Patriot Act Against a 16 Year Old


Defend Liberty
Aug 27, 2008

These are the consequences of allowing the federal government to ignore the Constitution.

"If Tyranny and Oppression come to this land, it will be in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy." - James Madison
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Give it time. Some idiot will turn this into the kids fault somehow.

Even if this kid did make threats from his home, this seems to be heavy handed. This should have been a local police matter. Once the premises were cleared of evidence of bomb making, it should have been handed over.
Give it time. Some idiot will turn this into the kids fault somehow.

Even if this kid did make threats from his home, this seems to be heavy handed. This should have been a local police matter. Once the premises were cleared of evidence of bomb making, it should have been handed over.

And he should certainly not still be in custody, especially considering the complete lack of any evidence.
Well .. it's a good example of what happens when people are ruled by fear and paranoia ... there are hundreds of such issues that could easily turn into this kind of crap ...

... global warming is head in this direction ...
... pandemics will be soon ...
... gun control ...

It's why I don't like the media abusing paranoia so much ... this is the result of too many buying into it, the government takes a mile.
I don't think we need to worry about the media, they are gagged already. The government is becoming a monster, and apathetic Americans are letting it happen. The current president is a perfect example of that. I personally don't believe he is even an American. I believe he is an implant, and the media has been stopped from addressing it. I believe we have a government that CANNOT be trusted. I believe there will be a revolution, and it will be carried out by our true American Military. I believe that will be the right thing.

I believe the homeland Security, Supreme court, and office of the President of the United States are all in the process of leading this nation into destruction, unless Apathetic Americans stand up and take the country back.

I am an American true and served in the Military. My Dad is an American WW II hero, and My Brother served in he Marines. We love this country, and though my Dad and Brother are now gone, I will stand on their behalf.

With that said, I believe I have to stand up, press forward, and leave my steps in the hands of God. I believe God is the answer, and the only answer. I don't believe this president or his administration recognize God at all. I believe Obama is Muslim, and serving another god, if he serves any god at all.

In his first 100 days he has begun what is wrecking this nation, and he has no apologies to offer, nor any desire to try to correct his stupidity.

He apologized to the world for the arrogance of the American people. He thanked the Muslims for their great contribution to America, and He stated outright that America is not a Christian nation. I really believe he is from another country so he can be as negative as he wants to about America, and it will serve him well.

I will stand for America, the one that My Dad fought for. I sill hold the flag high, and lift God to his rightful place over this nation.
I don't think we need to worry about the media, they are gagged already. The government is becoming a monster, and apathetic Americans are letting it happen. The current president is a perfect example of that. I personally don't believe he is even an American. I believe he is an implant, and the media has been stopped from addressing it. I believe we have a government that CANNOT be trusted. I believe there will be a revolution, and it will be carried out by our true American Military. I believe that will be the right thing.

I believe the homeland Security, Supreme court, and office of the President of the United States are all in the process of leading this nation into destruction, unless Apathetic Americans stand up and take the country back.

I am an American true and served in the Military. My Dad is an American WW II hero, and My Brother served in he Marines. We love this country, and though my Dad and Brother are now gone, I will stand on their behalf.

With that said, I believe I have to stand up, press forward, and leave my steps in the hands of God. I believe God is the answer, and the only answer. I don't believe this president or his administration recognize God at all. I believe Obama is Muslim, and serving another god, if he serves any god at all.

In his first 100 days he has begun what is wrecking this nation, and he has no apologies to offer, nor any desire to try to correct his stupidity.

He apologized to the world for the arrogance of the American people. He thanked the Muslims for their great contribution to America, and He stated outright that America is not a Christian nation. I really believe he is from another country so he can be as negative as he wants to about America, and it will serve him well.

I will stand for America, the one that My Dad fought for. I sill hold the flag high, and lift God to his rightful place over this nation.

OK, hero. Most of us here have served. And most of our fathers did likewise. As far as your opinions go on our current President go, if he gets us out of the present economic debacle without a Second Great Republican Depression, he will be a two term President.

Most Americans see President Barak Hussien Obama as a huge improvement over the prior incompetant.
I thought Obama and the liberals were against the Patriot Act????? Why is this still in effect?
Yeah... those teenagers could not possibly do anything... I mean.. those nice teens we ran into in Somalia... oh... wait...

Besides... what mom is not going to say "my son could NEVER do something like that"?... and because of the gag order, you are only getting 1 side of the story... and that side is being sensationalized by the typical media move

So.... yes, teens can commit atrocious things and they can hide them and it can be without the parent's knowledge... and we don't have all the details here... so I would not go instantly bashing the 'Patriot Act' or our system of law enforcement that is trying to protect us from terrorism, foreign and domestic
Give it time. Some idiot will turn this into the kids fault somehow.

Even if this kid did make threats from his home, this seems to be heavy handed. This should have been a local police matter. Once the premises were cleared of evidence of bomb making, it should have been handed over.

I don't think there should ever be warrantless searches regardless, but this sounds pretty far-fetched. And, given that the prosecutors are prohibited because of the gag order from responding, I wonder if mom isn't being a little precious about her little darling.

Is it heavy-handed? If there was no warrant and none of the traditional exceptions to the need for a warrant? Of course it was.

But heck, I don't understand why the patriot act is still law anyway. One would have thought it would have been struck down by the Supreme Court.
I thought Obama and the liberals were against the Patriot Act????? Why is this still in effect?

You are aware, aren't you, genius, that it would take either another act of Congress or a determination by the Supreme Court that it's unconstitutional to get rid of it?

Damn, what a moron you are....

but go ahead, trash every interesting conversation that you touch...:cuckoo:

you guys don't even want to stop torturing people. now you're worried about individual rights?

you crack me up.
Most Americans see President Barak Hussien Obama as a huge improvement over the prior incompetant.
The ones who can actually spell "Barack" and "Hussein" and "incompetent" really see no improvement, in fact it's just more of the same.

Interesting. I can spell all three and I think it's a vast improvement. And if it's all the same, why the constant mass hysteria from the right?

I figure the fact that a Repub won't be able to make another judicial appointment to appease "the base" makes it worth the price of admission.
he has not been given his constitutional rights of due process, he should be charged and tried in a timely/speedy manner....we had a Revolution, rejecting the English Rule, because of this kind of crap, for goodness sakes.
Educate yourselves

Here is the list of Senators and Representatives who voted for or against the Patriot ACT of 2001 and 2006

As most of you will see, neither the Republicans NOR the Democrats have much to be proud of if you think the Patriot act is an affront to what American stands for.

FYI here is the list of Senator who recognized the mistake they'd made by 2006

The senators in bold type voted in favor of the Patriot Act in 2001 and against it in 2006.

Akaka (D-HI)
Bingaman (D-NM)
Byrd (D-WV)
Feingold (D-WI)
Harkin (D-IA)
Jeffords (I-VT)
Leahy (D-VT)
Levin (D-MI)
Murray (D-WA)
Wyden (D-OR)
Inouye (D-HI) did not vote on the 2006 Patriot Act Renewal

So for those of you who are TRULY concerned about your civil liberties?

You're freaking hosed because neither party is working very well for you.​
he has not been given his constitutional rights of due process, he should be charged and tried in a timely/speedy manner....we had a Revolution, rejecting the English Rule, because of this kind of crap, for goodness sakes.

Was he charged? There's a U.S. Attorney on the case, so I'd think he was. Again, I'm hesitant to drawn any conclusions without further information.

But we've been saying all along this garbage could be used against citizens.

Again, I don't understand why the law hasn't been struck down.

I'm glad for this, though:

(from the article)

In a bi-partisan effort, Rep. Jerrold Nadler, D-N.Y., and Rep. Jeff Flake, R-Ariz., last month introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives a bill that would narrow subpoena power in a provision of the Patriot Act, called the National Security Letters, to curb what some consider to be abuse of power by federal law enforcement officers.
Again care.. you have a gag order in place and you are only hearing 1 side of a sensationalized story

But I understand how it is real easy for you to instantly believe anything against a Bush administration placed thing such as the 'Patriot Act'
I thought Obama and the liberals were against the Patriot Act????? Why is this still in effect?

You are aware, aren't you, genius, that it would take either another act of Congress or a determination by the Supreme Court that it's unconstitutional to get rid of it?

Damn, what a moron you are....

but go ahead, trash every interesting conversation that you touch...:cuckoo:

you guys don't even want to stop torturing people. now you're worried about individual rights?

you crack me up.

Who's in charge of Congress? :cuckoo:
Again care.. you have a gag order in place and you are only hearing 1 side of a sensationalized story

But I understand how it is real easy for you to instantly believe anything against a Bush administration placed thing such as the 'Patriot Act'

Listen Dave, I was not putting this on to theBush Administration, this is going on right now, and if I am not mistaken, this IS THE Obama are being a tad too sensitive or a quick "Bush Defender" when I never even mentioned President Bush...

I realize there is a gag order present, but I also realize this American born Minor citizen, has been locked in the government's custody, without being charged, let alone tried speedily, before a jury of his peers if I have understood this correctly?

This is UNCONSTITUTIONAL, that's the bottom line with me.

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I don't think we need to worry about the media, they are gagged already. The government is becoming a monster, and apathetic Americans are letting it happen. The current president is a perfect example of that. I personally don't believe he is even an American. I believe he is an implant, and the media has been stopped from addressing it. I believe we have a government that CANNOT be trusted. I believe there will be a revolution, and it will be carried out by our true American Military. I believe that will be the right thing.

I believe the homeland Security, Supreme court, and office of the President of the United States are all in the process of leading this nation into destruction, unless Apathetic Americans stand up and take the country back.

I am an American true and served in the Military. My Dad is an American WW II hero, and My Brother served in he Marines. We love this country, and though my Dad and Brother are now gone, I will stand on their behalf.

With that said, I believe I have to stand up, press forward, and leave my steps in the hands of God. I believe God is the answer, and the only answer. I don't believe this president or his administration recognize God at all. I believe Obama is Muslim, and serving another god, if he serves any god at all.

In his first 100 days he has begun what is wrecking this nation, and he has no apologies to offer, nor any desire to try to correct his stupidity.

He apologized to the world for the arrogance of the American people. He thanked the Muslims for their great contribution to America, and He stated outright that America is not a Christian nation. I really believe he is from another country so he can be as negative as he wants to about America, and it will serve him well.

I will stand for America, the one that My Dad fought for. I sill hold the flag high, and lift God to his rightful place over this nation.

OK, hero. Most of us here have served. And most of our fathers did likewise. As far as your opinions go on our current President go, if he gets us out of the present economic debacle without a Second Great Republican Depression, he will be a two term President.

Most Americans see President Barak Hussien Obama as a huge improvement over the prior incompetant.

Give it time.
1.... I am not some inherent Bush defender.... but the general way these things normally go is Bush and his administration created the Patriot act and the lefties have been screaming about it inherently... and I did not put the blame for anything in this situation on Bush... simply pointed out that it is indeed easy for a far lefty to inherently hate anything to do with a Bush policy

2.... We do not have all the details.... and in general I give a bit of leeway and faith in the justice system over media sensationalized, one-sided hype

Could we have a situation here?? Yep... but I don't go instantly damning the justice system when all the info is not available

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