Patriot Front group chased out of philadelphia.

Moonglow I don't understand when you say link. The articles that I read I posted on the thing I thought. I'm new to this site as of yesterday so maybe I didn't do it correctly.
The libtards talk shit about the w.s. problem growing or worsening, but they can't even tell you how many of them there are in the country.

They are completely full of shit and they are all fags.
That's the closest thing I've seen to white people wearing white hoods and marching together in a long time.
But the violent commie fucks in black hoods you support are totally legit!
What black hoods would that be, sweetie?
In other words, they didn't wear any white hoods.
Well of course not. The stigma is too strong. they realized this 40+ years ago. Now they use American flags. Lots of them fly both the American and the traitor Confederate flags. Very odd. But it's the strategy: white nationalism cloaked in patriotism. It's very intentional staging.
In other words, they didn't wear any white hoods.
Well of course not. The stigma is too strong. they realized this 40+ years ago. Now they use American flags. Lots of them fly both the American and the traitor Confederate flags. Very odd. But it's the strategy: white nationalism cloaked in patriotism. It's very intentional staging.
Meaningless. Making claims that can't be proven either way is your specialty.
In other words, they didn't wear any white hoods.
Well of course not. The stigma is too strong. they realized this 40+ years ago. Now they use American flags. Lots of them fly both the American and the traitor Confederate flags. Very odd. But it's the strategy: white nationalism cloaked in patriotism. It's very intentional staging.
Meaningless. Making claims that can't be proven either way is your specialty.
Yes, we call these opinions, instead of objective facts. You are free to tell me why mine are wrong. Right? Go for it.
In other words, they didn't wear any white hoods.
Well of course not. The stigma is too strong. they realized this 40+ years ago. Now they use American flags. Lots of them fly both the American and the traitor Confederate flags. Very odd. But it's the strategy: white nationalism cloaked in patriotism. It's very intentional staging.
Meaningless. Making claims that can't be proven either way is your specialty.
Yes, we call these opinions, instead of objective facts. You are free to tell me why mine are wrong. Right? Go for it.
After you prove your theory about why the charges against the rioters in Portland were dropped.
The Patriot Group is a white nationalist group that tries to recruit and deceive by using classic, patriotic images and ideas. But they have no patriotism to the United States. Their patriotism lies with a white nation that exists only in their minds.

We were told this would happen. We were informed that the white supremist groups were having problems with recruiting young and new people decades ago. We were warned that they were shifting strategies wholesale to cloak their appearance in patriotism and religion. And this has come to pass.

And it’s time to abandon references to the ‘far right,’ ‘rightwing extremist,’ and ‘rightwing fringe.’

White grievance politics, the white victimhood myth, and the wrongheaded notion of whites having ‘lost’ America are all part of mainstream conservative dogma and rhetoric.
what is America or what was America say 20 and 50 years ago?
20 years ago it was illegal and a crime to be gay.

50 years ago women could be forced to give birth against their will through force of law.

54 years ago it was illegal for blacks and whites to marry.

This is the America conservatives long for and want back.

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