People do not like bad news.....and just about all the News regarding Islamic Terrorism is bad......


Gold Member
May 24, 2016
People do not like bad news.....and just about all the News regarding Islamic Terrorism is bad.......after all these years since 9/11 we still are on the losing side of this epic world-wide struggle....why is that?

For several reasons.....bush was incompetent....obama is even more incompetent.....bush made a huge, huge mistake by under-estimating our enemies and deciding not to engage in a war where we could actually win but one where we have essentially made no progress....

bush followed in the path of those who before him attempted to fight 'limited wars' meaning.......not fighting to win but to 'contain' a enemy......

all the sacrifices we have made has bought us some time but time is not on our side....what bush should have done was to engage in a comprehensive world wide fight against the Islamic should have involved such things as neutralizing the schools where the radical muslim inmans radicalize the young muslims, identifying any jihadist group in every part of the globe and engaing them and destroying them.

George Bush should have immediately banned all musiim immigration into this country after 9/11, should have secured all our borders most especially the mexican border--should have deported all the 'suspicious' muslims instead of just deciding to monitor them which is ineffective and very the point where the FBI is overwhelmed.

he should have invaded Iran instead of Iraq....Iran as all should know by now is a sponsor of terrorism.....

he should have brought back the draft and put America on a war footing and instead of trotting around the globe proclaiming Islam a peaceful religion....actutally had the courage and common sense to tell the American People the Truth about Islam....

of course he did not know the truth but since he was the 'decider' he should have sought out advisors who have a good knowledge of Islam and have had experience with Islam......he should have immediately brought in Israeli advisors who could have helped him tremendously and not been afraid to form a military pact with Israel to prosecute the war against the Islamic Jihadists in the Middle East most especially....

no one understands the Muslims and their weaknesses better than Israel.

Bush should have brought tremendous pressure on Saudia Arabia from whence the 9/11 jihadists orginated....told them plainly and bluntly that either they are with us or they are against us....persuaded them in a most vigourus way to finance the struggle against Islamic Radicals and Jihadists...not even to mention to force them to shut down and or eliminate all the radical mullahs operating there. etc.etc. so on and so forth....

so much bush could have done that he did not do.......lasstly but not least.....he should have declared war against Islalmic Jihadists not the pc term he used of 'war against terrorism' .............

then along comes obammie and doubles down on all of bushs mistakes.....and adds to the point where a rational person cannot even tell whose side obama is on! not even get me going about how the media has turned against America.....essentially engaging in sedition. Which is something else bush could have done before he lost all his moral authority....persuaded congress to pass new laws against sedition of which we have way too much in this country. I could go on and on .....perhaps another day. It really sickens me to have to talk about all the stupidities....people best wake up and start thinking right.

Trump is absolutely is going to get much,much worse.

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