Pathetic Obama Claims Credit For Trump Economic Boom

If you and your butt-buddy Colfax think I'm going to repeat myself just because you want to parrot each other, you're dumber than I think you are.
That's ok, you're initial post was thoroughly debunked anyway. The Obama administration did not count the unemployed any different than others, as you ridiculously claimed; nor did they cook any books, as you hallucinated.

That's okay, my initial post still stands, because you and your girlfriend Colfax were too busy trying to deflect onto "oooh, I don't agree with how she used this phrase" so that you wouldn't have to respond to whether or not Obama lied.

So thank you for your agreement that he DID lie about the unemployment rate, and that you think it's perfectly fine.

You and Colfax may now retire to a private room to finish off your sloppy handjob of each other.

You poor thing. Bless your heart. The Obama administration still didn't cook the books on unemployment and still didn't ignore them in any statistics.

Watch this.... prove your bullshit...


You poor thing. The Obama administration still lied about unemployment, I already proved it to your girlfriend, Colfax. And all your Tweedledee and Tweedledum act has accomplished is to prove that the two of you combined still aren't man enough to take me on.
Yeah. You “proved it”. You know saying something isn’t the same as proving it.

I just heard, "I ignored your post and just told myself that I'm right no matter what."
One has nothing to do with the other. Thanks for conceding your idiocy.

You mad bro? Was it the article in todays news that said Trump's performance dominates Obama's in nearly every category?

No, not at all. Just pointing out how delirious you are. And by Impeached Trump dominating Obama in nearly every category, you mean things like the unemployment rate which dropped 3.1 points under Obama but only 1.1 point under Impeached Trump?

Dude try some comfort food or go on a bender to medicate your TDS okay.

Your inability to address what I said is noted, laughed at, and summarily discarded.

Since what you said is complete BS you are either trolling, or stupid. Either way you are boring the hell out of me. (Yawwwwwwnnnnnn)

You brain dead cons crack me up.

I said the unemployment rate dropped 3.1 points under Obama and 1.1 under Impeached Trump. You're so retarded, ShortBus, you actually call that bullshit that never occurred.

Even the BLS laughs at you too....

BLS: Unemployment Rate

1/2009: 7.8%
1/2017: 4.7%
1/2020: 3.6%
You mad bro? Was it the article in todays news that said Trump's performance dominates Obama's in nearly every category?

No, not at all. Just pointing out how delirious you are. And by Impeached Trump dominating Obama in nearly every category, you mean things like the unemployment rate which dropped 3.1 points under Obama but only 1.1 point under Impeached Trump?

Dude try some comfort food or go on a bender to medicate your TDS okay.

Your inability to address what I said is noted, laughed at, and summarily discarded.

Since what you said is complete BS you are either trolling, or stupid. Either way you are boring the hell out of me. (Yawwwwwwnnnnnn)

You brain dead cons crack me up.

I said the unemployment rate dropped 3.1 points under Obama and 1.1 under Impeached Trump. You're so retarded, ShortBus, you actually call that bullshit that never occurred.

Even the BLS laughs at you too....

BLS: Unemployment Rate

1/2009: 7.8%
1/2017: 4.7%
1/2020: 3.6%
You clowns whine about having to use the "avgs" when talking about polls.

Avg Unemployment rate for Obama: 7.4%

Avg Unemployment rate for Trump: 4.8%


This is where you blame Bush and/or move the goal posts.

No, not at all. Just pointing out how delirious you are. And by Impeached Trump dominating Obama in nearly every category, you mean things like the unemployment rate which dropped 3.1 points under Obama but only 1.1 point under Impeached Trump?

Dude try some comfort food or go on a bender to medicate your TDS okay.

Your inability to address what I said is noted, laughed at, and summarily discarded.

Since what you said is complete BS you are either trolling, or stupid. Either way you are boring the hell out of me. (Yawwwwwwnnnnnn)

You brain dead cons crack me up.

I said the unemployment rate dropped 3.1 points under Obama and 1.1 under Impeached Trump. You're so retarded, ShortBus, you actually call that bullshit that never occurred.

Even the BLS laughs at you too....

BLS: Unemployment Rate

1/2009: 7.8%
1/2017: 4.7%
1/2020: 3.6%
You clowns whine about having to use the "avgs" when talking about polls.

Avg Unemployment rate for Obama: 7.4%

Avg Unemployment rate for Trump: 4.8%

View attachment 308350

This is where you blame Bush and/or move the goal posts.

No need for me to blame Bush, dumbfuck. Nothing is dumber than averaging out the unemployment rate.
That's ok, you're initial post was thoroughly debunked anyway. The Obama administration did not count the unemployed any different than others, as you ridiculously claimed; nor did they cook any books, as you hallucinated.

That's okay, my initial post still stands, because you and your girlfriend Colfax were too busy trying to deflect onto "oooh, I don't agree with how she used this phrase" so that you wouldn't have to respond to whether or not Obama lied.

So thank you for your agreement that he DID lie about the unemployment rate, and that you think it's perfectly fine.

You and Colfax may now retire to a private room to finish off your sloppy handjob of each other.
There was no lie from Obama about the unemployment rate. You seem upset.

There was nothing but lies, which you're continuing. And you mistake contempt for "upset".

Sure buddy. You said they’re lies so they’re lies. Everyone believes it because you said so.

No, dumbass. Unlike you, I don't just assert my opinions as fact and expect people to accept them. The job participation rate under Obama is a matter of public record with the Bureau of Labor Statistics. This was reported on at the time, and it's still being reported on now, which is also a matter of public record. So you're going to need more than personal attacks to dispute the verifiable facts.

Since I know you won't ever bother to research anything that might challenge the worldview you desperately want to wish into being, I did your thinking for you . . . again. You're welcome.

Labor market is thriving far better under Trump than under Obama

During the Obama administration, a major reason the unemployment rate declined was that fewer people were in the labor force because what the BLS calls the labor participation rate continually declined as people gave up the search for a job or retired. For purposes of the official unemployment rate, if you have not looked for a job in the past 30 days, the BLS considers you out of the labor force.

Under President Obama, labor participation hit lows last seen in the late 1970s. So rather than a true reflection of labor market strength, the declining unemployment rate was, in great part, a reflection of the declining percentage of people actively looking for work. What we really want to see is a declining unemployment rate with a higher percentage of people working or actively looking for work, indicating a strong and growing economy.

How Good Is Job Growth? The Chart Obama Doesn't Want You To See | Investor's Business Daily

While 14.4 million jobs were created from February 2010 to March 2016, the number of people who dropped out of the labor force -- either because they retired or just quit looking for work -- shot up an astonishing 10 million.

Meanwhile, the number of people who aren't in the labor force but do want to work is higher today than when Obama took office. And the median length of unemployment is now 11.4 weeks, which is also higher than when Obama took office.

Obama's Final Economic Numbers Are In - And They're Devastating!

Now, Obama will say that December’s U-3 unemployment was only 4.7 percent (that’s up from 4.6 percent in November) but the “real” unemployment rate (U-6) is 9.2 percent. According to the Bureau of Labor and Statistics, U-3 is the total unemployed as a percent of the civilian labor force, while the U-6 is the total unemployed, plus all persons marginally attached to the labor force, plus total employed part-time for economic reasons, as a percent of the civilian labor force plus all persons marginally attached to the labor force. The U-6 gives us a much better picture of joblessness.

Another good measure of true unemployment is underemployment, which adds the amount of “unemployed workers, who are looking for work, to the amount of workers employed part time but seeking full-time work.” Gallup calculates that the underemployment rate was 13.7 percent in December 2016.

If you want to rewrite history, you're going to have to try it with someone who has a leftist's 5-minute memory, not someone who can clearly recall the Obama administration.
You dumbfuck, none of that has anything to do with your bullshit that the Obama administration cooked the books on unemployment or that they hid any statistics by avoiding mentioning anyone. Your post does not show any books being cooked nor does it show the Obama administration avoided counting anyone that the BLS never counted.

As far as some 10 million dropping out of the labor force between 2010-2016, that was mostly baby boomers retiring.

Like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie, they'd have absolutely nothing to say.
Dude try some comfort food or go on a bender to medicate your TDS okay.

Your inability to address what I said is noted, laughed at, and summarily discarded.

Since what you said is complete BS you are either trolling, or stupid. Either way you are boring the hell out of me. (Yawwwwwwnnnnnn)

You brain dead cons crack me up.

I said the unemployment rate dropped 3.1 points under Obama and 1.1 under Impeached Trump. You're so retarded, ShortBus, you actually call that bullshit that never occurred.

Even the BLS laughs at you too....

BLS: Unemployment Rate

1/2009: 7.8%
1/2017: 4.7%
1/2020: 3.6%
You clowns whine about having to use the "avgs" when talking about polls.

Avg Unemployment rate for Obama: 7.4%

Avg Unemployment rate for Trump: 4.8%

View attachment 308350

This is where you blame Bush and/or move the goal posts.

No need for me to blame Bush, dumbfuck. Nothing is dumber than averaging out the unemployment rate.
Why is that dumb, but it’s good to avg out approval ratings, Halfwit?
That's okay, my initial post still stands, because you and your girlfriend Colfax were too busy trying to deflect onto "oooh, I don't agree with how she used this phrase" so that you wouldn't have to respond to whether or not Obama lied.

So thank you for your agreement that he DID lie about the unemployment rate, and that you think it's perfectly fine.

You and Colfax may now retire to a private room to finish off your sloppy handjob of each other.
There was no lie from Obama about the unemployment rate. You seem upset.

There was nothing but lies, which you're continuing. And you mistake contempt for "upset".

Sure buddy. You said they’re lies so they’re lies. Everyone believes it because you said so.

No, dumbass. Unlike you, I don't just assert my opinions as fact and expect people to accept them. The job participation rate under Obama is a matter of public record with the Bureau of Labor Statistics. This was reported on at the time, and it's still being reported on now, which is also a matter of public record. So you're going to need more than personal attacks to dispute the verifiable facts.

Since I know you won't ever bother to research anything that might challenge the worldview you desperately want to wish into being, I did your thinking for you . . . again. You're welcome.

Labor market is thriving far better under Trump than under Obama

During the Obama administration, a major reason the unemployment rate declined was that fewer people were in the labor force because what the BLS calls the labor participation rate continually declined as people gave up the search for a job or retired. For purposes of the official unemployment rate, if you have not looked for a job in the past 30 days, the BLS considers you out of the labor force.

Under President Obama, labor participation hit lows last seen in the late 1970s. So rather than a true reflection of labor market strength, the declining unemployment rate was, in great part, a reflection of the declining percentage of people actively looking for work. What we really want to see is a declining unemployment rate with a higher percentage of people working or actively looking for work, indicating a strong and growing economy.

How Good Is Job Growth? The Chart Obama Doesn't Want You To See | Investor's Business Daily

While 14.4 million jobs were created from February 2010 to March 2016, the number of people who dropped out of the labor force -- either because they retired or just quit looking for work -- shot up an astonishing 10 million.

Meanwhile, the number of people who aren't in the labor force but do want to work is higher today than when Obama took office. And the median length of unemployment is now 11.4 weeks, which is also higher than when Obama took office.

Obama's Final Economic Numbers Are In - And They're Devastating!

Now, Obama will say that December’s U-3 unemployment was only 4.7 percent (that’s up from 4.6 percent in November) but the “real” unemployment rate (U-6) is 9.2 percent. According to the Bureau of Labor and Statistics, U-3 is the total unemployed as a percent of the civilian labor force, while the U-6 is the total unemployed, plus all persons marginally attached to the labor force, plus total employed part-time for economic reasons, as a percent of the civilian labor force plus all persons marginally attached to the labor force. The U-6 gives us a much better picture of joblessness.

Another good measure of true unemployment is underemployment, which adds the amount of “unemployed workers, who are looking for work, to the amount of workers employed part time but seeking full-time work.” Gallup calculates that the underemployment rate was 13.7 percent in December 2016.

If you want to rewrite history, you're going to have to try it with someone who has a leftist's 5-minute memory, not someone who can clearly recall the Obama administration.
You dumbfuck, none of that has anything to do with your bullshit that the Obama administration cooked the books on unemployment or that they hid any statistics by avoiding mentioning anyone. Your post does not show any books being cooked nor does it show the Obama administration avoided counting anyone that the BLS never counted.

As far as some 10 million dropping out of the labor force between 2010-2016, that was mostly baby boomers retiring.

Like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie, they'd have absolutely nothing to say.
The innerweb irony meter just blew up.

Your inability to address what I said is noted, laughed at, and summarily discarded.

Since what you said is complete BS you are either trolling, or stupid. Either way you are boring the hell out of me. (Yawwwwwwnnnnnn)

You brain dead cons crack me up.

I said the unemployment rate dropped 3.1 points under Obama and 1.1 under Impeached Trump. You're so retarded, ShortBus, you actually call that bullshit that never occurred.

Even the BLS laughs at you too....

BLS: Unemployment Rate

1/2009: 7.8%
1/2017: 4.7%
1/2020: 3.6%
You clowns whine about having to use the "avgs" when talking about polls.

Avg Unemployment rate for Obama: 7.4%

Avg Unemployment rate for Trump: 4.8%

View attachment 308350

This is where you blame Bush and/or move the goal posts.

No need for me to blame Bush, dumbfuck. Nothing is dumber than averaging out the unemployment rate.
Why is that dumb, but it’s good to avg out approval ratings, Halfwit?
Because it doesn't reflect on the performance of the president, ya dumbfuck. You should have known that by seeing Reagan's name near the bottom, even though he did a great job in terms of employment. Dayum, are you ever rightarded.

You clowns whine about having to use the "avgs" when talking about polls.

Avg Unemployment rate for Obama: 7.4%

Avg Unemployment rate for Trump: 4.8%

View attachment 308350

This is where you blame Bush and/or move the goal posts.
Are you blaming Obama for the Great Recession Bush handed him? And do you blame Biden for the mess Trump handed him?

I was trying to find where you said Obama's unemployment number wasn't real. That people got discouraged and stopped looking and they weren't being counted. But then you guys stopping worrying about that when Trump got in. Suddenly the unemployment was real.

Trump gave a tax break when the economy was already doing good. He should have paid off the debt instead or strengthened social security with that money. Or spent it on infrastructure. Instead Biden had to do it.
Are you blaming Obama for the Great Recession Bush handed him? And do you blame Biden for the mess Trump handed him?

I was trying to find where you said Obama's unemployment number wasn't real. That people got discouraged and stopped looking and they weren't being counted. But then you guys stopping worrying about that when Trump got in. Suddenly the unemployment was real.

Trump gave a tax break when the economy was already doing good. He should have paid off the debt instead or strengthened social security with that money. Or spent it on infrastructure. Instead Biden had to do it.

Overnight, the unemployment rate went from 42% to 4.7% the day Trump was sworn in.

And the term, "real unemployment," was dropped from rightwingnut vernacular.
There was no Trump economic boom.. Economists, not right wing hacks, recognize that Trump inherited a strong and growing economy from Obama.
There was no Trump economic boom.. Economists, not right wing hacks, recognize that Trump inherited a strong and growing economy from Obama.
Trump passed an HISTORIC tax break, which we couldn't afford, rich people didn't need. That money could have went to so many better places.

But okay, so it should have caused a BOOM. But it didn't. I mean seriously, it was such a gift to rich people. So yea, it improved the economy a little. But take 2019 for example. After Trump started a trade war with China, Trump only had 2.3% growth in 2019. Obama had 2.2%. So Trump gave away a lot to get .001% better than Obama.

Reminds me of when Bush used Clinton's surplus as justification to give rich people tax breaks. He said "giving them their money back".

But we had a projected surplus at the moment. Why not pay down the debt? THEN Bush got us in Afghanistan and LIED us into a 2nd war. Squandered trillions. Perhaps he gave rich people tax breaks a little prematurely. Perhaps he should take them back.
Obama is running his mouth claiming credit for the historic Trump economic boom, shocker. Biden is out there on the campaign trail also taking credit.

Both conveniently forget the Obama recovery was below average and most were predicting another recession when president Trump took over.

Both conveniently forget that Trump reversed all of Obama's economic policies.

How pathetic the left have become, 3 years into the Trump economic boom they try to steal the credit.

Trump fires back after Obama claims credit for economic boom: 'Con job'
Obama somehow thinks Obamacare is popular.

But he graduated from somewhere....but not as an AA appointee....hahahahaha
There was no Trump economic boom.. Economists, not right wing hacks, recognize that Trump inherited a strong and growing economy from Obama.
well if that were true, why didn't Hitlery win? hint..
Are you blaming Obama for the Great Recession Bush handed him? And do you blame Biden for the mess Trump handed him?

I was trying to find where you said Obama's unemployment number wasn't real. That people got discouraged and stopped looking and they weren't being counted. But then you guys stopping worrying about that when Trump got in. Suddenly the unemployment was real.

Trump gave a tax break when the economy was already doing good. He should have paid off the debt instead or strengthened social security with that money. Or spent it on infrastructure. Instead Biden had to do it.
OH of course Obama caused the GREAT RECESSION!
Here are the FACTS for dummies like you that don't have the average attention span of 8.5 seconds!
Great recession crisis in 2007-8 right?
First of all you obviously get your uninformed information from sources that donated 96% to Hillary in 2016 and 90% to Biden.
This group promoted Bush's administration as the fault.
First of all where are your links to your so called Bush recession. NO FACTS.

Let me ask you a simple question. You ever hear of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac?
Most likely not!
"The root cause was excessive mortgage lending to borrowers who normally would not qualify for a home loan,
Now again you probably were in grade school when this happened: 1) Obama as a lawyer filed the "redlining" lawsuit in 1995 against Citibank.
FACT: Obama leverage the 1995 lawsuit against Citibank in Chicago that caused the housing collapse!"
By the way Obama's final bill on the case was 138 hours, or $23,000.
Obama Required Banks to Lend Money to Poor People
That settlement was only the tip of the iceberg.
When Citibank, in April 1998, sought federal approval for a merger with Travelers Group, it only got OK from the Clinton administration progressives after it promised in May to provide $115B for anti-redlining loans.
Subprime Bubble: Obama 'Vampire Socialism' Built It
Now you probably don't know who Barney Frank was!
FACT: Barney Frank - Wikipedia
A Democrat, Frank served as chairman of the House Financial Services Committee from 2007 to 2011 and was a leading co-sponsor of the 2010 Dodd–Frank Act. Frank, a resident of Newton, Massachusetts,
2) Barney Frank Used Influence with Fannie Mae, the Failed Mortgage Giant Bailed Out by Taxpayers"
Former House Banking Committee Chairman Barney Frank (D-Mass.) tenaciously opposed efforts to reform Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the government-sponsored mortgage giants that were bailed out at a cost to taxpayers of between $148 billion and $363 billion.

Now it turns out that he got his boyfriend a “handsomely rewarded gig at Fannie Mae” while Frank “was helping to inflate the housing bubble” by pushing affordable housing mandates and policies that encouraged Fannie Mae to buy up risky mortgages.

Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac engaged in massive accounting fraud and other abuses.
But Fannie Mae’s collapse was not entirely due to bad policies of its own making.
Pressure from liberal lawmakers like Barney Frank to
"buy up risky mortgages was also a factor in triggering the mortgage crisis, judging from a story in the New York Times."

The executives of government-backed mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac “eventually yielded to those pressures, effectively wagering that if things got too bad, the government would bail them out.”
As the New York Times noted, That law, the Dodd-Frank Act, harms the economy, and violates both the Constitution’s separation of powers, and private property and equal-protection rights.
BUT NOTE Barney Frank in 2021 he re-canted his support for Fannie and Freddie MAE!!
This is what Frank said in 2021.... after he and his boyfriend profited ! a recent CNBC interview, Frank told me that he was ready to say goodbye to Fannie and Freddie.
"I hope by next year we'll have abolished Fannie and Freddie," he said. Remarkable. And he went on to say that "it was a great mistake to push lower-income people into housing they couldn't afford and couldn't really handle once they had it."
He then added, "I had been too sanguine about Fannie and Freddie."
Don't forget that Mr. Obama spent most of his Presidency blaming his predecessor for the results of his own incompetence and malfeasance. I suppose it's not at all inconsistent with that, for him to now be trying to take credit for his successor's achievements.

Don't you remember Dubya's presidency?
Obama claims credit for current economy? :auiqs.jpg:Trump sparked the economy by reducing government restrictions on economic growth and natural resources. On top of that he re-negotiated bad trade deals into level playing fields.

Trump sure killed US soybeans farmers.
EVERY eco no mic indicator stayed on the same positive trajectory throughout out the Obama Administstiom and onto the first three years of the Trump Admin.

He inherited it and the best you can say is that he didn’t screw it up… until he did
OH of course Obama caused the GREAT RECESSION!
Here are the FACTS for dummies like you that don't have the average attention span of 8.5 seconds!
Great recession crisis in 2007-8 right?
First of all you obviously get your uninformed information from sources that donated 96% to Hillary in 2016 and 90% to Biden.
This group promoted Bush's administration as the fault.
First of all where are your links to your so called Bush recession. NO FACTS.

Let me ask you a simple question. You ever hear of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac?
Most likely not!
"The root cause was excessive mortgage lending to borrowers who normally would not qualify for a home loan,
Now again you probably were in grade school when this happened: 1) Obama as a lawyer filed the "redlining" lawsuit in 1995 against Citibank.
FACT: Obama leverage the 1995 lawsuit against Citibank in Chicago that caused the housing collapse!"
By the way Obama's final bill on the case was 138 hours, or $23,000.
Obama Required Banks to Lend Money to Poor People
That settlement was only the tip of the iceberg.
When Citibank, in April 1998, sought federal approval for a merger with Travelers Group, it only got OK from the Clinton administration progressives after it promised in May to provide $115B for anti-redlining loans.
Subprime Bubble: Obama 'Vampire Socialism' Built It
Now you probably don't know who Barney Frank was!
FACT: Barney Frank - Wikipedia
A Democrat, Frank served as chairman of the House Financial Services Committee from 2007 to 2011 and was a leading co-sponsor of the 2010 Dodd–Frank Act. Frank, a resident of Newton, Massachusetts,
2) Barney Frank Used Influence with Fannie Mae, the Failed Mortgage Giant Bailed Out by Taxpayers"
Former House Banking Committee Chairman Barney Frank (D-Mass.) tenaciously opposed efforts to reform Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the government-sponsored mortgage giants that were bailed out at a cost to taxpayers of between $148 billion and $363 billion.

Now it turns out that he got his boyfriend a “handsomely rewarded gig at Fannie Mae” while Frank “was helping to inflate the housing bubble” by pushing affordable housing mandates and policies that encouraged Fannie Mae to buy up risky mortgages.

Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac engaged in massive accounting fraud and other abuses.
But Fannie Mae’s collapse was not entirely due to bad policies of its own making.
Pressure from liberal lawmakers like Barney Frank to
"buy up risky mortgages was also a factor in triggering the mortgage crisis, judging from a story in the New York Times."

The executives of government-backed mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac “eventually yielded to those pressures, effectively wagering that if things got too bad, the government would bail them out.”
As the New York Times noted, That law, the Dodd-Frank Act, harms the economy, and violates both the Constitution’s separation of powers, and private property and equal-protection rights.
BUT NOTE Barney Frank in 2021 he re-canted his support for Fannie and Freddie MAE!!
This is what Frank said in 2021.... after he and his boyfriend profited ! a recent CNBC interview, Frank told me that he was ready to say goodbye to Fannie and Freddie.
"I hope by next year we'll have abolished Fannie and Freddie," he said. Remarkable. And he went on to say that "it was a great mistake to push lower-income people into housing they couldn't afford and couldn't really handle once they had it."
He then added, "I had been too sanguine about Fannie and Freddie."
Don’t forget bush Chaney first stole 2000, shoved the patriot act down our throats, lied us into war, you think we liked bush? Fuck that you did.

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