Panel that awarded Pulitzers for Russiagate stories mum after scathing exposé on reporting failures


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Panel that awarded Pulitzers for Russiagate stories mum after scathing exposé on reporting failures

The "Russiagate" narrative, which permeated mainstream news coverage during the Trump years, was dismantled in an exhaustive four-part series in the Columbia Journalism Review by investigative reporter Jeff Gerth.
5 Feb 2023 ~~ By Nick Givas

he panel that awarded Pulitzer Prizes to the New York Times and Washington Post for reporting related to the discredited Trump-Russia collusion narrative has gone mum as it faces new scrutiny following publication of a four-part series in the Columbia Journalism Review (CJR) documenting the establishment media pillars' lapses from their claimed journalistic standards.
The 19-member Pulitzer Prize board for 2017-2018 was comprised of various journalists, professors and writers, including several current or former staff members of the New York Times or Washington Post.
Just The News reached out to 13 members of the panel to find out if the CJR exposé had prompted second thoughts about the Russiagate prizes. Neil Brown, president of the Poynter Institute had an auto reply set, saying he was out of the office, while Steve Coll, former dean of Columbia Journalism School, had an auto-reply saying he is on sabbatical. None of the other board members replied.
In response to a request for comment on the CJR series, Pulitzer Prize Administrator Majorie Miller wrote, "Due to pending litigation regarding these matters, I am not able to comment on the story."
After the Pulitzer board initially stood by its Russigate awards, former President Donald Trump — the central target of the narrative, which grew out of opposition research commissioned by his 2016 opponent Hillary Clinton — filed a defamation lawsuit against them in December, following a request to reconsider the prizes.

The Pulitzer Needs to be renamed to the Goebbels Award for Quisling MSM Propaganda.
Just another case for the destruction that follows these Wokesters. Even the Pulitzer has lost credibility. This revelation is the nail in the coffin.
The average American can no longer trust the MSM for the truth.
Leftist Journalists themselves have made the Pulitzer Prize meaningless and worth as much a Cracker Jack prize.
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That the MSM has all but ignored this exposé shows they are irredeemable. Now they're spinning BS about ChiComm balloons when Trump was POTUS.

Jeff Gerth is famous in the news media. He came out of retirement to write this series because he believes the news media should do their best to report the truth.

Here’s the link to his lengthy expose, which is currently being ignored by the lying media.
The press versus the president, part one
Remember when Obama got a Nobel Peace Prize…..THEN STARTED 5 WARS? :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:


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