Photos Show the Aftermath of a HIMARS Strike in Occupied Kadiivka.


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
Saving HIMARS until the spring to join the newly arrived tanks. It will be a glorious spring offensive, stay tuned.

Ukeys being obliterated .
All over for US Nazis and the raggle taggle Ukey remnants

In the last seven days Russia claimed to have destroyed a total of 40 truck pulled howitzers, 32 self propelled howitzers, 8 Multiple Rocked Launcher Systems (MRLS), 15 counter artillery radars and 23 local artillery ammunition depots.

On top of that it engaged Ukrainian artillery positions with normal counter fire on 651 occasions. This will have caused additional damage and losses.

Additionally 55 MLRS rockets and HARM anti-radar missiles were intercepted by Russian air defenses.

If you think that the field reports the ministry receives are exaggerating the numbers, which is likely, simply divide them by half.

In just one week it was still more than Estonia and France promise to deliver.

Yesterday I explained why a NATO or U.S. intervention with ground troops is unlikely. We can add the acute lack of NATO artillery and artillery ammunition to the reasons.

NATO has disarmed its ground forces and is no longer combat capable.

Posted by b on January 31, 2023 at 18:02 UTC | Permalink

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