Passive smoking no increased lung cancer risk


American Cancer Society says differently
Passive smoking no increased lung cancer risk
It is reassuring, and I believe it. I occasionally have a scotch with a cigar after dinner sometimes, usually on Sundays. So far no ill effects.
That's not passive smoking.

But here's a true story that actually kind of surprised me. Once upon a time when I shacked up, we had cats, one of which would cough occasionally. Long story short, we split up, I quit smoking, and the cat quit coughing.

Some years later, she died of cancer. I was heartbroken (as if that matters here).

Yes, true story. Take it for what it's worth.
Cats groom themselves by licking themselves, soot from smoking could be ingested by them posing a risk. Humans don't do this. There are no cats in bars
Passive smoke was a made up issue. It never caused health problems.

Look what the Nanny State has done to tobacco, yet they have no problem with marijuana.
Cats groom themselves by licking themselves, soot from smoking could be ingested by them posing a risk. Humans don't do this. There are no cats in bars
I'm not pinning it on the second-hand smoke. The vet didn't know how she got the cancer. Maybe it's linked; maybe it isn't.

But the cat quit hacking after we quit smoking around her.

Passive smoking is a myth
Global Warming is a myth
Evolution is a myth

Conservatives and science....perfect together
You libs are the ones who think women can have penises, you are in no position to call others anti science and price the study was done by right wingers.
If you don't believe that passive smoking is just as dangerous as smoking, you are an idiot.
Passive smoking no increased lung cancer risk
It is reassuring, and I believe it. I occasionally have a scotch with a cigar after dinner sometimes, usually on Sundays. So far no ill effects.
That's not passive smoking.
I know, but I figure that actually smoking would be worse for me than second hand smoke. Since I usually only smoke at most a few times per week, I figure the risk factor would be similar to second hand smoke, if not less.
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Noomi, what's the bigger threat to society? Smoking in bars or the consequences of drinking in bars? Which is banned?

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