Park 51 Mosque Will Be Beautiful

Yes, the board members are extremely fortunate that there are intelligent, informed participants here to provide insight which counteracts your clueless inane babbling.

Right, I know. It goes without saying that you immediately come to mind whenever "intelligent" or "informed" are mentioned.

I love how every discussion that even approaches the fundamentals of this conversation regarding Islam in America devolves into name calling.

It is so educational for the dimwits like me.
In abstract designs and even semi-abstract designs, people will often see what they want to see. Some people have said that the Washington Monument looks too much like a phallic symbol. The park 51 mosque design looks cool to me.
Yes, the board members are extremely fortunate that there are intelligent, informed participants here to provide insight which counteracts your clueless inane babbling.

Right, I know. It goes without saying that you immediately come to mind whenever "intelligent" or "informed" are mentioned.

He might not be at the top of the list, but you are a lot closer to the bottom.
I say we do what the muslims did. Find a bunch of crazy Jews to fly planes full of people into it during prayers and then blame it on Obama.

Naw. We don't need to be so blatantly copy-catish.
We just need to ask people like those that committed these things below to work on the Mosque:

Anti-abortion violence - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Perhaps Michael Griffin knows some demolition experts.

Murder of David Gunn - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It is too bad that Paul Hill has already been executed for his crime

Paul Jennings Hill - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

and John Salvi died in prison.

John Salvi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yet, Eric Rudolph is still around and knows about bombs.

Eric Robert Rudolph - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Then there is James Coop.

James Charles Kopp - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Perhaps we can enlist help from the Army of God.
Mr. Fitnah and others openly call for internment camps, deportation of Arabs and altering our immigration laws so no other Middle Easterner can move here. [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]

It will require a lot of work to close down Islam .
Muslims help and make it easier ,as peoples awareness of Islam increases. Muslims resort to scriptural Islam to deal with it.
Once that happens, you will insist on internment camps and forced deportations.

Its no surprise you get called names.
Lying sack of shit comes to mind.

I can play pull-a-sentence game too. Check out these:

There is no compulsion in religion. Right guidance has become clearly distinct from error. Anyone who rejects false gods and believes in God has grasped the Firmest Handhold, which will never give way. God is All-Hearing, All-Knowing. (Surat al-Baqara: 256)

So remind, you need only to remind. You cannot compel them to believe. (Surat al-Ghashiyah: 22)
So what is your point in posting that?

This is a thread about the architecture of the new mosque. :doubt:
It does not matter how a mosque looks like on the outside when people are being forced to pray on the inside.

Huh!? Are people being forced to pray? :eusa_eh:
Ya, there are mosques in the world today where people are forced to pray to "alla" or die.

[ame=]YouTube - Spain is the land of Islam[/ame]
Complmenting how well a mosque looks, is like complmenting decorations for holloween at a child molesters home

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