Peanut butter, baking soda and chocolate cake mix....


Diamond Member
Jun 29, 2013
I live in a rural area inundated by local rodent life. While I have the mouse situation well handled inside the house the external problems can be daunting. Squirrels and chipmunks can be a total disaster to house structure if you simply ignore them. They cannot be allowed to settle. Unfortunately you cannot simply catch them and release just doesn't work. In some states it's illegal in fact. So over the years I have used numerous gadgets and traps ( all of them lethal btw) to control the situation... Recently I was introduced to the Peanut butter/baking soda method. It works like a wizards wand....however unlike the kill traps there's no telling where the corpses will turn up. Just so you know....this is not poisoning. Poisoning is illegal and will get you in a lot of trouble if you do it outside your don't do it. This mixture causes no harm to scavengers who might eat the dead rodents and no harm to any human who might somehow decide to eat it if they find it. The idea is born of rodent physiology....rodents cannot put it oversimply. They don't have the esophogeal machinery to expel gas in that direction. The Baking soda mix ( Rodents LOVE PEANUT BUTTER AND ADORE CHOCOLATE ) reacts with their rather strong stomach acids to create a rapid supply of CO2 gas and then...boom....internal explosion. It's quick....neat...and very very effective.

HAH! I had a little scotty for ten years! Sammy was his name. You are right! He could chase down squirrels, corner chipmunks and body slam big rats....hahah.....I miss Sammy.
We have a minpin/russell mix....No vermin in our yard, that isn't up in the trees in the blink of an eye....None of them camping on any structures either.
No. Simple...mix a cup of dry corn meal and a cup of dry plaster of Paris and put it where rodents are present. They eat it and it hardens inside them, which results in death.
Wow...will do!
I might not have known it was mouse season if not for the pup. Mini Aussie, who started alerting to them, and it was time to get out the traps. I only caught two, so I'm going to hope that's all there were. My first winter, I caught two and didn't see any more.
A terrier or two on the property works wonders.

Chloe used to be a little terrorist with the critters and helped keep them away. I don't know why but she developed a rabid hatred for turtles, of all things. They tell her to kiss their ass and keep on trudging.

But now, she can't because she only has partial sight in one eye.

One day, we were walkin down the deck ramp and there was a big ole bunny about 6 foot off in the grass. Stupid thing just sat there and watched us and Chloe didn't have a clue. Guess her sniffer's going too.

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