Pelosi Tried To Sneak $1 Billion Abortion Slush Fund Into Emergency COVID-19 Bill


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Pelosi Tried To Sneak $1 Billion Abortion Slush Fund Into Emergency COVID-19 Bill

The Lid, with Jeffrey Dunetzabortion-slush-fund
9 hours ago · House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was exposed for her sneaky push to include an abortion slush fund in the emergency coronavirus bill. Several White House sources told The Daily Caller that during negotiations on the provisions in the Coronavirus stimulus bill with U.S. Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin, Pelosi lobbied for $1 billion in reimbursement to laboratories which would violate protections for healthcare spending laid out in the Hyde Amendment. The Hyde Amendment blocks federal funds being used to pay for abortions from receiving federal funds.

What a despicable attempt..... Once again proving that Democrats are in the business of killing babies...
Should we be surprised at this underhanded move? No for one minute, it's how Pfogressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats operate.

See: Speaker Pelosi’s Sneak Attack On Drug Prices

Pelosi Tried To Sneak $1 Billion Abortion Slush Fund Into Emergency COVID-19 Bill

The Lid, with Jeffrey Dunetzabortion-slush-fund
9 hours ago · House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was exposed for her sneaky push to include an abortion slush fund in the emergency coronavirus bill. Several White House sources told The Daily Caller that during negotiations on the provisions in the Coronavirus stimulus bill with U.S. Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin, Pelosi lobbied for $1 billion in reimbursement to laboratories which would violate protections for healthcare spending laid out in the Hyde Amendment. The Hyde Amendment blocks federal funds being used to pay for abortions from receiving federal funds.

What a despicable attempt..... Once again proving that Democrats are in the business of killing babies...
Should we be surprised at this underhanded move? No for one minute, it's how Pfogressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats operate.

See: Speaker Pelosi’s Sneak Attack On Drug Prices


Wow, what a disgrace. Piglosi could be the most disgusting person in the world.
A billion dollars? How much is the entire bill?

Does the final cost matter? Pelosi tried an end run around the Hyde Bill and poison pilled the real Bill required to help American citizens survive and overcome this virial invasion created in Wuhan China....
A billion dollars? How much is the entire bill?

Does the final cost matter? Pelosi tried an end run around the Hyde Bill and poison pilled the real Bill required to help American citizens survive and overcome this virial invasion created in Wuhan China....

Just asking a question. I’m guessing the billion dollars is quite exaggerated as is the entire story given the weird source.
**** deserves a brain tumor.

Nah.... I wouldn't wish any illness or neuro blastoma on anyone.... What I'd tell her to her face as I have Chuckie Schumer, she's got no business in politics an should get out because she hurts and doesn't help John Q. Citizen.
Pelosi Tried To Sneak $1 Billion Abortion Slush Fund Into Emergency COVID-19 Bill

The Lid, with Jeffrey Dunetzabortion-slush-fund
9 hours ago · House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was exposed for her sneaky push to include an abortion slush fund in the emergency coronavirus bill. Several White House sources told The Daily Caller that during negotiations on the provisions in the Coronavirus stimulus bill with U.S. Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin, Pelosi lobbied for $1 billion in reimbursement to laboratories which would violate protections for healthcare spending laid out in the Hyde Amendment. The Hyde Amendment blocks federal funds being used to pay for abortions from receiving federal funds.

What a despicable attempt..... Once again proving that Democrats are in the business of killing babies...
Should we be surprised at this underhanded move? No for one minute, it's how Pfogressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats operate.

See: Speaker Pelosi’s Sneak Attack On Drug Prices


What actually happened was the republicans tried to out anti-abortion language into the bill.

House Republicans tried to capitalize on coronavirus to sneak anti-abortion language into law
Pelosi Tried To Sneak $1 Billion Abortion Slush Fund Into Emergency COVID-19 Bill

The OP was lying? Shocking
The Lid, with Jeffrey Dunetzabortion-slush-fund
9 hours ago · House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was exposed for her sneaky push to include an abortion slush fund in the emergency coronavirus bill. Several White House sources told The Daily Caller that during negotiations on the provisions in the Coronavirus stimulus bill with U.S. Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin, Pelosi lobbied for $1 billion in reimbursement to laboratories which would violate protections for healthcare spending laid out in the Hyde Amendment. The Hyde Amendment blocks federal funds being used to pay for abortions from receiving federal funds.

What a despicable attempt..... Once again proving that Democrats are in the business of killing babies...
Should we be surprised at this underhanded move? No for one minute, it's how Pfogressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats operate.

See: Speaker Pelosi’s Sneak Attack On Drug Prices


What actually happened was the republicans tried to out anti-abortion language into the bill.

House Republicans tried to capitalize on coronavirus to sneak anti-abortion language into law
A billion dollars? How much is the entire bill?

Does the final cost matter? Pelosi tried an end run around the Hyde Bill and poison pilled the real Bill required to help American citizens survive and overcome this virial invasion created in Wuhan China....

Just asking a question. I’m guessing the billion dollars is quite exaggerated as is the entire story given the weird source.

Pelosi under fire for sneaking ‘abortion slush fund’ in coronavirus emergency bill at 11th hour

Nancy Pelosi Tries To Sneak ABORTION FUNDING Into Emergency Coronavirus Bill?

MSNBC’s Joy Reid Publicly Rebukes Nancy Pelosi For Abortion Funding Stunt In Emergency Virus Bill | News Thud
Can she be aborted.

Late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late

term abortion.
Pelosi Tried To Sneak $1 Billion Abortion Slush Fund Into Emergency COVID-19 Bill

The Lid, with Jeffrey Dunetzabortion-slush-fund
9 hours ago · House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was exposed for her sneaky push to include an abortion slush fund in the emergency coronavirus bill. Several White House sources told The Daily Caller that during negotiations on the provisions in the Coronavirus stimulus bill with U.S. Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin, Pelosi lobbied for $1 billion in reimbursement to laboratories which would violate protections for healthcare spending laid out in the Hyde Amendment. The Hyde Amendment blocks federal funds being used to pay for abortions from receiving federal funds.

What a despicable attempt..... Once again proving that Democrats are in the business of killing babies...
Should we be surprised at this underhanded move? No for one minute, it's how Pfogressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats operate.

See: Speaker Pelosi’s Sneak Attack On Drug Prices


What actually happened was the republicans tried to out anti-abortion language into the bill.

House Republicans tried to capitalize on coronavirus to sneak anti-abortion language into law
Pelosi Tried To Sneak $1 Billion Abortion Slush Fund Into Emergency COVID-19 Bill

The Lid, with Jeffrey Dunetzabortion-slush-fund
9 hours ago · House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was exposed for her sneaky push to include an abortion slush fund in the emergency coronavirus bill. Several White House sources told The Daily Caller that during negotiations on the provisions in the Coronavirus stimulus bill with U.S. Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin, Pelosi lobbied for $1 billion in reimbursement to laboratories which would violate protections for healthcare spending laid out in the Hyde Amendment. The Hyde Amendment blocks federal funds being used to pay for abortions from receiving federal funds.

What a despicable attempt..... Once again proving that Democrats are in the business of killing babies...
Should we be surprised at this underhanded move? No for one minute, it's how Pfogressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats operate.

See: Speaker Pelosi’s Sneak Attack On Drug Prices

Just like a good Leftist, Nancy never lets a crisis go to waste.
A billion dollars? How much is the entire bill?

Does the final cost matter? Pelosi tried an end run around the Hyde Bill and poison pilled the real Bill required to help American citizens survive and overcome this virial invasion created in Wuhan China....

Just asking a question. I’m guessing the billion dollars is quite exaggerated as is the entire story given the weird source.

Pelosi under fire for sneaking ‘abortion slush fund’ in coronavirus emergency bill at 11th hour

Nancy Pelosi Tries To Sneak ABORTION FUNDING Into Emergency Coronavirus Bill?

MSNBC’s Joy Reid Publicly Rebukes Nancy Pelosi For Abortion Funding Stunt In Emergency Virus Bill | News Thud

And the sources get more and more bizarre..."news thud"....really?

Again, how much is the total bill?
Should play well in the Tenderloin ... re-elected without opposition ...

Two more years ... two more years ... two more years ... ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ...
**** deserves a brain tumor.

Nah.... I wouldn't wish any illness or neuro blastoma on anyone.... What I'd tell her to her face as I have Chuckie Schumer, she's got no business in politics an should get out because she hurts and doesn't help John Q. Citizen.
Different strokes. Bitch supports murdering children I think she deserves to be spit roasted...the ****.
This is really bad, there is so much disinformation being spewed from all sides of the political spectrum.

Every person with a half decent website is now a 'journalist', and even institutions of journalism are biased beyond belief. I see how we receive our news, coupled with confirmation bias as being one of the largest problems facing humanity in the 21st century. God help us once technology can create fake video of real people, and we cannot tell the difference.
Pelosi Tried To Sneak $1 Billion Abortion Slush Fund Into Emergency COVID-19 Bill

The Lid, with Jeffrey Dunetzabortion-slush-fund
9 hours ago · House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was exposed for her sneaky push to include an abortion slush fund in the emergency coronavirus bill. Several White House sources told The Daily Caller that during negotiations on the provisions in the Coronavirus stimulus bill with U.S. Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin, Pelosi lobbied for $1 billion in reimbursement to laboratories which would violate protections for healthcare spending laid out in the Hyde Amendment. The Hyde Amendment blocks federal funds being used to pay for abortions from receiving federal funds.

What a despicable attempt..... Once again proving that Democrats are in the business of killing babies...
Should we be surprised at this underhanded move? No for one minute, it's how Pfogressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats operate.

See: Speaker Pelosi’s Sneak Attack On Drug Prices


Fake news! Never happened.
Pelosi Tried To Sneak $1 Billion Abortion Slush Fund Into Emergency COVID-19 Bill

The Lid, with Jeffrey Dunetzabortion-slush-fund
9 hours ago · House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was exposed for her sneaky push to include an abortion slush fund in the emergency coronavirus bill. Several White House sources told The Daily Caller that during negotiations on the provisions in the Coronavirus stimulus bill with U.S. Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin, Pelosi lobbied for $1 billion in reimbursement to laboratories which would violate protections for healthcare spending laid out in the Hyde Amendment. The Hyde Amendment blocks federal funds being used to pay for abortions from receiving federal funds.

What a despicable attempt..... Once again proving that Democrats are in the business of killing babies...
Should we be surprised at this underhanded move? No for one minute, it's how Pfogressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats operate.

See: Speaker Pelosi’s Sneak Attack On Drug Prices


What actually happened was the republicans tried to out anti-abortion language into the bill.

House Republicans tried to capitalize on coronavirus to sneak anti-abortion language into law
fake news by an extreme left wing rag

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