Peter Schiff: Market Boost An Illusion

Hi Toro:

Hey Terral

Who's the hot chick offering you advice?

Stop being silly. I listen to people like Peter Schiff, Gerald Celente, Jim Rogers and Lyndon Larouche (videos above) who all know the Economic Collapse of the USA is taking place right before your very eyes.

[ame=""]Peter Schiff Video Blog: May 15, 2009[/ame]

[ame=""]Judge Napolitano And Gerald Celente[/ame]

[ame=""]Jim Rogers On Inflation/Hyperinflation[/ame]

The pretty lady is missessmakawimaxton (link) using the YouTube user name of TRUTHMAMA. My understanding is that she recently deleted practically all of her YouTube videos to get the hell out of Dodge (leaving the USA this week) over the coming Economic Implosion and Martial Law . . .

[ame=""]Like This Guy Broadcasting From His Tent[/ame]

[ame=""]California Is Shutting Down![/ame]

[ame=""]Lots Of Regular Folks Know What Is Happening[/ame]

[ame=""]Dont Panic! Get Your Economic Collapse Supplies[/ame]


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Hi Editec:

. . . Defining the economic health of a nation based solely on how well the superrich are doing is a perfect example of the class war we've been having all along.

The coming U.S. Economic Collapse has nothing to do with class warfare.

The Dollar Is Going To Collapse

People are getting out of dollars, because the U.S. Currency value is falling like a stone. Therefore, the markets are artificially inflated and keep going up, because these dollars must go somewhere 'and' the deflationary Real Estate Market offers no solution. The U.S. Economy was wired for Implosion ON PURPOSE (Sept. 18, 2008) and the collapse will take place later this year, even though . . .

[ame=""]The Greatest Depression Has Begun Part 1[/ame]
[ame=""]The Greatest Depression Has Begun Part 2[/ame]
[ame=""]The Greatest Depression Has Begun Part 3[/ame]
The Greatest Depression Has Begun Part 4



Here is a book review from City Journal, for all of the pessimists:
Book Review in the City Journal. By GUY SORMAN
The Rational Crisis
Richard Posner takes on the financial meltdown.
15 May 2009
The Rational Crisis by Guy Sorman, City Journal 15 May 2009

Capitalism, writes Posner, should be not rejected but repaired. Posner has joined the still-modest number of scholars who try to understand their mistakes without jettisoning their entire system of beliefs. Former Federal Reserve chairman Alan Greenspan became a member of this group after publicly admitting some months back that he had overrated the financial markets’ capacity to self-regulate. Posner, however, goes much deeper: his book offers a sophisticated explanation of what he sees as an approaching, if unacknowledged, depression—one that will last for some years and deeply threaten our society.

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