Pawn shop owner shoots looter, claims self defense....prosecutor says evidence of shooting destroyed by the looters. Justice...finally.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
They were going to string this pawn shop owner up for shooting one of the joe biden voters who was burning and looting the city. This particular looter looted the wrong store....and was shot and killed for his effort. The prosecutor was going to go after the pawn shop owner who defended his store....but....LOL.......the looters destroyed any and all evidence they might have used to hang the owner....


Prosecutors said that despite the presence of numerous bystanders at the time of the shooting, only one eyewitness has so far come forward with information about the case. The witness, whose identity wasn't released, described seeing a large group of people, including Horton, breaking into the store and noted that one of the looters — not Horton — was armed with a handgun, according to prosecutors. The witness said that Horton was moving toward Rieple and that about 7 feet separated the two men when Rieple fired.

When police responded they were met by a hostile crowd that yelled and threatened officers, forcing them to move Horton to a nearby business while they waited for an ambulance, according to prosecutors. He died a short time later at HCMC.

Because of the chaos, officers arrested Rieple, but didn't stay to process the scene. As a result, the shotgun that was used was never recovered. Looters also ransacked the pawnshop, taking everything, including its security cameras and the DVR that would have recorded the fatal shooting and the moments leading up to it, prosecutors said.

Two more witnesses, one of whom was a close friend of Horton, were identified when detectives reviewed officers' body camera footage from the scene. But the female friend, who was not identified, later hired a lawyer, who told prosecutors that she would not talk to police, nor would she identify another woman she was with, prosecutors said.

It is disgusting that they even arrested the guy.

They could FUCKING SEE THE VIOLENT MOB. Hell, it was too dangerous for them to stay and process the scene.

The police nowadays have to be careful, lest they be accused of racism.

Even if they see a group of young gentlemen looting a store, they have to take into consideration the possibility that the owner said or did something that offended the young gentlemen.

So the police have to detain both the young gentlemen & the owner.

This is 2020. The voters have just elected the Honorable Joseph R. Biden, Jr., a Dem, who presumably supports his party's sensitivity on certain topics. So the cops realize that they have to protect their own posteriors in such an atmosphere.
It is disgusting that they even arrested the guy.

They could FUCKING SEE THE VIOLENT MOB. Hell, it was too dangerous for them to stay and process the scene.

The police nowadays have to be careful, lest they be accused of racism.

Even if they see a group of young gentlemen looting a store, they have to take into consideration the possibility that the owner said or did something that offended the young gentlemen.

So the police have to detain both the young gentlemen & the owner.

This is 2020. The voters have just elected the Honorable Joseph R. Biden, Jr., a Dem, who presumably supports his party's sensitivity on certain topics. So the cops realize that they have to protect their own posteriors in such an atmosphere.
The way i see it, is that when an angry mob forms down here in Floor E. Da, the governor has given US law abiding citizens the right to defend ourselves, and if it means vigilantism so be it, the law as we saw down in Broward County just let a lunatic kill school children why the deputy dog just cowered in fear. Nothing states police have to engage in a shootout, but by God, i wont hesitated to put a bunch of progs 6 feet under. Dead men tell no tales...
It is disgusting that they even arrested the guy.

They could FUCKING SEE THE VIOLENT MOB. Hell, it was too dangerous for them to stay and process the scene.

The police nowadays have to be careful, lest they be accused of racism.

Even if they see a group of young gentlemen looting a store, they have to take into consideration the possibility that the owner said or did something that offended the young gentlemen.

So the police have to detain both the young gentlemen & the owner.

This is 2020. The voters have just elected the Honorable Joseph R. Biden, Jr., a Dem, who presumably supports his party's sensitivity on certain topics. So the cops realize that they have to protect their own posteriors in such an atmosphere.
The way i see it, is that when an angry mob forms down here in Floor E. Da, the governor has given US law abiding citizens the right to defend ourselves, and if it means vigilantism so be it, the law as we saw down in Broward County just let a lunatic kill school children why the deputy dog just cowered in fear. Nothing states police have to engage in a shootout, but by God, i wont hesitated to put a bunch of progs 6 feet under. Dead men tell no tales...

Damn right!
I'm in your I know what these Demofools down here are like.

Imagine if the left had elected Gillum the Commie ! They damn near did .
It is disgusting that they even arrested the guy.

They could FUCKING SEE THE VIOLENT MOB. Hell, it was too dangerous for them to stay and process the scene.

What you need to get through that thick skull of yours is that, if you shoot someone, nine times out of ten you're going to be arrested. If someone breaks into your house, and they're armed, and they shoot at you and miss and you shoot back killing them, you're probably going to be arrested. You don't just walk away unscathed as if nothing happened.

That's why there are organizations like the USCCA. They help law abiding citizens who use a firearm to defend themselves and their loved ones. Check them out. Maybe you'll actually learn something...

USCCA Membership
Biden voter? Trump was the only one of the two convicted of theft.
It is disgusting that they even arrested the guy.

They could FUCKING SEE THE VIOLENT MOB. Hell, it was too dangerous for them to stay and process the scene.

What you need to get through that thick skull of yours is that, if you shoot someone, nine times out of ten you're going to be arrested. If someone breaks into your house, and they're armed, and they shoot at you and miss and you shoot back killing them, you're probably going to be arrested. You don't just walk away unscathed as if nothing happened.

That's why there are organizations like the USCCA. They help law abiding citizens who use a firearm to defend themselves and their loved ones. Check them out. Maybe you'll actually learn something...

USCCA Membership

The violent mob was still there. The scene was too dangerous to process.

So they arrested the owner of the shop that was attacked?

I understand that it the current reality. I am not denying that that happened.

I am pointing out that it is insane. It is wrong.
Biden voter? Trump was the only one of the two convicted of theft.

Yes. Biden voter. Want to speculate as to how Biden will deal with the mobs, as opposed to Trump's actions?

About the same. Trump did nothing other than call people names.

You can't expect someone who has run afoul of the law as much as Trump to address things like this.
Biden voter? Trump was the only one of the two convicted of theft.

Yes. Biden voter. Want to speculate as to how Biden will deal with the mobs, as opposed to Trump's actions?

About the same. Trump did nothing other than call people names.

You can't expect someone who has run afoul of the law as much as Trump to address things like this.

Trump deputized the local police and state police, so that local and state dems could not let the criminals go. Federal charges were brought instead.

It was very effective in settling down the rioters.

Hey, you remember the Siege of the White House, they had planned for the campaign? It was supposed to go on for months, to show how weak and unwanted Trump was.

They called it off, out of fear of doing real time, because federal judges weren't letting them go, the way the city and state DA of the Left Coast were.
So shooting the guy did not stop the looting? I thought the Rioters would run home with pants overflowing with odorous material if a single gunshot was heard.
They were going to string this pawn shop owner up for shooting one of the joe biden voters who was burning and looting the city. This particular looter looted the wrong store....and was shot and killed for his effort. The prosecutor was going to go after the pawn shop owner who defended his store....but....LOL.......the looters destroyed any and all evidence they might have used to hang the owner....


Prosecutors said that despite the presence of numerous bystanders at the time of the shooting, only one eyewitness has so far come forward with information about the case. The witness, whose identity wasn't released, described seeing a large group of people, including Horton, breaking into the store and noted that one of the looters — not Horton — was armed with a handgun, according to prosecutors. The witness said that Horton was moving toward Rieple and that about 7 feet separated the two men when Rieple fired.

When police responded they were met by a hostile crowd that yelled and threatened officers, forcing them to move Horton to a nearby business while they waited for an ambulance, according to prosecutors. He died a short time later at HCMC.

Because of the chaos, officers arrested Rieple, but didn't stay to process the scene. As a result, the shotgun that was used was never recovered. Looters also ransacked the pawnshop, taking everything, including its security cameras and the DVR that would have recorded the fatal shooting and the moments leading up to it, prosecutors said.

Two more witnesses, one of whom was a close friend of Horton, were identified when detectives reviewed officers' body camera footage from the scene. But the female friend, who was not identified, later hired a lawyer, who told prosecutors that she would not talk to police, nor would she identify another woman she was with, prosecutors said.

The lib (globalist/communists) have to destroy anyone that stands up------anyone that tries to fight back will be destroyed by our now lib corrupted DAs and Judges.......this is how socialists/communists/marxists take over.

The pawn shops prison was meant to deter anyone else that would fight back instead of being good victims for the dems and their agenda.

If you have to shoot someone in self defense, HIDE THE BODY.
So shooting the guy did not stop the looting? I thought the Rioters would run home with pants overflowing with odorous material if a single gunshot was heard.

That is an excellent strawman you created there. I can see that you are very proud of it.

I respectfully decline your invitation to join you in playing with it.

It is your creation, and it is only yours. It has nothing to do with me, or anyone else.
Biden voter? Trump was the only one of the two convicted of theft.
Poor ole Calvin

He wasnt doin nuthin’ wrong and that mean white man just shot him for no reason, huh?


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