IRS accepts & is conducted by an independent auditor,
Hasn't PP always claimed that abortions were only 3% of their revenue...seems that was a lie, disposed of by no other than the PRESIDENT of PP herself!

  1. Planned Parenthood President Admits that 86% of...
    Sep 28, 2015 · Planned Parenthood President Admits that 86% of Revenue ... Richards also let it be known that 86% of Planned Butcherhood’s earnings comes from abortions.

I looked at your link for the quote where Richards makes the "86%" statement but I couldn't find her quote! So as I believe in doing my research , I did.
I didn't know that 80% of of the money PP gets from the government is for services covered under Medicaid. But then that makes sense as virtually every service offered by PP is covered by Medicaid, excluding abortion.
Now Richards quote. First is Rep. Lummis asked Richards why "86%" of PP's NON-GOVERNMENT revenue came from abortions? Richards pointed to the fact that Medicaid paid for about everything else.
So in fact what we have here is a ideological talking points blog not telling the truth by leaving out a huge qualifier. Young cons and every right wing blogs I read said "86% of PP's revenue was from abortions" FALSE. "86% of PP's NON-GOVERNMENT revenue came from abortions because abortions are paid for with non-government funds.
Read some truth instead of the dishonest bullshit that you are addicted to! My source?
The GOP Argument for Defunding Planned Parenthood Is Completely Incoherent

NOT ONE PP defender has yet to show me that there is a segregation of expenses for abortion services that are paid from NON-taxpayers funds as required by the HYDE amendment.
Or for simpler minds...
The salaries of the doctors that perform the abortions. Are they paid from NON-Federal revenue or are they commingled?
The overhead, utilities, rent,etc. where the abortions are performed. Are those expenses paid out of NON-Federal revenue?
All other expenses from performing abortions...are they paid from NON-Federal funds?

NOT one person can show this is occurring which is the true test, i.e. NOT one dime of Federal funds can be used to perform abortions!
Show me please!!!

This audit/report is what the CBO & IRS accepts & is conducted by an independent auditor,

Thank you for providing the report.... BUT THIS IS for the Parent national organization....
I looked through the entire 30 pages but didn't see ONE iota of information as to the segregation of all expenses related to abortions being paid by NON-federal funds.
The word "abortion" was NOT found in any of the 30 pages.

So again...
During the fiscal year that ended June 30, 2014, the most recent for which data is available, Planned Parenthood affiliates around the country received $528.4 million in government funds (a combination of state, federal and sometimes local government dollars), according to the organization's own annual report and information it's required to share with the IRS.

Those federal dollars were the single largest source of money coming into the organization and its local affiliates, by far.
Another $305.3 million came from nongovernment sources,
about $257.4 million reached the organization after private donors and foundations made contributions and bequests.
The organization also raised another $54.7 million in fees charged for its services.
How Planned Parenthood actually uses its federal funding

Show me that report!
You're the one accusing Planned Parenthood of violating the Hyde Amendment so it is up to YOU to prove your accusations --- not up to us to prove them wrong.

Besides which you refuse to accept audits or any other evidence that you're wrong.

Missouri investigated Planned Parenthood and EXONERATED THEM OF ANY WRONGDOING.

But you claim, without any evidence, that their investigation didn't include violating the Hyde amendment.

They spent a lot of money trying to find ANYTHING against PP and had to give up and admit they could not.

Apparently you aren't even as smart as the dumbazzes that run the State of Missouri.

At least they knew when they were beat.


Hasn't PP always claimed that abortions were only 3% of their revenue...seems that was a lie, disposed of by no other than the PRESIDENT of PP herself!

  1. Planned Parenthood President Admits that 86% of...
    Sep 28, 2015 · Planned Parenthood President Admits that 86% of Revenue ... Richards also let it be known that 86% of Planned Butcherhood’s earnings comes from abortions.

I looked at your link for the quote where Richards makes the "86%" statement but I couldn't find her quote! So as I believe in doing my research , I did.
I didn't know that 80% of of the money PP gets from the government is for services covered under Medicaid. But then that makes sense as virtually every service offered by PP is covered by Medicaid, excluding abortion.
Now Richards quote. First is Rep. Lummis asked Richards why "86%" of PP's NON-GOVERNMENT revenue came from abortions? Richards pointed to the fact that Medicaid paid for about everything else.
So in fact what we have here is a ideological talking points blog not telling the truth by leaving out a huge qualifier. Young cons and every right wing blogs I read said "86% of PP's revenue was from abortions" FALSE. "86% of PP's NON-GOVERNMENT revenue came from abortions because abortions are paid for with non-government funds.
Read some truth instead of the dishonest bullshit that you are addicted to! My source?
The GOP Argument for Defunding Planned Parenthood Is Completely Incoherent

NOT ONE PP defender has yet to show me that there is a segregation of expenses for abortion services that are paid from NON-taxpayers funds as required by the HYDE amendment.
Or for simpler minds...
The salaries of the doctors that perform the abortions. Are they paid from NON-Federal revenue or are they commingled?
The overhead, utilities, rent,etc. where the abortions are performed. Are those expenses paid out of NON-Federal revenue?
All other expenses from performing abortions...are they paid from NON-Federal funds?

NOT one person can show this is occurring which is the true test, i.e. NOT one dime of Federal funds can be used to perform abortions!
Show me please!!!

This audit/report is what the CBO & IRS accepts & is conducted by an independent auditor,

Thank you for providing the report.... BUT THIS IS for the Parent national organization....
I looked through the entire 30 pages but didn't see ONE iota of information as to the segregation of all expenses related to abortions being paid by NON-federal funds.
The word "abortion" was NOT found in any of the 30 pages.

So again...
During the fiscal year that ended June 30, 2014, the most recent for which data is available, Planned Parenthood affiliates around the country received $528.4 million in government funds (a combination of state, federal and sometimes local government dollars), according to the organization's own annual report and information it's required to share with the IRS.

Those federal dollars were the single largest source of money coming into the organization and its local affiliates, by far.
Another $305.3 million came from nongovernment sources,
about $257.4 million reached the organization after private donors and foundations made contributions and bequests.
The organization also raised another $54.7 million in fees charged for its services.
How Planned Parenthood actually uses its federal funding

Show me that report!
You're the one accusing Planned Parenthood of violating the Hyde Amendment so it is up to YOU to prove your accusations --- not up to us to prove them wrong.

Besides which you refuse to accept audits or any other evidence that you're wrong.

Missouri investigated Planned Parenthood and EXONERATED THEM OF ANY WRONGDOING.

But you claim, without any evidence, that their investigation didn't include violating the Hyde amendment.

They spent a lot of money trying to find ANYTHING against PP and had to give up and admit they could not.

Apparently you aren't even as smart as the dumbazzes that run the State of Missouri.

At least they knew when they were beat.


Hasn't PP always claimed that abortions were only 3% of their revenue...seems that was a lie, disposed of by no other than the PRESIDENT of PP herself!

  1. Planned Parenthood President Admits that 86% of...
    Sep 28, 2015 · Planned Parenthood President Admits that 86% of Revenue ... Richards also let it be known that 86% of Planned Butcherhood’s earnings comes from abortions.

I looked at your link for the quote where Richards makes the "86%" statement but I couldn't find her quote! So as I believe in doing my research , I did.
I didn't know that 80% of of the money PP gets from the government is for services covered under Medicaid. But then that makes sense as virtually every service offered by PP is covered by Medicaid, excluding abortion.
Now Richards quote. First is Rep. Lummis asked Richards why "86%" of PP's NON-GOVERNMENT revenue came from abortions? Richards pointed to the fact that Medicaid paid for about everything else.
So in fact what we have here is a ideological talking points blog not telling the truth by leaving out a huge qualifier. Young cons and every right wing blogs I read said "86% of PP's revenue was from abortions" FALSE. "86% of PP's NON-GOVERNMENT revenue came from abortions because abortions are paid for with non-government funds.
Read some truth instead of the dishonest bullshit that you are addicted to! My source?
The GOP Argument for Defunding Planned Parenthood Is Completely Incoherent

NOT ONE PP defender has yet to show me that there is a segregation of expenses for abortion services that are paid from NON-taxpayers funds as required by the HYDE amendment.
Or for simpler minds...
The salaries of the doctors that perform the abortions. Are they paid from NON-Federal revenue or are they commingled?
The overhead, utilities, rent,etc. where the abortions are performed. Are those expenses paid out of NON-Federal revenue?
All other expenses from performing abortions...are they paid from NON-Federal funds?

NOT one person can show this is occurring which is the true test, i.e. NOT one dime of Federal funds can be used to perform abortions!
Show me please!!!

This audit/report is what the CBO & IRS accepts & is conducted by an independent auditor,

Thank you for providing the report.... BUT THIS IS for the Parent national organization....
I looked through the entire 30 pages but didn't see ONE iota of information as to the segregation of all expenses related to abortions being paid by NON-federal funds.
The word "abortion" was NOT found in any of the 30 pages.

So again...
During the fiscal year that ended June 30, 2014, the most recent for which data is available, Planned Parenthood affiliates around the country received $528.4 million in government funds (a combination of state, federal and sometimes local government dollars), according to the organization's own annual report and information it's required to share with the IRS.

Those federal dollars were the single largest source of money coming into the organization and its local affiliates, by far.
Another $305.3 million came from nongovernment sources,
about $257.4 million reached the organization after private donors and foundations made contributions and bequests.
The organization also raised another $54.7 million in fees charged for its services.
How Planned Parenthood actually uses its federal funding

Show me that report!

& that's from a state that is so f'n red- it's crimson...
You're the one accusing Planned Parenthood of violating the Hyde Amendment so it is up to YOU to prove your accusations --- not up to us to prove them wrong.

Besides which you refuse to accept audits or any other evidence that you're wrong.

Missouri investigated Planned Parenthood and EXONERATED THEM OF ANY WRONGDOING.

But you claim, without any evidence, that their investigation didn't include violating the Hyde amendment.

They spent a lot of money trying to find ANYTHING against PP and had to give up and admit they could not.

Apparently you aren't even as smart as the dumbazzes that run the State of Missouri.

At least they knew when they were beat.


Hasn't PP always claimed that abortions were only 3% of their revenue...seems that was a lie, disposed of by no other than the PRESIDENT of PP herself!

  1. Planned Parenthood President Admits that 86% of...
    Sep 28, 2015 · Planned Parenthood President Admits that 86% of Revenue ... Richards also let it be known that 86% of Planned Butcherhood’s earnings comes from abortions.

I looked at your link for the quote where Richards makes the "86%" statement but I couldn't find her quote! So as I believe in doing my research , I did.
I didn't know that 80% of of the money PP gets from the government is for services covered under Medicaid. But then that makes sense as virtually every service offered by PP is covered by Medicaid, excluding abortion.
Now Richards quote. First is Rep. Lummis asked Richards why "86%" of PP's NON-GOVERNMENT revenue came from abortions? Richards pointed to the fact that Medicaid paid for about everything else.
So in fact what we have here is a ideological talking points blog not telling the truth by leaving out a huge qualifier. Young cons and every right wing blogs I read said "86% of PP's revenue was from abortions" FALSE. "86% of PP's NON-GOVERNMENT revenue came from abortions because abortions are paid for with non-government funds.
Read some truth instead of the dishonest bullshit that you are addicted to! My source?
The GOP Argument for Defunding Planned Parenthood Is Completely Incoherent

NOT ONE PP defender has yet to show me that there is a segregation of expenses for abortion services that are paid from NON-taxpayers funds as required by the HYDE amendment.
Or for simpler minds...
The salaries of the doctors that perform the abortions. Are they paid from NON-Federal revenue or are they commingled?
The overhead, utilities, rent,etc. where the abortions are performed. Are those expenses paid out of NON-Federal revenue?
All other expenses from performing abortions...are they paid from NON-Federal funds?

NOT one person can show this is occurring which is the true test, i.e. NOT one dime of Federal funds can be used to perform abortions!
Show me please!!!

This audit/report is what the CBO & IRS accepts & is conducted by an independent auditor,

Thank you for providing the report.... BUT THIS IS for the Parent national organization....
I looked through the entire 30 pages but didn't see ONE iota of information as to the segregation of all expenses related to abortions being paid by NON-federal funds.
The word "abortion" was NOT found in any of the 30 pages.

So again...
During the fiscal year that ended June 30, 2014, the most recent for which data is available, Planned Parenthood affiliates around the country received $528.4 million in government funds (a combination of state, federal and sometimes local government dollars), according to the organization's own annual report and information it's required to share with the IRS.

Those federal dollars were the single largest source of money coming into the organization and its local affiliates, by far.
Another $305.3 million came from nongovernment sources,
about $257.4 million reached the organization after private donors and foundations made contributions and bequests.
The organization also raised another $54.7 million in fees charged for its services.
How Planned Parenthood actually uses its federal funding

Show me that report!

So then the Congress should NOT fund Planned Parenthood's $.5 Billion until PP can show that:
The salaries of the doctors that perform the abortions. Are paid from NON-Federal revenue!
The overhead, utilities, rent,etc. where the abortions are performed. Those expenses are not paid out of tax payers funding?
All other expenses from performing abortions...are paid from NON-Federal funds.
Until PP shows that, NO MORE FUNDING FOR PP!
That simple.
Show us that the abortion services' expenses are NOT paid with Federal funds!
Hey, moron.....have you ever heard of the Hyde Amendment?

Right wingers may be entitled to their own [albeit, sick] opinions, but FACTS are objective and their stupidity and ignorance can't trump (pardon the expression) reality.
Hey, moron.....have you ever heard of the Hyde Amendment?

Right wingers may be entitled to their own [albeit, sick] opinions, but FACTS are objective and their stupidity and ignorance can't trump (pardon the expression) reality.
  1. In U.S. politics, the Hyde Amendment is a legislative provision barring the use of certain federal funds to pay for abortion unless the pregnancy arises from incest, rape, or to save the life of the mother.
    Hyde Amendment - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaHyde_Amendment

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