Parents are sharing what it cost them to give birth in America : ‘He's 12,I still get calls from Collections"

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras

People are sharing the often exorbitant cost of giving birth in America after a viral TikTok video asked parents what age their child was by the time they were finally able to pay off their childbirth bills.
Last month, a woman who goes by the username @MsLilyFlowers on TikTok shared a clip to the platform asking: “How old was your baby when you paid off the hospital bill for having them? Mine is almost two.”

The TikTok, which has since been viewed more than 546,000 times, led to hundreds of responses from other parents, with many revealing that their hospital bills for giving birth also took years to pay off, especially for those whose children were in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU).

Some eye watering figures there. No wonder abortion is such an explosive issue. How can you afford to have kids ?

People are sharing the often exorbitant cost of giving birth in America after a viral TikTok video asked parents what age their child was by the time they were finally able to pay off their childbirth bills.
Last month, a woman who goes by the username @MsLilyFlowers on TikTok shared a clip to the platform asking: “How old was your baby when you paid off the hospital bill for having them? Mine is almost two.”

The TikTok, which has since been viewed more than 546,000 times, led to hundreds of responses from other parents, with many revealing that their hospital bills for giving birth also took years to pay off, especially for those whose children were in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU).

Some eye watering figures there. No wonder abortion is such an explosive issue. How can you afford to have kids ?
we dont have to afford it. We dont have to afford anything we do. The duopoly will take care of that. Responsibility is a thing of the past!
Go Murica!

People are sharing the often exorbitant cost of giving birth in America after a viral TikTok video asked parents what age their child was by the time they were finally able to pay off their childbirth bills.
Last month, a woman who goes by the username @MsLilyFlowers on TikTok shared a clip to the platform asking: “How old was your baby when you paid off the hospital bill for having them? Mine is almost two.”

The TikTok, which has since been viewed more than 546,000 times, led to hundreds of responses from other parents, with many revealing that their hospital bills for giving birth also took years to pay off, especially for those whose children were in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU).

Some eye watering figures there. No wonder abortion is such an explosive issue. How can you afford to have kids ?
The in the details of our health system. Those below a certain economic line get their medical care paid for the the taxpayers. The Govt. sets the prices for procedures that they will pay at significantly lower rates than are paid by insurance companies and private payers. The cost for indigent mothers is factored in.

The Medical pro's pad the bills of those with insurance or are private accord for the difference.

the other side of the coin...many parents never pay a dime.
I was lucky when my 2 boys were born, because I was on active duty in the Navy both times. Total cost for each of my boys to be born? 25 bucks. The only thing I had to pay for was the food that my ex wife ate while she was in the hospital. The rest was covered by the military.

Currently, the cost to have a child in the US can be anywhere from roughly 10,000 to 30,000 dollars per child. That is a lot of money.

People are sharing the often exorbitant cost of giving birth in America after a viral TikTok video asked parents what age their child was by the time they were finally able to pay off their childbirth bills.
Last month, a woman who goes by the username @MsLilyFlowers on TikTok shared a clip to the platform asking: “How old was your baby when you paid off the hospital bill for having them? Mine is almost two.”

The TikTok, which has since been viewed more than 546,000 times, led to hundreds of responses from other parents, with many revealing that their hospital bills for giving birth also took years to pay off, especially for those whose children were in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU).

Some eye watering figures there. No wonder abortion is such an explosive issue. How can you afford to have kids ?
The answer to that question is to not have them if you can't afford them and stop your whining. Am I supposed to pay for the children that other people have? It would be great for the planet for people to stop procreating!

People are sharing the often exorbitant cost of giving birth in America after a viral TikTok video asked parents what age their child was by the time they were finally able to pay off their childbirth bills.
Last month, a woman who goes by the username @MsLilyFlowers on TikTok shared a clip to the platform asking: “How old was your baby when you paid off the hospital bill for having them? Mine is almost two.”

The TikTok, which has since been viewed more than 546,000 times, led to hundreds of responses from other parents, with many revealing that their hospital bills for giving birth also took years to pay off, especially for those whose children were in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU).

Some eye watering figures there. No wonder abortion is such an explosive issue. How can you afford to have kids ?
The answer to that question is to not have them if you can't afford them and stop your whining. Am I supposed to pay for the children that other people have? It would be great for the planet for people to stop procreating!
Astonishing that people like you still exist. You do not belong in a civilised society.

People are sharing the often exorbitant cost of giving birth in America after a viral TikTok video asked parents what age their child was by the time they were finally able to pay off their childbirth bills.
Last month, a woman who goes by the username @MsLilyFlowers on TikTok shared a clip to the platform asking: “How old was your baby when you paid off the hospital bill for having them? Mine is almost two.”

The TikTok, which has since been viewed more than 546,000 times, led to hundreds of responses from other parents, with many revealing that their hospital bills for giving birth also took years to pay off, especially for those whose children were in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU).

Some eye watering figures there. No wonder abortion is such an explosive issue. How can you afford to have kids ?
The answer to that question is to not have them if you can't afford them and stop your whining. Am I supposed to pay for the children that other people have? It would be great for the planet for people to stop procreating!
Astonishing that people like you still exist. You do not belong in a civilised society.
I thought you looneytunes libbers just snuffed them out before birth.

People are sharing the often exorbitant cost of giving birth in America after a viral TikTok video asked parents what age their child was by the time they were finally able to pay off their childbirth bills.
Last month, a woman who goes by the username @MsLilyFlowers on TikTok shared a clip to the platform asking: “How old was your baby when you paid off the hospital bill for having them? Mine is almost two.”

The TikTok, which has since been viewed more than 546,000 times, led to hundreds of responses from other parents, with many revealing that their hospital bills for giving birth also took years to pay off, especially for those whose children were in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU).

Some eye watering figures there. No wonder abortion is such an explosive issue. How can you afford to have kids ?

Hospitals are expensive nowadays.

My parents were born at home, there is no reason why those who object to the cost can't do the same.

People are sharing the often exorbitant cost of giving birth in America after a viral TikTok video asked parents what age their child was by the time they were finally able to pay off their childbirth bills.
Last month, a woman who goes by the username @MsLilyFlowers on TikTok shared a clip to the platform asking: “How old was your baby when you paid off the hospital bill for having them? Mine is almost two.”

The TikTok, which has since been viewed more than 546,000 times, led to hundreds of responses from other parents, with many revealing that their hospital bills for giving birth also took years to pay off, especially for those whose children were in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU).

Some eye watering figures there. No wonder abortion is such an explosive issue. How can you afford to have kids ?

Hospitals are expensive nowadays.

My parents were born at home, there is no reason why those who object to the cost can't do the same.
They arent expensive over here. We pay a small sum in tax and all of our childbirth costs are taken care of.
Its almost like we value the act of giving birth and want to help parents as much as possible.
I was lucky when my 2 boys were born, because I was on active duty in the Navy both times. Total cost for each of my boys to be born? 25 bucks. The only thing I had to pay for was the food that my ex wife ate while she was in the hospital. The rest was covered by the military.
Same here.

My daughter was born in 1986 at the Charleston Naval Hospital. I seem to recall the cost being a bit higher; like $50 a day or something silly like that. I think the total was around $150.

My niece just had a baby about a month ago. I forget the exact amount, but it was an impressive number. Her fiance', though, is signed to the Knicks, so getting those bills taken care of is less of a chore...

People are sharing the often exorbitant cost of giving birth in America after a viral TikTok video asked parents what age their child was by the time they were finally able to pay off their childbirth bills.
Last month, a woman who goes by the username @MsLilyFlowers on TikTok shared a clip to the platform asking: “How old was your baby when you paid off the hospital bill for having them? Mine is almost two.”

The TikTok, which has since been viewed more than 546,000 times, led to hundreds of responses from other parents, with many revealing that their hospital bills for giving birth also took years to pay off, especially for those whose children were in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU).

Some eye watering figures there. No wonder abortion is such an explosive issue. How can you afford to have kids ?
The answer to that question is to not have them if you can't afford them and stop your whining. Am I supposed to pay for the children that other people have? It would be great for the planet for people to stop procreating!
Astonishing that people like you still exist. You do not belong in a civilised society.

What a stupid fucking thing to say.

Perhaps you'll share with us why having a child if you can't afford it is a good idea? If you can't afford to raise children, what's the reasonable argument for having them?
Tommy should post about how great he has it in Wales, a third-rate country that was invaded by England hundreds of years ago and never got its independence back because its people are too cowardly to fight oppression.

People are sharing the often exorbitant cost of giving birth in America after a viral TikTok video asked parents what age their child was by the time they were finally able to pay off their childbirth bills.
Last month, a woman who goes by the username @MsLilyFlowers on TikTok shared a clip to the platform asking: “How old was your baby when you paid off the hospital bill for having them? Mine is almost two.”

The TikTok, which has since been viewed more than 546,000 times, led to hundreds of responses from other parents, with many revealing that their hospital bills for giving birth also took years to pay off, especially for those whose children were in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU).

Some eye watering figures there. No wonder abortion is such an explosive issue. How can you afford to have kids ?

A friend of mine and her husband had to declare bankruptcy because of the cost of the birth of their first child.

It was the 1980s when there were no jobs. Her husband found one but she was pregnant before he got the job so the insurance company labeled it "preexisting condition" and didn't pay a penny.

They tried to pay it all off but it was just too much so they declared bankruptcy.

People are sharing the often exorbitant cost of giving birth in America after a viral TikTok video asked parents what age their child was by the time they were finally able to pay off their childbirth bills.
Last month, a woman who goes by the username @MsLilyFlowers on TikTok shared a clip to the platform asking: “How old was your baby when you paid off the hospital bill for having them? Mine is almost two.”

The TikTok, which has since been viewed more than 546,000 times, led to hundreds of responses from other parents, with many revealing that their hospital bills for giving birth also took years to pay off, especially for those whose children were in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU).

Some eye watering figures there. No wonder abortion is such an explosive issue. How can you afford to have kids ?

A friend of mine and her husband had to declare bankruptcy because of the cost of the birth of their first child.

It was the 1980s when there were no jobs. Her husband found one but she was pregnant before he got the job so the insurance company labeled it "preexisting condition" and didn't pay a penny.

They tried to pay it all off but it was just too much so they declared bankruptcy.
Its astonishing that people are dumb as to fight to preserve that system. There seems to bee a disconnect between the so called "pro life" lobby and their insistence on punishing the parents of babies. Wankers.

People are sharing the often exorbitant cost of giving birth in America after a viral TikTok video asked parents what age their child was by the time they were finally able to pay off their childbirth bills.
Last month, a woman who goes by the username @MsLilyFlowers on TikTok shared a clip to the platform asking: “How old was your baby when you paid off the hospital bill for having them? Mine is almost two.”

The TikTok, which has since been viewed more than 546,000 times, led to hundreds of responses from other parents, with many revealing that their hospital bills for giving birth also took years to pay off, especially for those whose children were in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU).

Some eye watering figures there. No wonder abortion is such an explosive issue. How can you afford to have kids ?
Here is Ireland you do not pay anything unless you go to a private hospital.
As usual, and expected, Tommy the Troll daily "America sucks" threads are off the mark.

And... as if Britain is better.... what a shit hole

People are sharing the often exorbitant cost of giving birth in America after a viral TikTok video asked parents what age their child was by the time they were finally able to pay off their childbirth bills.
Last month, a woman who goes by the username @MsLilyFlowers on TikTok shared a clip to the platform asking: “How old was your baby when you paid off the hospital bill for having them? Mine is almost two.”

The TikTok, which has since been viewed more than 546,000 times, led to hundreds of responses from other parents, with many revealing that their hospital bills for giving birth also took years to pay off, especially for those whose children were in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU).

Some eye watering figures there. No wonder abortion is such an explosive issue. How can you afford to have kids ?
we dont have to afford it. We dont have to afford anything we do. The duopoly will take care of that. Responsibility is a thing of the past!
Go Murica!

True. We are 30 trillion in debt and look at the teeth gnashing over raising taxes to address that.

People are sharing the often exorbitant cost of giving birth in America after a viral TikTok video asked parents what age their child was by the time they were finally able to pay off their childbirth bills.
Last month, a woman who goes by the username @MsLilyFlowers on TikTok shared a clip to the platform asking: “How old was your baby when you paid off the hospital bill for having them? Mine is almost two.”

The TikTok, which has since been viewed more than 546,000 times, led to hundreds of responses from other parents, with many revealing that their hospital bills for giving birth also took years to pay off, especially for those whose children were in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU).

Some eye watering figures there. No wonder abortion is such an explosive issue. How can you afford to have kids ?
The answer to that question is to not have them if you can't afford them and stop your whining. Am I supposed to pay for the children that other people have? It would be great for the planet for people to stop procreating!

And then we have those who will point out the problems with a rapidly decreasing population. Who will pay for all the debt in the future?

And do people just completely refrain from sex since pregnancies can still happen, planned or not?

If one does, what does one do? Seek out an abortion?

People are sharing the often exorbitant cost of giving birth in America after a viral TikTok video asked parents what age their child was by the time they were finally able to pay off their childbirth bills.
Last month, a woman who goes by the username @MsLilyFlowers on TikTok shared a clip to the platform asking: “How old was your baby when you paid off the hospital bill for having them? Mine is almost two.”

The TikTok, which has since been viewed more than 546,000 times, led to hundreds of responses from other parents, with many revealing that their hospital bills for giving birth also took years to pay off, especially for those whose children were in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU).

Some eye watering figures there. No wonder abortion is such an explosive issue. How can you afford to have kids ?

A friend of mine and her husband had to declare bankruptcy because of the cost of the birth of their first child.

It was the 1980s when there were no jobs. Her husband found one but she was pregnant before he got the job so the insurance company labeled it "preexisting condition" and didn't pay a penny.

They tried to pay it all off but it was just too much so they declared bankruptcy.
Its astonishing that people are dumb as to fight to preserve that system. There seems to bee a disconnect between the so called "pro life" lobby and their insistence on punishing the parents of babies. Wankers.

A large percentage of people who claim to be pro-life are anything but.

People are sharing the often exorbitant cost of giving birth in America after a viral TikTok video asked parents what age their child was by the time they were finally able to pay off their childbirth bills.
Last month, a woman who goes by the username @MsLilyFlowers on TikTok shared a clip to the platform asking: “How old was your baby when you paid off the hospital bill for having them? Mine is almost two.”

The TikTok, which has since been viewed more than 546,000 times, led to hundreds of responses from other parents, with many revealing that their hospital bills for giving birth also took years to pay off, especially for those whose children were in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU).

Some eye watering figures there. No wonder abortion is such an explosive issue. How can you afford to have kids ?
The answer to that question is to not have them if you can't afford them and stop your whining. Am I supposed to pay for the children that other people have? It would be great for the planet for people to stop procreating!
Yes you are supposed to pay. What a ridiculous argument you are attempting to make.

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