People with concealed carry permits are safer drivers....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Yep...because they know that all it takes is one left wing, anti-gun cop to strip them of their right to bear arms....

Fox News on our research: "Concealed carry permit holders less reckless behind wheel than other drivers, study says" - Crime Prevention Research Center

The nonprofit found that compared to permit holders, drivers without permits were 2.4 times more likely to drive drunk, 34.1 times more likely to drive under the influence of a controlled substance, and 10.6 times more likely to drive recklessly. . . .
Here is more on the topic....

Concealed handgun permit holders much less likely to drive recklessly than other drivers - Crime Prevention Research Center

The table shows that, compared to permit holders, permitless individuals are 2.4 times more likely to drive drunk. They are 34.1 times more likely to drive under the influence of a controlled substance, and 10.6 times more likely to drive recklessly. Across these three types of driving violations, non-permit holders were 12.2 times more likely to be violating the law.
I think it goes farther than that. When I am legally carrying my firearm, I can easily carry out scenarios in my minds eye of exactly how far an incident of road rage can go. Something simple like a one finger salute, or an "I'll teach this guy a lesson for cutting me off" becomes something for other people to do.
A cop stopped a car for speeding. Inside was an 85 year old woman. When he approached the car she rolled down the window and said, "before you say anything I want to tell you I am armed, but have a permit." He asked her what she was carrying and she said "a .45 auto." then she said "there is also a 9mm in the center council and a .380 in the glove box." The cop asked "lady, what are you afraid of?" She said, "not a darned thing."
I would think that target practice improves one's hand/eye coordination, which of course is an advantage in driving.

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