Pennsylvania Police Chief Seen in Viral Video Yelling at Pregnant Black Woman Suspended


Platinum Member
Mar 3, 2018
The Beautiful Pacific Northwest
This is why our society has had and continues to have many of the problems it does. We don't often get such a candid view of a brain on white supremacy but it's becoming more and more common

Pennsylvania Police Chief Seen in Viral Video Yelling at Pregnant Black Woman Suspended
A Pennsylvania police chief has been suspended without pay after a viral video showed him harassing and shouting at a pregnant Black woman ahead of him in line at a pharmacy.​
a close up of a car: Homestead Borough Police Chief Jeff Desimone was suspended without pay for three days on Thursdays after being caught on video harassing a pregnant Black woman at a pharmacy. This undated file photo shows a police car driving down a city street with emergency lights on.
© Evgen_Prozhyrko/Getty Homestead Borough Police Chief Jeff Desimone was suspended without pay for three days on Thursdays after being caught on video harassing a pregnant Black woman at a pharmacy. This undated file photo shows a police car driving down a city street with emergency lights on.​
The local borough council in Homestead, a suburb of Pittsburgh, suspended Police Chief Jeff Desimone for three days without pay on Thursday following backlash over a video showing him confronting Kamahlai Stewart at a drive-thru Giant Eagle pharmacy last week, according to NBC affiliate WPXI.​
The video shows Desimone, who was not in uniform and driving an unmarked car, angrily demanding that Stewart leave the pharmacy before receiving her prescription so that he could get his sooner. Stewart says that the shouting started soon after Desimone turned on his car's police lights.​
"What were you thinking to put myself, my unborn child and my 5-year-old ill son in danger like this?" Stewart told the outlet, addressing Desimone. "I was shocked, appalled. I can't believe you, of all people—you're the chief of police—for you to turn on your lights and try to intimidate me was totally an abuse of power."​
Stewart began recording on her phone after Desimone approached her car and started cursing, then calling for police backup. Desimone is later seen in the video shouting at a pharmacy employee that Stewart's "prescriptions are not ready" as another officer stands by her car window.​
Desimone insisted that the confrontation has been unjustly blown out of proportion, describing it as a "little dispute" and suggesting that it was reasonable to use his position as chief of police to demand that Stewart pull over to let him jump the line.​
At Thursday's council meeting, multiple Black residents said that the chief had exhibited inappropriate behavior in the past and argued in favor of him being fired rather than given a short suspension. One woman called the suspension a "disgrace," describing it as a "vacation" rather than a punishment. Homestead Mayor Betty Esper defended Desimone.​
"Everybody's got a different disposition," Esper told WPXI. "He's [been] here 20-some years. I mean, come on, he's never abused anybody. There's two sides to every story, also."​
Some members of the council were in favor of punishing Desimone more severely, while others argued that even his brief suspension was too harsh. Both Kamahlai Stewart, who retained a lawyer after the incident, and her husband Maurice Stewart said that the suspension was "a start" but that Desimone "needs to be removed."​
Newsweek reached out to Homestead Borough for comment but did not receive a response in time for publication.​
So where is this supposed "viral video?"

If it is so viral, why no link? :dunno:
Perhaps there is pending litigation :dunno:
Dunno. I have searched all video platforms I cannot find it.

I refuse to make a judgement w/o seeing something with my own eyes. This is a politically charged atmosphere.

I can see your POV, but I also know there are powerful forces in our society purposely trying to balkanize us based on race, sex, sexual orientation, age, gender identification, religion, social class, etc.

So? I cannot say if the Chief was being a racist or just abusing his power b/c the woman was being an anti-social member of the community. I have no idea without seeing the video for myself.
I don't think the racism is rare, but folks just be so obvious about it, and catching it is. . .

Racism does exist, no doubt. Some people would like to see more of it.

Here’s A List Of Hoax ‘Hate Crimes’ In The Trump Era | The ...

Anti-Muslim Hate Crime In Michigan Turns Out To Be A Hoax (Nov. 2016)

A Muslim woman at the University of Michigan received national attention from national outlets like The Washington Post in November 2016 after she claimed a drunk 20-something man threatened to light her on fire if she didn’t remove her hijab. The university condemned the “hateful attack,” which turned out to be a hoax.

Bisexual Student Fakes Trump-Inspired Hate Crime (Nov. 2016)

Taylor Volk, an openly bisexual senior at North Park University claimed to be the target of hateful notes and emails following Trump’s election in November 2016. Volk told NBC News that “I just want them to stop.” But the “them” referenced by Volk turned out to be herself, as the whole thing was fabricated.

Gas Station Racism Goes Viral — Then Police Debunk It (Nov. 2016)

Philadelphia woman Ashley Boyer claimed in November 2016 that she was harassed at a gas station by white, Trump-supporting males, one of whom pulled a weapon on her. Boyer claimed that the men “proceeded to talk about the election and how they’re glad they won’t have to deal with n—–s much longer.” Boyer deleted her post after it went viral and claimed the men had been caught and were facing criminal charges. Local police debunked her account.

White Men Rob Muslim Woman Of Her Hijab And Wallet — Except It Never Happened (Nov. 2016)

An 18-year-old Muslim woman in Louisiana claimed in November 2016 that two white men, one of whom was wearing a Trump hat, attacked and robbed her, taking her wallet and hijab while yelling racial slurs. She later admitted to the Lafayette Police Department that she made the whole thing up.

Church Organist Vandalizes Own Church (Nov. 2016)

A church organist was arrested in May 2017 after he was found responsible for spray-painting a swastika, an anti-gay slur and the words “Heil Trump” on his own church in November 2016. When the story first broke, media outlets tied the hoax to Trump’s election. “The offensive graffiti at St. David’s is among numerous incidents that have occurred in the wake of Trump’s Election Day win,” The Washington Post reported at the time.

“Drunk White Men” Attack Muslim Woman In Story That Also Never Happened (Dec. 2016)

Another 18-year-old Muslim woman, this time in New York, was the subject of breathless headlines in December 2016 after she claimed to have been attacked by a group of Donald Trump supporters on a New York subway while onlookers did nothing. The woman, Yasmin Seweid, would go on to confess that she made the whole thing up.

White Guy Sets His Own Car On Fire, Paints Racial Slur On His Own Garage (Dec. 2016)

Denton, Texas, resident David Williams set his own car on fire and painted “n***** lovers” on his home’s garage, in an apparent attempt to stage a hate crime. Local police investigated the arson as a hate crime. Williams and his wife, Jenny, collected more than $5,000 from Good Samaritans via a GoFundMe page before the hoax was exposed.

Prankster Tricks Liberal Journalist Into Spreading Anti-Trump Hoax (Dec. 2016)

As tales of Trump-inspired “hate crimes” were spread far and wide by liberal journalists after Trump’s election, one online prankster decided to test just easy it was to fool journalists. The prankster sent writer Sarah Harvard a fictitious story in which a Native American claimed to have been harassed by an alleged Trump supporter who thought she was Mexican. Despite no evidence backing up the claim, Harvard spread the fake story, emails the prankster shared with The Daily Caller showed.

Student Writes Anti-Muslim Graffiti On His Own Door (Feb. 2017)

A Muslim student at Beloit College wrote anti-Muslim graffiti on his own dorm room door. The student was reportedly motivated by a desire to seek attention after a Jewish student was targeted with an anti-Semitic note.

Israeli Man Behind Anti-Semitic Bomb Threats in the U.S. (April 2017)

Media outlets didn’t wait to find out who was behind a string of bomb threats targeting synagogues and Jewish schools before linking the threats to Trump. A U.S.-Israeli man was charged in April 2017 and indicted in February 2018 for the threats. A former reporter for The Intercept was also charged in March 2017 with making several copycat threats.

Hoax at St. Olaf (May 2017)

Students at St. Olaf college in Minnesota staged protests and boycotted classes in May 2017 after racist notes targeting black students were found around campus, earning coverage in national media outlets like The Washington Post. It later came out that a black student was responsible for the racist notes. The student carried out the hoax in order to “draw attention to concerns about the campus climate,” the university announced.

Fake Hate At Air Force Academy Goes Viral (Sept. 2017)

The Air Force Academy was thrown into turmoil in September 2017 when horrific racist notes were found at the academy’s preparatory school. “Go home n***er,” read one of the notes. The superintendent, Lt. Gen. Jay B. Silveria, went viral with an impassioned speech addressing the racist notes.

Two months later, authorities determined that one of the students targeted by the notes was also the person responsible for writing them.

K-State Fake Hate Crime (Nov. 2017)

A student at Kansas State University filed a police report in November 2017 over racist graffiti left on his car. “Go Home N***** Boy” and “Whites Only,” read the racist graffiti, which the the student later admitted to writing himself.

Racist Graffiti Carried Out By Non-White Student (Nov. 2017)

Another instance of racist graffiti that same month also turned out to be a hoax. A Missouri high school investigated after racial slurs were left on a bathroom mirror in November 2017, only to find that the student responsible was “non-white.”

Waiter Fakes Note Calling Himself A Terrorist (July 2018)

Texas waiter Khalil Cavil went viral after posting a Facebook picture of a racist note that he claimed a customer had left on the receipt, in lieu of a tip. The note described Cavil as a “terrorist.” Saltgrass Steak House, where Cavil worked, initially banned the customers for life, before their investigation revealed that the waiter had faked the racist note. “I did write it,” Cavil later admitted. “I don’t have an explanation. I made a mistake. There is no excuse for what I did.”

Waitress Fakes Racist Note, Blames Law Enforcement (July 2018)

A Texas waitress apologized in July 2018 after blaming local law enforcement for an offensive note targeting Mexicans. She later admitted to writing the note herself.

New York Woman’s Hate Crime That Wasn’t (Sept. 2018)

A New York woman was charged in September 2018 after police determined she fabricated a story about white teens yelling racial slurs at her and leaving a racist note on her car.

Student Faked Racist Notes (Dec. 2018)

Several racist notes at Drake University were actually the work of one of the students who had been targeted by them. “The fact that the actions of the student who has admitted guilt were propelled by motives other than hate does not minimize the worry and emotional harm they caused, but should temper fears,” university president Marty Martin said afterwards.

The Covington Catastrophe (Jan. 2019)

National media outlets pounced on a selectively edited video from the March for Life that showed Native American activist Nathan Phillips beating a drum in front of a boisterous group of boys from Covington Catholic High School.

REUTERS/Madalyn McGarvey

The exterior of Covington Catholic High School Dennis Griffin stadium is pictured in Park Hills, Kentucky, U.S., January 23, 2019. REUTERS/Madalyn McGarvey
Phillips originally told The Washington Post the students swarmed him while he was preparing to leave the Indigenous People’s March scheduled for the same day. Phillips originally said one student, who later identified himself as high school junior Nick Sandmann, blocked his path from leaving as he tried to do so. The extended video shows that wasn’t the case: Phillips approached the high school boys during their cheers, not the other way around. Some of the people with Phillips were directing racially charged language at the students, not the other way around.

Phillips told a second variation of his story to the Detroit Free Press. Phillips claimed he was playing the role of peacemaker by getting between the students and four “old black individuals,” whom he claimed the students were attacking. “They were in the process of attacking these four black individuals,” Phillip tolds the Michigan paper. “I was there and I was witnessing all of this … As this kept on going on and escalating, it just got to a point where you do something or you walk away, you know? You see something that is wrong and you’re faced with that choice of right or wrong.”

“These young men were beastly and these old black individuals was their prey, and I stood in between them and so they needed their pounds of flesh and they were looking at me for that,” he added. Extended video shows that account also isn’t accurate. The four individuals Phillips referenced were members of the Black Hebrew Israelites and they launched racist and anti-gay slurs at the high school students, not the other way around. (RELATED: Nathan Phillips Keeps Changing His Story, Keeps Getting It Wrong)

Bonus: Anti-Semitic Vandal Exposed As Democratic Activist (Nov. 2018)

Anti-Semitic vandalism in New York City turned out to be the work of a Democratic activist, according to police. It wasn’t a hoax — the anti-Semitic vandalism was real — but the suspect wasn’t the right-winger some had assumed him to be. The man police arrested, based on surveillance footage, was 26-year-old James Polite, who had actually interned for City Hall on anti-hate issues.

Bonus II: Trump-Inspired Racist Blaze At Black Church Was Carried Out By Black Church-goer (Nov. 2016)

This hoax occurred one week before Trump was elected, but TheDCNF is including it as a bonus because it was so egregious. Leftist media outlets ran headlines like “A Black Church Burned in the Name of Trump” after a black church in Greenville, Mississippi, was set on fire and spray painted with the words “Vote Trump.” The Washington Post’s original coverage of the incident read in part,” Greenville Mayor Errick Simmons called the fire a ‘hateful and cowardly act,’ sparked by the incendiary rhetoric of GOP nominee Donald Trump during his presidential campaign.” But the church was set on fire by one of the church’s own congregants, who is black.

Racism does exist, no doubt. Some people would like to see more of it.

Here’s A List Of Hoax ‘Hate Crimes’ In The Trump Era | The ...

Anti-Muslim Hate Crime In Michigan Turns Out To Be A Hoax (Nov. 2016)

A Muslim woman at the University of Michigan received national attention from national outlets like The Washington Post in November 2016 after she claimed a drunk 20-something man threatened to light her on fire if she didn’t remove her hijab. The university condemned the “hateful attack,” which turned out to be a hoax.

Bisexual Student Fakes Trump-Inspired Hate Crime (Nov. 2016)

Taylor Volk, an openly bisexual senior at North Park University claimed to be the target of hateful notes and emails following Trump’s election in November 2016. Volk told NBC News that “I just want them to stop.” But the “them” referenced by Volk turned out to be herself, as the whole thing was fabricated.

Gas Station Racism Goes Viral — Then Police Debunk It (Nov. 2016)

Philadelphia woman Ashley Boyer claimed in November 2016 that she was harassed at a gas station by white, Trump-supporting males, one of whom pulled a weapon on her. Boyer claimed that the men “proceeded to talk about the election and how they’re glad they won’t have to deal with n—–s much longer.” Boyer deleted her post after it went viral and claimed the men had been caught and were facing criminal charges. Local police debunked her account.

White Men Rob Muslim Woman Of Her Hijab And Wallet — Except It Never Happened (Nov. 2016)

An 18-year-old Muslim woman in Louisiana claimed in November 2016 that two white men, one of whom was wearing a Trump hat, attacked and robbed her, taking her wallet and hijab while yelling racial slurs. She later admitted to the Lafayette Police Department that she made the whole thing up.

Church Organist Vandalizes Own Church (Nov. 2016)

A church organist was arrested in May 2017 after he was found responsible for spray-painting a swastika, an anti-gay slur and the words “Heil Trump” on his own church in November 2016. When the story first broke, media outlets tied the hoax to Trump’s election. “The offensive graffiti at St. David’s is among numerous incidents that have occurred in the wake of Trump’s Election Day win,” The Washington Post reported at the time.

“Drunk White Men” Attack Muslim Woman In Story That Also Never Happened (Dec. 2016)

Another 18-year-old Muslim woman, this time in New York, was the subject of breathless headlines in December 2016 after she claimed to have been attacked by a group of Donald Trump supporters on a New York subway while onlookers did nothing. The woman, Yasmin Seweid, would go on to confess that she made the whole thing up.

White Guy Sets His Own Car On Fire, Paints Racial Slur On His Own Garage (Dec. 2016)

Denton, Texas, resident David Williams set his own car on fire and painted “n***** lovers” on his home’s garage, in an apparent attempt to stage a hate crime. Local police investigated the arson as a hate crime. Williams and his wife, Jenny, collected more than $5,000 from Good Samaritans via a GoFundMe page before the hoax was exposed.

Prankster Tricks Liberal Journalist Into Spreading Anti-Trump Hoax (Dec. 2016)

As tales of Trump-inspired “hate crimes” were spread far and wide by liberal journalists after Trump’s election, one online prankster decided to test just easy it was to fool journalists. The prankster sent writer Sarah Harvard a fictitious story in which a Native American claimed to have been harassed by an alleged Trump supporter who thought she was Mexican. Despite no evidence backing up the claim, Harvard spread the fake story, emails the prankster shared with The Daily Caller showed.

Student Writes Anti-Muslim Graffiti On His Own Door (Feb. 2017)

A Muslim student at Beloit College wrote anti-Muslim graffiti on his own dorm room door. The student was reportedly motivated by a desire to seek attention after a Jewish student was targeted with an anti-Semitic note.

Israeli Man Behind Anti-Semitic Bomb Threats in the U.S. (April 2017)

Media outlets didn’t wait to find out who was behind a string of bomb threats targeting synagogues and Jewish schools before linking the threats to Trump. A U.S.-Israeli man was charged in April 2017 and indicted in February 2018 for the threats. A former reporter for The Intercept was also charged in March 2017 with making several copycat threats.

Hoax at St. Olaf (May 2017)

Students at St. Olaf college in Minnesota staged protests and boycotted classes in May 2017 after racist notes targeting black students were found around campus, earning coverage in national media outlets like The Washington Post. It later came out that a black student was responsible for the racist notes. The student carried out the hoax in order to “draw attention to concerns about the campus climate,” the university announced.

Fake Hate At Air Force Academy Goes Viral (Sept. 2017)

The Air Force Academy was thrown into turmoil in September 2017 when horrific racist notes were found at the academy’s preparatory school. “Go home n***er,” read one of the notes. The superintendent, Lt. Gen. Jay B. Silveria, went viral with an impassioned speech addressing the racist notes.

Two months later, authorities determined that one of the students targeted by the notes was also the person responsible for writing them.

K-State Fake Hate Crime (Nov. 2017)

A student at Kansas State University filed a police report in November 2017 over racist graffiti left on his car. “Go Home N***** Boy” and “Whites Only,” read the racist graffiti, which the the student later admitted to writing himself.

Racist Graffiti Carried Out By Non-White Student (Nov. 2017)

Another instance of racist graffiti that same month also turned out to be a hoax. A Missouri high school investigated after racial slurs were left on a bathroom mirror in November 2017, only to find that the student responsible was “non-white.”

Waiter Fakes Note Calling Himself A Terrorist (July 2018)

Texas waiter Khalil Cavil went viral after posting a Facebook picture of a racist note that he claimed a customer had left on the receipt, in lieu of a tip. The note described Cavil as a “terrorist.” Saltgrass Steak House, where Cavil worked, initially banned the customers for life, before their investigation revealed that the waiter had faked the racist note. “I did write it,” Cavil later admitted. “I don’t have an explanation. I made a mistake. There is no excuse for what I did.”

Waitress Fakes Racist Note, Blames Law Enforcement (July 2018)

A Texas waitress apologized in July 2018 after blaming local law enforcement for an offensive note targeting Mexicans. She later admitted to writing the note herself.

New York Woman’s Hate Crime That Wasn’t (Sept. 2018)

A New York woman was charged in September 2018 after police determined she fabricated a story about white teens yelling racial slurs at her and leaving a racist note on her car.

Student Faked Racist Notes (Dec. 2018)

Several racist notes at Drake University were actually the work of one of the students who had been targeted by them. “The fact that the actions of the student who has admitted guilt were propelled by motives other than hate does not minimize the worry and emotional harm they caused, but should temper fears,” university president Marty Martin said afterwards.

The Covington Catastrophe (Jan. 2019)

National media outlets pounced on a selectively edited video from the March for Life that showed Native American activist Nathan Phillips beating a drum in front of a boisterous group of boys from Covington Catholic High School.

REUTERS/Madalyn McGarvey

The exterior of Covington Catholic High School Dennis Griffin stadium is pictured in Park Hills, Kentucky, U.S., January 23, 2019. REUTERS/Madalyn McGarvey
Phillips originally told The Washington Post the students swarmed him while he was preparing to leave the Indigenous People’s March scheduled for the same day. Phillips originally said one student, who later identified himself as high school junior Nick Sandmann, blocked his path from leaving as he tried to do so. The extended video shows that wasn’t the case: Phillips approached the high school boys during their cheers, not the other way around. Some of the people with Phillips were directing racially charged language at the students, not the other way around.

Phillips told a second variation of his story to the Detroit Free Press. Phillips claimed he was playing the role of peacemaker by getting between the students and four “old black individuals,” whom he claimed the students were attacking. “They were in the process of attacking these four black individuals,” Phillip tolds the Michigan paper. “I was there and I was witnessing all of this … As this kept on going on and escalating, it just got to a point where you do something or you walk away, you know? You see something that is wrong and you’re faced with that choice of right or wrong.”

“These young men were beastly and these old black individuals was their prey, and I stood in between them and so they needed their pounds of flesh and they were looking at me for that,” he added. Extended video shows that account also isn’t accurate. The four individuals Phillips referenced were members of the Black Hebrew Israelites and they launched racist and anti-gay slurs at the high school students, not the other way around. (RELATED: Nathan Phillips Keeps Changing His Story, Keeps Getting It Wrong)

Bonus: Anti-Semitic Vandal Exposed As Democratic Activist (Nov. 2018)

Anti-Semitic vandalism in New York City turned out to be the work of a Democratic activist, according to police. It wasn’t a hoax — the anti-Semitic vandalism was real — but the suspect wasn’t the right-winger some had assumed him to be. The man police arrested, based on surveillance footage, was 26-year-old James Polite, who had actually interned for City Hall on anti-hate issues.

Bonus II: Trump-Inspired Racist Blaze At Black Church Was Carried Out By Black Church-goer (Nov. 2016)

This hoax occurred one week before Trump was elected, but TheDCNF is including it as a bonus because it was so egregious. Leftist media outlets ran headlines like “A Black Church Burned in the Name of Trump” after a black church in Greenville, Mississippi, was set on fire and spray painted with the words “Vote Trump.” The Washington Post’s original coverage of the incident read in part,” Greenville Mayor Errick Simmons called the fire a ‘hateful and cowardly act,’ sparked by the incendiary rhetoric of GOP nominee Donald Trump during his presidential campaign.” But the church was set on fire by one of the church’s own congregants, who is black.

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As I said . . . .
I also know there are powerful forces in our society purposely trying to balkanize us based on race, sex, sexual orientation, age, gender identification, religion, social class, etc.
Dunno. I have searched all video platforms I cannot find it.

I refuse to make a judgement w/o seeing something with my own eyes. This is a politically charged atmosphere.

I can see your POV, but I also know there are powerful forces in our society purposely trying to balkanize us based on race, sex, sexual orientation, age, gender identification, religion, social class, etc.

So? I cannot say if the Chief was being a racist or just abusing his power b/c the woman was being an anti-social member of the community. I have no idea without seeing the video for myself.
You know, I'm okay with unknowns but I'm also allowed in my profession to make weighted judgments/assessments.

Let's take the racial element out of the equation. He still abused his authority, he attempted to force her to comply with his UNLAWFUL demands UNDER COLOR OF LAW when he turned on his police lights which is a potential violation in the least of USC Title 42 Section 1983

"Section 1983 Litigation" refers to lawsuits brought under Section 1983 (Civil action for deprivation of rights) of Title 42 of the United States Code (42 U.S.C. § 1983). Section 1983 provides an individual the right to sue state government employees and others acting "under color of state law" for civil rights violations. Section 1983 does not provide civil rights; it is a means to enforce civil rights that already exist.​

I don't know if you're African American or not but I am and I was born in the United States during a time when blacks where legislatively relegated to second class citizen status and whites were free to cause us harm at will, with no repercussions to themselves. And calling the police or using the police to retaliate or harm us was a favorite and tried and true tactic.

Those powerful forces which you say are in motion in an attempt to balkanize us have ALWAYS been there for black people. The only thing that is different now, is more equality is finally starting to manifest and of course the racist element of the status quo are doing anything and everything they can to cause a reversal of course including engendering more animosity and hate towards black people. Infiltrating Black Lives Matter protests and causing chaos in the form of vandalism and rioting is one such example.

Lastly, why did you say this

b/c the woman was being an anti-social member of the community​
The article said that HE wanted her to pull over so that he could get his prescription. If the person waiting on her didn't ask her to pull over so that she could wait on the next customer there was no reason on earth to expect her to move out of the drive-through until she had finished conducting her business. And I went to college in the south and a lot of white people used to think nothing about looking at me standing in line for services and then getting in line in front of me. I was never confrontational, but I ALWAYS would speak up and point and show them where thee end of the line was. Most of the time they would apologize and sometimes I would say, it's okay I figure you probably just didn't know, even though in most cases I felt most assuredly they knew what they were doing because they looked at me first, but in all likelihood they were just accustomed to going first before black customers.

While you are certainly entitled to your opinion, I think you casting Mrs. Stewart as anti-social (thereby causing the problem) is an unfair as well as baseless observation.
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Which part is rare? Racism?!?
Their racism being documented on audio and video and then them being disciplined for it by losing their jobs.

In my opinion, they are not fit to perform the duties of a law enforcement officer because they cannot carry out their duties without discrimination and/or bias. Additionally either they lied to the investigators when they claimed they were not racists or they are so unaware and ignorant of their own behavior and attitudes, how can they effectively enforce the law and protect ALL of the citizens in their jurisdiction equally?

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