Palin's Amish Teleprompter

See what I mean? The "wicked molester" has been wanting to say the word "******" for a long time. Being the coward that he is though he won't apply it to the president although it is killing him lacking the guts to do so. So alas ...he relegates himself to calling a white man a ****** sad.
Can't call Obama a ******. A zebra yes, but certainly not a ******.

I'll leave it to Chris Rock to call him a ******. ******* just love calling each other ******* after all. RACIST FUCKS!


Yep--that's what blows my mind. Every black comedian uses that term. Even Whoopie Goldberg referred to it as a "term of endearment"- amoungst the black population---:lol::lol::lol:

The problem with Goldberg's statement on this--is you will have little white kids learning to is talk playing with little black kids--who will pick up this so-called "term of endearment" & later get knocked out for using it----:cuckoo::cuckoo:
A couple of words scribbled on a hand for reference vs. all speeches fed via totus. Barry's love for the prompter will never end. It can't, he sounds like a putz without it.
LOL are you that simplistic?

An adolescent writes on their hand. Is she that afraid of a freak'n interview? Ever see someone on the Tonight Show looking at their hand? The questions were softballs for god sake
All I'm sayin' is that is was awfully juvenile, trying to sneak a peek and all that.

Just put the notes on an index card. Lots of great speech givers makes notes on 3x5s so they don't forget anything. Peggy Noonan even recommends it to many of the people she writes for, if I recall.
See what I mean? The "wicked molester" has been wanting to say the word "******" for a long time. Being the coward that he is though he won't apply it to the president although it is killing him lacking the guts to do so. So alas ...he relegates himself to calling a white man a ****** sad.
Can't call Obama a ******. A zebra yes, but certainly not a ******.

I'll leave it to Chris Rock to call him a ******. ******* just love calling each other ******* after all. RACIST FUCKS!


Yep--that's what blows my mind. Every black comedian uses that term. Even Whoopie Goldberg referred to it as a "term of endearment"- amoungst the black population---:lol::lol::lol:

The problem with Goldberg's statement on this--is you will have little white kids learning to is talk playing with little black kids--who will pick up this so-called "term of endearment" & later get knocked out for using it----:cuckoo::cuckoo:

[ame=]YouTube - Teachers calls student nigga boondocks style[/ame]
Palin's Tea Party Crib Notes



That is pretty good, all she needed was the topic to speak about it.

Ol Barry needs three screens and a room full of script writers to speak.

'Cept the notes weren't for the speech, they were for the softball interview afterwards. I don't even think TOTUS needs his speechifiers and teleprompters in an interview with a friendly crowd serving up softball questions.

This whole thread is "well, Obama does....".

Listen, we all know Obama is an empty suit with no experience blundering along with flowery language on a screen.


The answer is not some blow-dried, inexperienced, self promoting, quit-when-the-going-gets-tough woman, mouthing folksy slogans who can't even remember four basic talking points in an interview without writing them down on her hand.. She keeps comparing herself to Reagan and how she is a Reagan conservative. But did Reagan quit as governor of California when the left started going after him? Was Reagan so insecure in his core beliefs that he had to write them on his hand because he was afraid he would forget them (ya ya, I see an Alzheimers joke coming here). Did Reagan constantly seem to care more about his image than his beliefs?

Many on the right like Palin simply because the left can't stand her. So because the left can't stand her, this for some reason automatically means that whatever she says or do must be good. This is no reason to fall in with a political figure. Doing that cheapens what conservatism is about. And the one thing that Palin is good at is cheapening the conservative movement to meaningless soundbites, folksy words, and absolutely no concrete and defined ideas on how to move this country forward in a conservative manner.
but it was a clear reminder to the brain dead one of what she wanted to stress , you betcha! I wonder if she can walk and chew gum at the sametime

Funny coming from someone who elected a President that has to tie a teleprompter around his neck to get through a paragraph. And as we have witnessed--once the teleprompter goes on the blink--so does he---:lol::lol::lol:

"Back up--no go forward--no go back a little"---:lol::lol::lol:

Energy & lift up the American spirit -- have got your panties tied up in a wad.

You are so funny. Lying does not make it so, dear. Nothing you and your pals have said is true. Obama made mince meat out of the GOP recently, and you know it. He rocks!!!

And what do the Repulsives, teabagheads, and the convoluted have?? Sarah Palin reading from her hand!! And before that, George Bush that couldn't put two sentences together without screwing up. :lol::lol::lol:

You people are so jealous of Obama you are just beside yourselves. And it makes you mean.
☭proletarian☭;1987086 said:
A couple of words scribbled on a hand for reference vs. all speeches fed via totus. Barry's love for the prompter will never end. It can't, he sounds like a putz without it.
LOL are you that simplistic?

An adolescent writes on their hand. Is she that afraid of a freak'n interview? Ever see someone on the Tonight Show looking at their hand? The questions were softballs for god sake
All I'm sayin' is that is was awfully juvenile, trying to sneak a peek and all that.

Just put the notes on an index card. Lots of great speech givers makes notes on 3x5s so they don't forget anything. Peggy Noonan even recommends it to many of the people she writes for, if I recall.

I have been required to give speeches in both high school and college. We had note cards, I kinda of like the writing on the hand because one time while giving a 30 minute speech, I dropped my note cards all over the place, I recovered and went on and finished, but had I just had that outline written in my hand I would have gotten an A+ on that speech instead of just an A.

BTW we were never allowed to read the teleprompter, all you had was an rough outline to aid in your recall of the material. Reading a teleprompter is NOT giving a speech, it's just reading. In giving a speech you actually have to have GOOD knowledge of your material because all you have is a few words to remind you where to go next.
Palin is down in Texas today campaigning for the governor, she has " Hi Mom," written on her hand. LOLOLOLOL She is totally messin with you libs. LOLOLOLOLOL I think that it's great.LOLOLOLOLOLO
☭proletarian☭;1987086 said:
LOL are you that simplistic?

An adolescent writes on their hand. Is she that afraid of a freak'n interview? Ever see someone on the Tonight Show looking at their hand? The questions were softballs for god sake
All I'm sayin' is that is was awfully juvenile, trying to sneak a peek and all that.

Just put the notes on an index card. Lots of great speech givers makes notes on 3x5s so they don't forget anything. Peggy Noonan even recommends it to many of the people she writes for, if I recall.

I have been required to give speeches in both high school and college. We had note cards, I kinda of like the writing on the hand because one time while giving a 30 minute speech, I dropped my note cards all over the place, I recovered and went on and finished, but had I just had that outline written in my hand I would have gotten an A+ on that speech instead of just an A.

BTW we were never allowed to read the teleprompter, all you had was an rough outline to aid in your recall of the material. Reading a teleprompter is NOT giving a speech, it's just reading. In giving a speech you actually have to have GOOD knowledge of your material because all you have is a few words to remind you where to go next.

The crib wasn't for the speech. It was for the Q&A, and if you can't answer a question honestly, from the heart, without talking points, then you are no Reagan conservative in my book (which is what Palin styles herself to be).

So yer trying to debate something that didn't happen.
Palin is down in Texas today campaigning for the governor, she has " Hi Mom," written on her hand. LOLOLOLOL She is totally messin with you libs. LOLOLOLOLOL I think that it's great.LOLOLOLOLOLO

In political circles that's called damage control.
Its not just that she had to print four talking points on her hand.....

But she actually had to refer to them

(UPDATED) Founding Bloggers Confirms Huffington Post’s Completely Worthless Observation
February 7, 2010 | 60 Comments
Founding Bloggers can confirm that we too captured an image of the writing on Governor Palin’s hand. The notes appear to be very innocuous.

On the other hand, the outrage on the left is being completely misunderstood by the right. Democrats don’t mind that she needed a few notes for her speech. They’re upset that Sarah used her hand, proving once again that she is an unsophisticated hick. Everybody knows that whether you’re taking to sixth grade classroom, or talking dirty to the First Lady, using anything other than a presidential level teleprompter is simply pedestrian.
(UPDATED) Founding Bloggers

Confirms Huffington Post’s Completely Worthless Observation : Founding Bloggers

What the hell does THAT prove? No matter how you spin it, Sarah Palin needed notes to REMIND her what to even talk about. And she's presidential material?
Still waiting for that LOOOOOOOOONG list of Obama qualifications, dammit!

You know, where's that executive experience. Was he a mayor, governor. Did he EVER run anything. Did he have a solid senate record during his 100 or so days. Did he EVER actually do SOMETHING, ANYTHING, that may have qualified as competent to lead the MOST POWERFUL COUNTRY IN THE WORLD?

We'll be waiting!


2008 campaign debate redux? Sorry, pal, I'm not going there just because you like to gnaw on old bones.
Palin is down in Texas today campaigning for the governor, she has " Hi Mom," written on her hand. LOLOLOLOL She is totally messin with you libs. LOLOLOLOLOL I think that it's great.LOLOLOLOLOLO

What???? The local news in L.A. said she is here in CA to address The Sierra-Cascade Logging Conference in Redding tonight at The Redding Convention Center .
Palin is down in Texas today campaigning for the governor, she has " Hi Mom," written on her hand. LOLOLOLOL She is totally messin with you libs. LOLOLOLOLOL I think that it's great.LOLOLOLOLOLO

She's down campaigning for the moderate against the conservative Kay Bailey Hutchison. One more example of what a phoney skirt she is.
That is pretty good, all she needed was the topic to speak about it.

Ol Barry needs three screens and a room full of script writers to speak.

'Cept the notes weren't for the speech, they were for the softball interview afterwards. I don't even think TOTUS needs his speechifiers and teleprompters in an interview with a friendly crowd serving up softball questions.

This whole thread is "well, Obama does....".

Listen, we all know Obama is an empty suit with no experience blundering along with flowery language on a screen.


The answer is not some blow-dried, inexperienced, self promoting, quit-when-the-going-gets-tough woman, mouthing folksy slogans who can't even remember four basic talking points in an interview without writing them down on her hand.. She keeps comparing herself to Reagan and how she is a Reagan conservative. But did Reagan quit as governor of California when the left started going after him? Was Reagan so insecure in his core beliefs that he had to write them on his hand because he was afraid he would forget them (ya ya, I see an Alzheimers joke coming here). Did Reagan constantly seem to care more about his image than his beliefs?

Many on the right like Palin simply because the left can't stand her. So because the left can't stand her, this for some reason automatically means that whatever she says or do must be good. This is no reason to fall in with a political figure. Doing that cheapens what conservatism is about. And the one thing that Palin is good at is cheapening the conservative movement to meaningless soundbites, folksy words, and absolutely no concrete and defined ideas on how to move this country forward in a conservative manner.

The Left never went after Reagan when he lost in 76, and certainly not like they're going after Palin.

The American Left being sock puppets for the Soviets, are still licking their wounds from Reagan and have vowed to never let a real Conservative in the White House.
That is pretty good, all she needed was the topic to speak about it.

Ol Barry needs three screens and a room full of script writers to speak.

'Cept the notes weren't for the speech, they were for the softball interview afterwards. I don't even think TOTUS needs his speechifiers and teleprompters in an interview with a friendly crowd serving up softball questions.

This whole thread is "well, Obama does....".

Listen, we all know Obama is an empty suit with no experience blundering along with flowery language on a screen.


The answer is not some blow-dried, inexperienced, self promoting, quit-when-the-going-gets-tough woman, mouthing folksy slogans who can't even remember four basic talking points in an interview without writing them down on her hand.. She keeps comparing herself to Reagan and how she is a Reagan conservative. But did Reagan quit as governor of California when the left started going after him? Was Reagan so insecure in his core beliefs that he had to write them on his hand because he was afraid he would forget them (ya ya, I see an Alzheimers joke coming here). Did Reagan constantly seem to care more about his image than his beliefs?

Many on the right like Palin simply because the left can't stand her. So because the left can't stand her, this for some reason automatically means that whatever she says or do must be good. This is no reason to fall in with a political figure. Doing that cheapens what conservatism is about. And the one thing that Palin is good at is cheapening the conservative movement to meaningless soundbites, folksy words, and absolutely no concrete and defined ideas on how to move this country forward in a conservative manner.

The Left never went after Reagan when he lost in 76, and certainly not like they're going after Palin.

The American Left being sock puppets for the Soviets, are still licking their wounds from Reagan and have vowed to never let a real Conservative in the White House.

The left went after Reagan ever since he entered politics, and the anti-war left especially went after him when he was governor of Cali.

And I'm sure they've vowed to never let a real Conservative into the White House. But Palin isn't a real conservative.
That is pretty good, all she needed was the topic to speak about it.

Ol Barry needs three screens and a room full of script writers to speak.

'Cept the notes weren't for the speech, they were for the softball interview afterwards. I don't even think TOTUS needs his speechifiers and teleprompters in an interview with a friendly crowd serving up softball questions.

This whole thread is "well, Obama does....".

Listen, we all know Obama is an empty suit with no experience blundering along with flowery language on a screen.


The answer is not some blow-dried, inexperienced, self promoting, quit-when-the-going-gets-tough woman, mouthing folksy slogans who can't even remember four basic talking points in an interview without writing them down on her hand.. She keeps comparing herself to Reagan and how she is a Reagan conservative. But did Reagan quit as governor of California when the left started going after him? Was Reagan so insecure in his core beliefs that he had to write them on his hand because he was afraid he would forget them (ya ya, I see an Alzheimers joke coming here). Did Reagan constantly seem to care more about his image than his beliefs?

Many on the right like Palin simply because the left can't stand her. So because the left can't stand her, this for some reason automatically means that whatever she says or do must be good. This is no reason to fall in with a political figure. Doing that cheapens what conservatism is about. And the one thing that Palin is good at is cheapening the conservative movement to meaningless soundbites, folksy words, and absolutely no concrete and defined ideas on how to move this country forward in a conservative manner.

The Left never went after Reagan when he lost in 76, and certainly not like they're going after Palin.

The American Left being sock puppets for the Soviets, are still licking their wounds from Reagan and have vowed to never let a real Conservative in the White House.
They'd better keep an eye on Brown. The most Goldwater/Reaganesque republican that's been seen in years!

Palin's also a thorn in their spineless sides. Her words are positevely resonating, and these Obamabot loons are not happy about it!

It sure is fun listening to their weak and totally asinine drivel though!
☭proletarian☭;1987086 said:
A couple of words scribbled on a hand for reference vs. all speeches fed via totus. Barry's love for the prompter will never end. It can't, he sounds like a putz without it.
LOL are you that simplistic?

An adolescent writes on their hand. Is she that afraid of a freak'n interview? Ever see someone on the Tonight Show looking at their hand? The questions were softballs for god sake
All I'm sayin' is that is was awfully juvenile, trying to sneak a peek and all that.

Just put the notes on an index card. Lots of great speech givers makes notes on 3x5s so they don't forget anything. Peggy Noonan even recommends it to many of the people she writes for, if I recall.

:lol::lol::lol: It wouldn't have mattered if Sarah Palin used a note card--or wrote it on her forehead--she would have been attacked for it--regardless of where she wrote it--:cuckoo::cuckoo:

You know that as well as I do.

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