People defending Biden are getting weirder and weirder


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

Secretary of State Antony Blinken provided a bizarre answer Sunday when confronted by Fox News anchor Chris Wallace about President Joe Biden's level of knowledge about the ongoing crisis in Afghanistan.

Wallace began the interview by questioning Blinken over several statements that Biden has made about the Afghanistan crisis that were later contradicted by his own officials or proved wrong.

Among the topics that Biden got "flat wrong," Wallace asked Blinken about Biden's assertion of Americans being able to safely travel to the Kabul airport for evacuation, Biden's claim that Al Qaeda is not inside Afghanistan, and Biden's claim that U.S. allies are not questioning American "credibility." The truth is that Americans cannot travel safel to the Kabul airport, Al Qaeda is operating in Afghanistan, and many U.S. allies are questioning the Biden administration in the wake of the disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal.

"Mr. Secretary, does the president not know what's going on?" Wallace asked Blinken.

However, instead of addressing Biden's cognizance, Blinken talked about the "emotional" nature of the crisis.

"This is an incredibly emotional time for many of us, and including allies and partners who have been shoulder-to-shoulder with us in Afghanistan for 20 years at high cost to themselves as well as to us," Blinken said.

Are all of these people on drugs? But Wallace gave it a second try, why I don't know

"Sir, respectfully— look, I'm not questioning whether or not the allies have a right to complain. I'm not questioning whether or not Al Qaeda has a presence. The president said Al Qaeda is gone. It's not gone. The president said he's not heard any criticism from the allies. There's been a lot of criticism from the allies," Wallace said. "Words matter, and the words of the president matter most."

Again, Blinken did not address the question.

"Chris, all I can tell you is what I've heard," Blinken said. "And again, this is a powerfully emotional time for a lot of allies and partners, as it is for me, as it is for us."

I just hope the Russians or someone can save those Americans trapped in crazy town.

Let me specify, I mean foreign town Afghanistan, and not Chicago or Detroit or one of those war torn cities as well.
Among the topics that Biden got "flat wrong," Wallace asked Blinken about Biden's assertion of Americans being able to safely travel to the Kabul airport for evacuation, Biden's claim that Al Qaeda is not inside Afghanistan, and Biden's claim that U.S. allies are not questioning American "credibility." The truth is that Americans cannot travel safel to the Kabul airport, Al Qaeda is operating in Afghanistan, and many U.S. allies are questioning the Biden administration in the wake of the disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal.

Joe Biden is in the end stages of dementia, and this is a clear window into what he is being told by the people who are actually making the decisions and setting the policies.

Secretary of State Antony Blinken provided a bizarre answer Sunday when confronted by Fox News anchor Chris Wallace about President Joe Biden's level of knowledge about the ongoing crisis in Afghanistan.

Wallace began the interview by questioning Blinken over several statements that Biden has made about the Afghanistan crisis that were later contradicted by his own officials or proved wrong.

Among the topics that Biden got "flat wrong," Wallace asked Blinken about Biden's assertion of Americans being able to safely travel to the Kabul airport for evacuation, Biden's claim that Al Qaeda is not inside Afghanistan, and Biden's claim that U.S. allies are not questioning American "credibility." The truth is that Americans cannot travel safel to the Kabul airport, Al Qaeda is operating in Afghanistan, and many U.S. allies are questioning the Biden administration in the wake of the disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal.

"Mr. Secretary, does the president not know what's going on?" Wallace asked Blinken.

However, instead of addressing Biden's cognizance, Blinken talked about the "emotional" nature of the crisis.

"This is an incredibly emotional time for many of us, and including allies and partners who have been shoulder-to-shoulder with us in Afghanistan for 20 years at high cost to themselves as well as to us," Blinken said.

Are all of these people on drugs? But Wallace gave it a second try, why I don't know

"Sir, respectfully— look, I'm not questioning whether or not the allies have a right to complain. I'm not questioning whether or not Al Qaeda has a presence. The president said Al Qaeda is gone. It's not gone. The president said he's not heard any criticism from the allies. There's been a lot of criticism from the allies," Wallace said. "Words matter, and the words of the president matter most."

Again, Blinken did not address the question.

"Chris, all I can tell you is what I've heard," Blinken said. "And again, this is a powerfully emotional time for a lot of allies and partners, as it is for me, as it is for us."

I just hope the Russians or someone can save those Americans trapped in crazy town.

Let me specify, I mean foreign town Afghanistan, and not Chicago or Detroit or one of those war torn cities as well.
As I keep saying, the problem with biden involves kamila harris

she may be even worse than senile old joe
Young Afghan men who cooperated with US forces were abandoned by Biden and his administration...and fell from airplanes. That is Biden's legacy.


They had plenty of notice to vacate the premises yet delayed their departure and now need to be saved, ain't that a kick in the britches?
I agree the clustfk was of Trump's making (he wanted to end a war like Obama did) but Biden's been in office for 7 mos. Why didn't he tell civilians to be out by the end of May? I realize that he personally doesn't make those decisions, but the DoS and DoD fucked the pooch on this.
Young Afghan men who cooperated with US forces were abandoned by Biden and his administration...and fell from airplanes. That is Biden's legacy.


who cares about the afganis? Trump-fuck no. Me-hell no.
I agree the clustfk was of Trump's making (he wanted to end a war like Obama did) but Biden's been in office for 7 mos. Why didn't he tell civilians to be out by the end of May? I realize that he personally doesn't make those decisions, but the DoS and DoD fucked the pooch on this.
That is why in the hallowed halls of the latrine are written words of wisdom from a soldier:
If you like sex join the military, they fuck you every day..
Young Afghan men who cooperated with US forces were abandoned by Biden and his administration...and fell from airplanes. That is Biden's legacy.


"Come on man that was four days ago"
Joe Biden...
I agree the clustfk was of Trump's making (he wanted to end a war like Obama did) but Biden's been in office for 7 mos. Why didn't he tell civilians to be out by the end of May? I realize that he personally doesn't make those decisions, but the DoS and DoD fucked the pooch on this.

^ See, here's one of the Biden Cult loons proving the OP.

Biden was a complete outsider before he was cheated into the President right?
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That is why in the hallowed halls of the latrine are written words of wisdom from a soldier:
If you like sex join the military, they fuck you every day..
yep, and fatso hoss seeks to deflect from Trump being the original fucker. The point was to get the troops out. Trump did so with no regard from Afghan or anything beyond his own interests. Biden's team fucked up thinking the Afghanis would try to stand up to the Taliban on their own. Where they got that absurd notion .... I cannot imagine. Apparently it dated back to Trump's admin. Still no excuse.

But the troops will be out. Both Trump's gop and dems wanted that. Only the neocons lost on that.
yep, and fatso hoss seeks to deflect from Trump being the original fucker. The point was to get the troops out. Trump did so with no regard from Afghan or anything beyond his own interests. Biden's team fucked up thinking the Afghanis would try to stand up to the Taliban on their own. Where they got that absurd notion .... I cannot imagine. Apparently it dated back to Trump's admin. Still no excuse.

But the troops will be out. Both Trump's gop and dems wanted that. Only the neocons lost on that.

Biden didn't even know where DC was before he became President! Come on Man!
The people who defend Biden are folk that are far too deep in the old rabbit hole that they've committed themselves and over-extended that they have to just keep going and can't be being seen to go back on their hero.

You see it play out loads on forums and social media. It's pretty funny.

For them to hold their hands up and say "wait a minute - this guys a clown, I got it wrong" is not an option because they take it too personally.

Any leftist or Democrat who calls it like it is and says Biden is old fool I got him wrong will claw back some respect in my eyes - but you can never respect the folk who don't acknowledge it because really the only people they're lying to is themselves. The rest of the world can see how stupid they look.

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