Pence's Aspen neighbors hang 'Make America Gay Again' sign

God hates certain sinners, Nosmo. Says it in every bible translation you can find.

Find me a biblical quote to that effect. God loves mankind - including those you consider to be "certain sinners" - For instance - gay people have committed no sin. Jesus said nothing about homosexuality. Old Testament? Bah
Proverbs 6:16-19King James Version (KJV)
16 These six things doth the Lord hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him:

17 A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood,

18 An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief,

19 A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren."

Psalm 5:5 KJV
The foolish shall not stand in thy sight: thou hatest all workers of iniquity.

Psalm 11:5 KJV
The Lord trieth the righteous: but the wicked and him that loveth violence his soul hateth.

Psalm 45:7 KJV
Thou lovest righteousness, and hatest wickedness: therefore God, thy God, hath anointed thee with the oil of gladness above thy fellows.

Jeremiah 44:4 KJV
Howbeit I sent unto you all my servants the prophets, rising early and sending them, saying, Oh, do not this abominable thing that I hate.

Psalm 10:3 KJV
For the wicked boasteth of his heart’s desire, and blesseth the covetous, whom the Lord abhorreth."

And Jesus didn't have to say anything about homosexuality directly, he flat out said marriage is between a man and a woman in Matthew 19, not to mention the fact most of Jesus's ministry was done in Israel at a time that everyone there was familiar with and living under Mosaic Law. Jesus viewed the Old Testament as the word of God, so obviously he would be in agreement with it's condemnation of homosexuality.

You leftist wannabe christians need to quit. You are false prophets and heretics of the worst kind.
You leftist wannabe christians need to quit. You are false prophets and heretics of the worst kind.

I've no interest in your sermon but that was pretty funny ^ ^ ^ :D

I know many progressives who consider themselves Christians and lots who attend church each Sunday. They are not false prophets and they are not heretics - What a ridiculous assertion.

Cripes, y'all need to stop it with the baby killer and the wrong kind of sex nonsense. Women get to make decisions about their own bodies & lives - not you or your church. There is no such thing as evil sex between consenting adults. We are allowed make decisions as to how we love, whom we wish to love and how we wish to partake in sex - not you or your church.

Finally, I have no interest in being a Christian. Agnosticism is the only sane approach - spiritual agnosticism in my case. I believe how we live our lives is important. Honesty and integrity are important. Treating others with respect is important. I believe in the spirit and that there is more to come - I don't know what that is .. NOBODY does.

Fundys? Evangies? ALL who have embraced Donald Trump have lost their integrity and lost their souls.
You leftist wannabe christians need to quit. You are false prophets and heretics of the worst kind.

I've no interest in your sermon but that was pretty funny ^ ^ ^ :D

I know many progressives who consider themselves Christians and lots who attend church each Sunday. They are not false prophets and they are not heretics - What a ridiculous assertion.

Cripes, y'all need to stop it with the baby killer and the wrong kind of sex nonsense. Women get to make decisions about their own bodies & lives - not you or your church. There is no such thing as evil sex between consenting adults. We are allowed make decisions as to how we love, whom we wish to love and how we wish to partake in sex - not you or your church.

Finally, I have no interest in being a Christian. Agnosticism is the only sane approach - spiritual agnosticism in my case. I believe how we live our lives is important. Honesty and integrity are important. Treating others with respect is important. I believe in the spirit and that there is more to come - I don't know what that is .. NOBODY does.

Fundys? Evangies? ALL who have embraced Donald Trump have lost their integrity and lost their souls.
" Progressive " churches are nothing more than leftist social clubs. They look at Jesus as a role model and not as Lord & Savior. Which is why their churches are losing members constantly, while bible believing churches continue to grow.
If a black family moved in and neighbors put up a sign saying Make America White Again would the left call the black family anti Christian?
Progressive " churches are nothing more than leftist social clubs. They look at Jesus as a role model and not as Lord & Savior. Which is why their churches are losing members constantly, while bible believing churches continue to grow.

NO churches in the US are "growing" except the ones with international outreach efforts such as the Mormons and to some extent Catholics.

Polls indicate otherwise? Nope - See "The Halo Effect"

“We knew that over the past 30 to 40 years, denominations had increasingly reported a decline in their numbers,” Marler says. “Even a still-growing denomination like the Southern Baptist Convention had reported slowed growth. Most of the mainline denominations were all reporting a net loss over the past 30 years. And at the same time, the Gallup polls had remained stable. It didn’t make sense.”

The Halo Effect

What Hadaway and Marler, along with Mark Chaves, author of the “National Congregations Study,” discovered was at play is what researchers call “the halo effect”—the difference between what people tell pollsters and what people actually do. Americans tend to over-report socially desirable behavior like voting and attending church and under-report socially undesirable behavior like drinking.​

7 Startling Facts: An Up Close Look at Church Attendance in America
i invented that motto, so i'm taking all the credit!

Pence's Aspen neighbors hang 'Make America Gay Again' sign

This is why everyone hates fags. They are such attention whores and feel they need to announce to everyone their gay issues.
Most people are accepting of other lifestyles. You and your ilk are the minority. Why not join us in the civilised world ?
To liberals, Christianity is a different lifestyle. Why don't you join them.

A cult is a lifestyle?
This was a vacation home for the Pences. But, if it was going to be a permanent residence, what better way to introduce yourself to the new neighbors than by immediately antagonizing them!

I wish it happened more. Putting up a Confederate Flag. A sign saying "Fuck black people to death". Oh a better one "Make American white again and keep it that way". All excellent ways to introduce yourself to the neighbors when they move in.

What's funny, I mean laughable really, is that gays have no idea why they are murdered so frequently and how few people care when they are!

Gay people are murdered by cultists.
This was a vacation home for the Pences. But, if it was going to be a permanent residence, what better way to introduce yourself to the new neighbors than by immediately antagonizing them!

I wish it happened more. Putting up a Confederate Flag. A sign saying "Fuck black people to death". Oh a better one "Make American white again and keep it that way". All excellent ways to introduce yourself to the neighbors when they move in.

What's funny, I mean laughable really, is that gays have no idea why they are murdered so frequently and how few people care when they are!

Gay people are murdered by cultists.
White people are murdered by black people and far more frequently.
This was a vacation home for the Pences. But, if it was going to be a permanent residence, what better way to introduce yourself to the new neighbors than by immediately antagonizing them!

I wish it happened more. Putting up a Confederate Flag. A sign saying "Fuck black people to death". Oh a better one "Make American white again and keep it that way". All excellent ways to introduce yourself to the neighbors when they move in.

What's funny, I mean laughable really, is that gays have no idea why they are murdered so frequently and how few people care when they are!

Gay people are murdered by cultists.
White people are murdered by black people and far more frequently.
White people are murdered by white people far more frequently.
This was a vacation home for the Pences. But, if it was going to be a permanent residence, what better way to introduce yourself to the new neighbors than by immediately antagonizing them!

I wish it happened more. Putting up a Confederate Flag. A sign saying "Fuck black people to death". Oh a better one "Make American white again and keep it that way". All excellent ways to introduce yourself to the neighbors when they move in.

What's funny, I mean laughable really, is that gays have no idea why they are murdered so frequently and how few people care when they are!

Gay people are murdered by cultists.
White people are murdered by black people and far more frequently.
White people are murdered by white people far more frequently.
There are certainly more of them. But, as a percentage, black people are the main killers. Helping them along is a pervasive idea that there is a racial right to kill white people. This belief has helped to make black people unacceptable and obnoxious. Even the most active of propaganda programs cannot drag black people into acceptability. Except on television of course. Everywhere else its "segregation now, segregation forever".
Mike Pence made sure not to be in a room alone with his gay neighbors so that his 17 year old, I mean 70 year old, hormones didn't kick in and he have a gay orgy on the spot that was out of his control.

Then he went to his basement to flagellate himself to atone for his impure thoughts about his neighbors Golden Retriever.
He actually had poopy pants that night since Trump was overheard saying earlier in the day, "don't stand by him, he wants to hang all the gays"...
This was a vacation home for the Pences. But, if it was going to be a permanent residence, what better way to introduce yourself to the new neighbors than by immediately antagonizing them!

I wish it happened more. Putting up a Confederate Flag. A sign saying "Fuck black people to death". Oh a better one "Make American white again and keep it that way". All excellent ways to introduce yourself to the neighbors when they move in.

What's funny, I mean laughable really, is that gays have no idea why they are murdered so frequently and how few people care when they are!

Gay people are murdered by cultists.
White people are murdered by black people and far more frequently.
White people are murdered by white people far more frequently.
There are certainly more of them. But, as a percentage, black people are the main killers. Helping them along is a pervasive idea that there is a racial right to kill white people. This belief has helped to make black people unacceptable and obnoxious. Even the most active of propaganda programs cannot drag black people into acceptability. Except on television of course. Everywhere else its "segregation now, segregation forever".
Ok. thanks for that Adolf.
This was a vacation home for the Pences. But, if it was going to be a permanent residence, what better way to introduce yourself to the new neighbors than by immediately antagonizing them!

I wish it happened more. Putting up a Confederate Flag. A sign saying "Fuck black people to death". Oh a better one "Make American white again and keep it that way". All excellent ways to introduce yourself to the neighbors when they move in.

What's funny, I mean laughable really, is that gays have no idea why they are murdered so frequently and how few people care when they are!

Gay people are murdered by cultists.
White people are murdered by black people and far more frequently.
White people are murdered by white people far more frequently.
There are certainly more of them. But, as a percentage, black people are the main killers. Helping them along is a pervasive idea that there is a racial right to kill white people. This belief has helped to make black people unacceptable and obnoxious. Even the most active of propaganda programs cannot drag black people into acceptability. Except on television of course. Everywhere else its "segregation now, segregation forever".
Ok. thanks for that Adolf.
For a shut in she certainly is on top of current events,,,from sixty years ago..

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