Pearl Jam Commits To $200 Per Ton CO2 For Carbon Offset Strategy...what are YOU doing to save the planet?


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
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Civil disobedience is important because governments aren't acting on climate change. There's not much time left, my friends

Civil disobedience is important because governments aren't acting on climate change. There's not much time left, my friends

Pearl Jam isn't committing to anything, they're making their fans pay for their pollution.
Civil disobedience is important because governments aren't acting on climate change. There's not much time left, my friends

This seems strangely like something we have seen in the past:

Indulgence - Wikipedia

However, in the later Middle Ages growth of considerable abuses occurred. Some commissaries sought to extract the maximum amount of money for each indulgence.[39] Professional "pardoners"[4] (quaestores in Latin) - who were sent to collect alms for a specific project - practiced the unrestricted sale of indulgences. Many of these quaestores exceeded official church doctrine, and promised rewards such as salvation from eternal damnation in return for money. With the permission of the church, indulgences also became a way for Catholic rulers to fund expensive projects, such as Crusades and cathedrals, by keeping a significant portion of the money raised from indulgences in their lands.[36] There was a tendency to forge documents declaring that indulgences had been granted.[36] Indulgences grew to extraordinary magnitude, in terms of longevity and breadth of forgiveness.
Another idiotic take on the weather.
What exactly does "civil disobedience" mean in context of making govts fight the weather?

Civil disobedience involves disagreeing with the govt & refusing to follow their rules.
Like refusing to mask or take clot shots. Or calling the elections a sham & saying DC is a corrupt den of snakes.

I remember basquebro insisting last year that we had to mandate the clot shots.
You are like a feather in the wind, blowing whichever way they direct you.
You never know what you're talking about & you change your opinion whenever you feel you are straying from the collective hive mind

Planting more trees


Civil disobedience is important because governments aren't acting on climate change. There's not much time left, my friends

Climate change is a bunch of fucking bullshit.
There is no scientific proof that carbon offsets change the weather at all. This is all just some kind of Warmist voodoo in my view.

I guess if it makes the guys in Pearl Jam and/or their fans happy, there is some value to it.

But as far as "climate change" or "global warming" , the actual scientific data shows no correlation between the purchase of carbon offsets and the weather.
Civil disobedience is important because governments aren't acting on climate change. There's not much time left, my friends

You worship fear and control of people
I started my fire pit, pouring smoke into the air because the planet needs Absolutely No Help from me nor 8 billion others.
Civil disobedience is important because governments aren't acting on climate change. There's not much time left, my friends

If they were serious, they would stop touring. Do these guys really need more money?
Carbon offsets are such a fucking scam...

They've all made enough money to comfortably retire, so if they're truly serious about their beliefs, they should stay home.
According to the link the "commitment" only lasts for their upcoming tour and is subject to their accountant's speculation about the so-called carbon market. They probably drink up more bourbon than their "carbon offset strategy" compensates for anyway but the media likes it and probably won't investigate. .
Civil disobedience is important because governments aren't acting on climate change. There's not much time left, my friends

EVERYBODY with a brain knows that Climate Change bullshit is a wealth redistribution scheme, but useful idiots don't understand that it is wealth redistribution from them to rich people.

Pretty sad, really.
Civil disobedience is important because governments aren't acting on climate change. There's not much time left, my friends

wow Eddie Vedder just brought something he couldn't shoot in his vein.
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