People Are Saying: "Merry Christmas" Again!

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Looks like I stirred up emotions long thought dead in our leftist denizens and on Christmas Eve, no less. That's what happens this time of year with Stalinist nihilists....they're terribly conflicted between what they were taught at home and taught in government schools. Imagine going through an angry, unfulfilled life and there being nothing at the end, or worse HELL to endure for eternity. Being a Christian isn't really all that hard either, being a true Christian almost impossible when compared to the life of Christ. But we try, and we believe, and we remember to thank the Big Guy for our successes and for our troubles and what they teach us.

When one realizes their life has been touched by the hand of God, there is nothing left to fear as long as they follow something as simple as Ten Commandments. And they are commands....non-negotiable. There are no atheists in foxholes or in ambulances heading toward ERs at 70mph. When there is nothing more one can do to influence an outcome, prayer is a comforting enterprise. And God sometimes says: "no". Especially when pledges haven't been kept in past emergencies. You cannot lie to God, or trick him, or be a part-time believer when it suits you. The commitment has to be genuine. And if it is genuine, and you vow to be and work to be a better person, the rewards are ongoing and bountiful.

Merry Christmas!
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