pervert R kelly concerned about his safety


Gold Member
Oct 26, 2020
Spce coast Florida
R. Kelly's lawyers say singer's safety is in danger, asks to be released on bond

maybe he should of been thinking about what could happen to him in jail before he started molesting women and breaking the law.
R. Kelly's lawyers say singer's safety is in danger, asks to be released on bond

maybe he should of been thinking about what could happen to him in jail before he started molesting women and breaking the law.

R. Kelly is a rich fellow and really famous. He certainly would seem to have enough in those areas to avoid problems, particularly in a local jail. Not exactly the penitentiary. I wonder if he paid this Latin King fellow to kick his ass to help make his case that he should be released on bail?
Pedo's don't do well in jail. Prisoners already in jail have wives, girlfriends and kids.

They don't like Pedo's and who can blame them? Pedo's usually get killed in jail.

Good luck R. Kelly, you will surely need it.
R. Kelly's lawyers say singer's safety is in danger, asks to be released on bond

maybe he should of been thinking about what could happen to him in jail before he started molesting women and breaking the law.
Not just women

The documents say Kelly also groomed two teenage boys, including a 17-year-old he met at a local McDonalds in late 2016.

“Thereafter, Kelly invited John Doe #1 into his studio under the guise of helping and mentoring John Doe #1 with his musical aspirations,” the papers say. “Kelly also asked John Doe #1 what he was willing to do to succeed in the music business and clarified that he wanted John Doe #1 to engage in sexual contact with Kelly.”
Kelly developed a sexual relationship with another boy he met as a teen, the papers say. He later paid for the victim to have sex with some of his girlfriends, sometimes filming the encounters, they say.

If he didn't want to be in prison he shouldn't have broken the law.

If he didn't want to be in prison he shouldn't have broken the law.
I wonder if he broke the law. I mean, if he was with minors that's breaking the law for sure but most of these women are just crying because he treated them like shit.....and they took it.

It's like if a guy fucks a girl and dumps her right after and she cries rape. Was he a dick? Sure. But did he rape her? No.

Kelly was indicted on 10 counts of aggravated criminal sexual abuse. On July 11, 2019, Kelly was arrested on federal charges alleging sex crimes, human trafficking, child pornography, racketeering, and obstruction of justice.

Yesterday they were saying he might get in trouble because he took women across state lines? It's some old law that they used to put someone else in jail in the past. It sure sounds to me like they are over charging him.

What sex crimes? What human trafficking? Ok if he has child pornography then he should go to jail for that. What racketeering? Obstruction of justice? Sounds like they are throwing everything at him. The only thing I see him being guilty of is having sex with miners.

Oh yea, it was Jerry Lee Lewis.

How come these other 10 guys were never arrested?

R. Kelly's lawyers say singer's safety is in danger, asks to be released on bond

maybe he should of been thinking about what could happen to him in jail before he started molesting women and breaking the l

Not just women

The documents say Kelly also groomed two teenage boys, including a 17-year-old he met at a local McDonalds in late 2016.

“Thereafter, Kelly invited John Doe #1 into his studio under the guise of helping and mentoring John Doe #1 with his musical aspirations,” the papers say. “Kelly also asked John Doe #1 what he was willing to do to succeed in the music business and clarified that he wanted John Doe #1 to engage in sexual contact with Kelly.”
Kelly developed a sexual relationship with another boy he met as a teen, the papers say. He later paid for the victim to have sex with some of his girlfriends, sometimes filming the encounters, they say.
Why hasn't he been killed yet?
In prison? I would never kill him if I were in prison with him. I'd make him sing all the time though. What a voice.
Fear of his life in prisons was the whole premise for the thread. Obviously he wasn't really in much danger. He's still alive.
He'll get over it...maybe..
She cried multiple times on stand while testifying that Kelly imposed strict rules, including making her call him “Daddy” and controlling what she wore and ate and where she was allowed to travel. Doe said Kelly made her have sex with several other women during their relationship and often collected collateral on her ― like recording a video of her lying and saying her father molested her ― so she was unable to leave the singer.

Why didn't she leave? This pisses me off. These women went along with his perversions rather than leave, and now he's being Me Too'ed.

Doe, who met Kelly during her junior year of high school, had a sexual relationship with the singer throughout the summer before her senior year. She ended up moving to Chicago for her senior year of high school and lived with him while she took virtual classes.

Her parents let this happen. And if she was 17, isn't that legal? Either way, why did her parents let her go?

The singer is facing four counts of violating the Mann Act, which prohibits taking minors across state lines for the purpose of prostitution, and one count of racketeering. Prosecutors hope to show that Kelly and his entourage acted like a criminal enterprise, using the singer’s fame and power to recruit underage girls and boys so that Kelly could sexually and physically abuse them. Kelly did engage in sex with Doe when she was 17, she testified, which constitutes rape in Florida and California.

This is what I don't like about our nations laws. In MI 17 is legal. Reminds me of how pot is legal in MI but in Texas a pound of weed will land you in prison.

What is this Mann Act bullshit? And racketeering???

Kelly used his success to lure Doe and her family into his world, according to Doe’s testimony. A few days after they met at his concert in Florida in 2015, he invited her to his hotel room, where he told Doe, an aspiring musician, she could audition for him. Once there, however, he said he “needed to ejaculate” first before he could hear her sing.

“I was against it,” Doe told prosecutors. “I told him I did not come to please him and that I was coming to audition.” Kelly continued to pressure Doe, who eventually caved and let him give her oral sex before he allowed her to sing for him.

Yea, and then she moved in with him. Her fault.

Ten days later, Kelly had an assistant book flights for Doe to travel to Los Angeles and meet him at one of the stops on his Black Panties tour. From there she traveled to other parts of the country to visit Kelly on tour stops. Eventually, Kelly had sex with Doe, who was still a minor at the age of 17. All of Doe’s interstate travel was paid for by Kelly and booked through one of his assistants. This part of Doe’s testimony will likely play a big role in prosecutors’ evidence of racketeering.

Doe’s testimony was full of details about physical and sexual abuse, including statements that Kelly intentionally degraded and humiliated her. She said he punished her in several ways for not abiding by his strict rules, including spankings that “would leave bruises.” Another time, she said, he punished her by making her smear feces on her face and in her mouth as he recorded her.
She testified that Kelly gave her genital herpes when she was 17. The pain was so unbearable during the first flare-up, she said, that she “couldn’t even physically walk.” Doe added that she had “very intense” pain as a result of the herpes during sexual intercourse, and that it hindered her from having sex with Kelly sometimes. “‘I think your pussy is broken,’” Doe said Kelly taunted her at the time.
“I felt that this man had purposely given me something that he knew he had, a situation that he could have controlled,” she said through tears.
In 2015, Doe thought she was pregnant. Kelly wanted her to have an abortion, she said, but not just because she was under the legal age of consent. “He said he would want me to get an abortion so I could keep my body tight,” Doe said. She eventually did get pregnant in 2017, and Kelly forced her to get an abortion. Doe’s experience is eerily similar to that of Aaliyah’s, whom Kelly married when she was just 15 with the aid of a fake ID. Doe also testified Monday that the marriage occurred so that Aaliyah could get an abortion with his legal consent.
Doe testified that Kelly physically beat her several times, including one time with his Air Force One sneaker. She said through tears that she ran through the house trying to get away from Kelly as he punched her and hit her with the sneaker. “I was trying to run from him and fight back, but I’m literally no match,” said Doe, who was 4 feet, 11 inches and 98 pounds at the time. Kelly is over 6 feet tall.

She could have left

She cried multiple times on stand while testifying that Kelly imposed strict rules, including making her call him “Daddy” and controlling what she wore and ate and where she was allowed to travel. Doe said Kelly made her have sex with several other women during their relationship and often collected collateral on her ― like recording a video of her lying and saying her father molested her ― so she was unable to leave the singer.

Why didn't she leave? This pisses me off. These women went along with his perversions rather than leave, and now he's being Me Too'ed.

Doe, who met Kelly during her junior year of high school, had a sexual relationship with the singer throughout the summer before her senior year. She ended up moving to Chicago for her senior year of high school and lived with him while she took virtual classes.

Her parents let this happen. And if she was 17, isn't that legal? Either way, why did her parents let her go?

The singer is facing four counts of violating the Mann Act, which prohibits taking minors across state lines for the purpose of prostitution, and one count of racketeering. Prosecutors hope to show that Kelly and his entourage acted like a criminal enterprise, using the singer’s fame and power to recruit underage girls and boys so that Kelly could sexually and physically abuse them. Kelly did engage in sex with Doe when she was 17, she testified, which constitutes rape in Florida and California.

This is what I don't like about our nations laws. In MI 17 is legal. Reminds me of how pot is legal in MI but in Texas a pound of weed will land you in prison.

What is this Mann Act bullshit? And racketeering???

Kelly used his success to lure Doe and her family into his world, according to Doe’s testimony. A few days after they met at his concert in Florida in 2015, he invited her to his hotel room, where he told Doe, an aspiring musician, she could audition for him. Once there, however, he said he “needed to ejaculate” first before he could hear her sing.

“I was against it,” Doe told prosecutors. “I told him I did not come to please him and that I was coming to audition.” Kelly continued to pressure Doe, who eventually caved and let him give her oral sex before he allowed her to sing for him.

Yea, and then she moved in with him. Her fault.

Ten days later, Kelly had an assistant book flights for Doe to travel to Los Angeles and meet him at one of the stops on his Black Panties tour. From there she traveled to other parts of the country to visit Kelly on tour stops. Eventually, Kelly had sex with Doe, who was still a minor at the age of 17. All of Doe’s interstate travel was paid for by Kelly and booked through one of his assistants. This part of Doe’s testimony will likely play a big role in prosecutors’ evidence of racketeering.

Doe’s testimony was full of details about physical and sexual abuse, including statements that Kelly intentionally degraded and humiliated her. She said he punished her in several ways for not abiding by his strict rules, including spankings that “would leave bruises.” Another time, she said, he punished her by making her smear feces on her face and in her mouth as he recorded her.
She testified that Kelly gave her genital herpes when she was 17. The pain was so unbearable during the first flare-up, she said, that she “couldn’t even physically walk.” Doe added that she had “very intense” pain as a result of the herpes during sexual intercourse, and that it hindered her from having sex with Kelly sometimes. “‘I think your pussy is broken,’” Doe said Kelly taunted her at the time.
“I felt that this man had purposely given me something that he knew he had, a situation that he could have controlled,” she said through tears.
In 2015, Doe thought she was pregnant. Kelly wanted her to have an abortion, she said, but not just because she was under the legal age of consent. “He said he would want me to get an abortion so I could keep my body tight,” Doe said. She eventually did get pregnant in 2017, and Kelly forced her to get an abortion. Doe’s experience is eerily similar to that of Aaliyah’s, whom Kelly married when she was just 15 with the aid of a fake ID. Doe also testified Monday that the marriage occurred so that Aaliyah could get an abortion with his legal consent.
Doe testified that Kelly physically beat her several times, including one time with his Air Force One sneaker. She said through tears that she ran through the house trying to get away from Kelly as he punched her and hit her with the sneaker. “I was trying to run from him and fight back, but I’m literally no match,” said Doe, who was 4 feet, 11 inches and 98 pounds at the time. Kelly is over 6 feet tall.

She could have left

Some have the strength to live others have the strength to die.
Some have the strength to live others have the strength to die.
OMG I was watching this show yesterday where the guy broke in, raped and murdered 5 nurses and one of them hid and he lost count. So he left her alive. He thought he got away with the perfect murder until he he heard his name on the news in connection with the murders. Then he tried to kill himself by slicing his wrists but they found him alive.

OMG the woman who survived it. What a nightmare. I can't imagine going through that. She got so lucky.

I've been watching, "I survived a serial killer" Great show. I love it that the women who get to testify for all the other people who died. Remember the illegal immigrant who was murdering people up and down the railroad tracks from Texas to Chicago? What an evil man. I can't believe people can be that evil. They make unkotare seem like a nice guy.
R. Kelly's lawyers say singer's safety is in danger, asks to be released on bond

maybe he should of been thinking about what could happen to him in jail before he started molesting women and breaking the law.
I think we should release him on bond. Just make a public announcement that he will be released out the back door at 9PM.

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