Pics of some of Biden's China Flu Super Spreaders.


Diamond Member
Oct 7, 2019
Here are pics of just a few of the thousands of Super Spreaders Biden is releasing into the US.

The CBP facility in Donna, Texas is a tragic superspreader event caused by the Biden admin. Per CBP, the Donna facility has a 10% positivity rate. Roughly 4000 aliens are cramped together into cages. Pictured (identities obscured) are kids who tested + for


2:16 PM · Mar 26, 2021
  • “The Biden administration wants to hide what is going on here,” said Cruz, who said he pushed unsuccessfully to get cameras into the facility.
  • “We’re in negotiations with the president of Mexico. I think we’re going to see that change,” Biden said at the news conference, his first formal one at the White House. “They should all be going back.”

The Democrat-led House last week narrowly passed two immigration bills last week in a more piecemeal approach. Nine Republicans joined all House Democrats to pass the Dream and Promise Act, H.R. 6, on a 228-197 vote, which would provide green cards and the prospect of eventual citizenship to young undocumented immigrants known as Dreamers. The House also approved, 247-174, another bill to provide legal status for migrant agricultural workers, with 30 Republicans voting in favor.

In the Senate, split 50-50 between the two parties, Republicans say that even a more modest measure like the Dream Act can’t clear now without a significant investment in border security or asylum law changes, or both. Sen. Susan Collins of Maine, a Republican who often seeks bipartisan compromises, called the situation at the border “a disaster.”

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