Pence's Aspen neighbors hang 'Make America Gay Again' sign

But you seem to be saying my political views should mesh with my spiritual views. And that's out of bounds.
Why would it be out of bounds?
Because faith and politics are not one and the same. My faith guides me. My politics are not my faith. The two are not conflated and therefore perverted by each other.
Your politics should not contradict your faith though.
My politics don't. Do yours?
Yours do. 100%. Mine don't, though my attitude about it at times is not right. Hey, I'm only human.
Are you calling yourself a Christian? If so, knowing that Christianity is a faith born of love, forgiveness and tolerance, how can you espouse hatred of others in a political context and still sleep at night?
Why would it be out of bounds?
Because faith and politics are not one and the same. My faith guides me. My politics are not my faith. The two are not conflated and therefore perverted by each other.
Your politics should not contradict your faith though.
My politics don't. Do yours?
Yours do. 100%. Mine don't, though my attitude about it at times is not right. Hey, I'm only human.
Are you calling yourself a Christian? If so, knowing that Christianity is a faith born of love, forgiveness and tolerance, how can you espouse hatred of others in a political context and still sleep at night?
Christianity is not about "tolerance".
Because faith and politics are not one and the same. My faith guides me. My politics are not my faith. The two are not conflated and therefore perverted by each other.
Your politics should not contradict your faith though.
My politics don't. Do yours?
Yours do. 100%. Mine don't, though my attitude about it at times is not right. Hey, I'm only human.
Are you calling yourself a Christian? If so, knowing that Christianity is a faith born of love, forgiveness and tolerance, how can you espouse hatred of others in a political context and still sleep at night?
Christianity is not about "tolerance".
I forgive you for you know not what you do.
Because faith and politics are not one and the same. My faith guides me. My politics are not my faith. The two are not conflated and therefore perverted by each other.
Your politics should not contradict your faith though.
My politics don't. Do yours?
Yours do. 100%. Mine don't, though my attitude about it at times is not right. Hey, I'm only human.
Are you calling yourself a Christian? If so, knowing that Christianity is a faith born of love, forgiveness and tolerance, how can you espouse hatred of others in a political context and still sleep at night?
Christianity is not about "tolerance".
Christianity is about forgiveness after repentence.
Your politics should not contradict your faith though.
My politics don't. Do yours?
Yours do. 100%. Mine don't, though my attitude about it at times is not right. Hey, I'm only human.
Are you calling yourself a Christian? If so, knowing that Christianity is a faith born of love, forgiveness and tolerance, how can you espouse hatred of others in a political context and still sleep at night?
Christianity is not about "tolerance".
I forgive you for you know not what you do.
Oh I know what I do, and know the bible very well. No need to forgive me. I will suggest you ask God to forgive you for supporting a party and ideology that sees no issue with taking innocent human life and promotes un-Godly reprobate behavior as " normal & healthy ".
You do realize the vast majority of states are Republican currently, right dipshit?

Yeah - The flyovers where nobody lives?
You are a pedo enabler. How does that feel?

Oh that's right - you believe that there are more gay pedos than there are straight pedos - Is that your point?
Or is it that you feel Wyoming with their half a million population counts the same as California with their 33 million??

Do elaborate
Dr Dumb calls AZ fly over country, but lives in Idaho. Top lulz material.

No - Arizona is a big state with a population of 7 million. Even Idaho with a little under 2 million (and the fastest growing state in US) couldn't be considered "flyover".

I'm talking about states (to dumb it down) where Southwest Airlines doesn't go - Wyoming, Montana, the Dakotas, Nebraska, etc

The evangelical cult isn't christian, they just borrow biblical terms from them. Their belief is so unchristian, lies become truth. They can no longer tell the difference.
Exposing America’s Biggest Hypocrites: The So-Called Evangelical Christians

Agree - with their embrace of the likes of Donald Trump and Roy Moore while ignoring everything vulgar, immoral and evil about them just because they want nutty RW judges --- is hardly "Christian".

Evangelicals have lost their souls.
You do realize the vast majority of states are Republican currently, right dipshit?

Yeah - The flyovers where nobody lives?
You are a pedo enabler. How does that feel?

Oh that's right - you believe that there are more gay pedos than there are straight pedos - Is that your point?
Or is it that you feel Wyoming with their half a million population counts the same as California with their 33 million??

Do elaborate
I don't know if there are more homosexual pedos than straight ones numbers wise, but I do know that bisexuality and homosexuality are more prevelant in pedophiles than heterosexuality, according to a recent Mayo Clinic study on pedophilia.
I don't know if there are more homosexual pedos than straight ones numbers wise, but I do know that bisexuality and homosexuality are more prevelant in pedophiles than heterosexuality, according to a recent Mayo Clinic study on pedophilia.

Pure nonsense and the studies that RW groups like Family Research Council have done are flawed big league.

Facts About Homosexuality and Child Molestation
Homosexuality and Pedophila: The False Link | HuffPost

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