People who use Facebook are nuts


Diamond Member
Jun 1, 2013
Everywhere needed
And boy are there a LOT of them!!!

Facebook now demands a clear photo of your face in order to access your Facebook account.

In case you are clueless, your photo is then searched and cross referenced against billions of photos to ensure it's unique and to forever index your facial print permanently into numerous computers for future use. (Yeah, they're gonna tell you that your face has been planted in the NSA's Utah Data Center up front :rolleyes:)

Gets worse.....
"In order to help prevent porn spamming", they ask that you upload a NUDE photo (I kid you NOT), that will be hash indexed and then deleted. trust this? REALLY?

The source is 100% credible and a trusted techie information source
Facebook’s New Test: 'Upload A Clear Photo of Your Face'

wow! Older people might see the danger in all this...but tens of millions of young millennials are uploading their photos faster than a beehive can pollinate a pot of flowers.

This s hit is getting crazy....and sheeple are fully complying. A DNA sample will be required next.....and fools will line up to send theirs in.

The future is a Global cluster fuck and everyone's happily grabbing their ankles and bending over.

I've avoided FB until today when a friend suggested I place an ad there to advertise my business.
I said Fuck it when they said I'd have to upload my photos just to do so.
This is pure collusion between an out of control government sucking up personal data and a large corporation in bed with it. humanity ends up in shackles again and again.

SO GLAD I lived the bulk of my life in an era of freedom, common sense a respect for privacy & individuality. From here on out it's fucked up.
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Get help before its too late.....just say no to Fakebook.....
And boy are there a LOT of them!!!

Facebook now demands a clear photo of your face in order to access your Facebook account.

In case you are clueless, your photo is then searched and cross referenced against billions of photos to ensure it's unique and to forever index your facial print permanently into numerous computers for future use. (Yeah, they're gonna tell you that your face has been planted in the NSA's Utah Data Center up front :rolleyes:)

Gets worse.....
"In order to help prevent porn spamming", they ask that you upload a NUDE photo (I kid you NOT), that will be hash indexed and then deleted. trust this? REALLY?

The source is 100% credible and a trusted techie information source
Facebook’s New Test: 'Upload A Clear Photo of Your Face'

wow! Older people might see the danger in all this...but tens of millions of young millennials are uploading their photos faster than a beehive can pollinate a pot of flowers.

This s hit is getting crazy....and sheeple are fully complying. A DNA sample will be required next.....and fools will line up to send theirs in.

The future is a Global cluster fuck and everyone's happily grabbing their ankles and bending over.

I've avoided FB until today when a friend suggested I place an ad there to advertise my business.
I said Fuck it when they said I'd have to upload my photos just to do so.
This is pure collusion between an out of control government sucking up personal data and a large corporation in bed with it. humanity ends up in shackles again and again.

SO GLAD I lived the bulk of my life in an era of freedom, common sense a respect for privacy & individuality. From here on out it's fucked up.

You had me at 58 different genders.
That was enough for me!
If a Rightwing owned service similar to Facebook was many self-proclaimed RWers using Facebook would leave FB for the RW version?

Sadly, probably less than 100.
The Left is guaranteed victory by RW weakness and apathy
And boy are there a LOT of them!!!

Facebook now demands a clear photo of your face in order to access your Facebook account.

In case you are clueless, your photo is then searched and cross referenced against billions of photos to ensure it's unique and to forever index your facial print permanently into numerous computers for future use. (Yeah, they're gonna tell you that your face has been planted in the NSA's Utah Data Center up front :rolleyes:)

Gets worse.....
"In order to help prevent porn spamming", they ask that you upload a NUDE photo (I kid you NOT), that will be hash indexed and then deleted. trust this? REALLY?

The source is 100% credible and a trusted techie information source
Facebook’s New Test: 'Upload A Clear Photo of Your Face'

wow! Older people might see the danger in all this...but tens of millions of young millennials are uploading their photos faster than a beehive can pollinate a pot of flowers.

This s hit is getting crazy....and sheeple are fully complying. A DNA sample will be required next.....and fools will line up to send theirs in.

The future is a Global cluster fuck and everyone's happily grabbing their ankles and bending over.

I've avoided FB until today when a friend suggested I place an ad there to advertise my business.
I said Fuck it when they said I'd have to upload my photos just to do so.
This is pure collusion between an out of control government sucking up personal data and a large corporation in bed with it. humanity ends up in shackles again and again.

SO GLAD I lived the bulk of my life in an era of freedom, common sense a respect for privacy & individuality. From here on out it's fucked up.
I don't use my real name.

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If a Rightwing owned service similar to Facebook was many self-proclaimed RWers using Facebook would leave FB for the RW version?

Sadly, probably less than 100.
The Left is guaranteed victory by RW weakness and apathy

Dear BasicHumanUnit
I guess the same goes for liberals who threaten to leave the country.
If they hate America so much, and want to throw out the Constitution,
do they dare live under a government without that?
Looks like it's a new Captcha test they're looking to adopt.

From the piece - Earlier this month, Facebook asked users to upload nude photos to Facebook Messenger, as part of an effort to prevent revenge porn. Facebook said it would use the nude photos to create a digital fingerprint against which to compare future posts.

And, yes, they are testing a new facial recognition technology that will demand a clear photo.

This stuff just hasn't been physically adopted into their platform, it's only in the test phase.

I guess facebook didn't go to Washington for nothing. Heh heh.

Now they wanna see nude photos. All in the name of security, of course. lolol.

There's probly some smokin hot chicks on facebook, too, no doubt. Whoever thought of that Captcha test is genius. They'll upload em, too, guaranteed.
Looks like it's a new Captcha test they're looking to adopt.

From the piece - Earlier this month, Facebook asked users to upload nude photos to Facebook Messenger, as part of an effort to prevent revenge porn. Facebook said it would use the nude photos to create a digital fingerprint against which to compare future posts.

And, yes, they are testing a new facial recognition technology that will demand a clear photo.

This stuff just hasn't been physically adopted into their platform, it's only in the test phase.


And 99% of certified morons will just blurt out......"NO THEY DON'T!!"
Without even checking first.

My Gawd! The USA has become Lemming Central.

Look at the fine print in the screenshot above from FB....
They say "We are always looking out for your security, so until then you won't be able to use Facebook".
Replace the Facebook part with Trains, Cars, Guns etc and that was exactly what the Nazis told people they were rounding up.
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All of this softens up young people for the next move....

A Police State like China has now adopted with 500 million surveillance cameras watching your every move and a Social Points system where you lose or gain points based on everything you do. And you can be deprived basic services and your freedom based on what the Communist government "HAS" on you.

Speaking out against the government, btw, costs you BIG time.....even if they wrongly rounded up and executed your children.

The Left loves this shit.

Since FB started demanding personal & NUDE photos, it's membership has increased by 22 million. Mostly young American Millennials and Leftists

The number of people who see the problem with this or are concerned could fit in a high school gym.
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Are there ZERO RIGHT WINGERS who have the ability to create a website that could compete with FB ?

And if it happened, would that site get snubbed and ignored?
In all honesty, I'm wondering WHY noone on the Right has initiated such a project.

Seems a TON of RWers would flock there just to support the RW cause?

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