Pentagon: US contractor dies in rocket attack at Iraq base


Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2017
Texas hill country
WASHINGTON (AP) — A U.S. contractor died Wednesday when at least 10 rockets slammed into an air base housing U.S. and other coalition troops in western Iraq, the Pentagon said.

Pentagon spokesperson John Kirby said the contractor “suffered a cardiac episode while sheltering” and died shortly afterward. He said there were no service members injured and all are accounted for.

The rocket attack was the first since the U.S. struck Iran-aligned militia targets along the Iraq-Syria border last week, killing one militiaman and stoking fears of another cycle of tit-for-tat attacks as happened last year. Those attacks culminated in the U.S. drone strike that killed Iranian Gen. Qassim Soleimani in Baghdad.

No one claimed responsibility for Wednesday’s attack, which comes two days before Pope Francis is scheduled to visit the country amid concerns about security and the coronavirus pandemic. The much-anticipated trip will include stops in Baghdad, southern Iraq and the northern city of Irbil.

The rockets struck Ain al-Asad airbase in Anbar province early in the morning, U.S.-led coalition spokesperson Col. Wayne Marotto said. Kirby said the rockets were fired from east of the base.

In addition to American troops, Danish and British are among those stationed at the base. It's the same base that Iran struck with a barrage of missiles in January of last year in retaliation for the killing of Soleimani. Dozens of U.S. service members suffered concussions in that strike.

This is an AP story, I have not seen it on FoxNews or CNN yet. These days I kinda like to see some corroboration before going off half-cocked, but this shit has to stop and a strong message has to be sent. And not just with words either. We need to find out if we don't already know who is responsible and bomb the fuck out of them, including the Iranian fuckwad who authorized and paid for it to happen. If you fuck with the US then we fuck back and we have a much bigger dick.
We need to find out if we don't already know who is responsible and bomb the fuck out of them, including the Iranian fuckwad who authorized and paid for it to happen. If you fuck with the US then we fuck back and we have a much bigger dick.

It only took, what, about 40 days, and now Joe has bus loads of people getting killed at the border and now he is dragging us back into another war in the Middle East!

Liberal Progressivism strikes again.
We need to find out if we don't already know who is responsible and bomb the fuck out of them, including the Iranian fuckwad who authorized and paid for it to happen. If you fuck with the US then we fuck back and we have a much bigger dick.

It only took, what, about 40 days, and now Joe has bus loads of people getting killed at the border and now he is dragging us back into another war in the Middle East!

Liberal Progressivism strikes again.

Don't know about busloads of people getting killed at the border, but I don't see it as Biden's fault that the Iranians or an Iranian-backed group is sending rockets at our bases. And I don't want a proportional response either, I want proportional X 10 and I also don't want any sanctions to be lifted either. In fact, I'd add a few and make this kind of bullshit cease. One might think that it makes no sense to try to re-engage them in nukes (which they're going to do anyway) while they are shooting rockets and killing Americans. Fuck that.
We need to find out if we don't already know who is responsible and bomb the fuck out of them, including the Iranian fuckwad who authorized and paid for it to happen. If you fuck with the US then we fuck back and we have a much bigger dick.

It only took, what, about 40 days, and now Joe has bus loads of people getting killed at the border and now he is dragging us back into another war in the Middle East!

Liberal Progressivism strikes again.

Don't know about busloads of people getting killed at the border, but I don't see it as Biden's fault that the Iranians or an Iranian-backed group is sending rockets at our bases. And I don't want a proportional response either, I want proportional X 10 and I also don't want any sanctions to be lifted either. In fact, I'd add a few and make this kind of bullshit cease. One might think that it makes no sense to try to re-engage them in nukes (which they're going to do anyway) while they are shooting rockets and killing Americans. Fuck that.

The busload I referred to was the 8 person van crashed the other day at the border modified to stuff 25 people into, apparently prompted now by Biden's lax immigration laws.

And I find it a curious coincidence that just 40 days in with Biden being friendly to Iran that they would choose that time to hit us with missiles. Of course we have to smoke them now in response and that will only drag us back deeper into the conflict.
We need to find out if we don't already know who is responsible and bomb the fuck out of them, including the Iranian fuckwad who authorized and paid for it to happen. If you fuck with the US then we fuck back and we have a much bigger dick.

It only took, what, about 40 days, and now Joe has bus loads of people getting killed at the border and now he is dragging us back into another war in the Middle East!

Liberal Progressivism strikes again.

Don't know about busloads of people getting killed at the border, but I don't see it as Biden's fault that the Iranians or an Iranian-backed group is sending rockets at our bases. And I don't want a proportional response either, I want proportional X 10 and I also don't want any sanctions to be lifted either. In fact, I'd add a few and make this kind of bullshit cease. One might think that it makes no sense to try to re-engage them in nukes (which they're going to do anyway) while they are shooting rockets and killing Americans. Fuck that.

The busload I referred to was the 8 person van crashed the other day at the border modified to stuff 25 people into, apparently prompted now by Biden's lax immigration laws.

And I find it a curious coincidence that just 40 days in with Biden being friendly to Iran that they would choose that time to hit us with missiles. Of course we have to smoke them now in response and that will only drag us back deeper into the conflict.

I dunno toob, it's kinda hard to blame Biden when they fired missiles at one of our bases and killed an American. What's Biden supposed to do, fire off a strongly-worded letter? I think he needs to fire missiles and bombs back times 10, and if they want a war then we give 'em a fucking war. No more Afghanistans though, no US boots on the ground. We bomb the fuck out of every known military base they have with conventional weapons. It's gotta hurt, otherwise they won't quit.
The busload I referred to was the 8 person van crashed the other day at the border modified to stuff 25 people into, apparently prompted now by Biden's lax immigration laws. And I find it a curious coincidence that just 40 days in with Biden being friendly to Iran that they would choose that time to hit us with missiles. Of course we have to smoke them now in response and that will only drag us back deeper into the conflict.

I dunno toob, it's kinda hard to blame Biden when they fired missiles at one of our bases and killed an American. What's Biden supposed to do, fire off a strongly-worded letter?

Oh I agree. If he does nothing, he'll only look like a bigger idiot. Rain hellfire on them. I'm only pointing out the curiously bad timing, I mean, Joe was a far friendlier guy towards them than Donald ever would have been! Just plain stupid on their part, I'm just pointing out the timing, and the fact that the world was supposed to just LOVE Joe, right?

Joe is the guy the world loves and respects, or so I was told. :smoke:

Not so much longer.
Joe is the guy the world loves and respects, or so I was told.

Dunno about love, but nobody respects him. I think to the rest of the world Biden is a joke. And a lot of Americans would agree with that. That missile attack this morning is a clear example of that, would they do that if Trump was still the prez? Doubt it, but if they did they would know for sure that we would retaliate bigly.
You don't need corroboration for an AP story. It's the AP, they're good enough as a source.

No Herr Vichy Frenchy, they sure aren't.
Wtf is Herr Vichy Frenchy? Herr is's not even French. Sad!

So dull of wit, so poorly educated;


would they do that if Trump was still the prez? Doubt it

That was kind of my point. Bombing our base was a show of face internally to their own thinking that Weak Joe will do nothing. His being in office is just going to get more Americans killed. Now I'll be curious of Joe's response. Maybe he'll have Kammy call the Ayatollah to try to hammer something out. :71:
WASHINGTON (AP) — A U.S. contractor died Wednesday when at least 10 rockets slammed into an air base housing U.S. and other coalition troops in western Iraq, the Pentagon said.

Pentagon spokesperson John Kirby said the contractor “suffered a cardiac episode while sheltering” and died shortly afterward. He said there were no service members injured and all are accounted for.

The rocket attack was the first since the U.S. struck Iran-aligned militia targets along the Iraq-Syria border last week, killing one militiaman and stoking fears of another cycle of tit-for-tat attacks as happened last year. Those attacks culminated in the U.S. drone strike that killed Iranian Gen. Qassim Soleimani in Baghdad.

No one claimed responsibility for Wednesday’s attack, which comes two days before Pope Francis is scheduled to visit the country amid concerns about security and the coronavirus pandemic. The much-anticipated trip will include stops in Baghdad, southern Iraq and the northern city of Irbil.

The rockets struck Ain al-Asad airbase in Anbar province early in the morning, U.S.-led coalition spokesperson Col. Wayne Marotto said. Kirby said the rockets were fired from east of the base.

In addition to American troops, Danish and British are among those stationed at the base. It's the same base that Iran struck with a barrage of missiles in January of last year in retaliation for the killing of Soleimani. Dozens of U.S. service members suffered concussions in that strike.

This is an AP story, I have not seen it on FoxNews or CNN yet. These days I kinda like to see some corroboration before going off half-cocked, but this shit has to stop and a strong message has to be sent. And not just with words either. We need to find out if we don't already know who is responsible and bomb the fuck out of them, including the Iranian fuckwad who authorized and paid for it to happen. If you fuck with the US then we fuck back and we have a much bigger dick.
Taking advantage of our demented President
The Middle East should have been eliminated on 9/12/2001.
That would have killed millions of innocent people. I prefer surgical warfare using guided missiles, drones with guided missiles, and aircraft with guided missiles and electronically aimed Gatling guns firing 30mm explosive and incendiary projectiles. No boots on the ground.

Target only the radical terrorists and those in their immediate vicinity...just as we did that last bastard dog we blew to pieces using a drone.

When a new head takes his place, kill him also. Repeat continually until none of the followers have the balls to become a leader.

There will be some collateral damage, but nothing compared to annihilation of the entire ME.

WASHINGTON (AP) — A U.S. contractor died Wednesday when at least 10 rockets slammed into an air base housing U.S. and other coalition troops in western Iraq, the Pentagon said.

Pentagon spokesperson John Kirby said the contractor “suffered a cardiac episode while sheltering” and died shortly afterward. He said there were no service members injured and all are accounted for.

The rocket attack was the first since the U.S. struck Iran-aligned militia targets along the Iraq-Syria border last week, killing one militiaman and stoking fears of another cycle of tit-for-tat attacks as happened last year. Those attacks culminated in the U.S. drone strike that killed Iranian Gen. Qassim Soleimani in Baghdad.

No one claimed responsibility for Wednesday’s attack, which comes two days before Pope Francis is scheduled to visit the country amid concerns about security and the coronavirus pandemic. The much-anticipated trip will include stops in Baghdad, southern Iraq and the northern city of Irbil.

The rockets struck Ain al-Asad airbase in Anbar province early in the morning, U.S.-led coalition spokesperson Col. Wayne Marotto said. Kirby said the rockets were fired from east of the base.

In addition to American troops, Danish and British are among those stationed at the base. It's the same base that Iran struck with a barrage of missiles in January of last year in retaliation for the killing of Soleimani. Dozens of U.S. service members suffered concussions in that strike.

This is an AP story, I have not seen it on FoxNews or CNN yet. These days I kinda like to see some corroboration before going off half-cocked, but this shit has to stop and a strong message has to be sent. And not just with words either. We need to find out if we don't already know who is responsible and bomb the fuck out of them, including the Iranian fuckwad who authorized and paid for it to happen. If you fuck with the US then we fuck back and we have a much bigger dick.
They sense weakness in the Vegetable

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