Parties Fighting Legal Battle Over Naked Ballots In Penn..


Diamond Member
Jun 9, 2011
Hillbilly Hollywood, Tenn
This "mass mailing" of ballots is SO well planned and thought out -- What could possibly go wrong? Maybe the whole security of voting IN PRIVATE with as few eyes as possible on your ballot? Maybe folks returning mass mailed ballots can not follow simple directions?

It's been legally required to provide an inner envelope (secrecy envelope) on absentee ballots in most states. That way there is less labor on election day and less folks in the "inner sanctum" to feed them to the counting machines.. This ruling confirms that folks MUST FOLLOW DIRECTIONS and use the secrecy envelope when returning mail ballots. Dems are outraged of course.. Any RULES that must be followed to protect the voting process is "voter disenchisement"..

So -- we're gonna test this shart bomb LIVE on Election day huh?? Without any legislation or hearings or process... Never let Dems design voting process.. They couldn't count to 100,000 in Iowa caucuses for their own puny primary with the people standing there right in front of them.

The top elections official in Philadelphia is warning that a little-noticed aspect of a recent ruling by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court could cause over 100,000 votes statewide to be voided, creating the conditions for a post-election legal battle “the likes of which we have not seen since Florida in 2000.”

Lisa Deeley, the Democratic chairwoman of the city commissioners office, which oversees elections, cited the Thursday decision from the court that invalidated so-called “naked ballots,” or those that are submitted without secrecy envelopes that mask the identity of the voter, in a letter dated Monday and addressed to state lawmakers.

The ruling interpreted a law that specifies that those voting by mail must place their ballots inside envelopes that shield their name. Those envelopes are then placed in a second envelope which has the address of the voter’s election board.

The state Democratic Party had argued that while the election code directed voters to use the secrecy envelope, it did not authorize officials to discard their ballots if they did not do so. The state Republican Party, on the other hand, argued that counting naked ballots would compromise the integrity of the secret ballot.

Justice Max Baer wrote that based on the text of the law it was clear that the state legislature intended that “it should not be readily apparent who the elector is, with what party he or she affiliates, or for whom the elector has voted.”

Jeez...Put one envelope into another envelope, in order to have your vote count....Pretty tricky stuff there!

Look at it as a competency test for voting.

Since Demonrats VBM more often than Republicans, even Axios is worried about VBM now.

Jeez...Put one envelope into another envelope, in order to have your vote count....Pretty tricky stuff there!

Look at it as a competency test for voting.

Since Demonrats VBM more often than Republicans, even Axios is worried about VBM now.

I saw that.. Pretty amazing. After broadcasting all this poorly planned crap about vote by mail because Covid -- MAYBE folks realize that election INTEGRITY is too important to leave to Putin..

It's all designed to allow democrooks to cheat, and everyone knows it.

That's why they oppose ID laws, not because they give a fruit fly's fuck about "minorities".


Now lazy, stupid, cant follow directions, dont have an ID, or uninformed is no longer a reason not to vote.. Massive progress.. We'll wait for you to RE-VOTE also because you couldn't seal that extra envelope.. Take your time.. Country doesn't have anything else to do for the rest of this year.. :aargh:
Maybe folks returning mass mailed ballots can not follow simple directions? It's been legally required to provide an inner envelope (secrecy envelope) on absentee ballots in most states. Dems are outraged of course.. Any RULES that must be followed to protect the voting process is "voter disenchisement"..

I love the argument of voter disenfranchisement-- -- basically it is saying that Republicans can follow simple directions that democrats cannot.
told Coyote the other day a pivot was coming.

now we see those on fire for mail in switch gears cause they were told to.
Maybe folks returning mass mailed ballots can not follow simple directions? It's been legally required to provide an inner envelope (secrecy envelope) on absentee ballots in most states. Dems are outraged of course.. Any RULES that must be followed to protect the voting process is "voter disenchisement"..

I love the argument of voter disenfranchisement-- -- basically it is saying that Republicans can follow simple directions that democrats cannot.

I know some Repubs in Tenn who can't follow directions.. It's NOT that the loss of election integrity is a partisan issue.. The partisan issue is who's pushing crap designs for elections and why?

My 1st FCT Rule of Government is that -- When you THINK it's partisan evil planning -- remember that most politicians and bureaucracies are just INEPT and UNMOTIVATED to excellence..

It's true in case after case.. Ya THINK this has to be evil, but in reality, it's just the handiwork of incompetents...
Jeez...Put one envelope into another envelope, in order to have your vote count....Pretty tricky stuff there!

Look at it as a competency test for voting.

Since Demonrats VBM more often than Republicans, even Axios is worried about VBM now.

I actually feel more stupid, having read through that piece.

I wonder if Axios prints Timbertoes cartoons too.
Now lazy, stupid, cant follow directions, dont have an ID, or uninformed is no longer a reason not to vote.. Massive progress.. We'll wait for you to RE-VOTE also because you couldn't seal that extra envelope.. Take your time.. Country doesn't have anything else to do for the rest of this year.. :aargh:

Lazy, stupid, cant follow directions, don't have an ID, or uninformed are a rapidly growing minority.

I'm at a point where I think you should have to own property to vote.
I know some Repubs in Tenn who can't follow directions.. It's NOT that the loss of election integrity is a partisan issue.. The partisan issue is who's pushing crap designs for elections and why?

My 1st FCT Rule of Government is that -- When you THINK it's partisan evil planning -- remember that most politicians and bureaucracies are just INEPT and UNMOTIVATED to excellence..

It's true in case after case.. Ya THINK this has to be evil, but in reality, it's just the handiwork of incompetents...

I rarely disagree with you, but in this case I do. A lot of these political whores are evil, they're deliberately destructive, their intentions are nothing more than the nefarious pursuit of power and wealth. They use the dumbfucks to secure that agenda, and wad them up like snot tissue when done with them.

Remember Cindy Sheehan?


So CNN admits that someone discarded Trump mail in ballots, but says it was an “error”, not fraud.

I guess the worker ‘Accidentally’ threw out the ballot by mistake. Oooops. I guess he was ‘fired’ by mistake too.

all the lies they tell every day must be ‘errors’ too.
Hmmm, just heard that VBM ballots from blacks are rejected at a much higher rate. Well, the Demonrats are racists so there you go.
I know some Repubs in Tenn who can't follow directions.. It's NOT that the loss of election integrity is a partisan issue.. The partisan issue is who's pushing crap designs for elections and why?

My 1st FCT Rule of Government is that -- When you THINK it's partisan evil planning -- remember that most politicians and bureaucracies are just INEPT and UNMOTIVATED to excellence..

It's true in case after case.. Ya THINK this has to be evil, but in reality, it's just the handiwork of incompetents...

I rarely disagree with you, but in this case I do. A lot of these political whores are evil, they're deliberately destructive, their intentions are nothing more than the nefarious pursuit of power and wealth. They use the dumbfucks to secure that agenda, and wad them up like snot tissue when done with them.

Remember Cindy Sheehan?


On a larger scale tho -- they are more stupid than evil.. Take most any Far Socialist proposal that's been floated since Bernie made Socialism cool... Any ONE of them is based on hummingbird farts and unicorns.. Little knowledge of how things work.. They hate Capitalism, but would fail a basic economics test.. Or math test. Or science test.

So you get proposals like Living Wage, where HS kids ITCHING to leave home and party and procreate can ditch HSchool and get comfortable in menial dead end jobs. Or the Green New Deal which is based on a massive deception that wind and solar are ACTUALLY alternatives to anything that runs the lights right now.. Cali just announced NO FOSSIL vehicles by 2035.. They have an electrical grid on it's last legs and NOTHING to power it with NOW -- How's it gonna charge 20 or 30 Million vehicles/trucks everyday?

Even POLITICAL proposals like the 14 or so lefty states that signed that pact to FORCE THEIR electors to bypass the will of the people of their OWN STATE -- and go with the national pop vote -- is gonna blow up in their faces... Can you imagine the wailing when Trump wins the popular vote and NY, Cali, Illinois all TURN RED ON THE MAP???

They cannot design stuff. It's all attempts to get outcomes without a deep dive into how things work.. Very much like how Atlas Shrugged left a shell of country without the folks who know how to run railroads or keep the fucking lights on..
Maybe folks returning mass mailed ballots can not follow simple directions? It's been legally required to provide an inner envelope (secrecy envelope) on absentee ballots in most states. Dems are outraged of course.. Any RULES that must be followed to protect the voting process is "voter disenchisement"..

I love the argument of voter disenfranchisement-- -- basically it is saying that Republicans can follow simple directions that democrats cannot.

I know some Repubs in Tenn who can't follow directions.. It's NOT that the loss of election integrity is a partisan issue.. The partisan issue is who's pushing crap designs for elections and why?

My 1st FCT Rule of Government is that -- When you THINK it's partisan evil planning -- remember that most politicians and bureaucracies are just INEPT and UNMOTIVATED to excellence..

It's true in case after case.. Ya THINK this has to be evil, but in reality, it's just the handiwork of incompetents...

I tend to agree...but also...they are faced with figuring out a big change in a short amount of time. and factually...government bureaucracies have never excelled in that arena.
First the in-person voting was you guys suddenly prefer it to voting by mail?

It sounds like conserve-hate-ives just don't want more people voting.
This "mass mailing" of ballots is SO well planned and thought out -- What could possibly go wrong? Maybe the whole security of voting IN PRIVATE with as few eyes as possible on your ballot? Maybe folks returning mass mailed ballots can not follow simple directions?

It's been legally required to provide an inner envelope (secrecy envelope) on absentee ballots in most states. That way there is less labor on election day and less folks in the "inner sanctum" to feed them to the counting machines.. This ruling confirms that folks MUST FOLLOW DIRECTIONS and use the secrecy envelope when returning mail ballots. Dems are outraged of course.. Any RULES that must be followed to protect the voting process is "voter disenchisement"..

So -- we're gonna test this shart bomb LIVE on Election day huh?? Without any legislation or hearings or process... Never let Dems design voting process.. They couldn't count to 100,000 in Iowa caucuses for their own puny primary with the people standing there right in front of them.

The top elections official in Philadelphia is warning that a little-noticed aspect of a recent ruling by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court could cause over 100,000 votes statewide to be voided, creating the conditions for a post-election legal battle “the likes of which we have not seen since Florida in 2000.”

Lisa Deeley, the Democratic chairwoman of the city commissioners office, which oversees elections, cited the Thursday decision from the court that invalidated so-called “naked ballots,” or those that are submitted without secrecy envelopes that mask the identity of the voter, in a letter dated Monday and addressed to state lawmakers.

The ruling interpreted a law that specifies that those voting by mail must place their ballots inside envelopes that shield their name. Those envelopes are then placed in a second envelope which has the address of the voter’s election board.

The state Democratic Party had argued that while the election code directed voters to use the secrecy envelope, it did not authorize officials to discard their ballots if they did not do so. The state Republican Party, on the other hand, argued that counting naked ballots would compromise the integrity of the secret ballot.

Justice Max Baer wrote that based on the text of the law it was clear that the state legislature intended that “it should not be readily apparent who the elector is, with what party he or she affiliates, or for whom the elector has voted.”
The democrats can fuck up a train wreck...anything they touch turns to lead....any idea they have is almost always a complete shit show...this is no different
First the in-person voting was you guys suddenly prefer it to voting by mail?

It sounds like conserve-hate-ives just don't want more people voting.

Apparently - regardless of how the voting occurs...if it benefits or is mythologized as benefiting Dems it's fraudulent.

That said, it does seem as if there are a lot of valid issues. Lack of good planning for large scale mailings and a concerted effort by the Republicans to suppress voting.

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