Pelosi Open to Prosecution of Bush Administration Officials

:clap2: Another excellent rebuttal to my post. The research alone must have taken you hours. I just can't compete with such sheer brilliance and water-tight defense.

Anyone else?

I'm waiting child.......lets hear you rebut the 911 Commission's findings....
The genius is no longer talking to anyone who doesn't agree with him.
Bush admitted to breaking the FISA law.

He also authorized spying on American citizens to include military calling home from overseas.

But what the fuck, that's all little shit compared to invading a country that never attacked US or was any real threat. Authorizing torture, what else do you need?

Will we try him. No fucking way. Politicians are too inbred to try to do the right thing if they think it might come back on them.

If he ever goes overseas, I wouldn't be suprised if another country would try him. Sort of like Kissinger can't go to certain countries.
If you persist in this I do not want to hear one whine, one peep from you rejects when the Republicans regain power and do the same to your darlings.

They already did that to Clinton for 8 years with Ken Starr "impartial" investigation fishing trip. Get a life.

If you prove that a Democrat/s broke the law, then prosecute them. I have no problem with that.
Keep your eyes open and your ears tuned in. Now that they are out of office and can't cover up their shit as well, you are going to see a lot of really good stuff that they did while in power.
How about Page 128....(9/11 Commission Report)

Talks about Clinton's indictment of Bin Ladin that originally included the accusation that al Qaeda had reached "an understanding with the gov. of Iraq", etc....

goes on to talk about the scumbag Richard Clark's speculation to Berger that a large Iraqi presence at the chemical facilities in Kartoum was "probably a direct result of the Iraq/al Qaida agreement."....Clarke continued on that VX precursor traces found near al Shifa were the "exact formula used by Iraq"...

This stuff was later dropped from the superseding indictment filed in Nov. 1998 but this information clearly shows what our super smart spy Clarke believed about al Qeada and Saddam conections....beliefs he later denied to save his own ass and reputation and throw Bush under the bus at the same time....
a typical hypocrit Democratic act.....
Key word here is speculation. And the term "probably" doesn't help your case either.
Key word here is speculation. And the term "probably" doesn't help your case either.

Well dear, thats what spying and gathering intelligence is....speculation...
Its counting communications between suspects and 'guessing' what the hell it means.......its questioning friends and enemies and "guessing" if they are reliable....its an educated guess....probability.....etc....
Its detective work..its building a case of what secrets are held by others....

"My case" is just observing history....observing with an open mind.....

If you NEED to think that the world intell was lying, the CIA was lying, everyone was lying and pulled the wool over the poor Senate Democrats....hey, have a ball.....I choose not to look for people to blame....
The intell was wrong, we all know that now...and we have a damn good idea why the intell sucked....if Bush lied, then Clinton and everyone in his administration lied....and thats just foolish.....
What we know now, we didn't know then......
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Why don't you start out with Page 66 of the "9/11 Commission Report" (page 83 of the PDF)....This explains the evidence dealing with Bin Ladin and Saddam contacts in 1998 or so.....

Try to not get confused with what was believed before 9/11 and what was un-covered after and during the Commission testimony....after all, thats the important element to this....what was thought to be the truth by intell, foreign and domestic...

I won't counter your crap line by line or word for word as its too time consuming, but you can educate yourself if you have the open mind to do so....
Page 66...hmmm first thing it says is
There is also evidence around this time Bin Laden sent out a number of feelers to the Iraqi regime, offering some cooperation. None are reported to have a significant response. According to one report, Saddam Hussein's efforts at this time to rebuild relations with the Saudis and other Middle Eastern regimes led him to stay clear of Bin Laden.
Don't remember Bush & Co. ever alluding to that , do you?
If we keep going down the page we read the familiar Al Qaeda members reportedly went to Iraq or the Iraq officials may have met with Bin Laden or his aides but the conclusions were:
The reports describe friendly contacts and indicate some common themes in both sides hatred of the United States. But to date we have seen no evidence that these or the earlier contacts ever developed into a collaborative relationship. Nor have we seen evidence indicating that Iraq cooperated with Al Qaeda in developing or carrying out any attacks against the United States.
You have just been slam dunked by your own source. If there are any details you find that match those 5 quotes please let me know but I've been over this many times before and the fact remains Bush & Co. lied. You are all just angry because you bought those lies. So let out the anger. I can see everybody else has.
The reports describe friendly contacts and indicate some common themes in both sides hatred of the United States. But to date we have seen no evidence that these or the earlier contacts ever developed into a collaborative relationship. Nor have we seen evidence indicating that Iraq cooperated with Al Qaeda in developing or carrying out any attacks against the United States.
T says...
You have just been slam dunked by your own source. If there are any details you find that match those 5 quotes please let me know but I've been over this many times before and the fact remains Bush & Co. lied. You are all just angry because you bought those lies. So let out the anger. I can see everybody else has.
Like I pointed out from the start...don't confuse what we believed then and what we now you just have....
the fact is nobody lied....not Clinton and his cronies, and not the Bush Admin when they said EXACTLY THE SAME THING as Clinton....
They BOTH believed they were telling the truth as they knew our very own intell. believed, as the intell from around the world believed....Russia, France, Isreal, England, Germany......they all agreed....Saddam had WMD, not maybe, not might,... as Al Gore said.....
"We know that he has stored secret supplies of biological and chemical weapons throughout his country."
-- Al Gore, Sept. 23, 2002

He didn't say we think or he might....he said WE KNOW...and big Al was privy to secret intell for 10 years before he made this statement....
was this Democrat a liar....??? I don't think so but you might....

You've been brainwashed by lying hypocrites and Bush haters with the aid of the main stream media for the past 8 years, and you are're one of their many success're nothing more than a of thousands....
HAHAHAHA is there a little fear behind all this anger?

Its OK to spend time and money chasing a blow job but to prosicute real crime is too scary huh?

If we dont prosecute these assholes it will set a precident for admins to lie us into wars in the future. Go Pelosi

Pelosi is on a very slippery slope. She voted to invade Iraq.--she had all the intelligence--in the know & voted to go. Also John Kerry in the senate intelligence committee voted to invade Iraq, along with 99% of house & senate democrats. So wouldn't they be investigating themselves? Let alone comments regarding Sadam Husien from Bill Clinton & Al Gore--whom we must remember passed on their intelligence regarding Iraq right to the incoming Bush administration.

Also, if they bring this to the floor, you can bet the opposite side will be brining up the Rich Pardon from the Clinton administration, & hey we can see our congress pointing fingers at one another for the next 8 years--instead of concentrating on getting out of Iraq, doing something with this economy, health care, energy independance, etc. etc.

Is this really what you want to do? Waste untold amounts of tax dollars & time on ridiculous endless investigations? I might add, that 99% of congressional republicans did not vote for approval for Bill Clinton to lie to a grand jury. That's what got him into trouble, it wasn't the bj.

Let alone that the incoming President Obama wants absolutely nothing to do with any investigation of this nature. If Nancy Pelosi goes ahead with this, she will get absolutely no support from Obama. It will put a hard strain on their relationship. "This kind of activity does NOT bring this country together." It divides us.

But let's face it, Nancy Pelosi is a divider, not a uniter. She will do absolutely anything to keep her fringe left wing base out in SF. It's all about her scoring personal political points with left wing nut cases. Unfortunately, she doesn't realise she & her group are in the extreme minority of this country.

In this case if you give a left wing nut case like Nancy Pelosi enough rope, she just might hang herself with this.
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Like I pointed out from the start...don't confuse what we believed then and what we now you just have....
I don't which is why I ask for anyone to provide any documentation to show what Bush & Co. said, if it is covered in any intel report. It's just not there.
SAME THING as Clinton....
They BOTH believed they were telling the true as they knew our very own intell. believed, as the intell from around the world believed.
I believe Clinton lied also. I believe Clinton should be tried for his bombing raids on Sudan and Iraq. He used lies and half-truths to support these attacks.
..Russia, France, Isreal, England, Germany......they all agreed....Saddam had WMD, not maybe, not might,
Some politicians from these countries said he did but the intel didn't. Most of these countries were basing their intel on the UN Weapons Inspections Reports.
as Al Gore said.....
"We know that he has stored secret supplies of biological and chemical weapons throughout his country."
-- Al Gore, Sept. 23, 2002
Well this statement is a half truth. Saddam did have "secret supplies of biological and chemical weapons throughout his country" but this was back in the time of the Gulf War and prior to. The inspections were working and the weapons were getting destroyed. While Bush, Clinton and Gore may have been cherry picking certain sections of these UN Inspection Reports, they certainly missed points like "The UN team had disarmed Iraq of 90-95% of its WMD." December 1998 - Scott Ritter.

He didn't say we think or he might....he said WE KNOW...and big Al was privy to secret intell for 10 years before he made this statement....
was this Democrat a liar....??? I don't think so but you might....
I would have to see the full statement. Is Al talking about present Iraq circa 1998 or of Iraq in the past. Either way he is misleading the public.
You've been brainwashed by lying hypocrites and Bush haters with the aid of the main stream media for the past 8 years,
Actually the mainstream Media (especially in the US) is crap. They were not doing their job in the lead up to the war. They practically cheering him on.
and you are're one of their many success're nothing more than a of thousands....
Sorry, but I feel it is you that is hooked. I will only provide facts. If you doubt anything I say please feel free to ask me to back it up.
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I don't which is why I ask for anyone to provide any documentation to show what Bush & Co. said, if it is covered in any intel report. It's just not there.
I believe Clinton lied also. I believe Clinton should be tried for his bombing raids on Sudan and Iraq. He used lies and half-truths to support these attacks.
Some politicians from these countries said he did but the intel didn't. Most of these countries were basing their intel on the UN Weapons Inspections Reports.
Well this statement is a half truth. Saddam did have "secret supplies of biological and chemical weapons throughout his country" but this was back in the time of the Gulf War and prior to. The inspections were working and the weapons were getting destroyed. While Bush, Clinton and Gore may have been cherry picking certain sections of these UN Inspection Reports, they certainly missed points like "The UN team had disarmed Iraq of 90-95% of its WMD." December 1998 - Scott Ritter.

I would have to see the full statement. Is Al talking about present Iraq circa 1998 or of Iraq in the past. Either way he is misleading the public.
Actually the mainstream Media (especially in the US) is crap. They were not doing their job in the lead up to the war. They practically cheering him on.
Sorry, but I feel it is you that is hooked. I will only provide facts. If you doubt anything I say please feel free to ask me to back it up.
what a load of shit
its YOU thats not worth anyones time
I don't which is why I ask for anyone to provide any documentation to show what Bush & Co. said, if it is covered in any intel report. It's just not there.

Come're not ignorant enough to think that I or we have intell reports at our beck and call ....

I believe Clinton lied also. I believe Clinton should be tried for his bombing raids on Sudan and Iraq. He used lies and half-truths to support these attacks.

Then your brainwashing is just about complete...

Some politicians from these countries said he did but the intel didn't. Most of these countries were basing their intel on the UN Weapons Inspections Reports.

Now you're just just making shit up to agree with your pre-conceived nonsense....

Well this statement is a half truth. Saddam did have "secret supplies of biological and chemical weapons throughout his country" but this was back in the time of the Gulf War and prior to. The inspections were working and the weapons were getting destroyed. While Bush, Clinton and Gore may have been cherry picking certain sections of these UN Inspection Reports, they certainly missed points like "The UN team had disarmed Iraq of 90-95% of its WMD." December 1998 - Scott Ritter.

The date is just choose to believe Ritter rather than Al Gore...
their is no definitive proof who is a liar ...if any...

I would have to see the full statement. Is Al talking about present Iraq circa 1998 or of Iraq in the past. Either way he is misleading the public.
Actually the mainstream Media (especially in the US) is crap. They were not doing their job in the lead up to the war. They practically cheering him on.
Sorry, but I feel it is you that is hooked. I will only provide facts. If you doubt anything I say please feel free to ask me to back it up.

You haven't 'backed up anything yet' ...I've shown you what the 911 Commission conclued as to what was perceived to be the truth at particular times and what was learned to be the actual truth afterwards....
if its too much for you...I can't help stupid....opps ..sorry....just my personal perception....
You haven't 'backed up anything yet' ...I've shown you what the 911 Commission conclued as to what was perceived to be the truth at particular times and what was learned to be the actual truth afterwards....
if its too much for you...I can't help stupid....opps ..sorry....just my personal perception....
As I said before
I asked for anyone to provide any documentation to show what Bush & Co. said, if it is covered in any intel report. It's just not there.
Remember those 5 quotes I posted earlier in post #123. There is nothing in any intelligence report to back those up.

I will give you an example of a lie and the truth by George Bush
First he is being truthful when he says:
We know that the regime has produced thousands of tons of chemical agents, including mustard gas, sarin nerve gas, VX nerve gas.
*This we know was true. There is documentation for this. There are even receipts for this. Now he may have been misleading the public or alluding that Saddam still had these chemical agents but the statement is true within itself.

* Not sure if the "thousands of tons" is truthful. That sounds like a huge quantity.

Now here is an example of a lie:
We've also discovered through intelligence that Iraq has a growing fleet of manned and unmanned aerial vehicles that could be used to disperse chemical or biological weapons across broad areas. We're concerned that Iraq is exploring ways of using these UAVS for missions targeting the United States
Go through every intelligence report. Not one intelligence report will mention a growing fleet of manned and unmanned aerial vehicles that could be used to disperse chemical or biological weapons. This is a lie. There were zero Aerial Vehicles found. Not a single aerial vehicle capable of dispersing chemical or biological weapons, has been found anywhere in Iraq.

One statement is the truth albeit misleading, the other statement is a lie.
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That claim was made in 2006 when the Republicans lost Congress. I guess if you keep saying it someone may believe you.
no shit
if they didnt find anything in the last 2 years, they wont find anything now
these people will really need help with their BDS
Pelosi Open to Prosecution of Bush Administration Officials | Political News -

Democrat DUmmies are just plain chickenshit if they don't follow through!

Kucinich already brought articles of impeachment against bush and cheny and pelosi said it was "off the table", The resolution went to conyers and he ignored it.

Obama most likely will make sure bush will walk away with impunity knowing he now will be the one using the powers bush and congress put in place to fuck the country up even more.
As I said before Remember those 5 quotes I posted earlier in post #123. There is nothing in any intelligence report to back those up.

I will give you an example of a lie and the truth by George Bush
First he is being truthful when he says:
*This we know was true. There is documentation for this. There are even receipts for this. Now he may have been misleading the public or alluding that Saddam still had these chemical agents but the statement is true within itself.

* Not sure if the "thousands of tons" is truthful. That sounds like a huge quantity.

Now here is an example of a lie:
Go through every intelligence report. Not one intelligence report will mention a growing fleet of manned and unmanned aerial vehicles that could be used to disperse chemical or biological weapons. This is a lie. There were zero Aerial Vehicles found. Not a single aerial vehicle capable of dispersing chemical or biological weapons, has been found anywhere in Iraq.

One statement is the truth albeit misleading, the other statement is a lie.

Go through every intelligence report. Not one intelligence report will mention a growing fleet of manned and unmanned aerial vehicles that could be used to disperse chemical or biological weapons. This is a lie.

Really...tell the hell are you privy to EVERY intelligence report...
You talk like a know nothing and talk like you've sat in on every NIE briefing since 1980.....
By the way NIE....the E stands for ESTIMATE....try looking that up ....

LIttle're dismissed....dismissed as a closeminded partisan hack....

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