Pat Condell: A Crisis of Free Speech

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019
Mar 25 2021
Pat Condell: A Crisis of Free Speech
The good news is that Pat Condell is back. The bad news is that leftists are using the bogus concept of ā€œhate speechā€ to destroy the fundamental right of free speech:

Heā€™s right; ā€œcommon purposeā€ is worth looking up. Wikipedia defines it as a ā€œlegal doctrine that imputes criminal liability to the participants in a criminal enterprise for all that results from that enterprise.ā€ As they consolidate their power, progressives will use this concept of guilt by association to populate prison camps.

The Capitol Riot provided indications of how broadly guilt by association can be applied. Prominent Democrat Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez accused Senators Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley of inciting a riot because like the rioters, they had qualms about the 2020 election. Mark Ibrahim was fired from the Drug Enforcement Agency because he attended the same Trump rally as the rioters, despite not having set foot on the Capitol steps.

Applying common purpose to the coming hate speech laws might entail arresting everyone who works for a publication if any of them say something leftists find hateful. The publicationā€™s subscribers may also face prosecution. No extreme of tyranny is improbable if progressives donā€™t start encountering resistance.

On a tip from KirklesWorth.

Gee Mr Condell...ya think
All link highlighted
The west will burn ...again ....this time the former USA will not be left out..take 5 with ya

Mar 25 2021
Pat Condell: A Crisis of Free Speech
The good news is that Pat Condell is back. The bad news is that leftists are using the bogus concept of ā€œhate speechā€ to destroy the fundamental right of free speech:

Heā€™s right; ā€œcommon purposeā€ is worth looking up. Wikipedia defines it as a ā€œlegal doctrine that imputes criminal liability to the participants in a criminal enterprise for all that results from that enterprise.ā€ As they consolidate their power, progressives will use this concept of guilt by association to populate prison camps.

The Capitol Riot provided indications of how broadly guilt by association can be applied. Prominent Democrat Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez accused Senators Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley of inciting a riot because like the rioters, they had qualms about the 2020 election. Mark Ibrahim was fired from the Drug Enforcement Agency because he attended the same Trump rally as the rioters, despite not having set foot on the Capitol steps.

Applying common purpose to the coming hate speech laws might entail arresting everyone who works for a publication if any of them say something leftists find hateful. The publicationā€™s subscribers may also face prosecution. No extreme of tyranny is improbable if progressives donā€™t start encountering resistance.

On a tip from KirklesWorth.

Gee Mr Condell...ya think
All link highlighted
The west will burn ...again ....this time the former USA will not be left out..take 5 with ya

View attachment 472387

Not Pat Condell again. He's a notorious liar.

"Without freedom of thought, there can be no such thing as wisdom - and no such thing as public liberty without freedom of speech."
Benjamin Franklin

*****SAD SMILE*****

He wants freedom of speech added to the UK Constitution?

Well in the US it is part of the Constitution and it is still being ignored.

Does he even realize that?

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