Pelosi thinks she's the Supreme Leader of the USA


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2012
By deciding who can and can't be on committees or participate in political activity, Pelosi is borrowing a page from Iran's authoritarian theocratic ruler Ayatollah Khamenei who regularly choses by edict those who can run for political office, hold certain administrative positions or participate in any type political activity only if they are a crony who's ideology is in line with the Mullahs and are willing to steal from and torture their people.

Shame on the Democrats.

Nancy Pelosi just doomed the already tiny chances of the 1/6 committee actually mattering​

If you ever held any hope that the House select committee on the January 6 US Capitol riot might produce a report that would help us understand what happened in the lead-up to that day and, in so doing, provide us avenues to keeping it from happening again, you should give up on those hopes now.
"The unprecedented nature of January 6th demands this unprecedented decision," Pelosi said by way of explanation in rejecting Jordan and Banks.
Missing JBLM lieutenant found dead near Mount St. Helens
No matter Pelosi's reasoning, her decision to reject Jordan and Banks, the two most high-profile Republicans put forward by McCarthy, dooms even the possibility of the committee being perceived as bipartisan or its eventual findings being seen as independent.

Pelosi took that step to far.. Whatever the outcome of the 1/6 based upon the committees' findings without a bi-partisan panel the findings will be suspect and biased.
& now for the truth:

A look at the facts of the proposed Jan. 6 commission, and the politics surrounding it:


Republicans have tried to paint the commission as partisan, even though the bill passed by the House would give Republicans and Democrats an equal number of members.

In fact, the bill is the product of bipartisan negotiations by House Homeland Security Committee Chairman Bennie Thompson, D-Miss., and the top Republican on that panel, New York Rep. John Katko. The commission would have ten members — five appointed by Democrats and five appointed by Republicans. The chairperson would be appointed by Democrats and the vice chairperson would be appointed by Republicans. Subpoenas could only be issued if there is agreement between those two heads or by a vote of a majority of the commission.

...The legislation calls for the chairperson to hire staff “in consultation with the vice chairperson, in accordance with rules agreed upon by the commission.”

EXPLAINER: How Congress' Jan. 6 commission would work

GOP blocks Capitol riot probe, displaying loyalty to Trump


WASHINGTON (AP) — Senate Republicans on Friday blocked creation of a bipartisan panel to investigate the deadly Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol, displaying continuing party loyalty to former President Donald Trump and firm determination to shift the political focus away from the violent insurrection by his GOP supporters.

The Senate vote was 54-35 — six short of the 60 needed — to take up a House-passed bill that would have formed an independent 10-member commission evenly split between the two parties.

“The investigations will happen with or without Republicans,” declared Louisiana Sen. Bill Cassidy, one of the Republicans who voted to move forward. “To ensure the investigations are fair, impartial and focused on the facts, Republicans need to be involved.”

GOP blocks Capitol riot probe, displaying loyalty to Trump

they had their chance . now comes the truth with the witness' & the subpoenas forthcoming.
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Nancy Pelosi gets away with this shit because mindless Democrat lemmings follow anything she says. Her party is her enabler.

nancy pelosi is getting 'away' with this because the spineless GOP allowed her to; by voting down complete equalality in both members & subpoena power.

tutt tutt - sucks to be them now. AND it will all be public.
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By deciding who can and can't be on committees or participate in political activity, Pelosi is borrowing a page from Iran's authoritarian theocratic ruler Ayatollah Khamenei who regularly choses by edict those who can run for political office, hold certain administrative positions or participate in any type political activity only if they are a crony who's ideology is in line with the Mullahs and are willing to steal from and torture their people.

Shame on the Democrats.

You never said anything when Boehner was there and stood in the way of Obama. You didn't say a word when trump wiped his arse on Obama's legacy.
You hypocrite. Your brain dead son.
The GOP had its chance. It had its input. Then, when it was time to man up, it said "no".

This ain't about Pelosi, it's about cowardly Republicans who are afraid of a buffoon.
In Afghanistan, women are starting to be treated as pieces of property again. It will come here also after we descend to mass poverty or much less comforts. Prog women need to recognize this and loosen up a bit. There are many men who will not approve of the worse happening. But there are many who will.
In Afghanistan, women are starting to be treated as pieces of property again. It will come here also after we descend to mass poverty or much less comforts. Prog women need to recognize this and loosen up a bit. There are many men who will not approve of the worse happening. But there are many who will.
You guys sure think you can see the future. Funny.
& now for the truth:

A look at the facts of the proposed Jan. 6 commission, and the politics surrounding it:


Republicans have tried to paint the commission as partisan, even though the bill passed by the House would give Republicans and Democrats an equal number of members.

In fact, the bill is the product of bipartisan negotiations by House Homeland Security Committee Chairman Bennie Thompson, D-Miss., and the top Republican on that panel, New York Rep. John Katko. The commission would have ten members — five appointed by Democrats and five appointed by Republicans. The chairperson would be appointed by Democrats and the vice chairperson would be appointed by Republicans. Subpoenas could only be issued if there is agreement between those two heads or by a vote of a majority of the commission.

...The legislation calls for the chairperson to hire staff “in consultation with the vice chairperson, in accordance with rules agreed upon by the commission.”

EXPLAINER: How Congress' Jan. 6 commission would work

GOP blocks Capitol riot probe, displaying loyalty to Trump


WASHINGTON (AP) — Senate Republicans on Friday blocked creation of a bipartisan panel to investigate the deadly Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol, displaying continuing party loyalty to former President Donald Trump and firm determination to shift the political focus away from the violent insurrection by his GOP supporters.

The Senate vote was 54-35 — six short of the 60 needed — to take up a House-passed bill that would have formed an independent 10-member commission evenly split between the two parties.

“The investigations will happen with or without Republicans,” declared Louisiana Sen. Bill Cassidy, one of the Republicans who voted to move forward. “To ensure the investigations are fair, impartial and focused on the facts, Republicans need to be involved.”

GOP blocks Capitol riot probe, displaying loyalty to Trump

they had their chance . now comes the truth with the witness' & the subpoenas forthcoming.
Hilarious, Democrat hack propagandists promoting fascism and authoritarian accusing Republicans of what they are. Looks like they forgot that Adam Schitt and co. are on this so called committee. Yet they have the gall to refuse Republicans just because they question the lies the Democrats have been promoting.
You never said anything when Boehner was there and stood in the way of Obama. You didn't say a word when trump wiped his arse on Obama's legacy.
You hypocrite. Your brain dead son.
I don't recall Boehner or any Republican denying any particular Democrat the right to serve on a committee or investigation just because he / she doesn't like what the Democrat stands for, genius.
Claim victimhood. Swamp. Deep State. Commies. Hitler. Pelosi.

The regular stuff. They're right, the rest of the planet is wrong.
dude, the swamp is full. Both parties. Been saying it. It's why there was a Trump, you still don't understand that. And..............74 million did vote again for Trump, a 13 million increase, so don't pull your usual shit, If you really think 74 million americans think the planet is wrong. Not at all, those 74 million know demofks are wrong. One wishes to associate with those demofk idiots are included in the thought. The planet doesn't really do anything except exist.
The GOP had its chance. It had its input. Then, when it was time to man up, it said "no".

This ain't about Pelosi, it's about cowardly Republicans who are afraid of a buffoon.
Dude, what is Pelosi so afraid of? That Jim Jordan will ask some questions about why security was so lax at the Capital when it's been reported that authorities knew about the planned protest for quite some time before it took place? A committee made up only of people who hate Trump's guts is quite frankly a waste of time and money.
nancy pelosi is getting 'away' with this because the spineless GOP allowed her to; by voting down complete equalality in both members & subpoena power.

tutt tutt - sucks to be them now. AND it will all be public.
Is Nancy really getting away with anything? A "bi-partisan" committee that's obviously not bi-partisan becomes a show trial and has about as much believability as one! Nancy Pelosi is overstepping badly on this one and it WILL come back to bite Democrats in the ass!
Dude, what is Pelosi so afraid of? That Jim Jordan will ask some questions about why security was so lax at the Capital when it's been reported that authorities knew about the planned protest for quite some time before it took place? A committee made up only of people who hate Trump's guts is quite frankly a waste of time and money.
just demofks showing their hypocrisy as normal.

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