Pandora Papers, South Dakota, Nevada, and Texas Republicans.


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2009
Los Angeles, California
Republicans in Texas and elsewhere would like to end government oversight of wealthy individuals, but such oversight is actually popular, so, to win elections, officials have ginned up their base with wedge issues like a fictional fetal "heartbeat" bill.

Who gets richer from that?

South Dakota and Nevada play large role in Pandora Papers tax avoidance leak

"One of the most 'troubling revelations' for the U.S. was the role of South Dakota, Nevada and other states that have adopted financial secrecy laws that 'rival those of offshore jurisdictions' and demonstrate America’s 'expanding complicity in the offshore economy,' said the Washington Post, one of the ICIJ’s media partners.

"A former vice president of the Dominican Republic finalized several trusts in South Dakota to store his personal wealth and shares of one of the country’s largest sugar producers, the paper said."
Govt oversight of wealthy individuals? why should the Govt conduct any oversight of wealthy individuals? Why doesn’t the Govt simply enforce the laws equally? why are you suggesting “wealthy” - and who’s gonna define that? get treated differently then others?

and good for Nevada, ND etc for making their states attractive for foreign investments
Govt oversight of wealthy individuals? why should the Govt conduct any oversight of wealthy individuals? Why doesn’t the Govt simply enforce the laws equally? why are you suggesting “wealthy” - and who’s gonna define that? get treated differently then others?
You should direct that question to Republicans who have gutted the IRS enforcement budget to such an extent that rich parasites know they will never be audited as regularly as wage earners.
So which is more disturbing to the left? That other people have money, or the fact that that they can't take more money away from those other people who have more money?

“Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbour's.”
So which is more disturbing to the left? That other people have money, or the fact that that they can't take more money away from those other people who have more money?

I do not know about the left, but what is distributing to me is I pay a much higher percent of my income in taxes than the reallllly wealthy folks do.
are you for real? Did you just arrive from a different planet?

Do you really think that wealth does not bring with it special treatment?
sure…but i am asking why someone wants the Govt to treat them differently…why should they be “over sighted” more?
You should direct that question to Republicans who have gutted the IRS enforcement budget to such an extent that rich parasites know they will never be audited as regularly as wage earners.
what law was passed saying wealthy people get audited less then wage earners? frankly i don’t think that is true

but i am directing the question at you since you wrote the post, suggesting they should be treated differently and given more oversight
I do not know about the left, but what is distributing to me is I pay a much higher percent of my income in taxes than the reallllly wealthy folks do.
Does that make you upset with wealthy people or something? Why not MYOFB and work to reduce your own tax burden?
sure…but i am asking why someone wants the Govt to treat them differently…why should they be “over sighted” more?

Look at it this way, if you owned a liquor store and had a limited budget for asset protection, are you going to treat every product the same or give more focus and money on those bottles that cost the most?
Does that make you upset with wealthy people or something?

No, it makes me upset with the system that allows it.

Why not MYOFB and work to reduce your own tax burden?

It is my business since we are sitting at 29 trillion dollar deficit. There is only so much the average Joe can do to reduce their tax burden
Look at it this way, if you owned a liquor store and had a limited budget for asset protection, are you going to treat every product the same or give more focus and money on those bottles that cost the most?
a private company can do that

but the US Constitution, controls the Govt and protects the people (who aren’t bottles). We are guaranteed equal protection under the law, the Govt can’t discriminate against people…in particular use their law enforcement power to harass a certain class of people
a private company can do that

but the US Constitution, controls the Govt and protects the people (who aren’t bottles). We are guaranteed equal protection under the law, the Govt can’t discriminate against people…in particular use their law enforcement power to harass a certain class of people

So, then police Depts cannot put more police in high crime areas? The Army Corps of Engineers cannot spend more money in flood prone areas?
So, then police Depts cannot put more police in high crime areas? The Army Corps of Engineers cannot spend more money in flood prone areas?
sure they can…there are a lot of crimes there

being wealthy isn’t a crime.

if the govt has probable cause to believe a crime is being committed by a wealthy person, search away

but targeting someone and giving the more oversight simply for being wealthy is immoral, prejudice, and unconstitutional

let’s be honest here, the reason Sanders and the dems want to do it, is they want to take their wealth.
I do not know about the left, but what is distributing to me is I pay a much higher percent of my income in taxes than the reallllly wealthy folks do.

Joe Biden is not going to change that for you. In fat, you will be paying even more over the next four years.
sure they can…there are a lot of crimes there

being wealthy isn’t a crime.

if the govt has probable cause to believe a crime is being committed by a wealthy person, search away

but targeting someone and giving the more oversight simply for being wealthy is immoral, prejudice, and unconstitutional

let’s be honest here, the reason Sanders and the dems want to do it, is they want to take their wealth.

I say it is prudent use of limited resources. If they spend the same amount to get 100 bucks from Bob as they do to get 100 grand from Sue, then why would they waste their time on Bob?

Better solution is to trash the tax code and get rid of all tax expenditures .
No, it makes me upset with the system that allows it.
It is my business since we are sitting at 29 trillion dollar deficit. There is only so much the average Joe can do to reduce their tax burden
Selectively raising taxes on income brackets has nothing to do with paying down the debt and everything to do with a divide-and-conquer political agenda, imho.
Selectively raising taxes on income brackets has nothing to do with paying down the debt and everything to do with a divide-and-conquer political agenda, imho.

I do not want to selectively raise taxes on income brackets...i want to blow up the tax code and get rid of all tax expenditures

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